View Full Version : Streetcar
betts 09-24-2013, 11:09 PM Flashback: Ed Shadid on MAPS 3, Streetcars | (
It's always interesting to revisit campaign promises.
soonerguru 09-24-2013, 11:11 PM Do people have any opinions about this animation?
Only reason I ask is because they (Skyline Ink / Jacobs) rushed to hobble together some snippets for today's council meeting.
While I'm thrilled it was available, I think aspects of it could have been better and therefore plan to give them some feedback at tomorrow's Subcommittee meeting.
I'll gladly pass along your perspectives.
Not their best work. I thought your tripod-cam deal was much cooler. The animation makes downtown look colorless and desolate.
ljbab728 09-24-2013, 11:40 PM Steve is questioning the results of one of OKC's consultants who are also involved in an Atlanta project. I understand his question but see no reason to think that just because Atlanta is over budget that OKC would fall into the same situation just because of the same company being involved. Could happen, but we could also end up under budget.
One Final Post to Ensure Everyone Stays Mad at Me | News OK (
A related article says that the cost went up in Atlanta due to changes in the projects design such as:
The changes include new streetscapes, bicycle lanes and related amenities along the 2.7 mile transit loop.
Is any of our streetcar money supposed to be going to projects like that?
Paseofreak 09-25-2013, 02:54 AM UP, I'm completely sincere. Aside from being in a very public spot, you might be spilling beans that could cause problems for a wealthy dude that obviously is bent on achieving a serious change in the political landscape for whatever reason. If there is underhanded crap going on, I want to know and spread the word. I live in Ward 2 and so many are taking Ed as a liberal savior, which is obviously not the case. Just simply seeking information as to how and why he's trying to derail (please forgive) the somewhat flawed, but obviously successful MAPS programs and the Streetcar that was previously voter approved (notwithstanding a few grumpy logrolling accusations) at this stage in the game. I completely understand that you must speak with considered words.
kevinpate 09-25-2013, 06:58 AM Is it just me, or does UP remind anyone else of a young Clay Morrow wearing a suit instead of a cut?
Just the facts 09-25-2013, 07:21 AM Steve is questioning the results of one of OKC's consultants who are also involved in an Atlanta project. I understand his question but see no reason to think that just because Atlanta is over budget that OKC would fall into the same situation just because of the same company being involved. Could happen, but we could also end up under budget.
One Final Post to Ensure Everyone Stays Mad at Me | News OK (
Maybe Steve can ask Nancy K. Anderson if she was concerned that the cost of the Crosstown went from $236 million to $670 million. Talk about blowing the budget out of the water. Nancy K. Anderson also needs to keep an eye on the Convention Center and how close we come to all that projected new revenue.
betts 09-25-2013, 07:53 AM If the city or someone else want bike lanes, streetscaping or other amenities along the route, the money will have to come from somewhere else. Our budget is for transit and the infrastructure that supports it.
And now we have a route, or at least a "framework" of a route. While the committee works to finalize plans to make this streetcar happen, we cannot lose sight of the fact that we all promised that the hard work of improving transit in OKC would not stop with the streetcar. We need to forget our differences and look ahead. The creation of a regional transit authority and regional transit district are already in progress. We, as taxpayers and as citizens need to support and promote that process. We have started looking at creation of an Adventure Line that would serve northeast Oklahoma City far better than a streetcar route to the Health Sciences Center, and which would be a great boon to tourism and probably help support improving convention business by offering easy access from downtown to the Adventure District amenities. This will all cost money but I think it has a chance to affect our urban growth almost as much as our MAPS projects.
Just the facts 09-25-2013, 08:00 AM I'm all for public transit of every shape and size, but I still don't get the Adventure Line. People are going to drive downtown (most likely pay to park), take a train to the adventure district, then board a bus to the Cowboy Hall of Fame (which drops them off in a free parking lot)? I would focus on a line to the airport before the adventure district.
betts 09-25-2013, 08:14 AM I see the Adventure Line as transit for NE Oklahoma City, but also as a boost for tourism. "Stay in one of the hotels in downtown OKC and enjoy all the amenities there, but the zoo, Remington park and the museums can be easily accessed as well."
Also, don't forget you can take a river boat from I-40 & Meridian to the boathouse district them hop the Bricktown water taxi from there.
Doesn't tie in the airport directly to downtown but it does tie the largest concentration of hotel rooms to the central city.
Also, I know the Colcord provides free airport pickup and and I bet some of the other downtown hotels do as well.
