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12-29-2009, 04:39 PM
Okay, relax you two. Move on. This is way off topic about the movie now.

the hip
12-31-2009, 09:50 AM
I will attempt to bring us back to the topic. I have seen Avatar twice. An amazing movie experience! The best Sci-Fi movie since Matrix. It destroys all three new Star Wars movies. The LOTR trilogy I put in a different category due to the fact they are based off of novels.
It MUST be seen in a 3D movie theater to get the full visual effect. Kudos to James Cameron on a technical masterpiece. I have heard he's a jerk to work for, but his demand for excellence pays off and is displayed for 2hr 40min on the screen.

12-31-2009, 05:25 PM
I kinda agree with you that it is the best since Matrix, I think it is because it is fresh. I also think the ball was dropped a bit on the Star Wars movies (the new ones) and so much more could have been done with them. The new Star Trek has grown on me some, not sure about changing the entire story line around...but eh. I think it was too much of a "here we are, this is how things will go in the future" intro type of movie. So yeah...Avatar really takes the cake for anything since Matrix.

I also agree LOTR is one of those epics that just stand out of the Sci-Fi category. I am really interested to see how the new Warcraft movie comes about since it'll be a blend of LOTR and Avatar. Considering the budget for it (similar to Avatar) it has potential to be right up there as well, but Sam Remi isn't James Cameron. Will probably be an interesting competition since I would expect the first Warcraft movie to come out around the same time as Avatar 2.

12-31-2009, 06:01 PM
i really enjoyed avatar it was a great flick. lots of nice visuals to always keep the eyes busy.
i was getting a tad antsy though. its hard to sit there for so long sometimes.

12-31-2009, 08:21 PM
i really enjoyed avatar it was a great flick. lots of nice visuals to always keep the eyes busy.
i was getting a tad antsy though. its hard to sit there for so long sometimes.

Try doing all 3 extended versions of the LOTR movies.

01-01-2010, 10:56 AM
Keep making a big deal out of nothing, you're really marching alone on this one.

This is not the truth.


I think that Avatar is the Star Wars (and I'm referring to the 1977 movie, not the entire series) of the '00s (make that the 90's also). The story is a little bland, borrowing most of it from other movies and traditional storylines, but the technology and imagination behind the world and the creatures more than makes up for it. It probably won't have the same impact that Star Wars did because people aren't as wowed by special effects anymore, but its still an amazing accomplishment.

01-01-2010, 11:45 AM
LOL, can one be racist against a made-up race?

I loved the experience. I had never seen a movie in 3-D and that was so much fun. But you can't get too caught up in the sky people being bad vs. otherwise. I would like to think I would be more like one of the natives but until and unless that mother tree provides decent bathroom fixtures and a way to keep off bugs, I am what I am...

01-01-2010, 04:50 PM
^^^ WOW thats a big,huge difference!anyways I have now seen Avatar twice,and might see it again! I love it!Question???? why would any1 watch this movie in 2d?

01-01-2010, 10:13 PM
My 9 year old wants to go see Avatar. I know nothing about it so I am asking for opinions -

Is Avatar appropriate for a 9-year old?

01-01-2010, 11:06 PM
I think it would be a little intense at times but okay, depending on the nine year old if you were right there with them. It could be a little scary because it is so realistic.

01-02-2010, 05:04 PM
It's generally appropriate for a 9-year old but there is some PG-13 language. (s**t, d**n, but no f**k) So it's up to you on what you let your child hear.

01-02-2010, 05:07 PM
My 9 year old wants to go see Avatar. I know nothing about it so I am asking for opinions -

Is Avatar appropriate for a 9-year old?

That is a maybe. There is a love making scene in the movie between Na'vi and Na'vi. You don't really seen anything, but passionate kissing. Maybe you'll have to talk about that with your child. Other than that, there is some action scenes with violence where people/aliens are shot.

01-02-2010, 08:02 PM
leave it to James Cameron to refuse to direct or write Terminator 3 but to instead dust Avatar off of the dusty 10 year shelf its been sitting on. This FernGully knock-off is non-canonical to true Cameron-esque material. He's just trying to compete with all the Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks SKG CGI crud thats out there.

01-02-2010, 08:06 PM
This is not the truth.


I think that Avatar is the Star Wars (and I'm referring to the 1977 movie, not the entire series) of the '00s (make that the 90's also). The story is a little bland, borrowing most of it from other movies and traditional storylines, but the technology and imagination behind the world and the creatures more than makes up for it. It probably won't have the same impact that Star Wars did because people aren't as wowed by special effects anymore, but its still an amazing accomplishment.

so what youre saying is that its cliche?

01-03-2010, 09:57 PM
I went to see it today with my 9 year old and tho some of the language was a little raw, we had a discussion and he is OK. I found the animation to be spectacular and extraordinarily realistic. However, I also found it to be a science fiction version of Dances With Wolves. The baaaaad old marines being the bad guys is kind of an irritant to me. The rendition of the alien world, the animals, the foliage, the insects and all the unique features of the planet were outstanding. Whats the sequel going to be about?

01-06-2010, 01:05 AM
I saw this movie for the 2nd time today in real 3D instead of "IMAX" and it was even better than the first! The picture and sound quality didnt compare to "IMAX" but you really get to become involved in the story rather than getting all caught up in the amazing cinematography. If you've seen it once, I highly recommend you see it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or hey, even a 5th!!

