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12-15-2009, 12:45 PM
but we are SICK of the government interfering in everything we do.

Like telling you you can't marry who you want?
Telling you you can't smoke weed?
You have to wear your seatbelt?

If you think you are taxed to death you need a better accountant.

12-15-2009, 01:18 PM
There's no way to predict presidential election outcomes at this point in time, regardless of poll numbers. If things are going well in 2012, Obama will be reelected. If things are going poorly, he might not be reelected. The voting public is fickle and changeable. I think the pollsters have to do something to justify their existence, because their data is worthless, unless you're looking at coattail potential.

12-15-2009, 02:51 PM
:please::please::please::please::please::please:: Back to the TOPIC Mark Shannon

12-15-2009, 03:00 PM
I thought people who were against Government ..were called ANARCHIST. OR what is it they called people who protested the President,??,Hmmm.. lets look back at What the right wing said only months ago.. Were not citizens called TRAITORS..America haters..UnAmerican..??? Talking heads on am radio praising George Bush and his policies, Hannity almost crying because of the things that were said against "MY PRESIDENT"!! Where were you Tea {can't help but TEA BAGGERS,hah-hah!!} Yes where were you, when Bush lied to you and sent our kids to die in Iraq, when we all knew it was not Saddam who took down the towers? Where were you when Bush and Cheney and Rummy, day after day whittled down our constitutional rights, over a LIE!!!!

12-15-2009, 03:09 PM
As of Markkk Shannon, Who is Tom,?? Shannon keeps saying "Me and Tom are going to be fired"?? Now that Markkk Fullerton is in trouble for his mouth, he wants to blame someone else for making him say nutty things. and Oh yes, I'm on drugs defense..How does the FCC let someone rant hatefilled tripe, knowing the host is on hallucinogenic drugs..

12-15-2009, 03:14 PM
Mark Shannon is a shock jock. Plan and simple.

He is saying what he wants to get good ratings. We are talking about him on here arent we? Best to just ignore him. People like him will just implode and spin out of control anyway, and then we will never hear from him again..

12-15-2009, 03:33 PM
I don't care for the man, either, but the "Markkk" stuff ceased being funny like oh, I don't know, forever ago.

12-15-2009, 03:43 PM
I don't care for the man, either, but the "Markkk" stuff ceased being funny like oh, I don't know, forever ago.

Nah, I think its pretty funny and accurate.

12-15-2009, 03:59 PM
Sorry Mattt...didn't mean to step on toes..Or did I come a little too close to home???

12-15-2009, 04:07 PM
Sorry Mattt...didn't mean to step on toes..Or did I come a little too close to home???

Yep, you got me. Mark's my best friend and has been ever since we met at our first klan meeting. So yeah, I'm taking this very personally.

. . .Aaaaaand false. Don't flatter yourself--I'm not bothered by it in the least, I just think it's really stupid, that's all.

01-22-2010, 04:35 PM
I just listen to his show awhile ago, and he played a auto clip of a report from Fox 25 about the maps 3 thing again, he is now starting to get on my nerves about his thing against maps 3, he want I say about it, maps 3 has passed, its time to move on.

01-24-2010, 06:22 PM
I believe his point was how odd it was that the city leaders went all out on Maps3 and all of a sudden, now that it is a done deal, dang we are in financial trouble and have to lay off alot of people. Do you think it would have passed if it was common knowledge that they were going to implement layoffs after the first of the year?

01-24-2010, 07:59 PM
I remember Mayor MickCheese and city leaders were saying the police and fire fighters claims were not true and the city was doing fine and dandy. Now, all of this sudden the city is financial turmoil roughly 30-45 days later.

I would understand a drastic turn if a major employer pulled out of OKC.

Mickey, you have got some splaining to do....

I think it is time to show this mayor the door in March.

01-25-2010, 02:06 PM
But does he deserve to be pistol whipped or his house burnt down, like Mark Shannon threatened?

01-25-2010, 02:57 PM
I remember Mayor MickCheese and city leaders were saying the police and fire fighters claims were not true and the city was doing fine and dandy. Now, all of this sudden the city is financial turmoil roughly 30-45 days later.

I would understand a drastic turn if a major employer pulled out of OKC.

Mickey, you have got some splaining to do....

I think it is time to show this mayor the door in March.

The financial problems the City is experiencing is nothing new and was never hidden, there was considerable discussion about this pre and post the Maps3 election. Has/Was on the News, in the papers, on the INTERNET, etc;

Mayor Cornett will win re-election in a land slide.

