View Full Version : MTP Launches GOTV Campaign VOLUNTEER FOR YES MAPS NOW

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Urban Pioneer
11-29-2009, 03:59 PM
MTP Modern Transit Project Launches GOTV "Get Out The Vote"

I am encouraging all of OKC Talk to leave their computers and actively support the campaign by distributing yard signs, pamphlets, posters, and door-to-door education.

I will be taking the next 9 days to actively engage and train volunteers.

MTP will have direct access to yards signs and all YES Maps Campaign material.

Undoubtedly, many of you are concerned about voter apathy and an increasing "guerrilla style" campaign by the opposition. MTP committee and Advisory Board Members are taking a lead in coordinating volunteer efforts.

VOLUNTEER NOW Send me an e-mail directly at

I will make sure that your time is used wisely and effectively. Feel free to take a day off if you can spare it to propel Oklahoma City forward!

11-29-2009, 05:24 PM
I wish I were a resident, I would surely help out!

YES for This MAPS!

11-29-2009, 09:31 PM
Polls aren't looking so good huh? Good luck! MAPS3 is a no go. This is a sign of just how bad it's really going. VOTE NO.

Urban Pioneer
11-29-2009, 09:33 PM
Oh yeah Iron. Just because people want to volunteer is not a reflection of any poll. I am not privy to polling data. I am encouraging people to get involved in what should be a respectful and democratic process.

11-29-2009, 09:38 PM
Not totally against public transportation, but I've actually started counting passengers. On 2 trolley's and 5 buses, I've counted 7 riders total from all 7 modes of transportation.

We've seen the estimate is 22 million dollars PER MILE for your rail system. Does that sound about right? How many riders do you expect a day? This is just for downtown correct? The rest of the citizens won't be able to catch the rail from 15 miles outside of town and ride to work and leave their cars at home will they? What's going to be the estimated daily operating cost to this City's Citizens for the rail system?

Urban Pioneer
11-29-2009, 09:42 PM
You crack me up Iron. Go to the mass transit thread and read up on it won't you. I am not going to lower myself to your level and debate a useless argument with someone unwilling to consider that they might be wrong.

Read, be educated, then prosper.

11-29-2009, 10:17 PM

Wow! I guess you don't want to bother with giving any info out? I am a taxpayer and was just curious. I thought you'd take a min to try and convince me that this was a good idea.

I guess as a taxpayer that will be helping foot the bill for this project doesn't deserve an explanation.

Nice strategy. I

Larry OKC
11-29-2009, 10:21 PM
Urban, I agree and would encourage those of BOTH sides to become as active as they can. I want every registered voter's voice to be heard (even though I am in the No camp, non-related to the Police/Fire stance)

When only about half of the residents in OKC are even registered to vote and voter turnout for a single-issue, local election is typically low (15% mol, which translates to about 7.5% of the residents voting), makes it difficult to say that the "entire community" has spoken or a "mandate" has been served (no matter which side is victorious, by whatever margin). The actual decision is actually decided by a small minority of the citizens.

The apathy of the citizens/voters is, well...pathetic

Even if you can't be active, at the very least, be as informed as you can, make your decision based on the verifiable facts and VOTE on Dec 8th.:voted:

I will get down off my soapbox (at least until the next post):LolLolLol:

11-29-2009, 10:41 PM
Thank you Larry.


urban. Do you have a copy of the study that was done by the council in reference to the Light rail system and it's cost? I'd be interested in reading it. I've looked at the website you suggested. NONE of the answers to the question's I asked were contained. So you don't waste my time again. I'd like to read the study. If you could post it. It would be appreciated.

I mean that is just one of the projects you want voters to vote YES for isn't it?

11-29-2009, 10:54 PM
iron, I don't believe there's any light rail included in MAPS. You might look at the proposals.

Urban Pioneer
11-29-2009, 10:55 PM
Iron, I said read the mass transit thread. Learn to respect blog etiquette and stay on subject of the thread. This thread is for those who would like to discuss volunteering for the Yes Campaign.