LakeEffect 09-25-2013, 08:33 AM Nick Singer was hovering by the door on his cellphone before they arrived. How is he associated with Ed's campaign? He didn't speak against or in favor of the streetcar so I wonder if he has minion status these days.
I asked Nick directly on Twitter if he was working or volunteering for Shadid. He said "I am."
OSUFan 09-25-2013, 08:42 AM You know Councilmen Shadid had an opportunity to really voice his opinion on the street car during the MAPs 3 vote and he chose not to cast a vote. I'm really disappointed we are still debating the projects. This city debated the merits of each project extensively leading up to the vote. Why should the rest of the city have to redebate all of this because Mr. Shadid chose not to be a part of the process a couple of years back?
cagoklahoma 09-25-2013, 08:50 AM I completely understand the idea and the benefits of having the line to the airport being high on the list of necessities, not to be adversarial, but I truly believe the “adventure district” line could provide a greater initial impact than the airport line, and here’s why: 1. Visitors in downtown OKC for conventions the NBA playoffs, Big 12 tournaments, and the like could begin to visit some of OKC best attractions without requiring a vehicle. Many downtown hotels will provide transportation to and from the airport, so that wouldn’t be as much of an issue. 2. As a potential “quality of life” issue, if families who live in or near downtown could ride the “AD” line to visit the district. 3. It would be able to serve some of the areas of the city’s NE side that have a great need for better transportation. 4. The open land available in the adventure district could make a great location for a park and ride for far NE OKC and Edmond residents to ride into the city. The A.D. is at the junction of I-35 & I-44. You are likely thinking “why the heck would anyone want to park, wait for a train, ride it into the city, and then do it again after work?” My response would be, for smaller companies currently renting spaces in overcrowded downtown parking garages, the economic impact could be significant. It could also alleviate some of the parking issues we are having downtown. 5. Future extensions from the A.D. would be more likely. Now, let me caveat all of these ideas with, it all depends on the execution of the plans, train schedules, and marketing. If the line is executed in a way that is even close to perfect, it would be a great line that would link two areas of significant development in a meaningful way. Either way, A.D. or A.P. I am very excited about the future of OKC!
betts 09-25-2013, 09:08 AM Also, don't forget you can take a river boat from I-40 & Meridian to the boathouse district them hop the Bricktown water taxi from there.
Doesn't tie in the airport directly to downtown but it does tie the largest concentration of hotel rooms to the central city.
Also, I know the Colcord provides free airport pickup and and I bet some of the other downtown hotels do as well.
I think, for a start (if its actually cheaper) we could run an express bus from the hub to the airport. That would likely not be popular with our taxis and Airport Express system, but there's a lot of Oklahoma City not served by a downtown express and they would have to concentrate on that service.
betts 09-25-2013, 09:14 AM You know Councilmen Shadid had an opportunity to really voice his opinion on the street car during the MAPs 3 vote and he chose not to cast a vote. I'm really disappointed we are still debating the projects. This city debated the merits of each project extensively leading up to the vote. Why should the rest of the city have to redebate all of this because Mr. Shadid chose not to be a part of the process a couple of years back?
He wasn't involved in the streetcar process either, until he went to Rail Volution and picked up a few topics he liked. And yet some of the members of our committee and interested advocates have a breathtaking scope of knowledge on streetcars that he chooses to ignore. They've worked for years to get improved transit in Oklahoma. He swoops in and bestows a few high flown, contradictory talking points when we have consultants whose life's work is rail transit. Sorry, it doesn't fly with me.
Urban Pioneer 09-25-2013, 09:50 AM Ed Shadid ( "Loyal opposition" to route and process. Many transit and rail enthusiasts would have problem with this process. During my time with him in Salt Lake City at the Congress for New Urbanism meeting it was clear that Jeff Speck would have a problem with this process (lack of major real estate opportunity and lack of fiscal outlay from any developer partners, Walkable city p.154) Both Pete White and I made clear during the meeting that after this vote we were all in on the streetcar project to make it the best it could be. I made clear I am paying my way for second year in a row to attend Railvolution meeting next month in Seattle to learn whatever I can about streetcars to help make the best streetcar we can. It is time to move forward together. ( City Streetcar
( many of your supporters may believe that you are being sincere in your desire to "make it the best it could be", your actions have stated otherwise. First you start your input in this process stating that we should build this system for the riders and citizens who voted for it, now your saying we should chase developers.
I'm sorry Ed, go ahead buy a one way ticket to Seattle. You don’t let the arsonist who just tried to burn down our house to be responsible for managing our property.
