View Full Version : Current Events

12-27-2009, 07:55 PM
Hey guys...

Quick question. Considering we normally do all news and weather stuff in the Current Events (Discuss the news of the day), but all the Blizzard stuff is showing up in OKC Metro (Discuss development and civic issues here) - would it be something to...

A) Move the weather/earthquake/whatever discussions up to OKC Metro
B) Move those discussions down to Current Events
C) Move the Current Events or News forums up higher on the forum list for better visibility so there isn't so much double posting?

Just a passing thought since we've been doing a lot of "refer to this thread already in progress" posts on several items. Sometimes I think being buried at the bottom lowers the visibility of these type of posts.

12-28-2009, 06:57 AM
i can see that "ok weather & nature" doesn't really fit into either category perfectly... the primary discussion trends towards oklahoma/okc but unless we're talking snow removal it really doesn't deal with "development and civic" issues so its not a perfect fit in "okc metro area talk." weather phenomena are typically "current events" but that forum is geared more towards news items and isn't limited to okc in scope. however, i'm not certain (and it's not my call to make in the end) whether or not there are enough weather or nature related threads to warrant a new forum. i don't think i'd be against it, though.

i think the reasoning behind "current events" being so low on the display list is that its filed with "politics" under "news and opinion" with the idea that discussion there could get a little more heated. i say "could" because unlike "politics", "current events" threads do show up on the front page's recent posts module.

bottom line, i'd send pete a pm regarding this issue if you haven't already.


01-06-2010, 01:53 PM
bottom line, i'd send pete a pm regarding this issue if you haven't already.



I appreciate that you provided a quick long does it normally take Pete to respond to PMs? Going on 2 weeks now...