View Full Version : Streetcar

Urban Pioneer
08-07-2019, 07:12 AM
I have the same opinion about the stop in front of The Melting Pot in Bricktown. That stop technically equally serves the Santa Fe Station Intermodal Hub. To not say so is a mistake. I have conveyed this to them as well. If you are traveling from one of the stops within Bricktown to Santa Fe Station, then the far designated stop on Reno makes sense. To force people through inadequate information to make the loop through Bricktown if they are coming from somewhere ahead of the stop on the line simply doesn't make sense. I've been told this will be corrected as well.

08-07-2019, 07:21 AM
Another one to consider is announcing that people can get off at the Century Center stop for Thunder games on the southbound trains from midtown.

09-04-2019, 12:52 PM
Anyone have the Aug rider numbers?

Also saw this tweet but not sure how to post them here, some cool old pics of original SCs in OKC.

The Lost Ogle
Helping clean out my grandfather’s house and I found some old photos, including one of the old OKC Streetcar. I bet
is jealous.

09-04-2019, 03:05 PM

09-04-2019, 06:05 PM

09-04-2019, 07:33 PM

Those are not good numbers for Aug. Also has an error on header for bottom chart it says July hope that person is not doing the counting. Plus missing some days

I think once OMNI and CC open they go up.

09-04-2019, 08:37 PM
Those are not good numbers for Aug. Also has an error on header for bottom chart it says July hope that person is not doing the counting. Plus missing some days

I think once OMNI and CC open they go up.

August was brutally hot and I imagine downtown in general was relatively dead that month. We should see a large uptick in September and October with better weather and Scissortail opening.

09-04-2019, 08:46 PM
August was brutally hot and I imagine downtown in general was relatively dead that month. We should see a large uptick in September and October with better weather and Scissortail opening.

In the winter “just wait for spring and better weather its too cold now”

In the spring “just wait for summer its too wet now”

In summer “just wait for fall its too hot now”

Prediction for fall:
“Everyone is in school or busy just wait for winter”

It shows declining numbers trend.

Plutonic Panda
09-04-2019, 08:56 PM
^^^ LOL so true

09-04-2019, 09:14 PM
It’s fair to take into account external factors when examining the performance of something that relies on pedestrian traffic.

Also, this is a long term investment. It may take 5-10 years for population density to establish itself around the line.

I would say it’s been successful thus far. I bet the ridership numbers are some of the highest in the state when compared to bus ridership. I’m sure there are some bus routes that beat it - but I’m sure there are more bus routes that have less ridership than there are that have more.

09-04-2019, 10:05 PM
It’s fair to take into account external factors when examining the performance of something that relies on pedestrian traffic.

Also, this is a long term investment. It may take 5-10 years for population density to establish itself around the line.

I would say it’s been successful thus far. I bet the ridership numbers are some of the highest in the state when compared to bus ridership. I’m sure there are some bus routes that beat it - but I’m sure there are more bus routes that have less ridership than there are that have more.

I would counter with us always having weather events. And double counter had we invested the same $140,000,000 into buses that buses would have a much higher ridership. And can adjust routes much easier based in growing/changing service areas.

I have stated it will be good for tourists and when OMNI/CC open thats its best calling card. Also operating/replacement costs will skyrocket as it ages and buses not nearly as much.

It looks cool in city brochures though which is good for advertising OKC to outsiders.

09-04-2019, 10:30 PM
I would counter with us always having weather events. And double counter had we invested the same $140,000,000 into buses that buses would have a much higher ridership. And can adjust routes much easier based in growing/changing service areas.

I have stated it will be good for tourists and when OMNI/CC open thats its best calling card. Also operating/replacement costs will skyrocket as it ages and buses not nearly as much.

It looks cool in city brochures though which is good for advertising OKC to outsiders.

Just the nature of the game. OK has a volitile
climate for much of year. That’s going to impact sidewalk interaction.

