View Full Version : Swarm Of Earthquakes (Why Won't The TV Stations Investigate Further?)
sumrzz 12-21-2009, 11:52 PM One of the big things that really crack me up about Oklahoma City television is the lack of investigative journalism on our resent (BIG NEWS) Earthquakes stories. Jones, has now received more earthquakes than ever before. Residents are getting nervous, people are talking about it, and the USGS says (DUH) we just don't know.
So why do other communities in other states demand answers but this community just puts it's head in the sand? Could it be Devon Energy or Chesapeake Energy advertising dollars?
One thing is for sure it's a significant issue that must be addressed.
Other communities are discussing the issues and even finding out information from what appears to be something called "Thermal Drilling". Will 4, 5 or 9 grow a set of nads and ask the hard questions? Or will they just sit back in the name of the almighty oil advertising dollar?
Follow the earthquake rates on
zrfdude 12-22-2009, 12:03 AM I heard KOCO snagged an exclusive interview with a tectonic plate, be sure to tune in.
ronronnie1 12-22-2009, 12:40 AM ^^^lol
blangtang 12-22-2009, 01:13 AM If it squirts oil, it leads
Larry OKC 12-22-2009, 02:24 AM Are we saying the earthquakes are being caused by something the energy companies are doing?
And have to remember aren't most of these "earthquakes" not even noticeable (just on the meters) in other words if you hadn't seen it mentioned on the news you wouldn't even know it happened?
venture 12-22-2009, 02:45 AM Search before posting a new topic. :)
rcjunkie 12-22-2009, 06:24 AM One of the big things that really crack me up about Oklahoma City television is the lack of investigative journalism on our resent (BIG NEWS) Earthquakes stories. Jones, has now received more earthquakes than ever before. Residents are getting nervous, people are talking about it, and the USGS says (DUH) we just don't know.
So why do other communities in other states demand answers but this community just puts it's head in the sand? Could it be Devon Energy or Chesapeake Energy advertising dollars?
One thing is for sure it's a significant issue that must be addressed.
Other communities are discussing the issues and even finding out information from what appears to be something called "Thermal Drilling". Will 4, 5 or 9 grow a set of nads and ask the hard questions? Or will they just sit back in the name of the almighty oil advertising dollar?
Follow the earthquake rates on
Talk about "REACHING", I can, to a point, see where people pass blame for energy and fuel price increases on companies like Devon and Chesapeake, but Earthquakes--tell me you kidding.
bombermwc 12-22-2009, 07:55 AM That's definitely a stretch sumrzz. Now there are time when small earthquakes are indirectly related to drilling. The balance is shifted as the oil/gas is extracted and the replacement liquid is pumped back in. You can tie the timing on those directly to drilling sometimes. Sometimes the land is stable enough that you can't. All you have to do for evidence on that matter is the sites near Del City last year that were eventually shut down because of the quakes.
As far as investigating....our "journalists" in Oklahoma basically suck. They follow the same trend of "journalism" nationally that basically has nothing to do with what the profession used to be about. They want ratings and they want sensationalism. Neither is important or helpful. Is there some big coverup.....doubt it. Just lazy reporters. But beyond that, when the experts in the field don't know what's going on, then you can't really report anything.
I would bet that if someone took a look around Jones and the areas around it, they'd find the reason out there somewhere. We do have faults in OK, so it also really could be normal activity.
Larry - those that have been reported were felt by those living in the area. You can feel/hear a 2.0....I've had one of those at my house at 240/Sooner.
flippity 12-22-2009, 08:10 AM There was one on 12/7 that shook my house in Moore...woke me up
here's a link to the USGS with a list of earthquakes for the last 8-30 days
Earthquake Hazards Program: Recent Earthquakes - Last 8-30 Days (
Oklahoma's on the list quite a few times
kmf563 12-22-2009, 08:26 AM Here's some interesting information to add to a consipiracy theory -
1. On December 17th they had an earthquake in Nebraska. At exactly the same time a meteor crashed in their neighborhood. They are saying one has nothing to do with another.
2. An earthquake was reported in a greater portion of California yesterday. Reports said it was not an earthquake but a sonic boom. It registered as a 3.6 - that's a pretty large sonic boom.
3. 6.4 in Taiwan yesterday.
4. They are expecting an eruption in the Philippines anyday now.
5. The records actually show 25 earthquakes from the Jones area.
6. A geologist whose drilling in search of clean energy caused earthquakes in Basel was acquitted Monday because he had not deliberately damaged property .
