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02-09-2005, 10:43 AM
This would be crazy to deal with ...

02-09-2005, 01:09 PM
It is interesting what happens when companies start sharing information about their clients. The credit bureaus started it, now banks do it. I think the ACLU's message is interesting, but it seems to be the end-product of a slippery slope argument.

02-09-2005, 03:17 PM
That is really scary to know that somebody could have that much information about me.

02-09-2005, 04:38 PM
That is really scary to know that somebody could have that much information about me.

But you understand that they don't. It was a flash cartoon, not a simulation of a real pizza delivery service :D

But I agree with the premise of the cartoon in that corporate and governmental intrusions on our privacy should be limited by some kind of law.