It makes it harder to judge months with no previous comparisons. In a few yearss it will be easier to see the data in a useful once you can get some averages established. I agree, convention center will certainly help the numbers. But again, we are putting the cart before he horse trying to say what a successful ridership number is without more data to go off of.

Sure it does look good in brochures - just like the arello views of free flowing highways. Just give it time :)

09-05-2019, 07:03 AM
Visiting Oklahoma again this week with spouse. Rode streetcar to show her my big city state capital on Tuesday. We were the only riders. I think the streetcar currently has several issues relative to ridership.
1. Not enough events held DT throughout the year (example New Orleans a city of comparable size)
2. Not enough workers in DT OKC
3. Not enough residents of the DT core
4, Not sufficient businesses along route
5. Still a car dependent city
6. Found it to still be agonizingly slow ( could walk a block or so faster (esp when the car has to stop to recharge battery)

Like has been said, currently a novelty rather than a true transportation option

09-05-2019, 08:29 AM
I ran some rough numbers. We avg in a given month 18.4 hours of operation per day. Math is on prior page.

In Aug this shows 29 days of data so 526 hours of operation.

26,480 riders divide 526 hours of ops = average of 50.3 riders per hour.

We have 5 cars running all the time so this means we avg about 10 riders per car per hour for the month.

Wonder what our operating expenses are per car per hour?

09-05-2019, 09:40 AM
Man, I can't wait until I start getting those royalty checks rolling in from the sidewalks and streets outside my house...

We do expect other forms of transportation and infrastructure to be profitable right? Or is that only for ones we don't like?

09-05-2019, 09:50 AM
Man, I can't wait until I start getting those royalty checks rolling in from the sidewalks and streets outside my house...

We do expect other forms of transportation and infrastructure to be profitable right? Or is that only for ones we don't like?

I hear this a lot.

1. Over 95% of citizens will never use SC.

2. 100% will use roads in one way or another

3. Downtown still has streets this was laid over them

4. SC routes cannot be changed

5. Luxury mini buses would have been way more cost effective and been able to change routes to adapt faster to changing dynamics of downtown

6. SCs were here before and fell out of favor

7. Its not about making money its about best use of dollars. Buses could have covered this easily for 3% or less of the cost. That 97% of $140,000,000 is now not able to be used on other downtown projects. Imagine the Aquarium we could build for that money. Or other items listed in MAPS 4. Thats the point, SC is an unneeded expense when other/better/cheaper methods existed.

So a way to look at is the SC kept other important projects from getting funded.

Just wait 10-15 years when we have to replace a car. What is the cost of one? We have 7

09-05-2019, 09:51 AM
it is still very very early to start pulling any "trends" from the data... won't really be able to happen until you can start comparing a month year to year... that is when "Trends" start to appear.

09-05-2019, 09:53 AM
So we should stop putting in those bike lanes now?

1. And?

2. But not the roads in front of my house... and especially not my sidewalk.

3. And? Still have capacity issues.

4. This is a feature, not a bug.

5. See #4.

6. I guess we don't need sidewalks then.

The long term benefits of these type of investments have nothing to do with some sort of financial return. They're part o the whole chicken and egg scenario as this city is growing for the future.

09-05-2019, 09:53 AM
Remove the fares. Promote it as free and convenient transportation.

The demographic we need to capture is persons and groups calling Lyfts and Ubers. Go from Midtown to Bricktown between 7pm and 2am on Fri-Sat and you will see thousands of 21-40 yr olds jumping in and out of cars going from place to place. These are your riders who are patronizing hot establishments.

I have many friends in this demographic who have never ridden the streetcar or even know the route. This needs to change before it is too late.

Make it free and promote it to the people who are already patronizing businesses along the route, period.

09-05-2019, 09:56 AM
Make it free and promote it to the people who are already patronizing businesses along the route, period.