01-25-2010, 03:05 PM
The union thugs have shown themselves inept at attacking something that is basically a name brand, nothing more.

Good luck to them in taking on perhaps the most popular mayor in OKC history.

01-25-2010, 03:32 PM
Maybe it is just me but I think the budget problems on the horizon have never been a secret. I think if you have just read a paper every once in awhile over the past year none of this is a surprise.

What many claimed was not true was that policemen and firefighters were telling people that if MAPS passed our public safety workers would be laid off. Which didn't happen.

01-29-2010, 08:05 AM
I think it's very likely some public safety personnel will be laid off. I don't know how the city will do a 12% budget cut without some police and fire cuts. It's inaccurate to say, of course, that MAPS3 caused this. It would be accurate, though, to say that city leaders (both governmental and non-governmental) could have thrown their influence behind finding public support for fixing the city's operating budget problem, but didn't.

01-29-2010, 09:59 AM
I think it's very likely some public safety personnel will be laid off. I don't know how the city will do a 12% budget cut without some police and fire cuts. It's inaccurate to say, of course, that MAPS3 caused this. It would be accurate, though, to say that city leaders (both governmental and non-governmental) could have thrown their influence behind finding public support for fixing the city's operating budget problem, but didn't.

It could also be said that the public safety unions burned their bridges. They forgot the first rule about getting themselves out of a hole -- stop digging.

Now, they're faced with what they should have known was coming and instead of being in a position to work with city leaders on perhaps a temporary (or permanent) election to increase their funding, they tried to push the city around.

If there are layoffs, and there probably will be, and there's no solution on the table for the voters to consider, we can all blame Hensley and Sipe for their ineffective management and poorly mismanaged political strategies. Truly -- if these unions want to fix things with the city of Oklahoma City, I think it's time for new leadership of the unions because these guys obviously can't cut it.

Dave Cook
02-02-2010, 06:54 PM
Wow! Listening to his show today....this guy is a nut. Certified.

A few quotes from today....

'Muslims worship a false God'. (a caller later blows him away and gets hung up on)

'All military members should leave the service immediately with Obama in office'. Huh?

Is this guy seriously the highest rated show in Oklahoma City? Speaks volumes.

02-02-2010, 07:11 PM
Hey, who wants to go on a cruise with this guy?....

02-02-2010, 07:19 PM
Give it up to him though, he does his best not to say the "N" word..His lip is probably bleeding right now. Oh, and did ya get "I have friends that are Muslim"....Haa-Haa-Haa-Haa!!

02-03-2010, 04:22 AM
Wow! Listening to his show today....this guy is a nut. Certified.

A few quotes from today....

'Muslims worship a false God'. (a caller later blows him away and gets hung up on)

'All military members should leave the service immediately with Obama in office'. Huh?

Is this guy seriously the highest rated show in Oklahoma City? Speaks volumes.

Mark and KTOK proudly boast that they have the number one rated, afternoon local talk show, but what they fail to mention is that they are the ONLY local, afternoon talk show. When confronted about this claim, Marks replies he's not the only afternoon talk show, what about the Sports Animal. (talk about comparing apples to oranges)

02-04-2010, 01:58 PM
Maybe it is just me but I think the budget problems on the horizon have never been a secret. I think if you have just read a paper every once in awhile over the past year none of this is a surprise.

What many claimed was not true was that policemen and firefighters were telling people that if MAPS passed our public safety workers would be laid off. Which didn't happen.

Doesnt mean it won't. Both unions are in negotiations to either take substantial pay cuts and or lost 100+workers to help make ends meet. That was the issue all along. Fox 25 had a report last week, which I dont see mentioned here, about Cornett's budget guys saying this has been looming for more then a year and Cornett was well aware of the impending impact on ALL city workers, not just fire and police. If I can find the link to that story..its pretty interesting.

02-04-2010, 02:00 PM
I think it's very likely some public safety personnel will be laid off. I don't know how the city will do a 12% budget cut without some police and fire cuts. It's inaccurate to say, of course, that MAPS3 caused this. It would be accurate, though, to say that city leaders (both governmental and non-governmental) could have thrown their influence behind finding public support for fixing the city's operating budget problem, but didn't.


02-04-2010, 09:13 PM
Doesnt mean it won't. Both unions are in negotiations to either take substantial pay cuts and or lost 100+workers to help make ends meet. That was the issue all along. Fox 25 had a report last week, which I dont see mentioned here, about Cornett's budget guys saying this has been looming for more then a year and Cornett was well aware of the impending impact on ALL city workers, not just fire and police. If I can find the link to that story..its pretty interesting.

