View Full Version : The ANGRY People Get Angrier About MAPS

Urban Pioneer
12-05-2009, 05:33 PM
I just got a call from a downtown property owner. MTP had put several signs in flower beds on his property.

He told me that he had received a string of phone calls from passerby's and tenants demanding that the signs be removed.

One of the callers told him that unless they would be removed he would find his properties vandalized and his car tires "slashed".

I realize that people are passionate about their views, but when did it come to actually threatening harms and destruction to one's personal property?

Also, I heard that Mark Shannon's diatribe today was particularly frightening with references to "burning the mayor's house down". Is this really the America and OKC that I have loved?

Prove me wrong, have a good ole fashioned sign war, but be respectful and treat others responsibally. This is NOT a new tax.

12-05-2009, 05:40 PM
Question: did the downtown property owner keep the signs up? I hope so. Hopefully he has video set to catch these thugs in the act.

The opposition knows they're losing. That explains the threats of violence toward the property owner, and the threat of arson by the right-wing shock jock.

Urban Pioneer
12-05-2009, 05:43 PM
It is really quite sad. You have very disillusioned people threatening very kind people. It is even more upsetting when you have an all out "war" between the people who are supposed to protect us and the public to be protected.

The ANGRY people need to get it under control.

12-05-2009, 06:08 PM
... The ANGRY people need to get it under control.

You may assume more capability than what exists for some folk. I hope not, but lots of the anger I'm seeing, hearing and reading can not, in my opinion, have just suddenly arisen. It strikes me as having been there for a spell, but simply not shared out and about in the public eye.

Most will be fine, win or lose on the 8th, from both sides. The ones who won't, well, they likely had some issues to start with, and the election has just emboldened them to act out more so than their norm.

12-05-2009, 06:19 PM
Question: did the downtown property owner keep the signs up? I hope so. Hopefully he has video set to catch these thugs in the act.

The opposition knows they're losing. That explains the threats of violence toward the property owner, and the threat of arson by the right-wing shock jock.The alleged threats.

12-05-2009, 06:22 PM
The alleged threats.
You wouldn't really be surprised would you?

12-05-2009, 06:23 PM
The alleged threats.

I know of TWO people, both very vocal MAPS supporters, who have received threatening phone calls and emails. So while the threats that Urban Pioneer is talking about, may indeed be "alleged," when good friends of mine tell me they've been threatened, I believe them.

12-05-2009, 06:51 PM
I know of TWO people, both very vocal MAPS supporters, who have received threatening phone calls and emails. So while the threats that Urban Pioneer is talking about, may indeed be "alleged," when good friends of mine tell me they've been threatened, I believe them.

Everybody knows somebody, its still circumstantial.

Point is, it is unfortunate if it did happen, and not indicative of what I feel is the spirit of the "No" side.

Really it sounds like someone who feels powerless, someone who feels without a voice and so they more or less anonymously threaten, usually little arises. That being said, it is probably reasonable to be cautious, though not afraid.

Politics is so far from some people's grasp, that they grasp at what is most readily available. I hope the tone of this thread is not to lump us "NO" voters all in together.

12-05-2009, 06:53 PM
The alleged threats.

Having known Urban Pioneer for years, I have no reason to doubt him. It's not surprising that you won't accept any responsibility for your rogue supporters, though.

12-05-2009, 07:00 PM
Having known Urban Pioneer for years, I have no reason to doubt him. It's not surprising that you won't accept any responsibility for your rogue supporters, though.

C'mon mac, you are using a lot of words to say very little. Your voucher for anyone's is not a valid qualifier as to validity of statement, or character.

The "Yessers" have certainly not devolved from organized, thoughtful discussion and argument to "My dad can beat up your dad..." garbage has it?

12-05-2009, 07:05 PM
C'mon mac, you are using a lot of words to say very little. Your voucher for anyone's is not a valid qualifier as to validity of statement, or character.

The "Yessers" have certainly not devolved from organized, thoughtful discussion and argument to "My dad can beat up your dad..." garbage has it?

Of course not. But that's apparently all the ntm-ers have left. That, and threatening people with violence and arson.

12-05-2009, 07:31 PM
What do you expect? We are dealing with people that beat their wives and daughters. They will amount to anything...

NewsOK (

12-05-2009, 07:45 PM
Everybody knows somebody, its still circumstantial.

Point is, it is unfortunate if it did happen, and not indicative of what I feel is the spirit of the "No" side.

