View Full Version : Walmart on 19th could care less about your safety!

12-28-2009, 08:58 AM
Why else would they make zero effort in clearing their parking lot and making it safer and easier to get inside?

How soon will the Crest on SW 104th open?

12-28-2009, 10:36 AM
Just how much could they care less? Sorry, one of my biggest pet peeves.

Wal-Mart isn't exactly known for clearing any of their parking lots in bad weather in OKC/Moore that I've noticed over the years. Didn't see the one on the southside this year, but the one on NW Expressway definitely wasn't cleared. I honestly don't think Wal-Mart is too worried about cleaning the lots. People are going to be foolish enough to go in there anyway. I rarely go to Wal-Mart because of reasons like this.

12-28-2009, 10:47 AM
First of all I want to note I hate Wal-Mart with a passion.... with that noted.

How many snow removal companies exist in Oklahoma City? I would probably say less then ten. Just simply because we have less than 5 snow storms a year (1 big one and two-three little ones that just spit a little snow and ice.)

I would assume Wal-Mart has plans to clear it. They are just waiting for a company to become available because most companies are busy with their contract customers. Knowing Wal-Mart they are not on a contract with anybody because the high volume of traffic and warm weather cleans up the mess automatically.

My suggestion is to spend your money at the businesses who have cleared their parking lot. I am sure if your drive a around Moore and S. OKC you will find a business who has already cleared their lot. Contrary to popular belief Wal-Mart is not the only game in town. Many stores beat their prices and offer a wider selection.

By the way have you noticed the product selection has shrunk because of Wal-Mart's effort to carry everything under the blasted sun. Back before their "We want to be in the business of selling the world" mantra they had variety of every item.

Hopefully the little guys will catch on to this and sell customers on the idea of "You get what you pay for." A Wal-Mart cheapy is great, if you want keep replacing it over and over.

12-28-2009, 12:33 PM
Crest on 104th will be open APR or MAY.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
12-29-2009, 12:29 AM
The place that employs me hasn't bothered either.

I should just stop showing up. :biggrin:

12-29-2009, 12:50 AM
What a spoiled society we are, I'm not shopping there if I have to walk through snow and ice and even though you pay me to do a job, I'm not going to show up if I have to walk in snow or ice.
Why don't you try being thankful that you live in a Free Country where you can pick and choose where your shop or work.
Why not be thankful that you are healthy enough to walk on a little snow and ice.
Why not be thankful you have a job.

Stop complaining and get a life people.

12-29-2009, 08:31 AM
What a spoiled society we are, I'm not shopping there if I have to walk through snow and ice and even though you pay me to do a job, I'm not going to show up if I have to walk in snow or ice.
Why don't you try being thankful that you live in a Free Country where you can pick and choose where your shop or work.
Why not be thankful that you are healthy enough to walk on a little snow and ice.
Why not be thankful you have a job.

Stop complaining and get a life people.

And why isn't Walmart thankful to have customers?!?!

I am curious if you will have this same attitude if you have an ederly parent or relative fall and break a bone in such a parking lot.

12-29-2009, 09:32 AM
And why isn't Walmart thankful to have customers?!?!

I am curious if you will have this same attitude if you have an ederly parent or relative fall and break a bone in such a parking lot.

Parents are both deceased, when it turns bad, I call elderly relatives that live nearby to see if they need anything to keep them from having to get out.

12-29-2009, 10:56 AM
This was 14 INCHES of snow... The largest single snow event in OK history....

Nobody was prepared for this because we have never had to deal with something like this before...

But, I mean, don't let the facts get in the way of a good wal-mart bash...

12-29-2009, 10:59 AM
People....get a clue. There are people everywhere right now making plenty of money clearing parking lots. We don't get a ton of snow, but there are PLENTY of guys out there clearing lots with backhoes, trucks with clearing equipment affixed to the front (whatever you call them), and brush hogs. So that was a dumb question.

And since WalMart pretty much owns OKC, except for some Crests, it's hard NOT to go there.

I happen to know that the WM at 19th is always in the top 5 NATIONALLY in sales, and many times is the top store. So it is ridiculous that they can't spare a couple grand to clear the lot.

Yes, the obvious answer is to shop somewhere else. I would recommend the Crest in Moore for now (just a few miles from the WM). But this is a legitimate complaint. rcjunkie...what an a$$ you are.

BTW...Crest in Moore found someone to clear their lot. You think no one has approached WM in Moore to clear their lot? Only a fool would say no.

12-29-2009, 11:00 AM
The only thing I hate Wal Mart about is that T G & Y should have been Wal Mart. T G & Y Family Centers were here decades before Wal Mart.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
12-29-2009, 11:09 AM
What a spoiled society we are, I'm not shopping there if I have to walk through snow and ice and even though you pay me to do a job, I'm not going to show up if I have to walk in snow or ice.
Why don't you try being thankful that you live in a Free Country where you can pick and choose where your shop or work.
Why not be thankful that you are healthy enough to walk on a little snow and ice.
Why not be thankful you have a job.

Stop complaining and get a life people.

If I stop complaining, will you stop being a butthead?

12-29-2009, 01:10 PM
Oh Yes, thankful I can be in a country where i'm free to complain about whatever I want, because I do live in a free country.

12-29-2009, 01:19 PM
I'd be happy to have a job right now. Don't complain about walking through snow, if you don't want your job we can trade places, I'd be more than happy to work right now than sit around the house and job hunt all day.

12-29-2009, 01:30 PM
...Nobody was prepared for this because we have never had to deal with something like this before....

