View Full Version : MTP Launches GOTV Campaign VOLUNTEER FOR YES MAPS NOW
BoulderSooner 12-07-2009, 06:33 AM Happy to clarify...I believe the revenue projections are sound, not the cost projections, but mainly because of the Ballot/Ordinance language. If that wasn't enough (and it is), the following have done nothing to bring me over to the Yes side:
Because to date the things they said were going to happen with MAPS 3, largely haven't happened (guess they changed their intent?) That doesn't bode well for the trust some have expressed.
Because of the nagging unanswered questions about some of the projects.
Because of the Chamber's apparent need to inflate the economic impact of MAPS. Not only do the numbers keep going up by a billion or two each time, they are doing so in very short order. The most disturbing part is including things that had nothing to do with MAPS in their E.I. (as Steve pointed out in his blog, the Bombing Memorial and the I-40 relocation).
Because of the Chambers mis-named "Facts" site.
Because of what I see as a blatant disregard that the City isn't supposed to campaign yet the Mayor has an entire program devoted exclusively to the pro-side of MAPS on his "Mayor's Magazine" program that has been in fairly heavy rotation it seems.
Because the Mayor is the head of the Chambers pro-MAPS campaign (he isn't acting as a private citizen, his title is attached on every flier and commercial I have seen).
Because I saw the Mayor decline the right of the Citizens to speak ("advocate" for or against) the proposal in a public Council Meeting.
Because of the continued misleading, spin, half-truths and yes, in at least one case, a flat out lie that was in Sunday's MAPS 3 flier. Not buried in the text, but in a headline spanning 2 pages.
can we sum this up as Distrust of the council??
iron76hd 12-07-2009, 08:16 AM Urban Pioneer. Are the NOT THIS MAPS signs the Police caught you destroying yesterday part of your great effort canvassing the neighborhood?
I'd really like to hear more about your opinion of those destroying signs. I didn't expect anything less. Classic. LOL
Urban Pioneer quotes....
I am not going to lower myself to your level
Learn to respect blog etiquette
Guerrilla style in campaigning is often a term used to describe a motivated volunteer base. Not gorilla, lol. If Yes people want to win, they have to be as motivated as the opposition.
Just found three of our signs destroyed. Immediately put up three more. MTP has been on the sign plantation all day!
You make me laugh Iron. It amuses me that you think you know the definition of "class".
A solid volunteer day out on the streets.
iron76hd 12-07-2009, 08:29 AM can we sum this up as Distrust of the council??
Yup. Vote NO!
betts 12-07-2009, 08:40 AM I for one am going to trust the council. I think MAPS has too much potential for the city to not trust the council. Paranoia creates stagnation. I'll watch what happens if this MAPS passes, and if the council doesn't do what they say they're going to do, I'll vote against them and campaign against them. Same thing goes for the mayor. But, I have a lot more to lose by voting "no" than by voting "yes".
I love what MAPS projects have done for the city. I want to continue to work to make this a better place in which to live, a better place for my family to visit, a better place for visitors to visit. I vote for moving forward, for mass transit, a park, and all the other things that will be so very good for my city.
iron76hd 12-07-2009, 08:54 AM I would have trouble voting YES for a project that is going to have to be subsidized by my TAXES every year.
This is not just ONE project it's a list of them in that boat. No thanks. If we are going to keep "SPENDING" momentum going they better find a better or shorter list of projects.
Kerry 12-07-2009, 09:00 AM I would have trouble voting YES for a project that is going to have to be subsidized by my TAXES every year.
LOL - this coming from someone who's daily bread is the result of taxation. Just where do you think the money in your paycheck comes from?
iron76hd 12-07-2009, 09:06 AM WHAT? So now your Police Protection and my paycheck are just a worthless "project"? Stay off the funny Kool-Aid. Your talking crazy....
and by the daily bread...I PAID for that too.:bright_id
betts 12-07-2009, 09:07 AM And you think you're not subsidizing roads every day? We're subsidizing our policemen and firemen every day. Every single thing in the city is paid for by the city, and by taxes. If you want to live in a city without amenities, that's your choice, clearly. Personally, I want a nice city, with decent mass transit, decent parks, more things to do. If not for the first MAPS, this place would be a barren wasteland, which is pretty much what it was when I moved here. Our mayor at the time had the vision to see that it could be better and a lot of people actually voted against getting better. They didn't want to subsidize the canal, the Brick, the Ford Center, the Art Museum, the Civic Center, the public library. Luckily, the people who knew that we had to get better or risk becoming a dying city won.
