View Full Version : What does OKC need to attract and retain 20-35 year olds
Architect2010 01-05-2010, 02:44 PM We need more open-minded progressive people. We need greater cultural diversity and acceptance of that diversity from all groups of people. We need a known-to-be hip night scene. We need desireable living conditions whether in the suburbs or the inner-city. We need to be known as a city that values and supports education on a primary and secondary level. We need an identity that everyone in the United States thinks of when OKC enters their mind. We need top-notch cultural amenities, not to mention civic pride as well.
The youth of the next generation are in a completely different mindset than many on this board who are older. Actually, I believe this is a trend everywhere. Kids of this generation are the ones that are open to Athiesm and Christianity together, of Gay Straight Alliances, of economic reform, urbanism. They share an open-minded outlook on things that could truly end so many of today's problems. Keep those kids in this city and you'll have the start of our young and creative class and in return, we'll attract even more of those 20-35 year olds.
lasomeday 01-05-2010, 02:44 PM I honestly can say that OKC has improved dramtically in the last ten years. When I graduated from OSU. I wanted to leave, but I did find a job in OKC. All of my friends either moved to Tulsa or out of state.
Now I am in grad school in Oklahoma, and I am the only one that is willing to move out of state when I graduate. Everyone else wants to live in OKC or nearby. Even one that is from the cultural mecca of NYC. She loves being able to own her own home and she rides her bike everywhere she wants to go.
I think that OKC and Oklahoma have come a long way. I am just realistic and will take a good job in this economy almost anywhere.
That being said, I do want to live in Oklahoma in the long run, once I get established, whether it be OKC or Tulsa.
It is obvious in the 2009 census report that Oklahoma is doing something right.
For those of you that have moved away and bad mouthed Oklahoma, Oknacreous. You should make a visit to OKC and actually talk to people instead of judging them with your narrow mind.
Oh yeah, by the way 99.999% of people outside of Oklahoma have no idea who Sally Kern is, and don't care who she is.
Lord Helmet 01-05-2010, 02:57 PM Jobs.
Tough to get a "good job" with "opportunities for advancement" and "decent starting pay" and the whole shabang when you're right out of college in OKC.
You're better off in Dallas, Houston, Chicago, or even Omaha.
Exactly this. I finished grad school last month (MBA). I'd been looking for a change for the entire last semester. Concentrated on OKC and as a secondary measure KC, Denver, and Dallas...Never got a call back from anyone in OKC...we're moving to Denver in 3 weeks.
oknacreous 01-05-2010, 03:07 PM For those of you that have moved away and bad mouthed Oklahoma, Oknacreous. You should make a visit to OKC and actually talk to people instead of judging them with your narrow mind.
Uhm, you weren't listening. I've lived here for over a decade and I'm getting out of here in a few months. Oh, and Sally Kern is a symptom, not the disease itself.
OKC@heart 01-05-2010, 03:10 PM By and large opportunity is what you make of it. Oklahoma City is a unique location that can provide tremendous opportunity! It is all there for the taking & making but it requires effort and commitment.
All of the elements spoken of in previous posts such as low cost of living, central location, large number of universities, to population ratios all support the opportunities for new and innovative companies to find root locally and thrive in a business friendly environment.
We are losing the inferiority complex with each public statement of confidence that is comprised of good ole okie’s voting approval for the self investment that has been the MAPS initiatives. This is just one example of that change. The younger grads are choosing to stay at a larger rate than before because of the positive changes that are taking place.
The fact that these discussions are taking place is a sign that there is a growing mass of people who want nothing more than to improve the yard where we live, have been raised in or trans-planted into.
So let those who are desperate to leave with their bad attitudes and let life happen to them. Eventually they will realize that the grass is not always greener. It’s just different but it is still grass.
OKC is doing a great job yet there is much room for improvement, which will take vigilance by its residents who care to make their voices heard so that its growth and development are guided to prevent mistakes that have been made repeatedly by sister cities.
There are others who leave however due to a real lack of the type of jobs that they have been educated to do, or that the going wages in the City and State for that profession cannot compete with other cities in the region. I speak as one who did have to leave because of my chosen profession and the realities that at the time I could not afford to live and raise my family on the going wages there. I tried but the reality was that to upgrade my salary I had to move through other markets. I left OKC disappointed as I had no desire to leave. However to make an eventual return possible I had to go where I could gain the experience that will allow me to open my own business back in OKC at the appropriate time bringing with me the experiences that I have gained in other cities. I am excited because that time is drawing closer and closer and I have followed this great city’s development with rapt attention and excitement.