Doug Loudenback 12-22-2009, 08:32 AM Search before posting a new topic. :)
As venture79 said, an eye-opening thread already exists for this topic, located in the Current Events forum area ... ... as I rarely go there, I'd missed it but if you want a heck of a lot of data on this topic, you'll find it there. Probably, a mod should merge this thread with it to keep everything in one place. And I should start looking through the Current Events forum more frequently.
Midtowner 12-22-2009, 08:39 AM
In totally unrelated news, the above face could clearly be seen in the smoke of a gushing oil well.
Platemaker 12-22-2009, 09:02 AM Hahaha
okcpulse 12-22-2009, 09:12 AM Keep in mind that Oklahoma City sits right on top of the subduction zone that is caused from the North American plate being shoved over the Pacific plate. But I also wouldn't rule out drilling activity for natural gas. Activity may, or may not, kick seismic activity into gear.
All as much, there was an eerthquake in Nebraska recently, and the seismic activity mappings do coincide with the subduction zone, so who knows. After all, the geological timeline shows the Rocky mts are indeed moving east as America moves west.
skyrick 12-22-2009, 09:24 AM Cleburne, TX (about 30 miles SW of Fort Worth) had a series of small quakes in April. All the conspiracy wackos came out of the woodwork blaming Chesapeake drilling. The fact is, as an earlier responder mentioned, parts of OK & TX lie on top of subduction or fault zones. Quakes are rare, but they happen. And when they do happen they tend to come in clusters over a few weeks. Maybe we should stock up on water and batteries just in case, huh?:evilsmile:
I blame Obama. This rash of earthquakes started in March, just weeks after he took office. Coincidence? I think not.
What are you up to, Barry?
Bunty 12-22-2009, 11:33 AM There was one on 12/7 that shook my house in Moore...woke me up
here's a link to the USGS with a list of earthquakes for the last 8-30 days
Earthquake Hazards Program: Recent Earthquakes - Last 8-30 Days (
Oklahoma's on the list quite a few times
This page shows recent earthquakes in Oklahoma of magnitude of 2.0 or greater: Oklahoma Earthquake Page (
nik4411 12-22-2009, 11:55 AM i love when people try to blame the "evil oil companies" for any and everything.
skyrick 12-22-2009, 12:01 PM i love when people try to blame the "evil oil companies" for any and everything.
Agreed, but just because oil/gas companies aren't responsible for these quakes doesn't mean they're not evil. ; )
BTW, I would like to take this chance to publicly thank Chesapeake for their $5000 check for our mineral rights last year. That put a new suspension on my '65 LeMans! I'm not above taking money from evil corporations.
nik4411 12-22-2009, 12:02 PM ha ha
there is a thread somewhere about older cars/trucks, you should put up a pic or two of that LeMans
mugofbeer 12-22-2009, 12:29 PM Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't recall a lot of drilling activity in that part of the county - other than water wells, maybe. I have to admit I haven't been out that way in a while tho.
OKCMallen 12-22-2009, 01:28 PM One of the big things that really crack me up about Oklahoma City television is the lack of investigative journalism on our resent (BIG NEWS) Earthquakes stories. Jones, has now received more earthquakes than ever before. Residents are getting nervous, people are talking about it, and the USGS says (DUH) we just don't know.
So why do other communities in other states demand answers but this community just puts it's head in the sand? Could it be Devon Energy or Chesapeake Energy advertising dollars?
One thing is for sure it's a significant issue that must be addressed.
Other communities are discussing the issues and even finding out information from what appears to be something called "Thermal Drilling". Will 4, 5 or 9 grow a set of nads and ask the hard questions? Or will they just sit back in the name of the almighty oil advertising dollar?
Follow the earthquake rates on
OKCisOK4me 12-22-2009, 01:36 PM Now, now, now, this has nothing to do with human interference. This is a case of Planet X moving closer and closer to the sun on it's 10,000 year elliptical journey as the unknown planet of our solar system. It's so big that it's going to eradicate our planet. These tremors are just the beginning of its gravitational effects...
hipsterdoofus 12-22-2009, 02:11 PM Lets see...
Earthquake frequency in OK - KFOR (,0,3631476.story)
NewsOK (
Another Earthquake Rattles Jones Over Weekend - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
Another Earthquake Rocks Oklahoma - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City (
You're news coverage at all ...
rcjunkie 12-22-2009, 02:20 PM Lets see...
Earthquake frequency in OK - KFOR (,0,3631476.story)
NewsOK (
Another Earthquake Rattles Jones Over Weekend - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
Another Earthquake Rocks Oklahoma - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City (
You're news coverage at all ...
How dare you provide proof and show someone they are wrong, are you a undercover spy for Devon. I bet you don't even have to pay for your gas because your an insider.