Just the facts 09-25-2013, 09:57 AM I am not a fan of the route either, but I wouldn't be willing to kill the whole project over it.
Rover 09-25-2013, 10:39 AM He wasn't involved in the streetcar process either, until he went to Rail Volution and picked up a few topics he liked. And yet some of the members of our committee and interested advocates have a breathtaking scope of knowledge on streetcars that he chooses to ignore. They've worked for years to get improved transit in Oklahoma. He swoops in and bestows a few high flown, contradictory talking points when we have consultants whose life's work is rail transit. Sorry, it doesn't fly with me.
It always seems that Ed believes he is inherently smarter on all subjects than anyone else and the only reason you would disagree with him is because you just are too dumb to understand.
PhiAlpha 09-25-2013, 10:44 AM I am not a fan of the route either, but I wouldn't be willing to kill the whole project over it.
If you mentioned it earlier in the thread, I apologize, but where would you have liked it to go?
I would have liked it to extend up to 13th, but that was my only complaint and I wasn't part of the process so I'm more than happy with how it ended up.
PhiAlpha 09-25-2013, 10:47 AM It always seems that Ed believes he is inherently smarter on all subjects than anyone else and the only reason you would disagree with him is because you just are too dumb to understand.
I have decided to start referring to him as Ed Sh*thead (Pronounced Sh*thEEd of course) for the duration of the campaign. I'm all for expressing different view points but all of his BS efforts to tank MAPS and it's most popular project have just been too much. I can't take this guy seriously anymore.
Hutch 09-25-2013, 11:03 AM One of Ed's biggest failings is that he has almost total disregard for and disinterest in understanding the facts and complexities of the extensive public scoping efforts, technical reviews and decision-making processes that occurred prior to his election. It's NOT that the route selection process took place in a vacuum. It's that his reality of the facts with regard to the route selection process IS a vacuum as to anything that happened prior to his being elected.
That attitude was on full display yesterday at the City Council meeting during the streetcar debate where he once again raised his ridiculous conspiracy theory about the streetcar route. His completely inaccurate view of the nature and history of the route, and his misunderstanding of how thinking about the route went from a hub and spoke concept prior to the MAPS 3 vote to a couplet design is due to the fact that his perception of reality begins when he joined Council and became a part of the discussion.
It's NOT that many of us didn't make an enormous effort to try to educate him about the streetcar and help him to understand the history that existed before he was elected. It's that he didn't care to listen and decided that his distorted view of reality was the only valid one.
Here's the link to the Let's Talk Transit summary report on the extensive public scoping effort that began the streetcar route selection process in March of 2010:
Let's Talk Transit Summary Report (
- "Let's Talk Transit (LTT) scoping process generated more public participation and community support than any previous COTPA-led initiative"
- More than 300 people participated in public meetings
- More than 1100 people completed online surveys
- Dozens of potential routes were offered and reviewed
- 6 concpetual alignments and 14 basic north/south and east west corridors were selected to move forward for detailed analysis under the "Greater Downtown Oklahoma City Circulator Alternatives Analysis" (AA)
Here's a link to the AA Steering Committee and Public meeting reports that took place in 2010 and 2011:
AA Meeting Reports (
- AA undertaken over a one-year period to determine transit mode and routing that best serves future downtown needs, including a Modern Streetcar system
- AA directed by 23-member steering committee made up of elected City officials, City staff, and numerous citizens representing transit and other civic organizations, neighborhood alliances, local businesses, and local education and health organizations
- Extensive analysis of streetcar routing options brought forward as a result of the LTT process
- AA process resulted in recommendation of Modern Streetcar as best mode for future downtown transit
- AA resulted in recommendation and approval of a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for streetcar routing
- LPA was provided to MAPS 3 Transit Subcommittee for further review and consideration.
Quite clearly one of the most open, transparent and extensive public scoping, project review and decision-making processes ever to take place in Oklahoma City. But Ed Shadid wasn't involved in any of those processes, which all took place before he appeared in 2011.
If Ed had ever taken the time to review all of this material, maybe he would have understood that it was the citizenry participating in this unprecedented public scoping process that wanted the streetcar to serve Bricktown, Midtown, Arts District, Ford Center, Oklahoma National Memorial and CBD. And it was the citizenry that first proposed couplets to connect those destinations. It wasn't Jeff Bezdek. It wasn't Rick Gustafson. It wasn't because of some secret couplet conspiracy. No, it was the citizenry who led the way...first on voting to approve the MAPS 3 initiative based on their support for building the streetcar and then by their participation in what was and continues to be an outstading public process.