We want all to feel welcome there but recognize that not all will allow themselves to be, so that is ok and those who can see it for what it has been, is now and what it is positioning itself to be will thrive in its opportunity.
lasomeday 01-05-2010, 03:50 PM Great post OKC@heart!
Sorry Oknacreous. Good luck on your search.
I know that if I leave Oklahoma to go somewhere else to work, (which I have done before) I will only say how much I love Oklahoma City. It is my home and will always be.
Laramie 01-05-2010, 04:26 PM What does OKC need to attract and retain 20-35 year olds?
A retired village of multimillionaires (males & females) sugar daddies & mammas!
circuitboard 01-05-2010, 05:05 PM We need more open-minded progressive people. We need greater cultural diversity and acceptance of that diversity from all groups of people. We need a known-to-be hip night scene. We need desireable living conditions whether in the suburbs or the inner-city. We need to be known as a city that values and supports education on a primary and secondary level. We need an identity that everyone in the United States thinks of when OKC enters their mind. We need top-notch cultural amenities, not to mention civic pride as well.
The youth of the next generation are in a completely different mindset than many on this board who are older. Actually, I believe this is a trend everywhere. Kids of this generation are the ones that are open to Athiesm and Christianity together, of Gay Straight Alliances, of economic reform, urbanism. They share an open-minded outlook on things that could truly end so many of today's problems. Keep those kids in this city and you'll have the start of our young and creative class and in return, we'll attract even more of those 20-35 year olds.
BOBTHEBUILDER 01-05-2010, 05:19 PM Bob - I don't expect anyone to give me anything (I think most of the regular poster on the Political forum will agree with that). That is exactly why I moved. As for jobs in my field - I did find a job in my field; I just found it in another state. So I did exactly what you suggested – I packed my crap and moved.
As for all those high paying jobs that were supposed to come to Oklahoma... maybe we should start counting 'jobs saved' because of Right to Work. I estimate Right to Work has saved 75,000 direct jobs and 250,000 support jobs. Where did I get those numbers? The same place other 'jobs saved' numbers come from - pure imagination.
The only jobs R2W has saved or created for that matter has been Walmart stocker and greeter jobs, burger flippers at the fast food joints, typical entry low level paying jobs with little or no benefits. I am quite sure that you didnt go to college for 4-6 years to flip burgers or at least I hope not.
PennyQuilts 01-05-2010, 05:23 PM Good speech coach. Right now I am seriously considering making sure I never live in a 100 mile radius of you.. and you misspelled embarrassed. Are you going for crazy online lady?
You poor, petty thing! I guess you'e moving, then?
I am lucky if I spell my own name, correctly, truth be told.
PennyQuilts 01-05-2010, 05:30 PM Does it never cross your mind that people might complain because they want to see OKC improve? In my opinion it's the people that want to see OKC make improvement that are the real exemplary citizens, and that goes for anywhere, cool or uncool.
I can only go with what they are posting, dear. If that is what they meant, they should write it. We both know that there is a whole group of people who just bitch and cheer each other on in their complaining. "Oh, ain't it awful, I'm soooooo bored!" Perhaps they think the rest of us can read between the lines and somehow "know" that they really love the place but that is asking a bit much, based on what is printed.
And the fact is, some people just bitch. And that is the beginning and end of it.
Young people complaining about OKC has been going on, forever. It probably feels young and fresh to the ones doing it but I did it, my friends did it, our parents did it. Ho Hummm. I should probably be more patient but the latest wave is just so sanctimonious and immature about it. I recall wanted to go someplace more exciting like all young people do. So many of the ones, these days, aren't willing to go out on their own - they simply want to be entertained and aren't remotely interested in understanding why anyone else might not feel the same way. They just want it handed to them. Complaining never did anything but annoy people. Do something or leave.
There are plenty of people who complain as part of trying to accomplish something. I get that, respect that. But so many just complain because they are whiners and want to be entertained. Those are the annoying ones.
PennyQuilts 01-05-2010, 05:35 PM so if everyone had voted No to R2W, the city and state would be attracting tons of 20-35 year old professionals?
