View Full Version : MAPS Related

12-08-2009, 01:08 PM
Can someone PM me with a link to the letter from the PD union saying they'd get on board with MAPS3 if they received consideration in unrelated negotiations?

I tried to search and couldn't find. Thanks.

12-08-2009, 02:29 PM
Found it. mods, please delete

The "Not this MAPS" coalition is "spearheaded by the pledge of major financial and volunteer support by The Oklahoma City Fraternal Order of Police and The Oklahoma City Firefighters Association Local 157." (1) Coincidentally, both the police and fire labor contracts with the city are currently up for negotiation and in arbitration.

Myth: Firefighters Local 157 union president Phil Sipe said the December 8th election "is not about negotiated issues between police and fire and the city."(1)

Fact: Unfortunately, it seems the union opposition to MAPS is entirely about gaining further leverage in current and future contract negotiations.

The facts are in black-and-white in this letter from James R. Moore, the attorney negotiating with the city on behalf of the police union: 2009%20small.jpg

This letter states that as late as November 10, 2009, the police union was willing to "get on board with MAPS 3" if their contract demands could be met.

In September, FOP president Gil Hensley described this MAPS to City council members as a package of "good projects” that was flawed because it doesn’t include money for public safety. (2) By November 13, when contract negotiations had not produced the desired results, Hensley said in a press conference that this MAPS was a "bad plan" and that "police and fire are united in (an) effort to defeat this MAPS proposal."(1)

Recently both unions submitted their “best and final” offers to the city for their contract negotiations, and not a single one of their issues addressed public safety. One of the police union demands was to add a full-time city-paid police officer to the payroll to do work for the union full-time. Another demand was for an additional paid day off during each 28-day work period.

The Fire union final demands included more sick leave, holidays, vacations, overtime, wages, an enhanced pay matrix, and a revised longevity schedule.

Bottom Line
The opposition to this MAPS is being lead by two unions that are in contentious labor contract negotiations with the city. Their views on MAPS changed only after contract demands were not met to their satisfaction. The fact is, these MAPS projects are "good projects." Let's "get on board with MAPS 3" and vote YES on December 8.

12-08-2009, 02:36 PM
Talk about your 'smoking gun'.

12-08-2009, 04:40 PM

If that is a true document, I will never view the Police and Fire men and women the same.

I am losing much respect for the men and women in these departments.

Also when I get the phone calls for yearly contributions to the FOP, guess what I will be saying.

12-08-2009, 04:44 PM
That's terribly disappointing. I admit I'll be bummed out if it doesn't pass. :(

12-08-2009, 04:50 PM
Of course this document is true. If you have ever worked for a company that required you to join a union you would see how they operate. Just like the mafia, they take a part of your compensation which is required by the job, then they make you attend mtgs and rallies and if necessary strike at negotiation times. It is only through the lost income and fear that they have any negotiation leverage at all. It is the same mentality that provides protection at a price. Or else you find yourself needing the protection from them. These type of back handed and selfserving tactics are more common place than not. I give kudos to the leaders of OKC for standing up to them. This is a right to work state and the citizens voted for that. It is nice to see them not cow to thier every whim. If it walks like a skunk, looks like a skunk and smells like a is a union. Go OKC! Go MAPS 3!

12-08-2009, 05:03 PM
I hope that many of the men and women, police and fire, actually went against the union and voted Yes to Maps 3.

12-08-2009, 05:03 PM
I know 2 who did.

12-08-2009, 05:41 PM
You know...with all of the issues and the misdirection of the campaigns, I am still hopeful and feel that the citizens of this great city have the ability to see what is best, given the campaigns track record with MAPS and MAPS for Kids. Each of these initiatives addressed crucial issues related to improving quality of life. These are the issues that relocating companies look at when considering a new base of operations. The items currently proposed many of which require the long view perspective, will have a similar effect. It is what is best for the City and yes the entire state as the economic dollars spent and invested will have the multiplier effect and will certainly spill over into the surrounding areas. So here is to the coming Victory and another fine chapter in OKC's growth!!!! To any remaining who have not voted, get out and vote until the polls close, and vote Yes!!! Don't let the Unions control this city, that is for the people to do through the democratic process!

Doug Loudenback
12-09-2009, 08:23 AM
I know 2 who did.
Link, please.



Just kidding.

12-09-2009, 09:12 AM
I know 2 who did.

Whatever you do - don't out them. Bad things happen to union members that don't play ball.

Daily Kos: SHAME ON SEIU from AN SEIU Member (

Last night's attack on an all day "Labor Notes" convention was it for me. Sending a retired auto worker to the hospital, 100's of purple-shirted SEIU members with anti-CNA placards, smashed their way into the conference, forcing many to seek safety inside and outside a DearBorn, Michigan Hotel, last night. As an SEIU member, I am ashamed of SEIU and its bully-boy tactics over the past few days, including stalking CNA/NNOC Board Members in Southern California at their place of work and at Home. But this is too much for me. SHAME ON SEIU.

12-10-2009, 04:47 AM
Of course this document is true. If you have ever worked for a company that required you to join a union you would see how they operate. Just like the mafia, they take a part of your compensation which is required by the job, then they make you attend mtgs and rallies and if necessary strike at negotiation times. It is only through the lost income and fear that they have any negotiation leverage at all. It is the same mentality that provides protection at a price. Or else you find yourself needing the protection from them. These type of back handed and selfserving tactics are more common place than not. I give kudos to the leaders of OKC for standing up to them. This is a right to work state and the citizens voted for that. It is nice to see them not cow to thier every whim. If it walks like a skunk, looks like a skunk and smells like a is a union. Go OKC! Go MAPS 3!Which Unions are you referring to? Your not talking about Police and Fire are you?