View Full Version : Rheas (Rays) on N. May: THUG Magnet

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11-28-2009, 05:53 PM
For the past 6 months, I have been living near the Electro Lounge on May Avenue. Friday nights (especially) are pure HELL between 1:30 and 2:30am. The police have to actually come out here and disperse the crowd nearly every weekend. It's getting ridiculous and seems to have become worse lately. What's the story on this place? I have gone over and looked around during the chaos and see a lot of (call 'em what they are) THUGS and their booming Hip Hop crap. They are rude, have no bother that it's 2:00 in the morning and they're yelling and screaming, they taunt the cops and tear out of the parking lot. Seriously, the cars and their music can be heard from blocks away.

I hate to see the OCPD having to use their resources just to disperse rowdy crowds of young, thoughtless thugs who are disrupting the entire neighborhood.

I'm pretty damn liberal on a lot of issues, but on some of the cultural issues I find myself being what a lot of people here would call downright old fashioned. This is one of them. There's nothing "progressive" "open-minded" or anything else to see this kind of crap every weekend. The young black guys in that parking lot act like punks from Detroit and cry "racist!" to the cops just trying to get them to act halfway CIVIL. It makes me sick.

So really, what's the story on this thug magnet?

11-28-2009, 06:23 PM
Liberal or not, faced the reality of a bad situation, you have opinions based on actual experience rather than how you would like the world to be. It is a sad state of affairs when people are acting like thugs but they're out there and your frustration is completely understandable. What a shame. I feel sorry for the people who don't have the ability to move away from that sort of nonsense or whose neighborhoods turn into something similar when the sun goes down, everynight.

11-28-2009, 06:47 PM
Liberal or not, faced the reality of a bad situation, you have opinions based on actual experience rather than how you would like the world to be. It is a sad state of affairs when people are acting like thugs but they're out there and your frustration is completely understandable. What a shame. I feel sorry for the people who don't have the ability to move away from that sort of nonsense or whose neighborhoods turn into something similar when the sun goes down, everynight.

Penny, The sad thing is that the neighborhood isn't bad. I live just west of there and people lay down a quarter of a million dollars+ for condos.

11-28-2009, 06:55 PM
I just searched it on google and apparently it is in a building with another club that attracts the losers. The electro lounge doesn't sound like a place that caters to young black punks.

11-28-2009, 06:57 PM
I don't blame you for being unhappy about it. I can't stand thugs. They tend to lack empathy and are completely self absorbed. We all want to believe that people will treat others with basic consideration and respect and it is hard to see that not everyone is that way. Grr!

11-28-2009, 07:02 PM
I just searched it on google and apparently it is in a building with another club that attracts the losers. The electro lounge doesn't sound like a place that caters to young black punks.

Huummmmmm. I might check into this tonight. I should add that the Electro Lounge seems to attract different crowds on different nights. That's why I said that about Friday nights. But another club in the same building? That has never crossed my mind and didn't know it, but I'll check.

11-28-2009, 07:10 PM
The electro appears to be a trendy place to go with a "great jukebox". I read a review of it and one of the complaints was that it was in a building with another club that attracted a bad crowd.

11-29-2009, 05:48 PM
LOL, I thought electro lounge was a techno club/lounge. they used to have "robotic" wednesdays, not sure if they still do there

11-29-2009, 09:12 PM
For the past 6 months, I have been living near the Electro Lounge on May Avenue. Friday nights (especially) are pure HELL between 1:30 and 2:30am. The police have to actually come out here and disperse the crowd nearly every weekend. It's getting ridiculous and seems to have become worse lately. What's the story on this place? I have gone over and looked around during the chaos and see a lot of (call 'em what they are) THUGS and their booming Hip Hop crap. They are rude, have no bother that it's 2:00 in the morning and they're yelling and screaming, they taunt the cops and tear out of the parking lot. Seriously, the cars and their music can be heard from blocks away.

I hate to see the OCPD having to use their resources just to disperse rowdy crowds of young, thoughtless thugs who are disrupting the entire neighborhood.

I'm pretty damn liberal on a lot of issues, but on some of the cultural issues I find myself being what a lot of people here would call downright old fashioned. This is one of them. There's nothing "progressive" "open-minded" or anything else to see this kind of crap every weekend. The young black guys in that parking lot act like punks from Detroit and cry "racist!" to the cops just trying to get them to act halfway CIVIL. It makes me sick.

So really, what's the story on this thug magnet?