Really it sounds like someone who feels powerless, someone who feels without a voice and so they more or less anonymously threaten, usually little arises. That being said, it is probably reasonable to be cautious, though not afraid.

Politics is so far from some people's grasp, that they grasp at what is most readily available. I hope the tone of this thread is not to lump us "NO" voters all in together.

So, it's circumstantial that they told me this information? Or, circumstantial that they have the emails and voicemails to back up their claims?

12-05-2009, 07:46 PM
DV crosses the spectrum. I doubt there is any connection to a position on MAPS. And it isn't fair to a group to accuse them of the actions of a bad apple.

But as for the reports of agressive behavior directed towards pro MAPS people, plenty of credible people have reported it and there is no doubt that this is an issue that has caused anger and consternation. I just wish people had the self control to focus on going to the polls. Intimidating, screaming at people and stealing signs is trashy behavior.

12-05-2009, 07:50 PM
So, it's circumstantial that they told me this information? Or, circumstantial that they have the emails and voicemails to back up their claims?

It's not court but if it was, that would be hearsay rather than circumstantial evidence.

12-05-2009, 08:30 PM
Emails and voicemails are circumstantial?

Urban Pioneer
12-05-2009, 08:42 PM
So..... Back on ANGRY people, the soccer/sleding area next to Hefner Parkway (A CITY TAXPAYER PARK) has been vandalized by ametuer graffitti artists with a NO in large, highway visible letters.

Now us taxpayers will be footing the BILL for the parks department to get out their winterized lawn equipment to go "scalp" the letters off. WAY TO GO OPPOSITION! You are really making your point about Maps tax wastefulness!

12-05-2009, 09:36 PM
Having known Urban Pioneer for years, I have no reason to doubt him. It's not surprising that you won't accept any responsibility for your rogue supporters, though.Have you known the person who told him this story for a long time as well? I wasn't questioning U.P. creditability, I was correcting you for referring to it as being a threat. Until you have proof it remains alleged. Are you alleging that I'm associated with a criminal act, or that I bare any responsibility for the act?

12-05-2009, 09:38 PM
You wouldn't really be surprised would you?I have reached a time in my life where nothing surprises me.

12-05-2009, 10:05 PM
I have reached a time in my life where nothing surprises me.Yeah. Me too.

Doug Loudenback
12-05-2009, 10:07 PM
The alleged threats.
Nothing "alleged" about it. I took a picture of some action downtown just a few minutes ago ...

12-05-2009, 11:32 PM
[QUOTE=Doug Loudenback;277827]Nothing "alleged" about it. I took a picture of some action downtown just a few minutes ago ...

:lol2: MMD!!

12-05-2009, 11:36 PM
So..... Back on ANGRY people, the soccer/sleding area next to Hefner Parkway (A CITY TAXPAYER PARK) has been vandalized by ametuer graffitti artists with a NO in large, highway visible letters.

Now us taxpayers will be footing the BILL for the parks department to get out their winterized lawn equipment to go "scalp" the letters off. WAY TO GO OPPOSITION! You are really making your point about Maps tax wastefulness!

Can someone take a pic?

12-05-2009, 11:36 PM
Nothing "alleged" about it. I took a picture of some action downtown just a few minutes ago ...


That is priceless. Great work!

Doug Loudenback
12-06-2009, 12:01 AM

That is priceless. Great work!
Thanks. I thought about making the penguin fireman hosing down all of those around the YesMaps fire, but I was fearful that I'd subject myself to Iron's ire if I did ... and, you know, I just don't think that I'm up to that.

12-06-2009, 03:15 AM
Nothing "alleged" about it. I took a picture of some action downtown just a few minutes ago ... I can see I'm going to have to spend a bit more time educating you about Firefighters. Did you not see that buxom blonde on the bike? For God sakes man...forget the fire, rotate.

Larry OKC
12-06-2009, 04:23 AM
I just got a call from a downtown property owner. MTP had put several signs in flower beds on his property.

He told me that he had received a string of phone calls from passerby's and tenants demanding that the signs be removed.

One of the callers told him that unless they would be removed he would find his properties vandalized and his car tires "slashed".

I realize that people are passionate about their views, but when did it come to actually threatening harms and destruction to one's personal property?

Also, I heard that Mark Shannon's diatribe today was particularly frightening with references to "burning the mayor's house down". Is this really the America and OKC that I have loved?

Prove me wrong, have a good ole fashioned sign war, but be respectful and treat others responsibally. This is NOT a new tax.

Urban I agree with everything in your post (shameful that it is happening on either side). But I must take issue with the bolded statement.

