View Full Version : Maps 3 - Unofficial Vote Totals
Doug Loudenback 12-12-2009, 12:55 PM For some reason, press reporting of the MAPS 3 vote detail has been slow in coming. So I went to the County Election Board yesterday and was kindly supplied a printout of the vote, precinct by precinct. Unfortunately, a vote tally by wards was not available, however they were able to furnish a list of precincts in each Oklahoma County ward — for precincts located in Cleveland, Canadian, and Pottawatomie Counties, most of that information was available via the Center for Spatial Analysis at the University of Oklahoma. After OCR'ing the printout and assigning precincts to wards, this is the result:
The complete detail is located in the just posted blog article: Doug Dawgz Blog: MAPS 3 — Unofficial Vote Totals (
bdhumphreys 12-12-2009, 12:59 PM Great stuff Doug. Thank you for putting this together!
Doug Loudenback 12-12-2009, 03:31 PM Thanks, and you're welcome. Are you back in town now?
Spartan 12-12-2009, 05:10 PM Do you have the actual precinct map from OU still?
craigbanks 12-12-2009, 06:18 PM I live in Moore and I am not familiar with the geographics of each ward in Okc so how does the vote break down gegraphically? Just wondering, thanks. Anyway thank you Okc for passing this I feel as if I am witnessing a renaissance and these are exciting times to be in the Okc metro area.
Doug Loudenback 12-12-2009, 06:40 PM Do you have the actual precinct map from OU still?
Yes, you can fish around and find it at The Center for Spatial Analysis at the University of Oklahoma (
but I've also uploaded and you can download or open it here ( (PDF file).
I live in Moore and I am not familiar with the geographics of each ward in Okc so how does the vote break down gegraphically? Just wondering, thanks. Anyway thank you Okc for passing this I feel as if I am witnessing a renaissance and these are exciting times to be in the Okc metro area.
Craig, Oklahoma City's ward map is below ... click on it for a larger view. (
gmwise 12-12-2009, 06:51 PM My thanks as well , Doug
LordGerald 12-12-2009, 08:19 PM For some reason, press reporting of the MAPS 3 vote detail has been slow in coming. So I went to the County Election Board yesterday and was kindly supplied a printout of the vote, precinct by precinct. Unfortunately, a vote tally by wards was not available, however they were able to furnish a list of precincts in each Oklahoma County ward — for precincts located in Cleveland, Canadian, and Pottawatomie Counties, most of that information was available via the Center for Spatial Analysis at the University of Oklahoma. After OCR'ing the printout and assigning precincts to wards, this is the result:
The complete detail is located in the just posted blog article: Doug Dawgz Blog: MAPS 3 — Unofficial Vote Totals (
I live in Ward 3, and I knew it would be like this. Whole neighborhood peppered in black and red no signs. Made me feel alone. Glad I voted yes and had my yes signs out.
bluedogok 12-12-2009, 09:06 PM My parents and sister live in Ward 3, they voted yes but when we were up there over Thanksgiving I do have to say that I saw many more no signs than yes ones in their area.
soonerguru 12-13-2009, 11:08 AM I'm surprised by how close Ward 6 voting was, somewhat. I know the Southside voter was against MAPS but I think the inner-Southside is going to see great benefits from MAPS 3. Perhaps some better political work can be done there prior to MAPS 4 voting.
soonerguru 12-13-2009, 11:11 AM Ward 7 bucks the socioeconomic trend with MAPS 3 voting, supporting it with a comfortable margin. I had heard some concern that African-American support was weak, and that the opposition was working hard in that area.
craigbanks 12-13-2009, 05:16 PM Thanks Doug!
Spartan 12-13-2009, 05:27 PM Ward 7 also includes downtown though, as well as Lincoln's Terrace and some more upscale neighborhoods north of the Capitol. Ward 5 also bucks the socioeconomic trend as it contains some pretty nice neighborhoods, especially the further south you go. The only way you can describe it is that there is a very real split between north and south. Generally it's a socioeconomic divide, but the split between north and south is so strong that it goes against the socioeconomic divide in a few cases.