When I read this I thought of the movie Grand Torino -not suggesting that you take the law into your own hands but dang...the frustration must be so hard to take. I suggest a couple of things:

1. Personally met with the person on the city council who is over your area and hound, hound, hound them to do something about the problem.
2. See if you can locate the owner of the building. Call him/her constantly to complain. Especially call them at the most inconsiderate times to voice your complaint - maybe like....2:00 in the morning....
3. Call one of the newstations to see if they will do a story like "In Your Corner" if all other attempts to get relief go unheeded.
4. Round up as many neighbors who are of like mind to put more voice to your complaint.

So there are some things you can do. Yes, it will take time an endless effort to see results. But you and your neighbors can do it! Don't give up!

Hope this post helps....

11-30-2009, 04:10 PM
It is actually the "ghetto" club on the other side of the electro.... That is why I don't goto electro anymore. Some thugs were outside, being ghetto and taunting me, so I was like....ok.....not coming back here.

12-01-2009, 12:06 AM
Thanks for all the good information that we first got here. I've been working on this with some others and are awaiting to hear back from one of the principles in all this and I'll post a report as soon as we know something. I might also make a special request to the moderators to change my subject title in all fairness to Electro Lounge. I'll post more tomorrow. It's interesting what can happen when a few people get together and realize that we all have common problems but, alone, we're nothing. Together, there's progress. Thanks again everyone for the information passed along in this thread.

12-01-2009, 05:51 PM
Our meeting fell through and will probably happen next week. There are several who would "like" to get involved in doing something about this but are actually afraid. Does that tell you anything?

A friend of mine dropped in on the Electro Lounge today and looked around and said it was a nice place and was definitely NOT the source of the problem. The trouble comes from another club in the building (where Joker's Comedy Club used to be) called "RHEAS".

There is actual FEAR in dealing with these people at Rheas. I can see it, the crowd is nothing short of ghetto thug, or at the least, a magnet for thugs in the parking lot when it's closing time.

We had already really established from the responses here that the problem wasn't with Electro, but the other club which is is unmarked (another clue to what goes down?). APOLOGIES TO ELECTRO LOUNGE!

Mods: If you could change the subject line of the thread, I think that would be fair to them.

12-01-2009, 06:18 PM
Our meeting fell through and will probably happen next week. There are several who would "like" to get involved in doing something about this but are actually afraid. Does that tell you anything?

A friend of mine dropped in on the Electro Lounge today and looked around and said it was a nice place and was definitely NOT the source of the problem. The trouble comes from another club in the building (where Joker's Comedy Club used to be) called "RHEAS".

There is actual FEAR in dealing with these people at Rheas. I can see it, the crowd is nothing short of ghetto thug, or at the least, a magnet for thugs in the parking lot when it's closing time.

We had already really established from the responses here that the problem wasn't with Electro, but the other club which is is unmarked (another clue to what goes down?). APOLOGIES TO ELECTRO LOUNGE!

Mods: If you could change the subject line of the thread, I think that would be fair to them.

Thanks for keeping us posted. Anixous to hear how this plays out. I'm sure there are others in parts of town who might struggle with the same type of fears/concerns but don't know what to do about it.

12-01-2009, 07:34 PM
This is one of the main reasons that I live in the country on neighbors. Ahhhh, so nice to lay out under the stars...and actually SEE the stars...with no sounds but nature.


12-03-2009, 07:45 AM
Please keep us updated. Is there any chance that the manager of the bad club can be contacted?

12-09-2009, 09:47 AM
Any news?

12-09-2009, 10:35 AM
mods: if you could change the subject line of the thread, i think that would be fair to them.

give me a new title and i'll make it happen.

seeing the title of the thread over the past week but not actually reading the thread, i was thinking that "thug magnet" was a band playing at electro lounge!


12-09-2009, 12:02 PM
How about "electro lounge"?

12-09-2009, 12:06 PM
It's a long process, but if there's enough complaints to City Hall and Police, the Council can declare this place a nusiance and work with the property owner to close it.

12-09-2009, 12:23 PM
I could have told you years ago the name of that place! Ohhhhhh, how many Saturday nights I've heard the "ghetto bird" swinging full circle of Rhea's (Ray's). Personally, I'd burn that place down if it weren't part of an office building (which was pretty smart of the owner to rent this space out).

And how many times have I seen shards of glass in that shopping center parking lot because some thugs have broken in to peoples cars?!

I agree with you.

Recently I passed by the place--it was night time--and I saw no action. Place was dark and it was during the weekend too. I was hoping it was out of business or they had moved. Hadn't heard the whirl of the helicopter blades in quite some time now... You must live closer than me!