01-06-2010, 01:19 AM
So far have only seen it twice, may go more. LOL

So far it is up to $1.063 Billion in revenue. #4 all time highest grossing. Should pass Pirates: Dead Man's Chest which is at $1.066B. LoTR:Return of the King is at $1.119B so it'll beat that too. Titanic is $1.842...not sure it can catch that, but as strong as it is now, I wouldn't be shocked.

01-06-2010, 10:09 PM
I'd be more interested in the numbers of tickets sold rather than revenue since so many Avatar theaters are 3d and/or IMAX and sell $12-15 tickets. It was a great movie though.

01-07-2010, 04:47 PM
They don't really keep track of # of tickets sold, but they do have lists that are adjusted for inflation. Gone With the Wind takes it when you do.

All Time Box Office Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation (

01-08-2010, 09:41 AM
They don't really keep track of # of tickets sold, but they do have lists that are adjusted for inflation. Gone With the Wind takes it when you do.

All Time Box Office Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation (

They should also adjust for population.

01-10-2010, 07:52 PM

01-13-2010, 10:09 AM

Well, you know... selling 15,000,000 tickets to a movie in 1920 when the population was 100,000,000 is much more impressive than selling 15,000,000 tickets in 2010 when the population is 300,000,000.

Using those examples, and lets say tickets cost 1 dollars in 1920 and 8 dollars in 2010.

1920 - 15,000,000 tickets sold X $1 = $10,000,000 in sales
2010 - 15,000,000 tickets sold X $8 = $120,000,000 in sales

So, we adjust the 1920 tickets for inflation, so we multiply 15,000,000 by todays ticket prices... we find that the adjusted take for 1920 movie was $120,000,000 also. This makes the 1920 movie look roughly equivalent to the 2010 movie.

But, when we factor in population we see that the 1920 drew in 15% of the available population. The 2010 movie only drew in 5% of the available population. If we extrapolate how many tickets the 1920 movie would have sold had there been 300,000,000 million Americans at the time, it would be 45,000,000 tickets.

So adjusted for inflation AND population and the 1920 movie is up to $360,000,000. It seems like if we are gauging the value of movies this would be a better way to do it.

01-16-2010, 05:51 AM
Well, you know... selling 15,000,000 tickets to a movie in 1920 when the population was 100,000,000 is much more impressive than selling 15,000,000 tickets in 2010 when the population is 300,000,000.

Using those examples, and lets say tickets cost 1 dollars in 1920 and 8 dollars in 2010.

1920 - 15,000,000 tickets sold X $1 = $10,000,000 in sales
2010 - 15,000,000 tickets sold X $8 = $120,000,000 in sales

So, we adjust the 1920 tickets for inflation, so we multiply 15,000,000 by todays ticket prices... we find that the adjusted take for 1920 movie was $120,000,000 also. This makes the 1920 movie look roughly equivalent to the 2010 movie.

But, when we factor in population we see that the 1920 drew in 15% of the available population. The 2010 movie only drew in 5% of the available population. If we extrapolate how many tickets the 1920 movie would have sold had there been 300,000,000 million Americans at the time, it would be 45,000,000 tickets.

So adjusted for inflation AND population and the 1920 movie is up to $360,000,000. It seems like if we are gauging the value of movies this would be a better way to do it.

Kind of off topic, but this is exactly why I don't trust figures regarding music and record sales. Kind of an apples-to-oranges way of keeping track.

01-20-2010, 08:20 PM
Kind of off topic, but this is exactly why I don't trust figures regarding music and record sales. Kind of an apples-to-oranges way of keeping track.

Same industry that claims illegally downloading one song one time costs their industry $150,000 per instance.... I agree that it's wrong, but clearly that's a "bit" overstated.

01-26-2010, 05:43 PM
its official! Highest Grossing Film Ever! Now its time to break the 2 bil mark!

02-01-2010, 08:34 PM
it has broken the 2 bil mark....

02-02-2010, 01:34 AM
Wow.... Unbelievable!

02-02-2010, 06:17 PM
Where's the best place in the metro to see Avatar for the 2nd time after seeing it the first time at Penn Square?

02-03-2010, 02:44 PM
Where's the best place in the metro to see Avatar for the 2nd time after seeing it the first time at Penn Square?

Bunty, the best place in the metro to see ANY movie that is at appealing by virtue of its visual effects is the Warren.

Joe Daddy
02-05-2010, 06:05 PM
I don't see a thread but if there is one already, please merge.

Just saw Avatar at the Harkins Cine Capri. 2 things: On that screen, it is not 3D (we could have waited ... we were there for the 3:30 pm Saturday showing but would have waited until after 6 for the next 3D, so we skipped it.

Second and more importantly, my wife and I enjoyed the movie to the hilt. Stunning graphics; story wasn't too original (Euros v. Native Americans transported about 100-150 years from now on a distant planet), with lots of big birds, etc. But, totally engaging and a very satisfying ending.

Best movie ever IMO! What a thouroughly enjoyable experience!!

03-05-2010, 04:59 PM
I was skeptical at first to see it in 3D because of the older 3D movies I've seen weren't that impressive... but when I saw this in 3D I was blown away.

03-05-2010, 05:12 PM
I was skeptical at first to see it in 3D because of the older 3D movies I've seen weren't that impressive... but when I saw this in 3D I was blown away.

It was quite amazing. Forcing to me to plan to upgrade the home theater to display 3D movies more clearly.

03-06-2010, 03:18 PM
I think yesterday (Friday) was the first time since Avatar's release that it wasn't being played on the IMAX at Quail. Alice in Wonderland took over.