View Full Version : January 2010 TV PREMIERES

01-06-2010, 10:04 AM
Who was it that used to list these for us? I can't find a listing online that is accurate and doesn't suck. I think I missed the season starter of NCIS last night. Dang it. I know 24 returns on the 17th!!!!!!! Mondays will not suck again for a while. I think Celebrity rehab is Thursday. Not sure.

Anybody have others they are excited about or know the listing?

01-06-2010, 11:06 AM
Who was it that used to list these for us? I can't find a listing online that is accurate and doesn't suck. I think I missed the season starter of NCIS last night. Dang it. I know 24 returns on the 17th!!!!!!! Mondays will not suck again for a while. I think Celebrity rehab is Thursday. Not sure.

Anybody have others they are excited about or know the listing?

The epidsode that played last night is on I missed too last night and watched this morning.

01-06-2010, 11:46 AM
Lost Feb 2. YES!!!!

01-06-2010, 01:45 PM
Lost Feb 2. YES!!!!

How can you watch that?!? I got 'lost' two years ago and was never able to recover... My next cube neighbor at work is beyond excited about this, but I just do not understand.

01-06-2010, 02:05 PM
Lost Feb 2. YES!!!!

SUCKS!!!! Cause I bowl on Tuesday nights & I don't have cable so therefore no DVR. How can they change it to Tuesday nights after four seasons of it being on Wednesday nights?? Ridiculous!

01-06-2010, 02:05 PM
How can you watch that?!? I got 'lost' two years ago and was never able to recover... My next cube neighbor at work is beyond excited about this, but I just do not understand.

Sounds like you are just jealous that you can't comprehend the awesomeness of LOST!

Sounds like you have a normal cube neighbor, at least yours doesn't come into work on a monday bragging about his karaoke weekend singing "Like A Virgin"...He really freaks me out sometimes.

01-06-2010, 02:11 PM
SUCKS!!!! Cause I bowl on Tuesday nights & I don't have cable so therefore no DVR. How can they change it to Tuesday nights after four seasons of it being on Wednesday nights?? Ridiculous!

Watch it online, I haven't been on there in a while but they used to have all previous seasons on there as well.

01-06-2010, 05:30 PM
Sounds like you are just jealous that you can't comprehend the awesomeness of LOST!

Sounds like you have a normal cube neighbor, at least yours doesn't come into work on a monday bragging about his karaoke weekend singing "Like A Virgin"...He really freaks me out sometimes.

hahaha. That's awesome.

I watched Lost religiously. Gave up. Went back in and watched up through last season. Eh. Not into it anymore. It lost me. This is the final season, right?

I love the new series White Collar on Fox. Ready for that one to start. And House. And Supernatural!! When is that one coming? That has to be my favorite.

01-06-2010, 05:43 PM
How can you watch that?!? I got 'lost' two years ago and was never able to recover... My next cube neighbor at work is beyond excited about this, but I just do not understand.

Go online to and watch the last episode of last season, then we'll talk.


01-07-2010, 02:00 PM
Watch it online, I haven't been on there in a while but they used to have all previous seasons on there as well.

Yeah, I know I'm probably gonna have to do this, but it sucks going from a high def signal broadcast on a 40+ inch TV to a internet video feed on a 19 inch monitor. I'll probably just buy the damn season on Blu-Ray when it comes out next December!

01-09-2010, 05:57 PM
lost feb 2. Yes!!!!

i cant wait!!!!!!!!! I need my lost!!!

01-10-2010, 07:55 PM
the futon critic (