12-09-2009, 01:59 PM
give me a new title and i'll make it happen.

seeing the title of the thread over the past week but not actually reading the thread, i was thinking that "thug magnet" was a band playing at electro lounge!


Thanks mmm - How about just replacing "Electro Lounge" with "Rheas (Rays) on N. May".

As for news, there isn't much. They are evading all questions and won't answer repeated faxes and voicemails. Several of us did talk to the police about it. They are just as frustrated with the place as we are. Apparently, many of the cars lined up outside when they close are dealers. The cops are very skittish about probable cause and being able to search the cars, etc. I asked why they can't just use undercover people and clean the place up. A couple of the officers looked at each other and said "That's what we keep asking." It appears there's some kind of politics involved (or fear) in doing what needs to be done to get this place out of here, at least that was the unspoken impression in talking to the officers. Thank God that, for whatever reason, the place is now closed most Saturday nights. Friday nights, it's just plain crazy, like a war zone.

12-10-2009, 08:56 AM
Thank God that, for whatever reason, the place is now closed most Saturday nights. Friday nights, it's just plain crazy, like a war zone.

Most of their customers probably haven't posted bail yet, so they can't come back on Saturdays.

12-10-2009, 09:09 AM
Note to self: Avoid places with Rays in the name.

Man, 18, Slain Outside Nightclub - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City (

12-10-2009, 09:14 AM
Couple of things I've noticed from past situations:
- Opponents of these sorts of clubs started with contacting the club owner. If not responsive, contact the property owner. If both unresponsive, I've seen some opponents publicly name the parties, post their information online as to shame them.
- Next step: I've seen people in the past not just call their council member, but show up on Tuesday and request a personal visit and show video of the offending parties. If that didn't work, the opposition then asked the council member to accompany them in watching the melee. OKC does have a public nuisance law.

12-10-2009, 04:51 PM
As an average-sized white dude who's actually paid the TWENTY DOLLAR COVER to get into Rhea's, just to see what was going on, I can tell you this much: That place is out of control. This was a few years ago, so I'm guessing that cover price has been reduced, because when I went (straight from Electro, naturally) it was actually sort of a "classy" clientele. Most people were in suits, and were just there to dance and have fun. But I've seen the parking lot scene you speak of, and it is entirely ridiculous. Rhea's is huge, and probably holds between 200-300 people, if not more, and when they let out at 2a, the parking lot naturally becomes another scene unto itself. Funny story: My [also very white] friend and I kept getting "advice" from the patrons as we mingled around the joint. We weren't hard to spot, I guess. We looked like two candles walking through a forest. But everybody was genuinely friendly to us, and pretty cool. They just wanted to have fun. I think the place has devolved quite a bit though. I fear for the OKC hipster crowd that Electro draws, because nobody can defend themselves in skinny jeans!

12-10-2009, 05:41 PM
Note to self: Avoid places with Rays in the name.

Man, 18, Slain Outside Nightclub - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City (

That's quite a coincidence. Sounds like the same kind of place though.

Couple of things I've noticed from past situations:
- Opponents of these sorts of clubs started with contacting the club owner. If not responsive, contact the property owner. If both unresponsive, I've seen some opponents publicly name the parties, post their information online as to shame them.
- Next step: I've seen people in the past not just call their council member, but show up on Tuesday and request a personal visit and show video of the offending parties. If that didn't work, the opposition then asked the council member to accompany them in watching the melee. OKC does have a public nuisance law.

Thanks for the thoughts, Steve. Trying to talk to the owner is like trying to talk to the President of the United States, as in seemingly impossible. No calls returned, no faxes returned, etc.

Several of us have done different things, but this is apparently the first time neighborhood property owners have got together to actually get something done. We have discussed the Council idea and your mentioning it here makes me think that it might be a next step.

We actually have about 30-45 minutes of video of the crazy scene on Friday nights, complete with the cops flying in with lights flashing and beeping their sirens to break up whatever is going on in the parking lot.

Chekkie, Yes, it's become worse. They still have a strict dress code and all that, but I'm not sure if that's not just part of the problem. These black guys (sorry if that offends some, but that's who we're talking about here) have their own culture to where dressing up to the nines with all the bling, and acting like a mafia boss, is considered oh so cool. I have seen them chauffeured up to the door and walk to the club doors with an entourage, I kid you not. I don't mean pull up in a limo like it's a special occasion or something, but pull up in a Lexus with tinted windows, several get out of other cars first and form a barrier of sorts before the Big Dude gets out of the Lexus with a coat that drags the parking lot. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's the kind of thing I have personally seen.