This most assuredly IS a new tax (if it wasn't there wouldn't be any need to have a vote). From the MAPS 3 section of the City's site:

What percentage of the voters is required for approval of NEW sales taxes in Oklahoma City?
Fifty percent of the voters, plus one.

Why do the people vote on tax initiatives?
All NEW sales taxes must be approved by the people.

Urban Pioneer
12-06-2009, 04:27 AM
It is even more upsetting when you have an all out "war" between the people who are supposed to protect us and the public to be protected.

I want to make an overature and retract this statement. I think that the Police and Fire Unions have given fuel to alot of angry people for a great many different reasons. It has made for some strange bedfellows.

However, I have not personally had a bad experience with a fireman or policeman since I first moved here. It is safe to say that they have been completely rational and professional in all my dealings with them.

It's going to be too easy to bash each other in the next three days. But when it comes down to it, I am not sure that my comment above is accurate. I think that the "ANGRY" people are not any of the public worforce I have encountered.

Their Union Leaders however have unleashed a angry motivated throng on this vote unintentionally or otherwise. I will be glad when it is over.

Larry OKC
12-06-2009, 04:30 AM
Doug I can see I'm going to have to spend a bit more time educating you about Firefighters. Did you not see that buxom blonde on the bike? For God sakes man...forget the fire, rotate.

And it does look like the fireman is looking over her way...LOL

Urban Pioneer
12-06-2009, 04:34 AM
My personal property has been burglarized and vandalized. An arsonist set my construction dumpster on fire (one of many). And like many people, I too have made mistakes that were sifted through.

The police and fire have always done their job admirably. I really wish that they weren't the ones giving thus fight muscle. It feels wierd to be campaigning against them.

Doug Loudenback
12-06-2009, 08:02 AM
Doug I can see I'm going to have to spend a bit more time educating you about Firefighters. Did you not see that buxom blonde on the bike? For God sakes man...forget the fire, rotate.
Of course! Problem solved ...
Oh. You said the one on the bike ...

12-06-2009, 01:31 PM
I want to make an overature and retract this statement. I think that the Police and Fire Unions have given fuel to alot of angry people for a great many different reasons. It has made for some strange bedfellows.

However, I have not personally had a bad experience with a fireman or policeman since I first moved here. It is safe to say that they have been completely rational and professional in all my dealings with them.

It's going to be too easy to bash each other in the next three days. But when it comes down to it, I am not sure that my comment above is accurate. I think that the "ANGRY" people are not any of the public worforce I have encountered.

Their Union Leaders however have unleashed a angry motivated throng on this vote unintentionally or otherwise. I will be glad when it is over.

Really this is nice to hear. I know that we stand at odds, and it is somewhat uncomfortable for everybody especially with the ramped up efforts of a desperate few recently.

The 9th really can't get here fast enough, and up to then and after, our commitment to the community, and theirs to us really doesn't have to leave the ballot box. We'll all live either in a park, or in a park a little later.

12-06-2009, 02:17 PM
I wouldn't assume a park a little later. And what is "little"? Easy for you to be all casual about that, but again, if this doesn't pass, people won't necessarily think police and fire opposition was no big deal.

12-06-2009, 03:12 PM
I wouldn't assume a park a little later. And what is "little"? Easy for you to be all casual about that, but again, if this doesn't pass, people won't necessarily think police and fire opposition was no big deal.


It is easy for me to be casual, I'm easy like sunday mornings. I think that you have got yourself all balled up about this thing for no real reason. Whether you need/want these things or not, Devon, Kelly Ogle, The Thunder, OPUBCO, The Fair and possibly Oprah want/need this to happen.

If it doesn't pass this time, those "forces of progress" will regroup, rethink, and re-present the issue with another campaign. Maybe we'll get a bunch of ponies too. Momentum will not be lost, all the pundits will just have to take a long deep breath, and a mulligan.

12-06-2009, 03:19 PM

It is easy for me to be casual, I'm easy like sunday mornings. I think that you have got yourself all balled up about this thing for no real reason. Whether you need/want these things or not, Devon, Kelly Ogle, The Thunder, OPUBCO, The Fair and possibly Oprah want/need this to happen.

If it doesn't pass this time, those "forces of progress" will regroup, rethink, and re-present the issue with another campaign. Maybe we'll get a bunch of ponies too. Momentum will not be lost, all the pundits will just have to take a long deep breath, and a mulligan.

Will, some of us actually want this stuff to pass. But your point doesn't really matter much, because MAPS is going to pass anyway.