11-29-2009, 11:21 PM
Iron, I said read the mass transit thread. Learn to respect blog etiquette and stay on subject of the thread. This thread is for those who would like to discuss volunteering for the Yes Campaign.So you consider those of us who oppose MAPS 3 "Guerrillas" I guess you consider those who support MAPS 3 angels. You need to learn some respect yourself. Belittling taxpaying Citizens because they don't think like you shows a lack of class my friend.

11-29-2009, 11:22 PM
I don't think iron gets the concept of a proactive city. The idea is to create mass transit that people will WANT to use. Our current transit system is a joke. No one wants to use it. So thanks for you hand counts, but no thanks.

Oklahoma City can be proactive by creating a system our future can use, not wait to become a cancerous craphole like Houston before finally implementing mass transit.

Iron's obviously never heard of the term "forerunner".

Urban Pioneer
11-29-2009, 11:35 PM
So you consider those of us who oppose MAPS 3 "Guerrillas" I guess you consider those who support MAPS 3 angels. You need to learn some respect yourself. Belittling taxpaying Citizens because they don't think like you shows a lack of class my friend.

I wasn't belittling Andy. Guerrilla style in campaigning is often a term used to describe a motivated volunteer base. Not gorilla, lol. If Yes people want to win, they have to be as motivated as the opposition. Hope that clarifies.

11-29-2009, 11:48 PM
I wasn't belittling Andy. Guerrilla style in campaigning is often a term used to describe a motivated volunteer base. Not gorilla, lol. If Yes people want to win, they have to be as motivated as the opposition. Hope that clarifies.Sure you were.

11-30-2009, 12:14 AM
Give it up Bezdek. You'll never work in this town again after your massive failure. Might want to look into getting a real job, like those of us working on the sensible side of all this...

11-30-2009, 12:21 AM
Give it up Bezdek. You'll never work in this town again after your massive failure. Might want to look into getting a real job, like those of us working on the sensible side of all this...

Steve Hunt, what is your problem? Act like an adult, for once.

11-30-2009, 12:25 AM
Adults work jobs. Propaganda is not a job. Stop following the kidults @ the chamber.

11-30-2009, 12:26 AM
Also, I'll act how I please. If you don't want to take me seriously, that is your problem ol girl.

Urban Pioneer
12-03-2009, 07:25 AM
A small number of volunteers put out several hundred yard signs at requested addresses last night. Now that the weather is a bit kinder, feel free to contact me so MTP can put you to work.

12-03-2009, 09:35 AM

I volunteered within 30 minutes of your original posting and you still have not called me back, so do you really need more volunteers?

Urban Pioneer
12-03-2009, 09:40 AM
Yes. We do. I have been working off the I-phone and think I deleted your number by accident. I think I sent you mine, so feel free to call me as we are out in force today. That goes for anyone else as well.

Also there is a sign making lunch (lunch provided) at the chamber starting at 11.

12-03-2009, 11:04 AM
Wow. The utter rudeness of the anti-MAPs posters on here is motivating me to volunteer, and I live in Norman. By the way, as Jeff pointed out, some of you need to learn the difference between guerrilla and gorilla, one of which is a widely-used campaign tactic and the other being an awesome animal. Neither one would be belittling, in my opinion.

12-03-2009, 03:16 PM
Give it up Bezdek. You'll never work in this town again after your massive failure. Might want to look into getting a real job, like those of us working on the sensible side of all this...

When are we gonna ban this guy? Geez.

12-03-2009, 03:32 PM
I agree, jbrown.

This used to be a pleasant website to visit. The mods' hands-off approach has allowed it to deteriorate to a nasty, vile place.

I can't wait 'til this election is over and the hateful trolls leave for good.

12-03-2009, 03:44 PM
Before anyone says this (because I know it is coming). I have no problem with people who have opposing views. I might not agree with guys like Andy or Larry but they've been nothing but respectful. Luckily they other handful of posters who haven't been will be gone next Wednesday, win or lose.

12-03-2009, 04:58 PM
Exactly. That was a blatantly personal attack by blazerfan, which I'm pretty sure is against TOS.

I honestly haven't seen karried post in weeks and mmm has been pretty quiet.

12-03-2009, 05:28 PM
Exactly. That was a blatantly personal attack by blazerfan, which I'm pretty sure is against TOS.