Anyone that claims this hasn't been publicized for that past several months needs to leave their cave more often. Pending budget reductions have been in the papers, on the radio, on TV, on the City's web site for several months, and people need to stop trying turn this into something that's not there.

02-05-2010, 12:24 AM

Mark and KTOK proudly boast that they have the number one rated, afternoon local talk show, but what they fail to mention is that they are the ONLY local, afternoon talk show. When confronted about this claim, Marks replies he's not the only afternoon talk show, what about the Sports Animal. (talk about comparing apples to oranges)

For the life of me I can't figure out why people with one view or another get so worked up about this guy. Maybe I have led a sheltered life but I was born here and never heard about him until I started looking at this thread. He is pretty much irrelevent in the big scheme of things. Most people are working in the afternoon and don't have time to listen to his show even if they wanted to.

02-05-2010, 09:59 AM
YouTube - MAPS 3 - After The Vote Services Are Being Slashed / (

I believe this is the Fox story, or I may have posted a link to someone's dog snoring....I dont know.

02-05-2010, 10:38 AM
YouTube - MAPS 3 - After The Vote Services Are Being Slashed / (

I believe this is the Fox story, or I may have posted a link to someone's dog snoring....I dont know.

The premise of the 'story' is a non-sequitur.

The 1% MAPS tax has nothing to do with overall collections. The revenue shortfall would have occurred regardless of the outcome of the MAPS election.

02-05-2010, 11:05 AM
The premise of the 'story' is a non-sequitur.

The 1% MAPS tax has nothing to do with overall collections. The revenue shortfall would have occurred regardless of the outcome of the MAPS election.

Agreed, Mayor Mick didn't say the revenue from MAPS would put more firemen and police on the streets. The projects built and subsequent private construction, convention and tourism visitors and additional sales taxes would hopefully generate additional revenues - THIS would put more firemen and police on the streets. Anyone who doesn't understand MAPS is an investment with a hoped-for investment return isn't paying attention or chooses to be wrong.

MAPS and the city budget are two totally and completely different things.

02-05-2010, 02:46 PM
I think the point that Mark Shannon's possibly drug-addled brain cannot comprehend is that OKC's revenue collection shortfall would have been even worse had we not passed the first and second MAPS. By investing in ourselves with MAPS III, we are building a foundation for better revenue collection in future years.

Sometimes, when things look bleak, it seems like we should all just batten down the hatches and hide. But this really isn't a good strategy.

We make do as we can to address the current shortfalls but we keep our plans for the future on track so when the economy improves, we reap the benefits. It may seem counterintuitive but it's actually a wise strategy.

OKC is going to be in so much better shape in a few years for doing this, particularly considering the fact that many other cities are going in the opposite direction.

Not to pick on Tulsa, but look at their situation compared to ours and consider the fact they haven't been investing in themselves like we have and you have your answer. Basically, Mark Shannon is advocating that we shift our strategy to the one Tulsa has been following that has led that city off the cliff. They just fired 155 police officers last week.

The irony of the police unions aligning with Shannon is so deliciously ridiculous.

02-05-2010, 06:03 PM
I think the point that Mark Shannon's possibly drug-addled brain cannot comprehend is that OKC's revenue collection shortfall would have been even worse had we not passed the first and second MAPS. By investing in ourselves with MAPS III, we are building a foundation for better revenue collection in future years.

Sometimes, when things look bleak, it seems like we should all just batten down the hatches and hide. But this really isn't a good strategy.

We make do as we can to address the current shortfalls but we keep our plans for the future on track so when the economy improves, we reap the benefits. It may seem counterintuitive but it's actually a wise strategy.

OKC is going to be in so much better shape in a few years for doing this, particularly considering the fact that many other cities are going in the opposite direction.

Not to pick on Tulsa, but look at their situation compared to ours and consider the fact they haven't been investing in themselves like we have and you have your answer. Basically, Mark Shannon is advocating that we shift our strategy to the one Tulsa has been following that has led that city off the cliff. They just fired 155 police officers last week.

The irony of the police unions aligning with Shannon is so deliciously ridiculous.

Someone made a post on another thread about Colorado Springs and their budget crisis. They are to the point of turning off 1/3 of their street lights and taking out trash cans in parks. Mowing will be stopped, police and fire services are drastically reduced. The article linked brought back memories of OKC back in the early 1990's but, I think, even worse. OKC is not IMMUNE to the recession but we are far better positioned than most major cities nationwide. We tick down a little on the economic chart but will start back up in a few months from a much higher level than most other cities.