Or is this just another thread hijack?
Usually, young professionals aren't impacted by R2W - rarely are they unionized.
mheaton76 01-05-2010, 05:48 PM Count me as one of those skeptical of the utility of this kind of worry. As an openly gay, self described progressive (in my early 30s), I certainly bemoan many aspects of my hometown's politics, culture and lack of amenities that I see when I travel elsewhere.
However, I stay. For me it boils down to happiness - and in that mix is a good job, a great group of friends, family that I generally get along with, some prospects for continued professional growth, having places locally I enjoy spending my paycheck, and the general ability to be me and not compromise myself too much (although, at my age, I have learned that life always involves at least some compromise on most things).
Therefore, that we have poverty, social inequality, appalling health statistics, drug addiction, and an army of wingnutty legislators, is not dispositive for me in terms of whether I stay, or go - or rather if I am happy, or not happy living in OKC. All those things are academic and don't affect the core of my ability to have a happy fulfilled life here in the slightest bit.
Some people may be totally rational creatures and move based on a reasoned assessment of where the best job prospects are, or where they can find the most ideologically and politically analogous fellow travelers. However, I would suggest that most people aren't that rational. Social networks, friends, family and the people-side of this question can have a huge pull. The forces that compel someone to move to Phoenix could also cause them to stay in Cleveland (or OKC).
This isn't to suggest that good public policy, voter and chamber of commerce initiatives and the like can't make a difference - they certainly can (See Maps, I, II & III). But I do believe there is an ebb and flow to these things - cities rise, and cities decline - and people, will decide where they go for highly personal reasons that will be hard to generalize.
For record, I do think things are generally going in the right direction for OKC and I enjoy my little life here, such as it is.
Spartan 01-05-2010, 06:09 PM I can only go with what they are posting, dear. If that is what they meant, they should write it. We both know that there is a whole group of people who just bitch and cheer each other on in their complaining. "Oh, ain't it awful, I'm soooooo bored!" Perhaps they think the rest of us can read between the lines and somehow "know" that they really love the place but that is asking a bit much, based on what is printed.
And the fact is, some people just bitch. And that is the beginning and end of it.
Young people complaining about OKC has been going on, forever. It probably feels young and fresh to the ones doing it but I did it, my friends did it, our parents did it. Ho Hummm. I should probably be more patient but the latest wave is just so sanctimonious and immature about it. I recall wanted to go someplace more exciting like all young people do. So many of the ones, these days, aren't willing to go out on their own - they simply want to be entertained and aren't remotely interested in understanding why anyone else might not feel the same way. They just want it handed to them. Complaining never did anything but annoy people. Do something or leave.
There are plenty of people who complain as part of trying to accomplish something. I get that, respect that. But so many just complain because they are whiners and want to be entertained. Those are the annoying ones.
Here's the thing I don't understand though, and I'll level with you because I'd rather turn this into an actual discussion.. you keep saying, "do something about it or leave." I'm sorry, but what are you actually suggesting here -- do what about it, about what? You just use a jumble of pronouns together like "something" and "about it" and I can't tell what you're actually suggesting for my generation.
Look, I don't dislike OKC. I actually like OKC a's the community I still have ties to, and for as long as my family is here, always will have ties here. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find somewhere that has the potential that OKC has, too--I just want it to realize all of that potential. The potential is laying here for the taking for OKC to become an incredible city.
There are a few loose ends it needs to take care of in order to jump the hurdle, and one of the major ones is that it needs to position itself as a more attractive destination for people recently graduated from college. It isn't aimless complaining to say that dem youngsters are leavin our city--it's a fact backed up with statistics, and it's something that's costing us a lot of prosperity. In order to reach new heights OKC will need to address the problem.
gmwise 01-05-2010, 06:22 PM Sure could.
Kern is only one person. I am sure, if you try, you can find plenty of people to be role models you respect and admire If you want to define the state as "Sally Kern," you go right ahead. The complex exhisted long before she showed up.
She is here because it's a fertile ground for hate and intolerance.
She was elected because there are like minded morons who voted for her.
Spartan 01-05-2010, 06:24 PM She's from Bethany, enough said (damn gays!!). Randy Terrill is from Moore, enough said (damn illegals!!). The gay dude is from the inner north side, enough said (damn straight people!!).
There's yer metro-wide diversity LOL.
gmwise 01-05-2010, 06:39 PM ....