The scene at closing is something straight from the movies. Cars idling outside, all lined up, obviously offering up a bazaar of whatever you want. A couple of Fridays ago, one of the cops we talked to said he was called a "racist pig" for walking up to a group of these thugs and admitted to being human and said they were a bit intimidated, by the time backup arrives, the thugs are gone. I've heard more than one officer say they hear that all the time out there. Several of us have wondered if that's part of why something hasn't been done, because of the fear of the "racist" label. The sad thing is, this kind of thing goes on at other clubs (even random parking lots) and most people are asleep and have no idea what goes on. Multiply this by dozens and dozens and dozens of cities (many worse than ours) and it's truly a cultural problem that can't be shrugged off lightly.

Sorry for rambling. It's so frustrating.

12-10-2009, 05:47 PM
For the past 6 months, I have been living near the Electro Lounge on May Avenue. Friday nights (especially) are pure HELL between 1:30 and 2:30am. The police have to actually come out here and disperse the crowd nearly every weekend. It's getting ridiculous and seems to have become worse lately. What's the story on this place? I have gone over and looked around during the chaos and see a lot of (call 'em what they are) THUGS and their booming Hip Hop crap. They are rude, have no bother that it's 2:00 in the morning and they're yelling and screaming, they taunt the cops and tear out of the parking lot. Seriously, the cars and their music can be heard from blocks away.

I hate to see the OCPD having to use their resources just to disperse rowdy crowds of young, thoughtless thugs who are disrupting the entire neighborhood.

I'm pretty damn liberal on a lot of issues, but on some of the cultural issues I find myself being what a lot of people here would call downright old fashioned. This is one of them. There's nothing "progressive" "open-minded" or anything else to see this kind of crap every weekend. The young black guys in that parking lot act like punks from Detroit and cry "racist!" to the cops just trying to get them to act halfway CIVIL. It makes me sick.

So really, what's the story on this thug magnet?


Haah, kidding.

12-10-2009, 05:52 PM
is this the place:

Rhea's Supper Club
5929 N. May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: (405) 842-0124

not much regarding the website, though an odd image of vegas for whatever reason. Maybe cause what happens in Rheas stays in Rheas, or at least the PL

12-10-2009, 05:58 PM
is this the place:

Rhea's Supper Club
5929 N. May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: (405) 842-0124

not much regarding the website, though an odd image of vegas for whatever reason. Maybe cause what happens in Rheas stays in Rheas, or at least the PL

That's the place. Does no good to try to contact them. They won't talk about any problems except them telling you on the phone what a "great crowd" they have. A neighbor of mine was told if he had problems with some of the crowd to come on up and talk to the individuals causing the trouble. HA! Remember in "Vacation" when Chevy Chase takes the wrong turn into East St. Louis?

I was told somebody WAS shot last year in the parking lot. This isn't the kind of place you could walk up to and rationally discuss anything (and of course, they know that).

12-10-2009, 06:47 PM
That's the place. Does no good to try to contact them. They won't talk about any problems except them telling you on the phone what a "great crowd" they have. A neighbor of mine was told if he had problems with some of the crowd to come on up and talk to the individuals causing the trouble. HA! Remember in "Vacation" when Steve Martin takes the wrong turn into East St. Louis?

ITYM Chevy Chase

12-10-2009, 07:30 PM
ITYM Chevy Chase


12-11-2009, 02:59 PM
Remember in "Vacation" when Chevy Chase takes the wrong turn into East St. Louis?

This is funny...I actually made a wrong turn into East Saint Louis about 25 years ago. It isn't funny when you do it, though. That is one scary place. I've done the same stupid thing in Houston, West Memphis and somewhere in Little Rock. So much worse when you have a family with you...

12-11-2009, 03:21 PM
This is funny...I actually made a wrong turn into East Saint Louis about 25 years ago. It isn't funny when you do it, though. That is one scary place. I've done the same stupid thing in Houston, West Memphis and somewhere in Little Rock. So much worse when you have a family with you...

Yeah I got lost after an Astros game a few years ago. Not fun...

12-11-2009, 04:00 PM
I know of a club that was closed in OKC under the public nusiance law. Don't know what has to be done to make this happen.

12-11-2009, 04:11 PM
This is funny...I actually made a wrong turn into East Saint Louis about 25 years ago. It isn't funny when you do it, though. That is one scary place. I've done the same stupid thing in Houston, West Memphis and somewhere in Little Rock. So much worse when you have a family with you...

Good god, man. Get a GPS.

