View Full Version : Oklahoma City snowstorm of the century

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12-26-2009, 01:02 PM
I've got a three foot drift outside my front door. I'd say there's at least 12 inches downtown, because the streets that were blocked on both sides by buildings by my house were about 12 inches deep. Of course, areas unblocked drifted and some areas are completely bare and some have drifted to at least three feet deep. I don't know how much snow fell total, but I've lived here a few years and the combination of snow and wind was the worst I can remember.

12-26-2009, 04:13 PM
I just spent 2 hours shoveling 12 feet of sidewalk to try and get to my driveway. The snow/ice combo is very wet and heavy - but I have sidewalk!

Tomorrow, I'll work on driveway. I ache all over and have to stop for day.

I've lived in this house for 23 years and have never had to shovel snow that was this deep and drifted so high. And the forecast next week has possibility of snow - arggh!

12-26-2009, 04:38 PM
I was in Cherokee in the winter of 70-71 and they had a 36" snow. That was the most I ever shoveled. I also remember that Woodward had a couple of snows like this one, probably worse.

12-26-2009, 06:30 PM
How do you think it will be tomorrow afternoon (Sunday)?
We will be headed that way in the morning from the Midland/Odessa area.

12-26-2009, 07:27 PM
me, my wife and two kids under 3 were stuck in the construction zone on i35 south of tecumsah road(sp) for 11 hours. we finally got out when people started backing out enough to back out to the turnaround and head north back home, that was 1 am. What really sucked is we knew we werent going to get very far so we booked a hotel room at holiday inn at robinson and i35 but never made it the offramp a mile away. luckily we were able to cancel without having to pay any fees. the only time we got stuck was entering our neighborhood after getting out of traffic. i had to dig us out at 2am lol. it was cooooold!

12-26-2009, 07:54 PM
How do you think it will be tomorrow afternoon (Sunday)?
We will be headed that way in the morning from the Midland/Odessa area.

bluedog you can get up to date road condition info on this blog;
Live Wire | Live Blog: Road Conditions Updates | Page 676 | Liveblog live blogging (

12-26-2009, 08:15 PM
I estimate 10 inches around my place, though I had a nice two-foot ridge of snow parallel to the front walk.

Took rather a long time to clear thirty feet of driveway.

12-26-2009, 08:38 PM
Adding on to that would be if it was already dark when you started. I probably would have given up had it been dark.

I don't even want to think about it. There were several times I wanted to give up as it was. I couldn't see lines or any part of the road for miles. Getting on the turnpike was a nightmare! I couldn't tell if I was on the road or about to plummet to my death off the side. And it was uphill so that helped. lol. The only thing that kept me going was I knew it would be dark soon and it wasn't supposed to let up. I didn't want my son to spend the night alone on Christmas! And I didn't want to die alone from frostbite on the turnpike. Soooo I just kept going. Thank you Jesus for getting me home! So many of my coworkers couldn't leave and actually spent the night at work. Or in their cars. Or pushing and digging all night like brandon. I'm glad it's over!! I hope we don't have another one for a good twenty years.

12-27-2009, 08:16 AM
I would have gladly traded....all we had was rain all day. I love a good snow storm now and then.

12-27-2009, 11:55 AM
Things we learned from this snow.

The pooch is light enough to walk up a 4 foot plus drift, step over the fence and walk down the drift on the other side of the fence

My neighbor is a caring neighbor, and told us the pooch was free.

My sons and son in law are right decent shovelers.

The pooch is too lazy to scale a fence if work is involved.

Teasing the cat with a cold pooch nose is a for certain claw smack.

Cats really can smirk.

Stepping off the roof onto a 4-5 foot foot drift is only a 3 foot drop, for the first 3 feet.

A brother can point that out like no one else, 3 second too late to be beneficial.

Hope everyone is safe and warm. We're thinking staying in has worked well enough so far why mess with it.

12-29-2009, 11:44 AM
I'm sorry; 14 inches was a BS number, at least in central OKC. I've seen it several times growing up in Kansas, or at least 14" over several days' time, and it doesn't look anything like what we have outside right now. Ask someone who has actually SEEN 14" of snow in 24 hours and I'm betting they will tell you the same.


My wife thought similarly to you until she actually went outside. We had every bit of 14 inches in our yard on the west side of town. Not sure about downtown.

I work downtown.... was stuck here for two days.... in areas with no drifts it was to my knees.... and I'm 6'3". It was at the very least 14"

12-29-2009, 11:49 AM
We had a little over 14in. here in nw OKC. Yes,it was real.Ruler stuck in middle of yard real.

Now another round is coming,just what we need. More slush and ice!

12-29-2009, 04:01 PM
When you consider the fact that we have over 600 sq miles in the metro area, it's reasonable to believe there will be different amounts of snowfall.

Downtown was bad, as were parts of MWC.

What gets me - in the paper today there was an article where it said streets were fairly well cleared in Midwst City. I call BS on that. Even SE 29th, a "snow route" still had snow and ice piles in various lanes between Sunnylane and Sooner.

12-29-2009, 06:56 PM
betwixt and tween what was and what is to come

elder son had no delays and exit row seats for his long lanky frame and is safely back in Bama. I miss him already.

daughter, her hubby and world's most excellent grandbaby have been guiltnabbed out to the interloper's, er, um, I mean his parent's place for the eve.
(they really are nice folks, it's just I flunked sharing back in kiddiegarden and never took the refresher course)

youngest son and an older friend in for the holidays spent the day visiting in OKC.

Beloved's pop made it back to se ok safely.

The snow thus far ain't nothing to fret over, but it's early yet and odds are the nice roads this afternoon will be less nice come the morn.

Me, I'm happy for the most part, but sleepy too. Couldn't send the older lad to the airport in a pre-daylight shuttle, not when I likely won't see him again til early summer.

Hope all are safe and happy