Why is it her picture reminds me of the movie "Porky's" or "Porky's Revenge"?
OKCGUY3 01-05-2010, 06:40 PM Haven't the 20-35 year olds heard? We passed MAPS 3. No reason to leave now! We are gonna have SO many new jobs, a new convention center, rapids, sidewalks, Oh Oh and a new big park! Just kidding.
The reason 20-35 yrear olds leave Oklahoma is.........because they want too! There isn't one big reason that makes people leave one City for another, there are multiple reasons, jobs, lifestyle, family, friends, marriage, school, adventure, etc.... The very same reasons that.....many people have moved to Oklahoma from other places. OUr population has increased not decreased. Heck look at all the people that have moved here from Mexico. We gotta be doin something right.
skyrick 01-05-2010, 06:46 PM She's from Bethany, enough said
Bethany hasn't changed much in 60 or so years.
I remember this story when I was growing up. My Mom and her sister, my Aunt Theresa, were 16 and 19 (circa 1950) when they were picked up by Bethany cops and brought home to their mom, my Grandma, who was told, "We don't like their type in our town," Their crime? Wearing short shorts.
Kerry 01-05-2010, 06:50 PM She is here because it's a fertile ground for hate and intolerance.
She was elected because there are like minded morons who voted for her.
Nice. That pretty much sums up GMWise's entire act.
Spartan 01-05-2010, 07:11 PM I thought it was actually one of gmwise's more thoughtful posts.
PennyQuilts 01-05-2010, 07:25 PM Here's the thing I don't understand though, and I'll level with you because I'd rather turn this into an actual discussion.. you keep saying, "do something about it or leave."
Didn't say that. Reread the post. That is what you were reading into it. What I said was (repeatedly) was if you want to leave - LEAVE. If you want to complain, couple it with working to change things. My complaint is about people who don't stop complaining, won't leave, and won't do anything to change things.
Spartan 01-05-2010, 07:36 PM Well here's the thing: We don't want people to leave, and even if they don't start a cool business, we still want them to stay here, right? That should be the ultimate goal. We're all in the business of community building, not community destructivism (if you don't like it, leave wit chou sorry a**).
soonerguru 01-05-2010, 07:43 PM Bunty - don't fight it - R2W saved or created 325,000 jobs in Oklahoma.
Which ones?
PennyQuilts 01-05-2010, 07:45 PM Well here's the thing: We don't want people to leave, and even if they don't start a cool business, we still want them to stay here, right? That should be the ultimate goal. We're all in the business of community building, not community destructivism (if you don't like it, leave wit chou sorry a**).
Ignoring what I actually said doesn't change it.
soonerguru 01-05-2010, 07:50 PM Nice. That pretty much sums up GMWise's entire act.
What, do you disagree with his comment that the morons in her district keep voting for her? She is getting reelected, right?
Spartan 01-05-2010, 08:03 PM Just a thought, but maybe there's a conspiracy behind Sally Kern's election. Anything is possible.
Ignoring what I actually said doesn't change it.
Well it's hard to pick apart what you're actually saying because it's all bogged down in smug righteousness. What did you actually mean?
bluedogok 01-05-2010, 09:05 PM A large part of the reason why Kern keeps getting elected is the more extreme right churches in the area get people out to vote and there are older people who wish it was still the "wholesome 50's" that live in that area. I would say my parents neighborhood has a higher than average population of elderly (older than my parts who are retired) and those people get out for every election. I know that my parents and my sister who live in the district wish they could get a decent opponent to go up against her but I think it's going to have to be a Republican opponent to knock her out in a primary as it seems most of the people in that district who actually vote could be considered Yellow Dog Republicans and as long as there is an (R) next to her name in the general election and no one of merit running against her in the primary she will keep getting elected.
Bunty 01-05-2010, 09:10 PM What does OKC need to attract and retain 20-35 year olds?
A retired village of multimillionaires (males & females) sugar daddies & mammas!
LOL Probably Norman and Stillwater already operate like that to some extent with the college students. But since it involves the exchange of sex, it's just kept well hushed up.
mugofbeer 01-05-2010, 09:11 PM Its very simple. If there are good, decent paying jobs available, people of working age will stay. If there aren't, they will leave.