And now, less than 24 hours after having said and done everything imaginable to try to undermine and destroy the process and the project, Ed wants to work together to make the streetcar the best it can be. I'm sorry, but we don't need his kind of help. The citizenry is doing just fine without him.
warreng88 09-25-2013, 11:30 AM You don’t let the arsonist who just tried to burn down our house to be responsible for managing our property.
This might be my favorite quote from this thread.
Just the facts 09-25-2013, 12:15 PM If you mentioned it earlier in the thread, I apologize, but where would you have liked it to go?
I would have liked it to extend up to 13th, but that was my only complaint and I wasn't part of the process so I'm more than happy with how it ended up.
At this point it doesn't matter, but I'll send you my route in a PM.
BoulderSooner 09-25-2013, 12:49 PM If you mentioned it earlier in the thread, I apologize, but where would you have liked it to go?
I would have liked it to extend up to 13th, but that was my only complaint and I wasn't part of the process so I'm more than happy with how it ended up.
i think that if most of the committee would agree with you .. but maps dollars only go so far
Midtowner 09-25-2013, 12:55 PM I don't get the resentment against Shadid over this. He just did what he's been saying he was going to do for awhile now. Here's what we (or at least me) learned:
1) The man has an enormous, incomprehensible ego. After going to a conference, he now knows more than folks who do rail development for a living. I have no doubt Shadid has a decent IQ. Being one of those people with a somewhat above average IQ, I can understand feeling like you have a deep knowledge of something fairly quickly. That doesn't mean you need to fire the consultants and take over. No amount of intelligence can compensate for experience.
2) Shadid has built his maximum size coalition and succinctly said, it is not remotely a threat. We still have the unions, butthurt over MAPS attempting to flex their muscles to hold the entire city hostage in order to appease their particular interests. We still have the Tea Party folks. Even with these strange bedfellows, Shadid has not once had success, and unless the ranks of either group have grown (which I doubt), they will continue to be ineffective.
3) Greiner is a toolbag. He's my councilman. I would run against him if I knew the first damned thing about that sort of thing or had enough money/backing to pull something like that off. I was already very turned off by his campaign rhetoric, I believe he suggested God wanted him to run (if God is against MAPS III, God is not a good politico, which seems odd for an omnipotent being, but I digress).
4) Other projects, like the Convention Center are going to require some battles to get built.
soonerguru 09-25-2013, 01:13 PM You nailed it. Greener, White and Shadid have broken faith with the MAPS voters, and this is only the first project they've tried to take down. Now they must feel liberated to go after everything else. And it's clear Greiner went against his campaign promise to complete MAPS, whether he supports individual projects or not.
bradh 09-25-2013, 01:21 PM 3) Greiner is a toolbag. He's my councilman. I would run against him if I knew the first damned thing about that sort of thing or had enough money/backing to pull something like that off. I was already very turned off by his campaign rhetoric, I believe he suggested God wanted him to run (if God is against MAPS III, God is not a good politico, which seems odd for an omnipotent being, but I digress).
You want to run? Apparently you don't need to know much at all. From what I read from you, I'd gladly vote for you over Greiner. We could probably find some funding as well.
betts 09-25-2013, 01:27 PM Me too. Once I realized my ideas weren't going to be implemented, it was time to get behind the consensus. That's how it works when we grow up. We particpate, we provide input, we vote, we discourse, we find a compromise, and then we support implementation. It's the unfair reality of life that allows anything to be built at all.
The current route was a compromise for most of the subcommittee members as well. We'd been doing so much compromise for over three years that when we were offered a route that wasn't that different than what we wanted, we decided that it was time to move. We even managed to find some advantages to the current route over the one we wanted. It still bothers me that we're going down 10th St. and I mourn the loss of 13th, but I'm excited that the route is going all the way over to Perry in Bricktown, because of the interaction with the Steelyard and access for Hill and Deep Deuce Apartment residents. The cross over at 4th St. allows someone to easily change directions and going over by the Art Museum, etc. is an extra benefit.