Now we have the chance to take another giant try and become a Tier 2 city. It won't happen if MAPS doesn't pass, so I'm voting, as a citizen, to help my city take that leap, because I know it will be good for me and the citizens I'm sharing this city with and, it gives me a chance of luring my children back here so someday it will be a better place for my as of now theoretical grandchildren to live in. I'm not so short sighted or selfish to think that those few pennies will do me anywhere near the good that our collective pennies will do for our city.
iron76hd 12-07-2009, 09:08 AM I agree Kerry. Good idea. We don't need a Police Deparment or Fire Department that has to be subsidized. Throw them all out in the street. Think of how much money we'll save!! Sounds ridiculous doesn't it. :bright_id
iron76hd 12-07-2009, 09:11 AM And you think you're not subsidizing roads every day?
Are you kidding me? This angle is a joke right?
Ok here you go...
City Services
Just to name a few
NON necessities
White water rapids
Rail System
Senior Aquatic Centers
new buildings at fair grounds
70 acre Central Park
Convention Center #3
now you get it?
Kerry 12-07-2009, 09:20 AM Are you kidding me? This angle is a joke right?
Ok here you go...
City Services
Just to name a few
NON necessities
White water rapids
Rail System
Senior Aquatic Centers
new buildings at fair grounds
70 acre Central Park
Convention Center #3
now you get it?
Nice list. Now if only we had some way outside of traditional government funding to pay for the non-necessities. Something like a temporary 1 cent sales tax would do it.
betts 12-07-2009, 09:21 AM Iron, how do you think we pay for what you consider necessities? Think there are any sales taxes collected at the Ford Center, the Brick, Bricktown and all the development that has occurred as a result of MAPS? Think any of the tourists that now come to Oklahoma City (and wouldn't have been caught dead here before the first MAPS) help pay your salary? Do you think anyone has gotten a job because of the first MAPS that allowed him or her to buy things that pay the sales taxes that pay your salary?
Do you think the billions of dollars of private development that are likely to occur as a result of a streetcar system and the convention center might generate sales taxes that help pay your salary? Think any of the increased number of people who would come to a bigger convention center might spend money in Oklahoma City that would help pay your salary?
OSUFan 12-07-2009, 09:30 AM Larry,
Does it bother you the union heads are campaigning on the tax payer dime?
Midtowner 12-07-2009, 09:44 AM You'll never work in this town again after your massive failure.
This is an interesting statement. Why would you say this?
onthestrip 12-07-2009, 10:15 AM Are you kidding me? This angle is a joke right?
Ok here you go...
City Services
Just to name a few
NON necessities
White water rapids
Rail System
Senior Aquatic Centers
new buildings at fair grounds
70 acre Central Park
Convention Center #3
now you get it?
Once AGAIN, all of those needs were addressed in a bond issue that passed in '07.
Now, do you GET it?
Urban Pioneer 12-07-2009, 01:52 PM Default Re: My Maps 3 Signs got stolen right in front of me!
Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post
As for Urban Pioneer, he's been pretty vocal to this point. I'm just asking for some honesty.
Here is my honest answer. I knew that it was illegal to put political signs on public right-of-way. I did not know that it is illegal to remove them.
Myself and my volunteers have been very careful to put them at locations that have specifically requested them of of the right-of-way and on people's physical property.
Basically, do not touch signs period! Even if they are illegally placed, it is illegal to remove them even though it may cost taxpayers money to pay the parks and city maintenance workers to do it.
jbrown84 12-07-2009, 06:59 PM So there's no such thing as a "citizen's arrest" when it comes to illegally placed signs?
PennyQuilts 12-07-2009, 07:28 PM Oh now, why would someone want to touch a sign thief! You'd get cooties.
kevinpate 12-07-2009, 11:56 PM ... I knew that it was illegal to put political signs on public right-of-way. I did not know that it is illegal to remove them.
... Even if they are illegally placed, it is illegal to remove them even though it may cost taxpayers money to pay the parks and city maintenance workers to do it.
For what it's worth Urban, you're not the only person unaware of this. I haven't lifted any signs in this election cycle, but I wasn't aware all your typical Joe Public can do on an illegally placed sign that's on public property is report it.