12-12-2009, 12:01 AM
It may sound too much like what a small town would do but maybe it would be a good idea to park two or three manned police cars near the troubled place before trouble time starts, and it would work to discourage trouble makers. But then to hear the description, police aren't getting much respect when they are around.

12-12-2009, 12:07 AM
We actually have about 30-45 minutes of video of the crazy scene on Friday nights, complete with the cops flying in with lights flashing and beeping their sirens to break up whatever is going on in the parking lot.

Chekkie, Yes, it's become worse. They still have a strict dress code and all that, but I'm not sure if that's not just part of the problem. These black guys (sorry if that offends some, but that's who we're talking about here) have their own culture to where dressing up to the nines with all the bling, and acting like a mafia boss, is considered oh so cool. I have seen them chauffeured up to the door and walk to the club doors with an entourage, I kid you not. I don't mean pull up in a limo like it's a special occasion or something, but pull up in a Lexus with tinted windows, several get out of other cars first and form a barrier of sorts before the Big Dude gets out of the Lexus with a coat that drags the parking lot. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's the kind of thing I have personally seen.

The scene at closing is something straight from the movies. Cars idling outside, all lined up, obviously offering up a bazaar of whatever you want. A couple of Fridays ago, one of the cops we talked to said he was called a "racist pig" for walking up to a group of these thugs and admitted to being human and said they were a bit intimidated, by the time backup arrives, the thugs are gone. I've heard more than one officer say they hear that all the time out there. Several of us have wondered if that's part of why something hasn't been done, because of the fear of the "racist" label. The sad thing is, this kind of thing goes on at other clubs (even random parking lots) and most people are asleep and have no idea what goes on. Multiply this by dozens and dozens and dozens of cities (many worse than ours) and it's truly a cultural problem that can't be shrugged off lightly.

Sorry for rambling. It's so frustrating.

These scenes need to be up on youtube.

12-12-2009, 10:37 AM
Another bad night at the ghetto club. I am out of town but got the lowdown from neighbors who said it was a typical night. This police. But they said they all left at the same time, so maybe had a heads up they were on the way. One group took their fights to a side street near 59th and Brookline...yelling, screaming...

We've been told that our best shot at actual law enforcement (that brings it to an end) might be to call John Whetsel at the OKlahoma County Sheriff's office. We were told, though I know nothing about him, that he has no fear of the thug element and has acted on things when, for whatever reason, OCPD would not. Anybody know if there's any truth to this?

Nobody wants their name used (and if you saw these creeps you would understand), there is FEAR of these people and it's getting real old.

Bunty, GREAT IDEA about YouTube!

12-14-2009, 10:24 PM
I went there years ago and had a nice time. At the time it was an upscale black club. I had no problems and no one there seemed thuggish to me.

Perhaps it's changed?

12-14-2009, 10:36 PM
I know of a club that was closed in OKC under the public nusiance law. Don't know what has to be done to make this happen.

I would have to think there are avenue's to pursue down this line. You can file a noise complaint against an individual and its basically a guilty-until-proven-innocent type of deal. Perhaps it can be done against a business, too.

12-15-2009, 10:42 PM
I know down here in Texas the easiest way is to get an ABLE commission hearing where a liquor license can be pulled due to nuisance complaints, most are shut down that way rather than through city methods. I don't know if there is a similar process in Oklahoma.

12-18-2009, 10:15 AM
Was Rheas around during THE OKC gangwar of the 1980's? I heard that's where all the participants met after the shootout at THE Frontier City.

12-19-2009, 04:39 PM
I know down here in Texas the easiest way is to get an ABLE commission hearing where a liquor license can be pulled due to nuisance complaints, most are shut down that way rather than through city methods. I don't know if there is a similar process in Oklahoma.

Actually that is a great idea. Go after their liquor license. Hit 'em where it hurts.

12-19-2009, 10:55 PM
Was Rheas around during THE OKC gangwar of the 1980's? I heard that's where all the participants met after the shootout at THE Frontier City.
It wasn't in that location, it was called Face's and nowhere near an "urban" club at the time (I had some friends who worked there). It was where Joker's Comedy Club moved after leaving the old Shotgun Sam's building at Britton & May. So Rhea's came there much later, in fact I don't even remember them being there when I lived in the Mayfair West neighborhood before moving to Austin in 2003.

03-12-2010, 05:51 PM

For awhile the Oklahoma City police were making an appearance every Friday night and dispersing the crowd quickly. However, for three weeks now, NO POLICE. I have talked to Hefner Station and have been told - and I quote - "I can't talk about it." When I asked another supervisor I was met with silence and then, "I really don't know what to say right now." I asked if there was pressure to back off. He could easily have said, "No." He did not. He said, and I quote again, "I wish I could talk to you about it, but I can't say anything. Is there anything else I can help you with today?" I asked an officer at 7-11 last Friday night (a mile or two away) and he said, "Call 911 and bug the hell out of them. Call Hefner Station and bug the hell out of them. Let's just say their friends are more powerful than the rest of us." When I asked him if they were being told to "stand down" he just took a deep breath and said, "This whole mess just needs to go away and I wish I knew what to tell you."

These aren't normal responses. Something is going on.

This Rays (Rhea's) nightclub is as loud and crazy as ever. At 2 AM (Friday night/Saturday morning) it's like someone unlocked a jail and let the restless punks out. Car alarms go off all over, they walk into the neighborhoods and walk close to the houses, the cars stay in the parking lot idling. Last Friday the lot was not empty until 2:45 AM! The constant bassy thump of the hip hop crap that blast at full-volume from the cars just sitting there is just horrible.

But the question: What happened to the police dispersing the crowd and citing "public nuisance" laws as to how they had the power to do so? Three weeks now and no police. It's another Friday. Our reaction when Friday night rolls around is DAMN. How and why are they allowed to disrupt the neighborhood this way? The owners won't talk to us. The building owner won't return calls. The police are intimidated (read earlier in the thread) and now I am afraid they've been run off.

Oklahoma City's own little Detroit, Cleveland, Newark, whatever at 50th and North May every Friday night.

Any thoughts/ideas on why the cops have backed off? The Sheriff's office won't get involved. We've tried. Why Sheriff Whetsel can run roadblocks just a couple of miles from here but allow this dope-dealing open market out here in the Best Buy, Gordman's, Home Depot parking lot (which fills up as Thug Central) is a mystery. Who's paying who? The citizens to receive protection and law enforcement, or Ray's throwing around some weight with an intimidating factor that makes law enforcement look weak and inept.

03-12-2010, 06:00 PM
I feel badly for your situation. Perhaps it may be time for you and your neighbors to become a nuisance to your city councilman. If that doesn't work I can't think of another alternative but to hire an attorney (you and your neighbors).

03-12-2010, 06:11 PM
Sounds like a job for KFOR investigative reporter Scott Hines.

03-12-2010, 06:22 PM
I wonder what the legalities and costs might be to set up a few hidden cameras and recording devices?

03-12-2010, 07:43 PM
Alright. I've forwarded this on to an editor. You can let the police know you've been contacted by Steve Lackmeyer at The Oklahoman.

03-13-2010, 08:24 AM
This Rays (Rhea's) nightclub is as loud and crazy as ever. At 2 AM (Friday night/Saturday morning) it's like someone unlocked a jail and let the restless punks out. Car alarms go off all over, they walk into the neighborhoods and walk close to the houses, the cars stay in the parking lot idling. Last Friday the lot was not empty until 2:45 AM! The constant bassy thump of the hip hop crap that blast at full-volume from the cars just sitting there is just horrible.

I dont even know where to start....But until something illegal happens they arent going to do anything about it. This really is no different than a 'white' (country music or dance ) club, people stick around after it closes, blast music, people talk loudly, guys try to show of their car/truck, and take home girls.

I haven't been in awhile but ive been to club rodeo here or caravan co. in tulsa and ive seen people hang around till 3am
- blasting music
-fights break out numerous times
- beer being consumed
- beer bottles thrown at vehicles
How is that different than what these people are doing, well besides that their black....

So of course the cops are going to back down when they constantly sit outside of a 'black' club when nothing major has happened in a long period of time. Would you like to go to your favorite hangout place to have police helicopters fly over and cops treating you like you've done something wrong when you havent ?

The massive conspiracy that your searching for is that its illegal and a waste of police resources to swarm a place just because the partrons arent the same color, culture, or lifestyle as some of the neighborhood people.

03-13-2010, 09:36 AM
I dont even know where to start....But until something illegal happens they arent going to do anything about it. This really is no different than a 'white' (country music or dance ) club, people stick around after it closes, blast music, people talk loudly, guys try to show of their car/truck, and take home girls.

I haven't been in awhile but ive been to club rodeo here or caravan co. in tulsa and ive seen people hang around till 3am
- blasting music
-fights break out numerous times
- beer being consumed
- beer bottles thrown at vehicles
How is that different than what these people are doing, well besides that their black....

So of course the cops are going to back down when they constantly sit outside of a 'black' club when nothing major has happened in a long period of time. Would you like to go to your favorite hangout place to have police helicopters fly over and cops treating you like you've done something wrong when you havent ?