Bunty 01-05-2010, 09:18 PM The Republicans would do Oklahoma a lot of good to raise up someone who's real appealing from their own party to try to replace Kern. But I guess Oklahoma Republicans love and adore her too much to think of doing such a thing.
Kerry 01-05-2010, 09:22 PM What, do you disagree with his comment that the morons in her district keep voting for her? She is getting reelected, right?
Here are his words again..
Originally Posted by gmwise
She is here because it's a fertile ground for hate and intolerance.
She was elected because there are like minded morons who voted for her.
Do you notice anything in his first sentence that resembles something in his second sentence?
bluedogok 01-05-2010, 09:26 PM The Republicans would do Oklahoma a lot of good to raise up someone who's real appealing from their own party to try to replace Kern. But I guess Oklahoma Republicans love and adore her too much to think of doing such a thing.
Yeah, there are some who like that stuff but overall most Republicans are not to that extreme. I actually find most Oklahoma Republicans less Taliban-ish than many of the Texas Republicans or maybe they are like Kern, the loud minority as well.
mugofbeer 01-05-2010, 09:27 PM Here are his words again..
Originally Posted by gmwise
She is here because it's a fertile ground for hate and intolerance.
She was elected because there are like minded morons who voted for her.
Do you notice anything in his first sentence that resembles something in his second sentence?
Its a common occurrance in the political left. Accuse the right of some disgrace or social offense and then immediately practice said offense.
Kind of like the left's habit of calling the Bush Administration "mean spirited" then having one of your party leaders call them *** holes.
bluedogok 01-05-2010, 09:31 PM ...and some of those who preach "tolerance" are usually the most intolerant of others views, they want people to be tolerant of their views...other views be damned.
gmwise 01-05-2010, 10:20 PM History has shown when good people dont call evil for what it is; allows evil to kill.
soonerguru 01-05-2010, 10:25 PM Here are his words again..
Originally Posted by gmwise
She is here because it's a fertile ground for hate and intolerance.
She was elected because there are like minded morons who voted for her.
Do you notice anything in his first sentence that resembles something in his second sentence?
I see what you're saying. His first statement is indeed a strong statement. But it's an arguable position, particularly when combined with the second statement.
I would like to believe he's wrong, but I continue seeing evidence to the contrary.
Caboose 01-05-2010, 10:25 PM History has shown when good people dont call evil for what it is allows evil to kill.
It also has shown that a common tactic of the hateful and intolerant is to demonize anyone who disagrees with them, you know with stuff like calling them "evil".
Honestly gm, people would take your comments on intolerance much more seriously if you weren't the most hateful, intolerant, and vitriolic poster on the board (outside of ronWestboro, that is). YOU are eaten up with it.
gmwise 01-05-2010, 10:29 PM It also has shown that a common tactic of the hateful and intolerant is to demonized anyone who disagrees with them, you know with stuff like calling them "evil". ....
"Axis of evil" is a term initially used by the former United States President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002 and often repeated throughout the rest of his stay in office, in order to describe governments that he accused of helping terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction. President Bush named Iran, Iraq and North Korea. President Bush's presidency was marked by this notion as a justification for the War on Terror.
Actually I think that proves it.
History not learned allows it to be repeated.
Caboose 01-05-2010, 10:43 PM "Axis of evil" is a term initially used by the former United States President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002 and often repeated throughout the rest of his stay in office, in order to describe governments that he accused of helping terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction. President Bush named Iran, Iraq and North Korea. President Bush's presidency was marked by this notion as a justification for the War on Terror.
Actually I think that proves it.
History not learned allows it to be repeated.
So you are just equating yourself with President Bush. Brilliant move.
And in regards to your Palin picture, I would be far more inclined to say that "when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and calling itself Progressive." I find it queer that you recognize and are repulsed by the fascist tendencies of the religious right but at the same time have a raging hard on for the orgy of fascism demonstrated by the modern political Left. Why don't you just come clean? Your problem isn't with fascism itself, it is with other brands of fascism than your own.
soonerguru 01-05-2010, 10:53 PM orgy of fascism demonstrated by the modern political Left
Do you even know what fascism is? Having strident opinions is not fascist. Fascism relates to a radical authoritarian, militaristic government in which industry and the military are intertwined, i.e. "corporatist," and is an extreme right-wing political phenomenon. It is characterized by radical nationalism and the suppression of civil liberties.
Caboose 01-05-2010, 11:07 PM Do you even know what fascism is? Having strident opinions is not fascist. Fascism relates to a radical authoritarian, militaristic government in which industry and the military are intertwined, i.e. "corporatist," and is an extreme right-wing political phenomenon. It is characterized by radical nationalism and the suppression of civil liberties.
soonerguru 01-05-2010, 11:22 PM Um, TRY AGAIN.
No thanks. I'll hold on the actual definition. You can continue to argue whatever definition you have in mind, which seems to be angry leftists whose politically correct views you disagree with.
As a student of history at OU who took several courses on fascist government regimes, I'll stick with the actual definition. Thanks.
skyrick 01-05-2010, 11:25 PM Um, TRY AGAIN.
• noun 1 an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government. 2 extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
From Oxford English Dictionary.
Caboose 01-05-2010, 11:25 PM No thanks. I'll hold on the actual definition. You can continue to argue whatever definition you have in mind, which seems to be angry leftists whose politically correct views you disagree with.
As a student of history at OU who took several courses on fascist government regimes, I'll stick with the actual definition. Thanks.
The actual definition, or the definition you arbitrarily threw "is an extreme right-wing political phenomenon" into in order to attempt to exclude Leftists from being incapable of fascism?
Fascism is limited to one side of that spectrum.
Caboose 01-05-2010, 11:27 PM fascism
• noun 1 an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government. 2 extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
From Oxford English Dictionary.
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a fascist movement, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.
soonerguru 01-05-2010, 11:32 PM Caboose,
Have you studied fascism? Can you name the principal fascist governments and movements in world history?
I'm not trying to "exclude" the left. The extreme left has had authoritarian movements of its own, such as communism.
If you studied fascism, you would understand that fascism is a counterpoint to communism, it self-defined in its opposition to communism. In the standard left-right continuum, communism is extreme authoritarian left and fascism is extreme authoritarian right. But they are not the same.
Italy under Mussolini and Germany under Hitler are the two most notorious fascist governments.
In the United States, the KKK and the American Nazi Party as well as some John Birch adherents represent America's nascent fascist movements, which have never gained enough currency to overcome the liberal democracy we enjoy, with our economic freedoms and civil liberties.
Caboose 01-06-2010, 12:01 AM Caboose,
Have you studied fascism? Can you name the principal fascist governments and movements in world history?
I'm not trying to "exclude" the left. The extreme left has had authoritarian movements of its own, such as communism.
If you studied fascism, you would understand that fascism is a counterpoint to communism, it self-defined in its opposition to communism. In the standard left-right continuum, communism is extreme authoritarian left and fascism is extreme authoritarian right. But they are not the same.
Italy under Mussolini and Germany under Hitler are the two most notorious fascist governments.
In the United States, the KKK and the American Nazi Party as well as some John Birch adherents represent America's nascent fascist movements, which have never gained enough currency to overcome the liberal democracy we enjoy, with our economic freedoms and civil liberties.
OK, so we can agree then that Leftists can be fascists while historically fascism has been associated with the extreme right.
Maybe if I had used the term Authoritarianism that would have been more acceptable to you? GM LOVES the orgy of Authoritarianism that the modern Left is attempting to subjugate us to? Is that better? Although, I would still argue that economically the agenda of the modern Leftist is fascism.
gmwise 01-06-2010, 12:20 AM I found a clue about Kerry and Caboose thinking..
The John Birch Society has been active in supporting the audit of, and eventual dismantling of, the Federal Reserve System. The current legislation was initiated by Ron Paul.
Robert Welch is the founder of John Birch Society.The man never served in the military.
Antisemitic, racist, anti-Mormon, anti-Masonic, and religious groups criticized the groups' rejection of Jews, non-whites, Masons, and Mormons.
The sensationalism of Robert Welch's charge that Eisenhower was possibly a Communist dupe led many conservatives and Republicans, most prominently Goldwater and intellectuals of Buckley's circle, to renounce outright or quietly shy away from the group.
All these years later those who call Eisenhower a "dupe", continues shows they're not doing anything new in regards to POTUS.
Caboose 01-06-2010, 12:24 AM I found a clue about Kerry and Caboose thinking..
The John Birch Society has been active in supporting the audit of, and eventual dismantling of, the Federal Reserve System. The current legislation was initiated by Ron Paul.