02-07-2010, 12:15 AM
After telling listeners, we're broke. Obama is forcing us into welfare, its the end of our Economy...But lets spend $12.000+ per person, and go on an Alaskan cruise with me. We can plan the revolution..Wonder if the cruise line knows of the terrorist activities being planed onboard?

02-07-2010, 01:26 AM
After telling listeners, we're broke. Obama is forcing us into welfare, its the end of our Economy...But lets spend $12.000+ per person, and go on an Alaskan cruise with me. We can plan the revolution..Wonder if the cruise line knows of the terrorist activities being planed onboard?

The trip is no diffrent than any other group or organization rallying people together to go on a trip. I very seriously doubt politics will be even mentioned during the trip. Unlike most liberals most conservatives can put the politics on the shelf for a little while and just have fun.

I would not be the least bit suprised if some of Mark's liberal listeners attend.

Uncle Slayton
02-07-2010, 08:57 AM
After telling listeners, we're broke. Obama is forcing us into welfare, its the end of our Economy...But lets spend $12.000+ per person, and go on an Alaskan cruise with me. We can plan the revolution..Wonder if the cruise line knows of the terrorist activities being planed onboard?

Terrorist activities? Really?

In the immortal words of Sergeant Hulka, "lighten up, Francis." You're gonna hurt your mainspring if you keep it wound that tightly.

It's fun to listen to Shannon rant during afternoon drive time. I dunno if he's dying, or if he's got some national audience aspirations. His 'shtick with Mick' gets old, because I could not possibly be less interested in the machinations of OKC politics, but other than that, it's a nice diversion while sitting in the I-35 southbound parking lot.

02-07-2010, 11:25 AM
Unlike most liberals most conservatives can put the politics on the shelf for a little while and just have fun.

What dumb and assy thing to say. You probably don't know any of the fun liberals.

02-08-2010, 12:16 AM
What dumb and assy thing to say. You probably don't know any of the fun liberals.

Agreed, soonerguru. I'm probably one of the most liberal guys you could ever meet but most people don't know that because politics is something I almost never bring up or discuss. It always ruins the mood at fun events. I seem to always run into conservatives who want to get into political discussions, however.

02-08-2010, 12:35 PM
Lighten up??? While Mark Shannon is calling for domestic terrorism?? While he is threatening OUR national guard with militia and gun violence?? Have you heard of his good buddy from the Oath keepers and fellow Oklahoma tea bagger, Charles Dyer?? Charles Dyer who was arrested for sexual abuse of an 8yr old, and search of his home, found a stolen rocket launcher and plans to attack our government?? Charles Dyer who calls himself a domestic terrorist, and Mark Shannon who stated " The things Timothy McVeigh did, are now rational??? Thats who entertains you?? Maybe you should change your name Uncle Uncle SATAN!!

Uncle Slayton
02-08-2010, 05:30 PM
Maybe you should change your name Uncle Uncle SATAN!!

Damn it, my cover's blown...

Yeah, dude, you should let it go.

02-12-2010, 02:31 PM
I'll let it go when racism is a thing of the past..

Uncle Slayton
02-13-2010, 10:55 PM
I'll let it go when racism is a thing of the past..

Oh for f'k's sake...can you make that into a .wav file with the Battle Hymn of the Republic playing in the background?

It's Mark Shannon, fgs. The guy who used to be paired with another morning drive time douche jockey self-styled as the Eggman.

He changes personas with every new job, it's just shtick.

02-14-2010, 04:21 PM
I'll let it go when racism is a thing of the past..

Racism is a two way street. As long as their are people in world who let racist comments rain on their parade their will always be racist people.

In the words of Ron White.... You cannot fix stupid. Racism falls into the stupid category. Racism is nothing more than immature idiots attacking the overly sensitive. Fortunately, racism is not the ugly creature it used to be back years ago.

Today if you have solid evidence that a business, employer or service provider treated you improperly based on your ethnicity you can take action against that person or group. You can call the media. You can take legal action against them. You can protest. You can tell everyone you know about your expeirence. In a nutshell, you can strain or kill their business.

These days employers, businesses and service providers know it just makes sense to treat people fairly. Not treating people fairly can kill your business. The person you turn away based on race or religion may become one of your best customers or employers.