Oklahomans maybe, but those who have lived in other places, was prepared.
TV and Radio stations warned folks.
Of course they're also warned about smoking and unprotected sex.
People are responsible for their actions or the lack of actions.
If their cars were towed, count your blessings you have one.
As for the "holiday", come on folks no holiday is worth being out when you have a choice, nor a actually will save money to wait for the after Christmas sales.

12-30-2009, 07:16 AM
People....get a clue. There are people everywhere right now making plenty of money clearing parking lots. We don't get a ton of snow, but there are PLENTY of guys out there clearing lots with backhoes, trucks with clearing equipment affixed to the front (whatever you call them), and brush hogs. So that was a dumb question.

And since WalMart pretty much owns OKC, except for some Crests, it's hard NOT to go there.

I happen to know that the WM at 19th is always in the top 5 NATIONALLY in sales, and many times is the top store. So it is ridiculous that they can't spare a couple grand to clear the lot.

Yes, the obvious answer is to shop somewhere else. I would recommend the Crest in Moore for now (just a few miles from the WM). But this is a legitimate complaint. rcjunkie...what an a$$ you are.
BTW...Crest in Moore found someone to clear their lot. You think no one has approached WM in Moore to clear their lot? Only a fool would say no.

If stating that I look after my elderly relatives and neighbors make me an ASS, the I'm an ASS and proud to be one.

12-30-2009, 01:39 PM
If there was anyone to clear the lot on Christmas Day, they wouldn't have been able to. The parking lot was covered with hundred of carts. They didn't bother picking them up. When I worked there, way back when, the parking lot had to be cleared.

01-01-2010, 11:48 AM
If stating that I look after my elderly relatives and neighbors make me an ASS, the I'm an ASS and proud to be one.

The only person worse than an out-right jerk is a mostly jerk who think his few positive qualities make up for all of his negative qualities. Helping out the elderly is a swell thing, but it doesn't make you Jesus come down from on high, and holding your Elderly Assistance Badge over everyone's heads pretty much negates the good karma you received from helping them.

The roads were slippery and the roads were dangerous and you can't blame anyone for not wanting to go out during such conditions. And most of the time its not about "walking" on the snow or ice but "driving" on the snow or ice. Even if you know you can drive safely you can't trust the other driver's who drive like idiots.

So get off your high-horse and let them go to Crest.

01-01-2010, 12:35 PM
yeah, if you dont like that a business doesnt clear snow, dont go there. this isnt hard.

01-01-2010, 01:15 PM
Shouldn't this thread be titled "Wal Mart on 19th couldn't care less about your safety!!!111!"

01-01-2010, 01:45 PM
The only person worse than an out-right jerk is a mostly jerk who think his few positive qualities make up for all of his negative qualities. Helping out the elderly is a swell thing, but it doesn't make you Jesus come down from on high, and holding your Elderly Assistance Badge over everyone's heads pretty much negates the good karma you received from helping them.

The roads were slippery and the roads were dangerous and you can't blame anyone for not wanting to go out during such conditions. And most of the time its not about "walking" on the snow or ice but "driving" on the snow or ice. Even if you know you can drive safely you can't trust the other driver's who drive like idiots.

So get off your high-horse and let them go to Crest.

I'm such and ASS, I hope I can sleep tonight.

01-01-2010, 03:30 PM
Why else would they make zero effort in clearing their parking lot and making it safer and easier to get inside?

How soon will the Crest on SW 104th open?

if youre shopping anywhere on 19th street, you automatically disregard your own safety to some degree. that area is a commercial madhouse.

YouTube - MOTT THE HOOPLE -All The Young Dudes (

01-01-2010, 03:37 PM
Oh Yes, thankful I can be in a country where i'm free to complain about whatever I want, because I do live in a free country.

its a free society, but theres no guarantees.

YouTube - Keva Rosenberg - Unemployed Person (RoboCop) (

Redskin 70
01-02-2010, 10:07 AM
The assertion that every business could get their parking lots cleared out is ridiculous.
Way way more parking lots that people with the wherewithall to do it.:doh:

Besides my WalMart in Del City DID clean out their parking lot..............:woowoo:

01-02-2010, 10:55 AM
It just amazes me that with so many things to worry about (war, economy, terrorist threats, poverty, etc), that so many complain about an uncleared parking lot!!!

01-02-2010, 11:18 AM
It just amazes me that with so many things to worry about (war, economy, terrorist threats, poverty, etc), that so many complain about an uncleared parking lot!!!

We do live in a society where most believe that life should be trouble free, government and big business should work to eliminate every stressor or potential problem.

It is a damn good thing were not living in the days of the pioneers. Most of the population would be dead by now because a lack Wal-Marts, Starbucks and McDonalds.

People should work to take care of themselves in the event the governement and big business collapes. Million to one chance of that happening but, I prefer to be one of the people that knows how to survive on my own. I do want to be one of the people acting like an animal looting every business and killing off my fellow citizens to survive.

01-02-2010, 02:53 PM
Oneforone, I hope you left out a word in your last sentence.

01-02-2010, 03:14 PM
Oneforone, I hope you left out a word in your last sentence.

Yes... I did.

I meant to say do NOT.

01-02-2010, 07:05 PM
You have no idea on this one......Remember they closed all INTERSTATES shortly after 2:00pm on Christmas Eve. Like someone else said, this was an epic storm! Everyone should have been prepared ahead of time, instead of shopping on Christams Eve and there shortly after! The state was in a state of emergency, and you're worried about a Wal Mart parking lot??? STAY HOME THEN! If you can't navigate it,,, then don't go out ...