Robert Welch is the founder of John Birch Society.
The sensationalism of Robert Welch's charge that Eisenhower was possibly a Communist dupe led many conservatives and Republicans, most prominently Goldwater and intellectuals of Buckley's circle, to renounce outright or quietly shy away from the group.
All these years later those who call Eisenhower a "dupe",it shows they're not doing anything new in regards to POTUS.
Yeah, that all has so much to do with me... and I have so much to do with Kerry. Wow, nailed it.
RedDirt717 01-06-2010, 12:31 AM Wow, this thread took a dive didn't it.
soonerguru 01-06-2010, 12:42 AM OK, so we can agree then that Leftists can be fascists while historically fascism has been associated with the extreme right.
Maybe if I had used the term Authoritarianism that would have been more acceptable to you? GM LOVES the orgy of Authoritarianism that the modern Left is attempting to subjugate us to? Is that better? Although, I would still argue that economically the agenda of the modern Leftist is fascism.
What exactly is the economic agenda of the modern Left? Could you provide some factual basis for your commentary?
And no, we cannot agree that leftists are fascists, as the ideologies have no connection. Unless the left suddenly embraced a militaristic government enforcing extreme corporate hegemony, then it's not going to become fascist.
I suppose the left could move back toward a communist authoritarian model, but I don't see that gaining currency anywhere except in the paranoid fantasies of Glenn Beck.
Spartan 01-06-2010, 12:42 AM Anyone who thinks that political differences are why OKC can't hold on to 20-35 year olds is masking the issue with their own ideology. This isn't an ideology problem. It's an economy problem.
RedDirt717 01-06-2010, 01:21 AM I'm 26, the political atmosphere has nothing to do with the staying or leaving. Equally conservative cities like Dallas, and Houston obviously aren't having problems keeping their youth or attrracting new, young tallent.
It has everything to do with the economic climate.
Bunty 01-06-2010, 01:49 AM The generally unimpressive Oklahoma geography surely plays a role in many young people not staying. People and CEOs of companies like to flock to Colorado and Utah due to the mountain scenery and skiing. If you have ever been to Colorado Springs before, then you know what I mean. Of course, on the other hand, it has to be said that flat scenery never stopped Dallas from booming.
Anyway, I believe that Oklahoma City is gonna be doing a lot more growing with a higher percentage of young people aboard during the next 20 years than it did from 1983 to 2003.
RedDirt717 01-06-2010, 02:04 AM Anyway, I believe that Oklahoma City is gonna be doing a lot more growing with a higher percentage of young people aboard during the next 20 years than it did from 1983 to 2003.
They're flooding in as we speak. My new roommate is a transplant from San Diego working for a political campaign. He's grown to really like Oklahoma City, really likes the night life. Loves the people. Not a fan of the cold weather but this only lasts a few months.
I've met 10 people in the past 2 months that moved here for work. It's pretty impressive actually.
My generation stepping it up in OKC.
oneforone 01-06-2010, 02:43 AM One thing I like about Oklahoma City is that 80% of the population is fairly social with people of all backgrounds and interest. I honestly do not know anyone that refuses to befriend someone who is against their beliefs. I rarely see a situation were strangers do not strike up a conversation.
The best part was last week, everybody was helping everybody through the blizzard condtions.
dcsooner 01-06-2010, 07:13 AM Red Dirt,
That is really great to hear! That is the kind of postive trend the City and State needs. As more people from other places find themselves in OKC, word will spread regarding the current momentum in the City.
okcpulse 01-06-2010, 07:16 AM They're flooding in as we speak. My new roommate is a transplant from San Diego working for a political campaign. He's grown to really like Oklahoma City, really likes the night life. Loves the people. Not a fan of the cold weather but this only lasts a few months.
I've met 10 people in the past 2 months that moved here for work. It's pretty impressive actually.
My generation stepping it up in OKC.
Add me to that list in the next couple of years. My wife and I moved to Houston in 2005, but we are returning with two... possibly three children. So from our unit, OKC lost 2 to Texas in 2005 but will be gaining 5 by 2012 or so. Just doing my part. And I'll be 34 by then.
LakeEffect 01-06-2010, 07:16 AM Anyone who thinks that political differences are why OKC can't hold on to 20-35 year olds is masking the issue with their own ideology. This isn't an ideology problem. It's an economy problem.
Well said.