12-06-2009, 03:23 PM
Again, your opinion. Yes, probably many of these things will eventually be built. But how long is eventually? This city is behind many other comparable cities, and you don't catch up by sitting still. Personally, I don't want to wait 5 to 10 years, or 15, or whenever. Private funding isn't going to build a streetcar, or improve mass transit. As I've said, most of the "no" people seem to have this abhorrance of big money, until it comes time to sit back and let them do everything for this city. I think Devon has given of itself quite a bit already, as have Chesapeake and the owners of the Thunder. For all the shouting, no one seemed to care that they paid the $425 million to buy the team and move it here. We sit here with open hands, thinking the rich will do it all for us, and perhaps they're waiting for the public to do a little all by itself.

12-06-2009, 03:32 PM
Will, some of us actually want this stuff to pass. But your point doesn't really matter much, because MAPS is going to pass anyway.


Correction. All of us but the few trolls who have come to this message board just to politick want this passed.

12-06-2009, 03:42 PM
My hands aren't open for anybody do drop anything in them. I'm not asking for any of this. I work, I get paid. I love OKC, I'm proud of it. Momentum is not going to be lost.

Your safety could quite possibly be compromised. We were offered 10 positions, thats half of an advanced life support staff for 1 station and there are currently 2 out of service, and 2 that are yet to be built. Our numbers are lower than they were in 1995, our rides are up 85% since then.

Why is this not a rallying cry? I don't want a handout, simply ethical management of the city services.

Mick's television strewn mug has stated that this initiative will produce more P.S. - 10 more with the use tax. 10 more, with no garauntee after 2 years. Our numbers cannot go lower.

12-06-2009, 03:44 PM
Will, some of us actually want this stuff to pass. But your point doesn't really matter much, because MAPS is going to pass anyway.

:poke:I'm sure it will pass, thats OK. After it does and if the Mayor stays good to his word, which he should, the Firefighters will get their staffing. Considering thats all they wanted to begin with, then their plan worked, and they accomplished their goal. Everybody comes out a winner

12-06-2009, 05:47 PM
So..... Back on ANGRY people, the soccer/sleding area next to Hefner Parkway (A CITY TAXPAYER PARK) has been vandalized by ametuer graffitti artists with a NO in large, highway visible letters.

Now us taxpayers will be footing the BILL for the parks department to get out their winterized lawn equipment to go "scalp" the letters off. WAY TO GO OPPOSITION! You are really making your point about Maps tax wastefulness!

I saw that as well. This is getting ridiculous.

12-06-2009, 06:07 PM

It is easy for me to be casual, I'm easy like sunday mornings. I think that you have got yourself all balled up about this thing for no real reason.

If you were truly easy about this, win or lose,would you be bothering with a message board? Or, are you only easy about MAPS losing? That makes a bit of a difference.

12-06-2009, 07:10 PM

Easy like win, or lose I put up an honest fight.

And If I see you running down the boulevard I'll tip my hat.

And if you don't win, I'll probably still see you on the boulevard, and I'll tip my hat. I'll just be grinning bigger.

12-06-2009, 08:10 PM
Easy like win, or lose I put up an honest fight.

And If I see you running down the boulevard I'll tip my hat.

And if you don't win, I'll probably still see you on the boulevard, and I'll tip my hat. I'll just be grinning bigger.

Agreed. This troll has unfortunately lost a lot of respect for the Mayor, City Manager, and former Mayors and anyone (Chamber) associated with the negative commercials and ad campaign. I mean calling the Men and Women that truly believe in their job and protecting it's citizens bullies went too far.

Not ANGRY. Just Passionate!:congrats:

Win or Lose. We all live in a Great City! I'm proud of this City. If this passes, I'll pay that penny. I will grumble every time though. LOL I would have been happy with at least two different debates on the projects and current state of our city. I feel like then our city's voters could have made a vote knowing both the "YES" side and the "NO" side. Instead of the folks with the deepest pockets are getting the most "air time". I think a debate would have prevented some of the negative campaigning.

Forget Police, Fire, and City Services. I'd vote NO on THIS MAPS for several other reasons.

Good luck to all. ONE MORE DAY and then we are all back on the SAME side win or lose! (that doesn't include the politicians. lets not get crazy)

12-06-2009, 08:24 PM
You mean you disrespect the citizens.

12-06-2009, 08:32 PM
... And if you don't win, I'll probably still see you on the boulevard, and I'll tip my hat. I'll just be grinning bigger.

:tiphat: :bow: