12-05-2009, 08:10 AM
I realize that this could hardly be considered a tangible or scientific poll of support for MAPS 3, but in looking at Facebook this morning I noticed that the "Yesformaps" group has far more "friends" than the "Not this maps" group.
Yesformaps: 2497
Not this maps: 1541
It's either a good sign in favor of MAPS or a sign that the people who oppose it are too dense to use a computer! :LolLolLol
I've been pushing yes votes on FB for weeks now and most of MY friends who live here are well on board to vote yes and help take our fair city to the next level.
Just an observation... VOTE YES!
12-05-2009, 11:36 AM
I realize that this could hardly be considered a tangible or scientific poll of support for MAPS 3, but in looking at Facebook this morning I noticed that the "Yesformaps" group has far more "friends" than the "Not this maps" group.
Yesformaps: 2497
Not this maps: 1541
It's either a good sign in favor of MAPS or a sign that the people who oppose it are too dense to use a computer! ...
Lots of folk on both sides who are not computer savvy. And a few for whom I wish that were true.
12-05-2009, 02:09 PM
I just noticed that the other day as well. Definitely not scientific, but it shows you how younger people lean, even in this city.
I have dozens of friends in the YES group and only one in the NO group, whom I'm trying to sway. ;)
12-05-2009, 05:07 PM
It will all boil down to who shows up at the polls on Tuesday.
As popular as social media is with certain segments of the population, the demographics are far from widely inclusive.
12-05-2009, 05:32 PM
It will all boil down to who shows up at the polls on Tuesday.
As popular as social media is with certain segments of the population, the demographics are far from widely inclusive.
The vote, either way, may not be what we think. I'm hearing a lot of confusion as to who (which communities) can actually vote. Regardless it should be interesting?
12-05-2009, 05:38 PM
... I'm hearing a lot of confusion as to who (which communities) can actually vote.
I canna imagine how anyone except a really new to the area resident could be confused. But a simple phone call would cure that condition for anyone afflicted with it.