Paseofreak 09-25-2013, 01:30 PM I hope God doesn't become dissappointed with Shadid and tell Greiner to run for Mayor. Ever.
betts 09-25-2013, 01:37 PM I don't get the resentment against Shadid over this. He just did what he's been saying he was going to do for awhile now. Here's what we (or at least me) learned:
1) The man has an enormous, incomprehensible ego. After going to a conference, he now knows more than folks who do rail development for a living. I have no doubt Shadid has a decent IQ. Being one of those people with a somewhat above average IQ, I can understand feeling like you have a deep knowledge of something fairly quickly. That doesn't mean you need to fire the consultants and take over. No amount of intelligence can compensate for experience
I think I get it. Again, it's the surgeon mentality. Once they get to their 3rd or 4th year of residency, they are lord and master of the operating room. There is no one above them. In their office, they are again lord and master. Then, medical doctors are very accustomed to going to a conference to learn how to do a particular procedure. When they come back with their little certificate in hand, the hospital gives them permission to do it. Since they are lord and master in the operating room, no one questions if they know what they're doing, unless they begin to have a slew of unacceptable complications.
So, Ed went to his conference. He learned what he wanted to learn and now he's the expert. I'm sure it comes as a shock to him when people don't accept his word as absolute. It never happens at work.
Greiner is a toolbag. He's my councilman. I would run against him if I knew the first damned thing about that sort of thing or had enough money/backing to pull something like that off. I was already very turned off by his campaign rhetoric, I believe he suggested God wanted him to run (if God is against MAPS III, God is not a good politico, which seems odd for an omnipotent being, but I digress).
There doesn't seem to be anything in the way of qualifications required to be a city councilor. Run. We'll support you. You have to have more supporters than Greiner has church members in his ward.
kevinpate 09-25-2013, 01:45 PM Also, don't forget you can take a river boat from I-40 & Meridian to the boathouse district them hop the Bricktown water taxi from there.
Doesn't tie in the airport directly to downtown but it does tie the largest concentration of hotel rooms to the central city.
Curious thought. Once the final transfer connection on river and canal is in place, will folks who stay in the Meridian corridor, which has both value priced and not so value priced rooms, flock to an hour or so float trip, then wait on a water taxi to cruise the canal, then hoof to eatery/bar A, B, and/or C, then reverse the process, or cab back? I would think hotel shuttle when available, and cab when not, would be far and away the more likely choice due to time and expense of the river/canal combo.
I'd also gladly canvass and make phone calls for anyone on this board who ran in one of those wards. I came up from Norman to canvass for Meg when the Tea Party types were making noise back when I was still in school. I will be in Shadid's ward for the foreseeable future, though.
bradh 09-25-2013, 01:47 PM It's voter apathy. He went door to door in his ward south of NW Expressway and it impressed people. Marrs just sent out a bunch of mail and that was it and it didn't work.
bradh 09-25-2013, 01:49 PM Curious thought. Once the final transfer connection on river and canal is in place, will folks who stay in the Meridian corridor, which has both value priced and not so value priced rooms, flock to an hour or so float trip, then wait on a water taxi to cruise the canal, then hoof to eatery/bar A, B, and/or C, then reverse the process, or cab back? I would think hotel shuttle when available, and cab when not, would be far and away the more likely choice due to time and expense of the river/canal combo.
I've thought about this too. The obvious answer is speedboats:
Kemah Boardwalk - The Fun Never Stops! (
Midtowner 09-25-2013, 01:51 PM I think I get it. Again, it's the surgeon mentality.
We are --->here<---. In fact, I had typed that out in the previous message and deleted it because it's such a stereotype that it's not even fair. There are plenty of negative qualities to Shadid without even having to bring the surgeon's mentality thing into it. I figure we could call him an egotistical asshole and be done with it.
There doesn't seem to be anything in the way of qualifications required to be a city councilor. Run. We'll support you. You have to have more supporters than Greiner has church members in his ward.
It's a very conservative Ward. He ran as a Tea Party sort of candidate. There was a candidate who was well-qualified and had been very active in municipal issues. She came in 3rd. Churches run the show out here. That said, there's a lot of civic pride and voting against MAPS projects is something which will work well against Greener (I like that misspelling, it's appropriate on multiple levels) or any other Tea Party curmudgeon.
kevinpate 09-25-2013, 02:03 PM So the streetcar lives on. Oh, speaking of conspiracies, Swinton was taken to task over and over again by then candidate Shadid during the campaign about big money, anti-streetcar folks being behind the Swinton campaign. If that were true, when they lost their guy, did they become Shadid fans, and vicey versey? Let the sun reflect on yer tin foil hats over that one for a minute or three. Me, I have no idea. It's just seems odd to see someone appearing to adopt the platform he ran against.