I honestly haven't seen karried post in weeks and mmm has been pretty quiet.

mmm noted this week in another thread folks needed to be more civil. Doesn't seem to have helped a great deal unfortunately.

Conversely, folks on both sides of the coin have lost it a time or too, though perhaps none quite so much as has Blazerfan11 or as some reference him, Steve Hunt, in this particular thread.

Don't know who Steve Hunt is, or why it's particularly relevant to bring out he is Blazerfan111, assuming he is of course. It seems to be stated with a fair degree of certainty, but the why is just not all that clear. or perhaps I am somewhat dense. I certainly have been at other times, so it can't be ruled out, lol.

12-03-2009, 05:48 PM
I am wondering if the real estate people have been told to stay out of the fray as Metro has not been posting either.

12-03-2009, 05:51 PM
mmm noted this week in another thread folks needed to be more civil. Doesn't seem to have helped a great deal unfortunately.

Conversely, folks on both sides of the coin have lost it a time or too, though perhaps none quite so much as has Blazerfan11 or as some reference him, Steve Hunt, in this particular thread.

Don't know who Steve Hunt is, or why it's particularly relevant to bring out he is Blazerfan111, assuming he is of course. It seems to be stated with a fair degree of certainty, but the why is just not all that clear. or perhaps I am somewhat dense. I certainly have been at other times, so it can't be ruled out, lol.

This is beyond being uncivil. His comments are a threat. The mods on here are letting the discourse continue to deteriorate.

Not to mention, isn't the goal of this site to progressively advocate on behalf of OKC and its continued improvement?

This isn't a free country. It's an advocacy site. Why are we giving a platform and soapbox to angry trolls who advocate against the city's progress? Can't the less respectful of the bunch just be put out to pasture?

12-03-2009, 05:55 PM
This is Steve Hunt, the guy who threatened Urban Pioneer. Here he is ranting in front of city council.

Today is “Belittle Steve Hunt and Say He Works at Taco Bell Day” at The Lost Ogle (

12-03-2009, 06:18 PM
This is Steve Hunt, the guy who threatened Urban Pioneer. Here he is ranting in front of city council.

Today is “Belittle Steve Hunt and Say He Works at Taco Bell Day” at The Lost Ogle (

Take a lobbyist to work day .....

Bill Engval is right ... you can't make this stuff up

Urban Pioneer
12-03-2009, 06:48 PM
Just found three of our signs destroyed. Immediately put up three more. MTP has been on the sign plantation all day!

Doug Loudenback
12-03-2009, 07:24 PM
I agree, jbrown.

This used to be a pleasant website to visit. The mods' hands-off approach has allowed it to deteriorate to a nasty, vile place.

I can't wait 'til this election is over and the hateful trolls leave for good.

12-03-2009, 07:37 PM
What a bunch of whiners. You want to be able to say anything you want to anyone with an opposing view, but then cry foul when the favor is returned. You folks have no class. Thank you Andy for noticing.

"Personal Attack" ..."threatening"..blah blah..

Put up as many signs as you like. The difference is we are getting calls from citizens requesting them. LOL..not just driving around town sticking them in the ground. How's the door knocking going so far? I'd like to be a fly on the wall....I hope you come to my door...I'll laugh you right off the porch!


Urban Pioneer
12-03-2009, 09:28 PM
You make me laugh Iron. It amuses me that you think you know the definition of "class". Go outside and roll around on the lawn in front of your NO signs. The web would love a break from you.

12-03-2009, 10:27 PM
Iron is not doing anything to help the ignorant redneck anti-MAPS stereotype.

12-03-2009, 10:34 PM
A friend of mine said he would feel better if they would just visit their Jr. High English teacher to learn the difference between their, they're and there.

Urban Pioneer
12-04-2009, 08:58 AM
I need whoever can take off early today and work the afternoon shift to let me know. Free lunch at the chamber also.

12-04-2009, 11:23 AM
Iron, what makes you think MTP is going around knocking on doors asking people if they can put up signs. They ALSO have had people call or email asking for signs.

And it's been documented on this site that NO advocates have asked businesses to put up signs and been turned down, so you don't have a leg to stand on.