The massive conspiracy that your searching for is that its illegal and a waste of police resources to swarm a place just because the partrons arent the same color, culture, or lifestyle as some of the neighborhood people.

And do thefts of vehicles spike up around those country music club environments when those hot and rowdy nights take place? No, I don't think so... You should know that there's a difference between the elements of thug and redneck...

03-13-2010, 12:04 PM
And do thefts of vehicles spike up around those country music club environments when those hot and rowdy nights take place? No, I don't think so... You should know that there's a difference between the elements of thug and redneck...

When has there been and post about the neighbors having their cars stolen, I read the entire thread and all that i picked up was people playing music, being loud, and neighbors feeling intimidated?

Looks like your searching for some justification, maybe you will find what your looking for when you stop being a baseless bigot and go to church.

03-13-2010, 12:32 PM
I dont even know where to start....But until something illegal happens they arent going to do anything about it. This really is no different than a 'white' (country music or dance ) club, people stick around after it closes, blast music, people talk loudly, guys try to show of their car/truck, and take home girls.

I haven't been in awhile but ive been to club rodeo here or caravan co. in tulsa and ive seen people hang around till 3am
- blasting music
-fights break out numerous times
- beer being consumed
- beer bottles thrown at vehicles
How is that different than what these people are doing, well besides that their black....

So of course the cops are going to back down when they constantly sit outside of a 'black' club when nothing major has happened in a long period of time. Would you like to go to your favorite hangout place to have police helicopters fly over and cops treating you like you've done something wrong when you havent ?

The massive conspiracy that your searching for is that its illegal and a waste of police resources to swarm a place just because the partrons arent the same color, culture, or lifestyle as some of the neighborhood people.

Bradzilla, You come to this conversation with an experience which you detailed here ( which shows a prejudice against the police trying to do something about things like this.

Interesting you put 'black' in quotes. I knew then that a cultural lefty (and I used to be one) was coming to bash my thoughts. It IS a black club - no need for quotes.

It's obvious you haven't a clue the difference between the cultures at these clubs. Ask the police how often they are called, "racist pigs," at a country & western club. No doubt they can be loud and obnoxious, that's just the nature of nightclubs and alcohol. I've spent enough time in them earlier in my life to know that. However, I have never seen the kind of stuff go on that goes on at Ray's. No place.

It's clear you want to bring racism from the police into the discussion. Well, hang out and listen to the way the black punks talk in the parking lot. "White boy", "Cracker pigs", and "racist" every other word. It's truly disgusting. If black cops were being talked to like that with the 'N' word (I'll be politically correct for you) at a C&W club it would make the front pages, the late night TV news, and it wouldn't happen more than once. We both know that.

You have no idea what we put up with to the east and west of this place. Come on over some Friday night. If the club was C&W and the same stuff was going on, I'd be just as angry. But it isn't.

Your last comments made me sick. If you let this crap go on here at 59th and N. May, it will soon spread to other places. It's obvious you're just fine with Detroit-like activity in white neighborhoods in Oklahoma City. Some of us like OKC being OKC and without the ghetto clubs that bring crime, lack of civility, noise and general thuggery to otherwise quite neighborhoods.

P.S...Your "baseless bigot" comment to OKCisOK4Me was totally uncalled for. Makes me wonder if you hangout at Ray's.

03-13-2010, 12:43 PM
When has there been and post about the neighbors having their cars stolen, I read the entire thread and all that i picked up was people playing music, being loud, and neighbors feeling intimidated?

Looks like your searching for some justification, maybe you will find what your looking for when you stop being a baseless bigot and go to church.

I live within a block of the club. I have plenty of justification. It'll get worse when it starts getting warmer cause they'll creep through with their windows rolled down scoping cars to break into. I don't think that my going or not going to church has anything to do with how you're trying to justify the situation...

Oh, and thanks for the backup MikeOKC

03-13-2010, 12:43 PM
Bradzilla, You come to this conversation with an experience which you detailed here ( which shows a prejudice against the police trying to do something about things like this.

Interesting you put 'black' in quotes. I knew then that a cultural lefty (and I used to be one) was coming to bash my thoughts. It IS a black club - no need for quotes.

It's obvious you haven't a clue the difference between the cultures at these clubs. Ask the police how often they are called, "racist pigs," at a country & western club. No doubt they can be loud and obnoxious, that's just the nature of nightclubs and alcohol. I've spent enough time in them earlier in my life to know that. However, I have never seen the kind of stuff go on that goes on at Ray's. No place.