BoulderSooner 09-25-2013, 02:16 PM So the streetcar lives on. Oh, speaking of conspiracies, Swinton was taken to task over and over again by then candidate Shadid during the campaign about big money, anti-streetcar folks being behind the Swinton campaign. If that were true, when they lost their guy, did they become Shadid fans, and vicey versey? Let the sun reflect on yer tin foil hats over that one for a minute or three. Me, I have no idea. It's just seems odd to see someone appearing to adopt the platform he ran against.
no but some of the swinton supporters that were not pro streetcar .. had their viewpoints altered as they learned more about the project and started to understand that not building the streetcar would destroy the Maps brand (despite what White and griner say)
catch22 09-25-2013, 03:48 PM I flew up to Portland, OR today. I have been riding their light rail and streetcar system around town for the past several hours. (Because I am really fun). After yesterday's meeting and today's riding the rail... I couldn't be more excited for the streetcar to happen in OKC. This is huge.
I have taken a couple of videos and photos with my iPhone. Will work on getting then online sometime.
OKCisOK4me 09-25-2013, 03:58 PM I flew up to Portland, OR today. I have been riding their light rail and streetcar system around town for the past several hours. (Because I am really fun). After yesterday's meeting and today's riding the rail... I couldn't be more excited for the streetcar to happen in OKC. This is huge.
I have taken a couple of videos and photos with my iPhone. Will work on getting then online sometime.
I bet you wouldn't have noticed that overhead catenary wire if it weren't such a huge deal down here, huh?
catch22 09-25-2013, 04:23 PM I bet you wouldn't have noticed that overhead catenary wire if it weren't such a huge deal down here, huh?
Yes. I was looking for them just so I could see how non obstructive they are.
Midtowner 09-25-2013, 04:52 PM You want to run? Apparently you don't need to know much at all. From what I read from you, I'd gladly vote for you over Greiner. We could probably find some funding as well.
I've honestly thought about it, but Greiner had the Greens and the Hobby Lobby money behind him. If someone was to contact me and have some sort of financial/boots on the ground proposition to back me, hell yeah. Otherwise, I'm not well connected enough to draw the big bucks it'd take to get elected. I've been critical enough of the Chamber that they wouldn't touch me with a 10-foot pole. I've been critical enough of social conservatives that I'm practically radioactive. If someone could tell me how despite all that, I'd be electable, I'm in.
That's a pretty tall order though. I do know one thing, I could demolish Greiner in a debate.
OKVision4U 09-25-2013, 05:13 PM OK, ....I am the guy that always wants the "electric" cables out of sight. I don't like the ones along all the streets. ( job security for OG&E ). Bury all the cables!
My preference truly is a MagLev system for ALL rail in OKC. It's just a clean 21st Century System. Thus giving us only (1) system in the metro as well as state-to-state.
soonerguru 09-25-2013, 05:47 PM I've honestly thought about it, but Greiner had the Greens and the Hobby Lobby money behind him. If someone was to contact me and have some sort of financial/boots on the ground proposition to back me, hell yeah. Otherwise, I'm not well connected enough to draw the big bucks it'd take to get elected. I've been critical enough of the Chamber that they wouldn't touch me with a 10-foot pole. I've been critical enough of social conservatives that I'm practically radioactive. If someone could tell me how despite all that, I'd be electable, I'm in.
That's a pretty tall order though. I do know one thing, I could demolish Greiner in a debate.
Chamber would rather have you.
ljbab728 09-25-2013, 10:14 PM I would think hotel shuttle when available, and cab when not, would be far and away the more likely choice due to time and expense of the river/canal combo.
I don't want to derail this into a river/canal issue but the expense wouldn't be an issue versus a taxi and I doubt that a hotel taxi for a hotel in the I40-Meridian area gives rides downtown.
This was exciting news at our meeting today. We've spent so many years talking about a route. Finally, we are moving beyond that. We also had a presentation on predicted economic development over the next ten years within the streetcar's sphere of influence that had some exciting statistics.
CaptDave 09-25-2013, 11:51 PM Sorry I couldn't make it to the subcommittee meeting today. I bet it was nice to be able to proceed with something other than "all route all the time"!
krisb 09-26-2013, 02:31 AM The perspective of this article may be misinformed, but it's a perception that is out there. As we move forward with the next steps in building the streetcar I would like to see even greater transparency and inclusiveness to combat this perception, for the sake of the MAPS brand.
RDR: At the root of the route (
kevinpate 09-26-2013, 02:46 AM The perspective of this article may be misinformed, but it's a perception that is out there. As we move forward with the next steps in building the streetcar I would like to see even greater transparency and inclusiveness to combat this perception, for the sake of the MAPS brand.
RDR: At the root of the route (
It i a perception that is out there. It is also one that seems deliberately pushed by some, and seemingly for little purpose other than to generate discord and strife and raise the ire of the aginner crowd. I can't say I agree the concerns are factual.
ABryant 09-26-2013, 06:04 AM The perspective of this article may be misinformed, but it's a perception that is out there. As we move forward with the next steps in building the streetcar I would like to see even greater transparency and inclusiveness to combat this perception, for the sake of the MAPS brand.
RDR: At the root of the route (
Wow.. that article is so tabloid that James Ellroy could have written it.
Midtowner 09-26-2013, 06:25 AM The perspective of this article may be misinformed, but it's a perception that is out there. As we move forward with the next steps in building the streetcar I would like to see even greater transparency and inclusiveness to combat this perception, for the sake of the MAPS brand.
RDR: At the root of the route (
So you'd be more in favor of a process which wouldn't consult with property owners or the entity which represents all local businesses?
Why not just pick the route by throwing darts at a map?
BoulderSooner 09-26-2013, 06:31 AM The perspective of this article may be misinformed, but it's a perception that is out there. As we move forward with the next steps in building the streetcar I would like to see even greater transparency and inclusiveness to combat this perception, for the sake of the MAPS brand.
RDR: At the root of the route (
Midtowner 09-26-2013, 06:43 AM Garbage
This is why the "loyal opposition" label is ludicrous. They don't have a solution. They just want to stop progress because someone wealthy might be a beneficiary of progress. They obviously have contempt for successful people, developers and businesses.
When building mass transit, seriously, what is the alternative? How are we going to build mass transit and make damn sure no one benefits from it? MAPS has always been about growing the economy through development which attracts businesses. One of the keys to attracting big business is a vibrant, fun, accessible downtown. The Not This Maps II folks are missing the forest for the trees.
Q: How do we pay for expanded transit?
A: Expand the tax base.
Q: How do we expand the tax base?
A: Get more people to shop and live in OKC and attract businesses.
Q: How do we accomplish that?
A: By making OKC a more attractive place to shop and live and have a business.
While public transit better serving lower income neighborhoods is certainly a laudable goal, let's not put the cart before the horse. MAPS has historically been a major growth vehicle. It will continue to be such. MAPS is a gamble, but it's one which has historically paid off.
betts 09-26-2013, 06:52 AM I believe this idea that there was no transparency or inclusiveness is being promulgated by those who failed to pay attention to the MAPS political process and subsequent early citizen involvement .
Again, Ed didn't vote in any of the MAPS elections. I never saw a single comment by him pro or con, on any blog or in any news media, even as a private citizen. I never saw him at any of the 2010 public meetings ( I think there were 7). He came late to the table, but it wasn't because he lived elsewhere. How about you, or Nick Singer, since I see he's tweeting the same rhetoric? Did you go to any of the public meetings, did you attend any of the AA or subcommittee meetings and speak at them, as is your right as a citizen? I don't know this red dirt reporter, but its obvious whose mouthpiece s/he is. I'd just like some data showing these people complaining about lack of transparency were actually trying to look through the window.
Hutch 09-26-2013, 07:08 AM The perspective of this article may be misinformed, but it's a perception that is out there. As we move forward with the next steps in building the streetcar I would like to see even greater transparency and inclusiveness to combat this perception, for the sake of the MAPS brand.
Greater transparency and inclusiveness? You obviously didn't read my earlier post or take the time to review the information referenced with regard to the public scoping and review processes that led to selection of the route. Nick mentioned to someone the other day that you are responsible for "soft-selling" Ed's campaign message to this forum. It seems that all of Ed's worker bees have contracted his same affliction of believing that the world began when Ed was elected to Council. If Ed and his supporters truly want the streetcar to be all that it can be, then I suggest they begin by educating themselves on the actual history of the route selection process, as opposed to continuing to propagate conspiracy theories, misinformation and other garbage like the RDR. Here's my post again. It's a good place to start.
One of Ed's biggest failings is that he has almost total disregard for and disinterest in understanding the facts and complexities of the extensive public scoping efforts, technical reviews and decision-making processes that occurred prior to his election. It's NOT that the route selection process took place in a vacuum. It's that his reality of the facts with regard to the route selection process IS a vacuum as to anything that happened prior to his being elected.