Kevin, the reason we are pointing out that Blazerfan is Steve Hunt is because he has posted to this site under multiple usernames in the past and been banned on more than one occasion for personal attacks.

Urban Pioneer
12-04-2009, 05:36 PM
A solid volunteer day out on the streets. About to go through a "shift" change. If any of you want to volunteer this weekend I can put all of you to good use. holding our ground.

12-04-2009, 05:50 PM
Iron is not doing anything to help the ignorant redneck anti-MAPS stereotype.

Well now, that all depends on how one defines help.

12-04-2009, 05:53 PM
Well now, that all depends on how one defines help.

Face it. He's a Chamber plant.

12-04-2009, 10:16 PM
Face it. He's a Chamber plant.

Say wha?

Is he a plant to make the opposition look like idiots? If that is the goal, good job, Chamber.

Larry OKC
12-04-2009, 11:02 PM
...This isn't a free country. It's an advocacy site. Why are we giving a platform and soapbox to angry trolls who advocate against the city's progress? Can't the less respectful of the bunch just be put out to pasture?

The name of the site "OKC Talk" doesn't indicate it is any sort of "advocacy", but a place to talk/exchange ideas/debate those ideas when they seem to be contrary to each other. At least that is the way I saw it.

12-04-2009, 11:07 PM
Larry, you're not the offender here.

There are some trolls here, and there are some people who are against MAPS. You are against MAPS, but you're not a troll, at least as far as I can tell.

But it's true that the founding of this website by Patrick was to advocate on behalf of improvement and progressive movement of our city. It wasn't designed to be an equal-time forum.

This site is now owned by Pete, who is a fierce advocate of MAPS, as far as I can tell.

We are all guests on his site, and we post here at his pleasure.

There's no guarantee we can post whatever we want however we want. We post here at Pete's pleasure.

He's obviously a very patient guy and he's obviously not a censor. But he cares deeply for this city and is very pro-MAPS, as far as I can tell, so by acting like this is a free forum to bash MAPS and its proponents seems to me to be an ungracious position for a visitor to take.

12-05-2009, 12:26 AM
Larry, you're not the offender here.

There are some trolls here, and there are some people who are against MAPS. You are against MAPS, but you're not a troll, at least as far as I can tell.

But it's true that the founding of this website by Patrick was to advocate on behalf of improvement and progressive movement of our city. It wasn't designed to be an equal-time forum.

This site is now owned by Pete, who is a fierce advocate of MAPS, as far as I can tell.

We are all guests on his site, and we post here at his pleasure.

There's no guarantee we can post whatever we want however we want. We post here at Pete's pleasure.

He's obviously a very patient guy and he's obviously not a censor. But he cares deeply for this city and is very pro-MAPS, as far as I can tell, so by acting like this is a free forum to bash MAPS and its proponents seems to me to be an ungracious position for a visitor to take.

What if he were anti-maps would you feel the same way? Would you be so gracious as to refrain from showing your support for MAPS? If that were the case would there be a reason for you to be here? Why would you want to come here as a MAPS supporter only to listen to the anti-MAPS side knowing you were not allowed to voice your position?

12-05-2009, 12:36 AM
Dude, if this site was majority anti-MAPS I probably wouldn't be wasting a lot of time posting here. The point is that it's not my site and it's not yours either. So why do people expect there to be equal time for everyone? For all I know Pete may not like my posts and tell me to leave someday. I hope not, but it's his website and he can manage it however he wants.

It just seems strange to me that many of the anti-MAPS posters had no presence on this site until the campaign kicked in, and see no irony in the fact that they are using an ostensibly pro-MAPS site to launch their tirades against MAPS. In actuality, they're guests of the owner and are owed nothing.

12-05-2009, 12:39 AM
Dude, if this site was majority anti-MAPS I probably wouldn't be wasting a lot of time posting here. The point is that it's not my site and it's not yours either. So why do people expect there to be equal time for everyone? For all I know Pete may not like my posts and tell me to leave someday. I hope not, but it's his website and he can manage it however he wants.