Doug Loudenback 12-22-2009, 02:35 PM i love when people try to blame the "evil oil companies" for any and everything.
I blame it on Southside. :bright_id
(Just kidding, Southside buddies!) :sofa:
rcjunkie 12-22-2009, 02:37 PM I blame it on Southside. :bright_id
(Just kidding, Southside buddies!) :sofa:
jbrown84 12-22-2009, 04:37 PM Where's Karen Silkwood when we need her?!
Too soon? :sofa:
Doug Loudenback 12-22-2009, 05:51 PM Where's Karen Silkwood when we need her?!
Too soon? :sofa:
Too late. She's toast.
I can, to a point, see where people pass blame for energy and fuel price increases on companies like Devon and Chesapeake, but Earthquakes--tell me you kidding.
i love when people try to blame the "evil oil companies" for any and everything.
All the conspiracy wackos came out of the woodwork blaming Chesapeake drilling.
I don't understand this reaction. Chesapeake has acknowledged that earthquakes could be related to their activities ( Wastewater Disposal Well May Have Caused Texas Earthquakes - ( and it has long been understood that some techniques used in fossil fuel extraction can lead to seismic activity. Mining, dam construction, or any large scale project that changes geological pressures and environments has the potential to create some seismic side effects. This isn't some conspiracy or wacko fueled fantasy. It's just geology.
Should someone investigate the quakes? Of course. It would be great to better understand our geology, imo. And some of the strongest quakes in recorded history happened in middle America, but the reason for it is not relatively well known. Maybe studying this activity can she some light on that.
And, if it turns out oil and gas activity has something to do with it, that wouldn't make them evil at all. If they know it's causing the quakes and do nothing about it, cover it up, or ignore it, then that would make them evil. But, as pointed out in the article above, Chesapeake shut down some waste water disposal wells as a precautionary measure, because they were potentially causing some quakes in the DFW area. In the end, it sounds like 1) many non-crazy unwacko people recognize that quakes and drilling activity can be related and 2) some companies who have engaged in this activity have been extremely responsible in their response to this possibility.
It's just funny how some get so defensive about something that doesn't need defending.
jstanthrnme 12-22-2009, 09:24 PM I think some of this activity could be partially be the result of drilling.
I would like to see some more research done and questions asked about it whatever the cause might be.
This happened in 2005 if you remember. Mysterious and unusual at first, it was ultimately attributed to drilling.
The Enid News and Eagle, Enid, OK - Mysterious Kingfisher-area gas geysers leave officials puzzled (
muzique808 12-22-2009, 10:12 PM And have to remember aren't most of these "earthquakes" not even noticeable (just on the meters) in other words if you hadn't seen it mentioned on the news you wouldn't even know it happened?
Unless you live near this area, as I do. I've definitely noticed the last few.
Larry OKC 12-23-2009, 12:04 AM Lets see...
Earthquake frequency in OK - KFOR (,0,3631476.story)
NewsOK (
Another Earthquake Rattles Jones Over Weekend - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
Another Earthquake Rocks Oklahoma - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City (
You're news coverage at all ...
but that wasn't his point...there is "coverage" but it is minimal...I looked at each of your links and thre was no follow-up investigative questions being asked. The only questions asked were by one of the residents quoted.
Larry OKC 12-23-2009, 12:11 AM ...
Larry - those that have been reported were felt by those living in the area. You can feel/hear a 2.0....I've had one of those at my house at 240/Sooner.
What I was trying to say that these were mainly low/no impact earthquakes (that basically unless you are at or very near the epicenter, you don't know about it). One of the linked articles put it this way "As with the others, no damage or injuries were reported." Some dishes rattled...a menu fell to the floor.
Not exactly California breaking off into the ocean or even changing the course of the Mississippi River type stuff is all I was trying to say.
sumrzz 12-26-2009, 05:18 PM How ironic is it that during the Holidays there are no Earthquakes here. :))))
Here is my prediction. There will be 2 to 3 Earthquakes that will happen between now and this next Friday January 1st 2010
kmf563 12-26-2009, 08:40 PM It's the end of the world, didn't you know?? We didn't have any EARTHQUAKES in Oklahoma over Christmas because we were busy having a BLIZZARD. Two things you wouldn't think you would have to worry about in Oklahoma. hmmm.
venture 12-26-2009, 10:16 PM How ironic is it that during the Holidays there are no Earthquakes here. :))))
Here is my prediction. There will be 2 to 3 Earthquakes that will happen between now and this next Friday January 1st 2010
Wow you can predict them now? That's pretty damn impressive.