That attitude was on full display yesterday at the City Council meeting during the streetcar debate where he once again raised his ridiculous conspiracy theory about the streetcar route. His completely inaccurate view of the nature and history of the route, and his misunderstanding of how thinking about the route went from a hub and spoke concept prior to the MAPS 3 vote to a couplet design is due to the fact that his perception of reality begins when he joined Council and became a part of the discussion.
It's NOT that many of us didn't make an enormous effort to try to educate him about the streetcar and help him to understand the history that existed before he was elected. It's that he didn't care to listen and decided that his distorted view of reality was the only valid one.
Here's the link to the Let's Talk Transit summary report on the extensive public scoping effort that began the streetcar route selection process in March of 2010:
Let's Talk Transit Summary Report (
- "Let's Talk Transit (LTT) scoping process generated more public participation and community support than any previous COTPA-led initiative"
- More than 300 people participated in public meetings
- More than 1100 people completed online surveys
- Dozens of potential routes were offered and reviewed
- 6 concpetual alignments and 14 basic north/south and east west corridors were selected to move forward for detailed analysis under the "Greater Downtown Oklahoma City Circulator Alternatives Analysis" (AA)
Here's a link to the AA Steering Committee and Public meeting reports that took place in 2010 and 2011:
AA Meeting Reports (
- AA undertaken over a one-year period to determine transit mode and routing that best serves future downtown needs, including a Modern Streetcar system
- AA directed by 23-member steering committee made up of elected City officials, City staff, and numerous citizens representing transit and other civic organizations, neighborhood alliances, local businesses, and local education and health organizations
- Extensive analysis of streetcar routing options brought forward as a result of the LTT process
- AA process resulted in recommendation of Modern Streetcar as best mode for future downtown transit
- AA resulted in recommendation and approval of a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for streetcar routing
- LPA was provided to MAPS 3 Transit Subcommittee for further review and consideration.
Quite clearly one of the most open, transparent and extensive public scoping, project review and decision-making processes ever to take place in Oklahoma City. But Ed Shadid wasn't involved in any of those processes, which all took place before he appeared in 2011.
If Ed had ever taken the time to review all of this material, maybe he would have understood that it was the citizenry participating in this unprecedented public scoping process that wanted the streetcar to serve Bricktown, Midtown, Arts District, Ford Center, Oklahoma National Memorial and CBD. And it was the citizenry that first proposed couplets to connect those destinations. It wasn't Jeff Bezdek. It wasn't Rick Gustafson. It wasn't because of some secret couplet conspiracy. No, it was the citizenry who led the way...first on voting to approve the MAPS 3 initiative based on their support for building the streetcar and then by their participation in what was and continues to be an outstading public process.
And now, less than 24 hours after having said and done everything imaginable to try to undermine and destroy the process and the project, Ed wants to work together to make the streetcar the best it can be. I'm sorry, but we don't need his kind of help. The citizenry is doing just fine without him.
catch22 09-26-2013, 07:08 AM There was plenty of information available around that time. I remember because I looked into the matter as it was developing.
Sometimes you have to look for information, it's not always handed out to you.
You hear of a development that interests you or you may have an interest in learning about. Go research the information. Don't expect a packet in the mail over every civic issue.
Midtowner 09-26-2013, 07:22 AM Yeah, maybe he could start with this top secret 200+ page thread which discusses pretty much everything.
Ed's supporters tend to be nice people, but they are either those public safety "Not This Maps" folks still trying to hold the city hostage to increase their own budgets or a lot of lazy people who have bought into some pretty outstanding conspiracy theories.
Just the facts 09-26-2013, 07:45 AM I started a Bus System thread over 2 years ago to discuss ways to improve the current bus system. How come the only people who post in it are the pro-streetcar people?
NWOKCGuy 09-26-2013, 07:49 AM The perspective of this article may be misinformed, but it's a perception that is out there. As we move forward with the next steps in building the streetcar I would like to see even greater transparency and inclusiveness to combat this perception, for the sake of the MAPS brand.
RDR: At the root of the route (
While that perception might be out there - I don't really know how. I remember seeing emails/notices about the transit subcommittee meetings from the beginning of the process. I didn't attend any of them - but everyone had the ability to join/attend. I don't think any member of the committee was 'chosen' by the mayor.
David 09-26-2013, 08:23 AM The only way the existing streetcar process could be more transparent is if they started having the meetings nude in the middle of the street.
Just the facts 09-26-2013, 08:26 AM I always use the 1000 mile rule. I live 1000 miles away. If I can know what is going on in OKC there is no reason someone living there shouldn't know.