It just seems strange to me that many of the anti-MAPS posters had no presence on this site until the campaign kicked in, and see no irony in the fact that they are using an ostensibly pro-MAPS site to launch their tirades against MAPS. In actuality, they're guests of the owner and are owed nothing.Chill out DUDE

12-05-2009, 12:48 AM
Chill out DUDE

I'm perfectly chill. Don't be so sensitive. And remember, you -- just like me -- are a guest on this site. It's not your own private soapbox.

12-05-2009, 04:56 AM
I'm perfectly chill. Don't be so sensitive. And remember, you -- just like me -- are a guest on this site. It's not your own private soapbox.

I'm sensitive? Thats classic. I ask you 4 simple honest questions, your the one that spunoff on some off the wall b.s. rant about equal time.

You seem to have your soapboxes confused. This is a Public forum not a private forum. There is nothing private about this forum with the exception of names and personal information, but they don't have to be, but it's an option.

Now, with that in mind I will agree with you, this is not my own private soapbox. What it is however is a public place where anybody with proper authorization from Pete can voice their views from atop a soapbox on any issue they choose, bar some, whether you like them or not. So until I decide I no longer wish to voice my views in public from atop a soapbox, or until my actions would cause Pete to withdraw his authorization, thats what I will do. Remember that.

12-05-2009, 08:54 AM
I'm sensitive? Thats classic. I ask you 4 simple honest questions, your the one that spunoff on some off the wall b.s. rant about equal time.

You seem to have your soapboxes confused. This is a Public forum not a private forum. There is nothing private about this forum with the exception of names and personal information, but they don't have to be, but it's an option.

Now, with that in mind I will agree with you, this is not my own private soapbox. What it is however is a public place where anybody with proper authorization from Pete can voice their views from atop a soapbox on any issue they choose, bar some, whether you like them or not. So until I decide I no longer wish to voice my views in public from atop a soapbox, or until my actions would cause Pete to withdraw his authorization, thats what I will do. Remember that.

Actually, this isn't a public forum, for the very reason's you've stated. Things like freedom of speech, etc. are not a right on this forum. If administration/moderation doesn't like what you are saying for any reason whatsoever, they can delete it. Generally, as long as people are respectful, all perspectives are welcome. Only when people troll or become unruly are they banned/suspended.

12-05-2009, 09:24 AM
I'm sensitive? Thats classic. I ask you 4 simple honest questions, your the one that spunoff on some off the wall b.s. rant about equal time.

You seem to have your soapboxes confused. This is a Public forum not a private forum. There is nothing private about this forum with the exception of names and personal information, but they don't have to be, but it's an option.

Now, with that in mind I will agree with you, this is not my own private soapbox. What it is however is a public place where anybody with proper authorization from Pete can voice their views from atop a soapbox on any issue they choose, bar some, whether you like them or not. So until I decide I no longer wish to voice my views in public from atop a soapbox, or until my actions would cause Pete to withdraw his authorization, thats what I will do. Remember that.

No. By its very nature it's a private forum, as it is owned by a private person. We are posting here until he decides otherwise, but we do not have "freedom of speech" in the classic definition.

I find it hard to understand why you seem to have trouble grasping the concept that this board is owned and operated by MAPS supporters, and, at least until your obnoxious anti-MAPS brethren arrived here to do some politicking, is a forum dominated by supporters of MAPS. I suspect this is still the case, with a few noisy exceptions.

12-05-2009, 10:31 AM
... the reason we are pointing out that Blazerfan is Steve Hunt is because he has posted to this site under multiple usernames in the past and been banned on more than one occasion for personal attacks.

Missed this earlier. Dinna realize the forum multi-personality angle. Clarification appreciated.

Urban Pioneer
12-05-2009, 10:47 AM
And back on volunteering subject, we have brought on several key constituency groups yesterday. The fieldwork is working volunteers!

Put some time in today. I can use you to help walk the precincts.

12-06-2009, 02:36 AM
Actually, this isn't a public forum, for the very reason's you've stated. Things like freedom of speech, etc. are not a right on this forum. If administration/moderation doesn't like what you are saying for any reason whatsoever, they can delete it. Generally, as long as people are respectful, all perspectives are welcome. Only when people troll or become unruly are they banned/suspended.You say delete, I said withdraw authorization. Delete is the more correct term. I agree OKCTALK is Pete's private property. By public I meant everything posted here could be seen by anyone who happen to be lurking around. Maybe soonerguru and I missed each other attempted points we were trying to make. Who knows>

12-06-2009, 02:59 AM
No. By its very nature it's a private forum, as it is owned by a private person. We are posting here until he decides otherwise, but we do not have "freedom of speech" in the classic definition.