I'd be all for this, even though the cost is low enough, and they don't really seem to enforce the ticketing, that it might as well be free now. I sort of figured the price is there to deter camping. I like that Edmond's busing is free (although there's been noise about that changing).

09-05-2019, 09:56 AM
I hear this a lot.

1. Over 95% of citizens will never use SC.

2. 100% will use roads in one way or another

3. Downtown still has streets this was laid over them

4. SC routes cannot be changed

5. Luxury mini buses would have been way more cost effective and been able to change routes to adapt faster to changing dynamics of downtown

6. SCs were here before and fell out of favor

8. Its not about making money its about best use of dollars. Buses could have covered this easily for 3% or less of the cost. That 97% of $140,000,000 is now not able to be used on other downtown projects. Imagine the Aquarium we could build for that money. Or other items listed in MAPS 4. Thats the point, SC is an unneeded expense when other/better/cheaper methods existed.

So a way to look at is the SC kept other important projects from getting funded.

i firmly agree that with the current set up of the street car that 1, 2, and 4 are very much facts... and the only one we can hope to change really is number 1, and that is by making it more useful than it is now..

09-05-2019, 10:39 AM
Remove the fares. Promote it as free and convenient transportation.

The demographic we need to capture is persons and groups calling Lyfts and Ubers. Go from Midtown to Bricktown between 7pm and 2am on Fri-Sat and you will see thousands of 21-40 yr olds jumping in and out of cars going from place to place. These are your riders who are patronizing hot establishments.

I have many friends in this demographic who have never ridden the streetcar or even know the route. This needs to change before it is too late.

Make it free and promote it to the people who are already patronizing businesses along the route, period.

I might be wrong but they can’t make it free if they charge for buses? Otherwise some Fed law is violated I think where the city is showing favoritism to SCs and penalizing bus riders. Something like that?

I do agree though it should be free and so too should be buses. I wonder how much revenue they make from bus fares? If we could make both free then use would go up.

09-05-2019, 11:01 AM
I might be wrong but they can’t make it free if they charge for buses? Otherwise some Fed law is violated I think where the city is showing favoritism to SCs and penalizing bus riders. Something like that?

I do agree though it should be free and so too should be buses. I wonder how much revenue they make from bus fares? If we could make both free then use would go up.

that is a myth

09-05-2019, 11:21 AM
I'd be all for this, even though the cost is low enough, and they don't really seem to enforce the ticketing, that it might as well be free now. I sort of figured the price is there to deter camping. I like that Edmond's busing is free (although there's been noise about that changing).
I wonder how much they would get if they made the fare a voluntary fee with suggested amounts. They could put secure collection boxes in each and have online giving.

09-05-2019, 09:48 PM
I wonder how much they would get if they made the fare a voluntary fee with suggested amounts. They could put secure collection boxes in each and have online giving.

This is a great idea. Also, you can still do a ticket system where you must show a ticket for when you boarded. If the ticket is over a certain amount of time, you would be asked to get off the tram. This could be used if there's a concern for campers, otherwise, not super necessary.

09-06-2019, 09:57 AM
that is a myth

If true then I would be in favor of making both SC and buses free to increase ridership until such time its overflowing routinely and only then adding a small fee.

I think there was some discussion earlier in this thread that due to homeless could possibly camp out on SCs is why there is a fee? If true thats a whole other topic to figure out. Otherwise I am for both being free for a few years at least.

09-06-2019, 03:43 PM
Just some quick cost math.

Uber/Lyft from one end of route to the other is about $6-7 for a 4 person car without surge upcharge. That car picks you up at your exact location and you can see when it is arriving, one person has to click their phone like 4 times to accomplish this.

Same 4 people taking the streetcar is going to cost $4 total and you have to traverse to the nearest stop, and virtually have no idea when it is arriving (because we don't have GPS tracking for some sad reason). Also you have to either have everyone figure out how to buy a pass through the app or use the kiosk. Or just have one person buy multiple passes. Again, just an inconvenience that isn't worth the trouble.

We need to change the appeal of the streetcar psychologically. Promote the streetcar as a device that is to help people easily move about to the places they are already ordering cabs for. People should view the streetcar as a convenience item that is provided to them as a means to accomplish what they are already doing.

Plutonic Panda
09-06-2019, 03:59 PM
Just some quick cost math.

Uber/Lyft from one end of route to the other is about $6-7 for a 4 person car without surge upcharge. That car picks you up at your exact location and you can see when it is arriving, one person has to click their phone like 4 times to accomplish this.
Time is also a factor.

09-07-2019, 10:35 AM
For me, there are two problems:

1. There are too many stops. Shouldn't the purpose of the streetcar be to move people quickly between distances that would otherwise be a long, far walk? Right now, I can walk anywhere downtown as fast as the streetcar can get there because of all the stops. Maybe signal priority will fix this. We'll see.

2. People parked on the tracks. Last time I rode the streetcar, I was an hour late for lunch because of two cars parked on the tracks. I'm not riding again until this is corrected or at least they start letting people off stalled cars.

Until these issues are fixed, I won't even ride for free.

09-09-2019, 06:55 AM

...they found more riders? (sorry, not good with attachments)


09-09-2019, 06:58 AM
For me, there are two problems:
2. People parked on the tracks. Last time I rode the streetcar, I was an hour late for lunch because of two cars parked on the tracks. I'm not riding again until this is corrected or at least they start letting people off stalled cars.

Until these issues are fixed, I won't even ride for free.

They won't let you off if it is stopped? That REALLY needs to change

09-09-2019, 11:31 AM
They won't let you off if it is stopped? That REALLY needs to change

they absolutly will

09-09-2019, 12:11 PM
...they found more riders? (sorry, not good with attachments)


No. Go back and look at my first reply for Aug numbers. I pointed out 2 errors in the chart (don’t they have anyone to proofread lol):

July on bottom should say Aug

Aug data is not complete its only thru 29th

I do wonder if they have any idea the riders if they can’t get basic info correct. We spent $140m yet are using kindergarten data compilers. Bad look for city to take a very polarizing expense and fail on data.

09-27-2019, 01:38 PM
Just in case anyone is trying to do to the new park this weekend. Having your parking receipt for all city-owned garages will work as a 4-person streetcar pass this weekend.

09-27-2019, 03:14 PM
I just saw one of the streetcars out of service at the Santa Fe hub stop where they brought in another streetcar to try to tow it away. I’m curious what would cause the streetcar to need to be towed.

09-27-2019, 06:41 PM
(Unfortunately) a poor performance for the streetcar on a very big opportunity to shine. Got to the law school stop - board said a car was 2 minutes away. Waited 20 minutes and still not here. Half of our group (who is very pro-urban okc) has been skeptical of the streetcar since the. beginning and I was hoping this would prove them wrong - but unfortunately a disappointing performance on a night the streetcar could have had loads of great exposure.

09-27-2019, 11:24 PM
Fortunately for me, a group of friends and I had a nice experience with the streetcar this evening. Got on at N Hudson at 6 pm and the arrival time was accurate. Got off at Century Center and walked to Scissortail Park for the concerts. Then, we got back on at Scissortail Park at 11 pm and arrival time was again accurate. We had a great time.

09-29-2019, 09:19 AM
Are they checking fares in any way? Haven't rode it in months

09-29-2019, 01:09 PM
I haven't been checked the couple of times I've been on, but I was ready, having used the Token App

09-29-2019, 09:45 PM
50/50 for me.

09-29-2019, 10:27 PM
I rode it twice Friday night and it was jammed to the rafters. Both times the arrival times were completely accurate.

09-30-2019, 02:00 AM
I just saw one of the streetcars out of service at the Santa Fe hub stop where they brought in another streetcar to try to tow it away. I’m curious what would cause the streetcar to need to be towed.

No power. Brake issue. Panto-graph issue. Could be a number of things and much more common than you think/realize. That's why we have 7.

09-30-2019, 12:19 PM
Glad to hear others had better luck than I this weekend. Hopefully remaining timing issues can continue to get smoothed out.

I would be curious to know where the choke points still are with the routes. For example, on Friday we were trying to get on at essentially the first stop after leaving the core of midtown. I could easily see midtown being an area where unexpected delays are common due to the amount of activity there is in the core of midtown during peak times. If true - having this information will help with planning when to rely on/not rely on the arrival estimates.

Quite the week in OKC though. As I was joking earlier today, between the park opening, Nick Offerman last night, Iron & Wine tonight, and Old Crow Medicine Show later this week we've finally reached "There is too much to do in OKC" status.

10-03-2019, 07:22 AM

10-03-2019, 07:34 AM
Some may think these numbers aren't so impressive. But if you consider how people in the streetcar route move about prior to the streetcar system then these numbers might be more impressive. I fully believe if the streetcars can be more accurate on arrival times and once conventions start arriving on completion of the convention center we will see riders increase substantially. Time will tell.....

10-03-2019, 08:32 AM
Some may think these numbers aren't so impressive. But if you consider how people in the streetcar route move about prior to the streetcar system then these numbers might be more impressive. I fully believe if the streetcars can be more accurate on arrival times and once conventions start arriving on completion of the convention center we will see riders increase substantially. Time will tell.....

I disagree these are horrible. Especially when you consider the initial cost and future operating and replacement costs. Had we spent $140m in the exact same SC footprint on other forms of transpo imagine what could have been done. And could adapt fast to changing downtown. I ran the numbers posted a few pages or so back and the per car average is pitiful.

We could have bought a fleet of 100 mini luxury buses and had stops every 5 minutes all over downtown and surrounding areas for less cost. Only a once in a lifetime grand park opening helped Sep numbers

It will increase once OMNI and CC are open and thats its peak.

10-03-2019, 09:37 AM
Did they ever speculate or have estimates of what ridership would be? Curious if they did and if it was broken down like this for comparisons sake.

10-03-2019, 01:36 PM
I disagree these are horrible. Especially when you consider the initial cost and future operating and replacement costs. Had we spent $140m in the exact same SC footprint on other forms of transpo imagine what could have been done. And could adapt fast to changing downtown. I ran the numbers posted a few pages or so back and the per car average is pitiful.

We could have bought a fleet of 100 mini luxury buses and had stops every 5 minutes all over downtown and surrounding areas for less cost. Only a once in a lifetime grand park opening helped Sep numbers

It will increase once OMNI and CC are open and thats its peak.

I am not sure why they are horrible.
We can not compare railroad and bus. Nobody care for taking the bus around here except if you are stranded.
The streetcar is linking all the part of downtown together. It is great although not perfect.

10-03-2019, 01:40 PM
They're horrible if you have prejudged all possible streetcar ridership numbers as being horrible.

10-03-2019, 02:03 PM

When did the street car's free period end?

10-03-2019, 02:52 PM
It'll be interesting to see if the park opening establishes a new trend, or if that blip up will mostly be an exception to just the grand opening weekend. I wouldn't expect the numbers to always match that of course, but every new attraction along the line is a new source of riders so I'd like to think it should go up and stay up at least a little.

10-03-2019, 03:18 PM
Nobody care for taking the bus around here except if you are stranded.

Actually, lots of citizens rely on and choose to use buses for transportation. Unfortunately, this view of buses has resulted in OKC having a dramatically underfunded bus system.

10-03-2019, 03:29 PM
I am not sure why they are horrible.
We can not compare railroad and bus. Nobody care for taking the bus around here except if you are stranded.
The streetcar is linking all the part of downtown together. It is great although not perfect.