Unfortunately, you are always going to have those bass ackwards induviduals who thrive on hatred for others. Then again that falls under the category of you do not have to like everybody and not everybody has to like you. It is not the end of the world if somebody dislikes/hates you without getting to know you. The way I see it, If someone wants to make a snap judgement about me that is their problem not mine. I am not going to waste my time trying to woo them or force them to like let alone respect me. People need to realize that not everybody is going to be your friend. There is nothing wrong with that. One of life's many little secrets is learning to choose your battles. Sometimes you have to let haters be haters. After all, it is their loss not yours.

02-17-2010, 02:22 PM
Hate speech should be outlawed. Its like pornography, you know it when you see it. or hear it! So 141, what you are saying is if you call me or my children, the "N word", or now the "R" word, I should blame myself for "being" a "N" word or the "R" word. and as for your point that businesses that treat people unfairly will suffer is out right B.S. Ktok radio and Mark Shannon are profiting off of Hate speech. Gun sells went up, right after we elected a Black President. Hate sells. racist are buying.

Uncle Slayton
02-19-2010, 09:48 AM
Hate speech should be outlawed. Its like pornography, you know it when you see it. or hear it! Gun sells went up, right after we elected a Black President. Hate sells. racist are buying.

Words scare and intimidate you that badly, eh? How disproportionately must you react to a real threat?

Google "Chuchundra"...see if anything resonates.

While you're there, check out 'post hoc ergo propter hoc' with regards to your inane assertion about gun sales.

02-19-2010, 12:11 PM
Should AM radio pundits be held accountable when riling up the masses and twisting the truth? Sure, there are those of us who can see it for what it really is, but some can't (i.e. - Mr. IRS airplane crasher) I feel conservative talk show hosts beat the drum calling for violent action against the establishment should be held accountable.

02-19-2010, 12:19 PM
Remember during the Not this maps vote. When Mark Shannon threatened to pistol whip the mayor, and burn his house down?? He also threatened to BURN DOWN THE TAX COMMISSION!! Hmmmm....

02-19-2010, 12:22 PM
Should AM radio pundits be held accountable when riling up the masses and twisting the truth? Sure, there are those of us who can see it for what it really is, but some can't (i.e. - Mr. IRS airplane crasher) I feel conservative talk show hosts beat the drum calling for violent action against the establishment should be held accountable.

You blame the airplane attack on right win radio? What would you blame the Weather Underground on? The anti-war riots during the Republican Convention not so long ago? One person in 300 million snaps under possible mental illness coupled with a crippling tax debt and you want to penalize everyone?

First, you can't even directly connect the two. Second, what you propose is disproportionate on the scale of approximately 300,000,000:1.

What you're proposing there is scary indeed. You're advocating taking action against people for their political speech based upon your subjective interpretation thereof.

Tell me how that could possibly ever be a good idea?

02-19-2010, 12:29 PM
{A week after the election of the nation's first black president, gun buyers across the country are flocking to gun stores to stock up on assault rifles, handguns and ammunition.

Some say they are worried that the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama will attempt to re- impose the ban on assault weapons that expired in 2004. Others fear the loss of their right to own handguns. A few say they are preparing to protect themselves in the event of a race war.} Fox news reported same maybe you can believe it.

02-19-2010, 12:43 PM
When "some" say, how many is that? And even then, all of those reasons are because they fear government intrusion, i.e., defensive purposes. And even then, if you want to get down to the disproportionality of the above proposal, let's say there are only ten-million tea partiers, or about .33% of the population. Would cracking down on First Amendment protected speech, even if it could be done, which it absolutely can't by in the least bit proportionate because one person who may or may not sympathize with the rank and file of that movement did something crazy?

Do you have any respect at all for the First Amendment? Or is the Constitution just some irrelevant piece of paper for you?

02-19-2010, 12:56 PM
I don't think your founding fathers wanted their words, mixed up with Mark Shannons hate and bile. The constitution, last I read it, did not have a section referring to killing our President, or our other elected officials. Free speech DOES have a limit!! Our Super Bowl was changed forever, because of "ONE" nipple!!!

02-19-2010, 01:22 PM
You're just about as apoplectic and irrational as Mark Shannon ever was. What the founding fathers wanted (according to you) is irrelevant. People always speak about that group as if they were some monolithic entity which had uniform beliefs and values. They weren't all Christian, they weren't all Federalists, some of them wanted a Constitutional Monarchy, some didn't think the Bill of Rights was really necessary. They came from all walks of life and all backgrounds. Who are you to say what "they" would or would not want?