I find it hard to understand why you seem to have trouble grasping the concept that this board is owned and operated by MAPS supporters, and, at least until your obnoxious anti-MAPS brethren arrived here to do some politicking, is a forum dominated by supporters of MAPS. I suspect this is still the case, with a few noisy exceptions.I grasp the concept of how this site operates, and who owns it, and believe I have a pretty good handle on how he views MAPS as well.

I'm also grasping the idea that you have a problem with views or opinions the don't fall in line with yours. I assume Pete looks at things differently than you. If the day comes where he begins to think as you do, you can rest assured, we anti-maps folks will all be gone. But until then I guess we'll all have to deal with it.

12-06-2009, 10:39 AM
I grasp the concept of how this site operates, and who owns it, and believe I have a pretty good handle on how he views MAPS as well.

I'm also grasping the idea that you have a problem with views or opinions the don't fall in line with yours. I assume Pete looks at things differently than you. If the day comes where he begins to think as you do, you can rest assured, we anti-maps folks will all be gone. But until then I guess we'll all have to deal with it.

We all look forward to that day, but Pete won't have anything to do with it. The only reason these trolls are here is to politick, and they're using this pro-MAPS forum as their soapbox. I'm sure they'll move along after they lose on Tuesday.

12-06-2009, 11:00 AM
Urban, I agree and would encourage those of BOTH sides to become as active as they can. I want every registered voter's voice to be heard (even though I am in the No camp, non-related to the Police/Fire stance)

When only about half of the residents in OKC are even registered to vote and voter turnout for a single-issue, local election is typically low (15% mol, which translates to about 7.5% of the residents voting), makes it difficult to say that the "entire community" has spoken or a "mandate" has been served (no matter which side is victorious, by whatever margin). The actual decision is actually decided by a small minority of the citizens.

The apathy of the citizens/voters is, well...pathetic

Even if you can't be active, at the very least, be as informed as you can, make your decision based on the verifiable facts and VOTE on Dec 8th.:voted:

I will get down off my soapbox (at least until the next post):LolLolLol:


If I'm not mistaken, you favor a lot of the projects, you believe the projections are sound, and you acknowledge what other MAPS have done for our city. Why again are you in the 'NO' camp?

Larry OKC
12-07-2009, 01:50 AM

If I'm not mistaken, you favor a lot of the projects, you believe the projections are sound, and you acknowledge what other MAPS have done for our city. Why again are you in the 'NO' camp?

Happy to clarify...I believe the revenue projections are sound, not the cost projections, but mainly because of the Ballot/Ordinance language. If that wasn't enough (and it is), the following have done nothing to bring me over to the Yes side:

Because to date the things they said were going to happen with MAPS 3, largely haven't happened (guess they changed their intent?) That doesn't bode well for the trust some have expressed.

Because of the nagging unanswered questions about some of the projects.

Because of the Chamber's apparent need to inflate the economic impact of MAPS. Not only do the numbers keep going up by a billion or two each time, they are doing so in very short order. The most disturbing part is including things that had nothing to do with MAPS in their E.I. (as Steve pointed out in his blog, the Bombing Memorial and the I-40 relocation).

Because of the Chambers mis-named "Facts" site.

Because of what I see as a blatant disregard that the City isn't supposed to campaign yet the Mayor has an entire program devoted exclusively to the pro-side of MAPS on his "Mayor's Magazine" program that has been in fairly heavy rotation it seems.

Because the Mayor is the head of the Chambers pro-MAPS campaign (he isn't acting as a private citizen, his title is attached on every flier and commercial I have seen).

Because I saw the Mayor decline the right of the Citizens to speak ("advocate" for or against) the proposal in a public Council Meeting.

Because of the continued misleading, spin, half-truths and yes, in at least one case, a flat out lie that was in Sunday's MAPS 3 flier. Not buried in the text, but in a headline spanning 2 pages.