It's clear you want to bring racism from the police into the discussion. Well, hang out and listen to the way the black punks talk in the parking lot. "White boy", "Cracker pigs", and "racist" every other word. It's truly disgusting. If black cops were being talked to like that with the 'N' word (I'll be politically correct for you) at a C&W club it would make the front pages, the late night TV news, and it wouldn't happen more than once. We both know that.

You have no idea what we put up with to the east and west of this place. Come on over some Friday night. If the club was C&W and the same stuff was going on, I'd be just as angry. But it isn't.

Your last comments made me sick. If you let this crap go on here at 59th and N. May, it will soon spread to other places. It's obvious you're just fine with Detroit-like activity in white neighborhoods in Oklahoma City. Some of us like OKC being OKC and without the ghetto clubs that bring crime, lack of civility, noise and general thuggery to otherwise quite neighborhoods.

P.S...Your "baseless bigot" comment to OKCisOK4Me was totally uncalled for. Makes me wonder if you hangout at Ray's.

Personal attacks on me is all fine and good but you arent actually addressing the problem, what exactly has any of the people at the club done to you or your property?

Thanks for posting the link to my previous post - It does display my conservative nature to not WASTE public funds on trivial things, while you obviously like wasting tax payer money.

03-13-2010, 12:54 PM
That's all fine and good but you arent addressing the problem, what exactly has any of the people at the club done to you or your property?

What? You're the one who basically said there wasn't a problem. I live in Condos a few blocks to the west. I haven't personally been touched except by the rumbling bass of their music as they idle in the parking lot, scream and yell, fly out at 70mph to flee from a cop who approached them on foot, you hear all this at 2 AM, you know? (Not to mention the "There goes the neighborhood" aspect to it all.) The fact is, my car doesn't have to be broken into before I become concerned. Bradzilla, a hypothetical example of why your question to me is nonsense...if a group of thugs robbed neighbors at gunpoint on either side of you, would you be concerned? I could always ask (to quote you): "What exactly has any of the people at the club done to you or your property?" See? It doesn't work that way.

And what does, "That's all fine and good," mean? That's all you had to say about my response to you?

"Trivial" is in the eye of the beholder, my friend.

03-13-2010, 01:12 PM
-I haven't personally been touched except by the rumbling bass of their music as they idle in the parking lot, scream and yell, fly out at 70mph to flee from a cop who approached them on foot, you hear all this at 2 AM, you know? (Not to mention the "There goes the neighborhood" aspect to it all.)

-And what does, "That's all fine and good," mean? That's all you had to say about my response to you?

-Exactly. So in other words no one from that group has done anything illegal to you or your neighbors, well besides being black.

-Its a waste of time to respond and its isnt going to go anywhere, this thread is about your neighborhood and the club. Not me.

If you had the money you could move out to Edmond and become my neighbor, unless you're poor. If that's the case then I don't want you anywhere near where I live, you know - the whole there goes the neighborhood aspect to it and all.

03-13-2010, 01:38 PM
-Exactly. So in other words no one from that group has done anything illegal to you or your neighbors, well besides being black.

-Its a waste of time to respond and its isnt going to go anywhere, this thread is about your neighborhood and the club. Not me.

If you had the money you could move out to Edmond and become my neighbor, unless you're poor. If that's the case then I don't want you anywhere near where I live, you know - the whole there goes the neighborhood aspect to it and all.

You're a piece of work, 'ya know? The "There goes the neighborhood," has nothing to do with anyone being poor. It has to do with a THUG HUB operating inside it. Get it?

And I consider being awakened every Friday night by thugs from Ray's IMPACTING me. What part of my explanation did you not understand that I can care about what's going on around me without my personally being touched? (Even though I have explained I am - every Friday night.)

You say this thread is about my nighborhood, the club and that's it. No, it's about a neighborhood in Oklahoma City. You could say a particular thread about anything is "just about that neighborhood." But that would be silly. Things going on in all parts of this city impacts us all - no matter where we live.

Some of us care about ALL of our city. Some of us are not so selfish that we must wait until something personally touches us to get involved. You just don't get it and that's fine, and since you think this is just about us, here at 59th and N. May, I guess you have no reason to post in this thread anymore?

03-13-2010, 01:43 PM
Alright. I've forwarded this on to an editor. You can let the police know you've been contacted by Steve Lackmeyer at The Oklahoman.

I missed this this morning. Thank you, Steve!

03-13-2010, 01:44 PM
I've always wondered what would happen if a resident of one of these neighborhoods drove by the home of the building's owner at 2 a.m. blaring loud music, cursing and dumping trash on their street before speeding off.... not that I'm advocating that....