I don’t think you read or understood my post then. If we had put the same money ($140,000,000) into luxury micro buses we woulda had the model system in country. It would far surpass SC. Just imagine folks in Medical district having ability to catch a micro bus over to Bricktown for lunch and reliably getting to/from in short time. The money would have done that and not just there but all surrounding downtown districts. A 5 mile radius of downtown and having a lux micro bus every 5 minutes would have interconnected all these districts. Could get to any place or event. More workers could use. Could then have created parking lots outside of downtown on edge of these districts knowing can get downtown and back.

Right now you have to be in downtown to use SC and even then its faster to walk or use scooter. It cannot adjust routes either.

The context is using the same money and pouring it into micro lux buses running frequently and can easily get around (unlike clunky large buses).

10-03-2019, 08:34 PM
Anybody who can't see that ridership is directly correlated to the activity downtown has an agenda. If Downtown were more enticing, there would be more streetcar use.

We like to think that our downtown is spectacular, but realistically, it's only amazingly better than the complete wasteland it was 10 years ago, but is still 15-20 years away from being the amazing place we all want it to be. I imagine bus ridership would be even worse on the same route unless you're passing out shots of jack when you on-board.

Sure, the argument can be made about it being costly, but more often than not, this seems to come from people who have lived and grown in OKC their whole lives (though it's not a 1:1 ratio) and seem to have little experience outside of this region of the country and what mass transit *should* look like. Yes, the streetcar needs growth in ridership and far beyond in order to maximize its utility, but that growth has to do with factors that were always supposed to come after the fact: TOD, RTA for expansion and improved network infrastructure and route mapping, increased population both in downtown and the places that immediately feed into it.

Until people are coming into downtown on public transportation, any downtown circulator is going to show less than inspiring ridership. But if you were going to install a streetcar, MAPS 3 was the time to do it, and not 25 years down the line when costs would have been truly exorbitant ridership even less effective, and the TOD effects useful at a time when downtown development is sprawling. Establishing the right of way and strengthening specific corridors was important. Otherwise, Automobile Alley would take longer to develop, Midtown development would be further spread out, and Downtown as a whole would feel far more separated even than it does today.

As an anecdote, I spent a few weeks in Salzburg and got away from the touristy places with someone I met. One day, we were walking around and she asked me what I would do if I got lost in that area (my German was pretty awful) to which she responded "I would look up at the (catenary) wire and follow it until I got to the center of the city". They only have buses in Salzburg, but it goes to show that having a "fixed guideway" has psychological effects on the populace.

The streetcar needs to be viewed properly for what it is: The last leg of a multi-modal system. So until that multi-modal system is up and running, judging it is useless. If we end up denying the RTA and managing mass/public transit over the next 30 years the same way we have for the last 30 years, then forget it, it was probably a pretty silly way to spend $150M. If we successfully use it as a tool to help our community re-imagine the use and quality of mass/public transit, and TOD is readily apparent along the route, then I'd have happily spent $300M on the exact same system.

10-04-2019, 12:08 AM
I don’t think you read or understood my post then. If we had put the same money ($140,000,000) into luxury micro buses we woulda had the model system in country. It would far surpass SC. Just imagine folks in Medical district having ability to catch a micro bus over to Bricktown for lunch and reliably getting to/from in short time. The money would have done that and not just there but all surrounding downtown districts. A 5 mile radius of downtown and having a lux micro bus every 5 minutes would have interconnected all these districts. Could get to any place or event. More workers could use. Could then have created parking lots outside of downtown on edge of these districts knowing can get downtown and back.

Right now you have to be in downtown to use SC and even then its faster to walk or use scooter. It cannot adjust routes either.

The context is using the same money and pouring it into micro lux buses running frequently and can easily get around (unlike clunky large buses).

I don't understand why you keep harping on if we would have spent $130M on busses this and that and then taking time every time to put down or throw dirt on the streetcar. We get your point, that you are against the streetcar.