Picturing leaders of our nation in unflattering cartoons and satire is about as American as it gets and it's been going on since before the Revolutionary War.

If you don't like it, turn it off.

02-19-2010, 01:26 PM
Our Super Bowl was changed forever, because of "ONE" nipple!!! I'll say.

Super Bowl halftime shows in the six years before Janet Jackson:

1998: Boyz II Men,Smokey Robinson,Martha Reeves,The Temptations,Queen Latifah,Grambling State University Band

1999: Chaka Khan, Gloria Estefan, Stevie Wonder, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Savion Glover

2000: Phil Collins, Christina Aguilera, Enrique Iglesias, Toni Braxton, 80-person choir, Edward James Olmos (narrator)

2001: Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Aerosmith, 'N Sync, Britney Spears, Mary J. Blige, Nelly

2002: U2

2003: Shania Twain, No Doubt, Sting

Halftime shows in the six years since:

2005: Paul McCartney

2006: The Rolling Stones

2007: Prince

2008: Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

2009: Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band

2010: The Who

Janet Jackson's exposed teat was the best thing that ever happened to the Super Bowl halftime show.

02-19-2010, 02:03 PM
"You blame the airplane attack on right win radio?"

No I blame mental illness, however when you have these mental thoughts, and someone like Mark Shannon says to "Burn down the tax commission" It just reafirms those mental thoughts.

Political speach is fine, but violence and the taking of innocent life is where your freedom ends. So your extending freedom of speech to cover "calls to voilence" and "hate speach"?

02-19-2010, 02:23 PM
Your founding fathers DID NOT COME FROM EVERY WALK OF LIFE. They were ALL rich White land owners. Who am I to say what they wanted?? An American Citizen, thats who. They wrote a little thing called the constitution to follow until our lifestyles made it necessary to amend. In the constitution it still does not give the right to assassinate political figures. Its funny you try to attack me by referring that I do not believe in the constituion, but than state that the founders were irrelevant?? Not a good argument. Matt I agree with you. The Nipple IS more powerful, than the gun. FLASH EM" SARA!! You'll get my vote then, You Betcha!!!

Uncle Slayton
02-19-2010, 02:31 PM
Your founding fathers DID NOT COME FROM EVERY WALK OF LIFE. They were ALL rich White land owners. Who am I to say what they wanted?? An American Citizen, thats who. They wrote a little thing called the constitution to follow until our lifestyles made it necessary to amend. In the constitution it still does not give the right to assassinate political figures. Its funny you try to attack me by referring that I do not believe in the constituion, but than state that the founders were irrelevant?? Not a good argument. Matt I agree with you. The Nipple IS more powerful, than the gun. FLASH EM" SARA!! You'll get my vote then, You Betcha!!!

Jesus...Ron White was right. You can't fix...

02-19-2010, 03:29 PM
But you can fix ignorance. Next time you want to bring up the Constitution, please read it first.

Uncle Slayton
02-19-2010, 03:54 PM
But you can fix ignorance. Next time you want to bring up the Constitution, please read it first.

I didn't bring it up, Skippy. I compared you to the timid, fearful muskrat, Chuchundra, in Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, who is scared to go into the center of the room and creeps around the walls instead.

02-19-2010, 04:17 PM
That is your problem. You think people are scared of you because you scream and yell the loudest. I educates myself before flapping my gums. You grab your guns, as educated people grab our education. I will met you in the center of the room anytime..Skippy??

Uncle Slayton
02-19-2010, 04:45 PM
That is your problem. You think people are scared of you because you scream and yell the loudest. I educates myself before flapping my gums. You grab your guns, as educated people grab our education. I will met you in the center of the room anytime..Skippy??

Be careful, I might use harsh words and scare you away. Hate speech hurts, after all. I might even taunt you a second time-uh.

"You educates yourself", eh? You get a "D" for general comprehension and an F for being articulate enough to effectively make a point.

02-19-2010, 05:09 PM
Your founding fathers DID NOT COME FROM EVERY WALK OF LIFE. They were ALL rich White land owners. Who am I to say what they wanted?? An American Citizen, thats who. They wrote a little thing called the constitution to follow until our lifestyles made it necessary to amend. In the constitution it still does not give the right to assassinate political figures. Its funny you try to attack me by referring that I do not believe in the constituion, but than state that the founders were irrelevant?? Not a good argument. Matt I agree with you. The Nipple IS more powerful, than the gun. FLASH EM" SARA!! You'll get my vote then, You Betcha!!!

No response needed.