But safe to be said are facts, if we had spent $130M on buses there would be no difference in ridership because A) the buses would be implemented half baked in a nearly circular manner like they are today, instead of a linear system where routes intersect to allow for transfers in-route B) we'd buy small 40' buses and complain about having to spend more on O&M C) we wont implement any bus or HOV lanes ANYWHERE D) the buses wont have near the frequency nor schedule to suite people's real needs and/or destinations (see no, not ONE bus to the airport or FAA academy), and most obvious E) they said they already added buses and basically no change to ridership since it was implemented as I've described above.

The so called BRT that will get implemented will instead be a bus route with priority signaling, using raised platforms, likely 40' buses, in existing traffic, and with no schedule that will run from 6am-10pm if we're lucky. Real BRT would at LEAST have 60' articulated or double deck buses but no, we can't do that even though they're getting money from the Federal Government AND MAPS IV (if it passes). Oh, and the real killer - for this ridiculous implementation we have to wait until 2023 (4 more years, IF Maps IV passes) to see it realized. ... ???

Why would this take so long? And what makes you think that COTPA would implement a real transit system if we gave them a $130M slush fund from MAPS III instead of building the already running within one year of construction streetcar?

I will agree that we should have had more dual track (esp along Sheridan) and it is stupid for MAPS IV to not have any extensions into Capital Hill AND the OHC. But the streetcar is NOT a failure even though it is being poorly run like the bus system is being run, instead of running the streetcar like a TRAM line should be run (no schedules, just headways/every X minutes).

My recommendation, get rid of the folks running Embark/Cotpa (including that head guy who thinks he knows what rapid transit is, because HE DOESNT!!!) and get somebody with proven experience from a successful system; let them come in and redesign OKC's existing system - it CAN be done and with the same funding and have better ridership and meet the needs of the public even with the existing resources; then we can throw money at the bus network and see results in all modes of transit you're dreaming of.

10-04-2019, 09:09 AM
The ridership for the park opening is interesting. I wish we had more detailed stats. I want to know where those people boarded and unboarded, and if they had OKC parking garage tickets as their fares or not. I think having Sat and Sun running the parking garage promotion without the draw of KOL concert, it is already an indicator of free = large increase in ridership.

The city should run experimental weekends or weeks and promote the streetcar as being free. Not just with a parking receipt, but for everyone. I know they do free 3rd Fridays or something currently, but not sure how well that is promoted.

10-04-2019, 05:33 PM
I know they do free 3rd Fridays or something currently, but not sure how well that is promoted.

Not very well at all, because I didn't know this.

10-04-2019, 09:11 PM
Last month (September) was the last Friday to ride the streetcar free. Just how well this was promoted is anyone's guest; like hoya mentioned, he wasn't aware of the free ride. Don't know if the City (Embark) will extend this into October.

Friday Free Rides on the OKC Streetcars

Friday Free streetcar rides:

10-05-2019, 07:51 AM
Not very well at all, because I didn't know this.

Just for some historical perspective, COTPA (now EMBARK) used to offer free transit rides on Ozone Alert Days. The Alert Day program got a little out of hand in the summer (sometimes up to 19 days a season). As a concession, EMBARK offered third Friday free during the summer, despite the fact that they could get reimbursed for fares with the feds for Alert Days. This is probably as good as it gets for the summer.

10-05-2019, 01:18 PM
I mean, each month, both leading up to it and the day of, it's all over their social media (both Embark and Streetcar), so if you don't know, it just means you're not following and paying attention to their social media. They also have a monthly email newsletter you can sign up for if it's tough to keep up with social (which it certainly can be). Anyway, not judging, just sayin. Not sure what else they're supposed to do for promotion these days. Probably not worth radio or TV commercials or a direct mail campaign. The amount of social promotion they're doing seems reasonable to me.