View Full Version : Adam Lambert 'performance' on American Music Award Show

11-23-2009, 08:31 PM
Watched a clip of Adam's performance on the AMA Show. Maybe I'm getting too for this kind of show. But the crotch grabbing and simuated oral sex and kissing another male - stunts made me sick. How in the world can anyone in their right mind call this junk "music"? Am I wrong about this?

11-23-2009, 08:51 PM
who is adam lambert...guess that tells me a lot.

11-23-2009, 10:30 PM
Lambert is the guy who should have won the 2009 American Idol. Instead, he came in second. So if you didn't watch that show this year, you wouldn't know.

Lambert is so talented he shouldn't think he needs to resort to making the type of on stage sexual moves that may offend straight people. But then, as Jay Leno joked he would be more shocked if Lambert french kissed a woman during his performance.

11-24-2009, 01:12 AM
Watched a clip of Adam's performance on the AMA Show. Maybe I'm getting too for this kind of show. But the crotch grabbing and simuated oral sex and kissing another male - stunts made me sick. How in the world can anyone in their right mind call this junk "music"? Am I wrong about this?

I would agree the simulated oral sex probably was over the top. However, the rest...whatever. Did it make you sick when Madonna and Britney kissed? How about Michael always grabbing himself? Honestly, outside him having a person drop below his belt - how is it different than anything else? I mean if we take gender out of the issue...would people really care? We've seen same sex kissing (nearly all female), simulated sexual thrusting, crotch grabbing, blah blah blah for years and years. A gay guy does it and it finally makes you sick?

Bleh whatever. It was shock TV. If any watched him during Idol, you know he goes for the shock factor and this will get headlines for a few days. I read somewhere he is the #1 search item on Google right now - if that translates into money...more power to him. Again, I don't agree with how far some of the things went...but we've seen it before for years, this time it is just a dude doing it. Move on and stop being hypocritical.

11-24-2009, 04:18 AM
If you're talking about it, he wins. That's all these awards shows seem to be about -- whose dumbassery/"accidents" can overshadow the entire event and steal all of the spotlight.

This is just a stunt to sell albums. Nothing more.

11-24-2009, 05:20 AM
"Move on and stop being hypocritical"


Are you for real?? What in heck does your quote mean?

11-24-2009, 05:26 AM
I read about it on msnbc. Lambert basically said, hey, girls do stuff like this all the time (and he's right.). Why can't I? Why is it so shocking if he kisses another guy when girls kiss girls all the time?

Remember Madonna/Britney/Christina? Remember Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake?

Basically, men are the ones who are probably all hung up on this. They'll happily watch girl-on-girl action but raise hell if two guys go at it.

Me, personally, I don't care. I don't watch awards shows anymore because they all seem staged or some jackass (*cough* Kanye *cough*) does something stupid to try and blow the smoke in their own favor. It's all industry, my friends.

11-24-2009, 05:40 AM
For those who say, "hey - it's not an issue - its all about the 'shock' factor"??? if you are in to the 'shock factor' then why not get your jollies helping with Big Brother/Sister organization or volunteer time at the Jesus house or some other worthwhile venture. There are tons of people whose lives have been turned upside down who function daily with shock.

For those who enjoy seeing 'shock' there is plenty of it out there in real life to see. The crotch grabbing, simulated oral sex "music??" performers - create shock NOT for artistic expression but for $$$ - and we know it.

11-24-2009, 05:41 AM
who is adam lambert...guess that tells me a lot.

Right there with ya on that. Had heard the name before, but it wasn't until I read an article this morning that any recall actually registered.

As for the performance, dinna see it, don't feel deprived in the least. By and large, I don't much care who kisses who, where, when, or how, unless my own lips are somehow involved. At that point, I will have some say in the matter.

11-24-2009, 06:54 AM
"Move on and stop being hypocritical"


Are you for real?? What in heck does your quote mean?

See Bandnerd's response, I think it summed it up perfectly.

And I don't think anyone is denying this "shock" stuff is for money. You are talking about it 2 days later aren't you? Worked perfectly.

11-24-2009, 06:58 AM
See Bandnerd's response, I think it summed it up perfectly.

And I don't think anyone is denying this "shock" stuff is for money. You are talking about it 2 days later aren't you? Worked perfectly.

I think it is either ignorance or just irresponsible to use the word "hypocrite" when there is no basis for it in my orginal post....period.

11-24-2009, 06:59 AM
Not being snarky - I didn't see that, either. What am I missing?

11-24-2009, 07:11 AM
Hey, his new single is now getting radio time.

Too bad it sucks.

11-24-2009, 09:48 AM
people still listen to the radio?

11-24-2009, 10:33 AM
Thank you Venture79.

It's still okay for Lady Gaga to wear weird a$$ crap and to make out with everything but let's freak out when a gay guy does it.

Everyone keeps saying they think he hurt his career. Ha! I didn't see Madonna, Britney, or Gaga losing any money over their sexual acts.

Go Team Lambert!

11-24-2009, 10:50 AM
But.. Lady Gaga -is- a gay guy. isn't he?

11-24-2009, 10:56 AM
You would think so but no. She is a girl.

11-24-2009, 11:06 AM
Thank you Venture79.

It's still okay for Lady Gaga to wear weird a$$ crap and to make out with everything but let's freak out when a gay guy does it.

Everyone keeps saying they think he hurt his career. Ha! I didn't see Madonna, Britney, or Gaga losing any money over their sexual acts.

Go Team Lambert!

Its just plain freaky that my orginal post has NOTHING to do with gay or not gay. Yet people seem to look for any opportunity bring up gay issues. Seems like an act of desperation to try and drag sexual orientation when this post has nothing to do with that. Sheesh......

11-24-2009, 11:18 AM
Its just plain freaky that my orginal post has NOTHING to do with gay or not gay. Yet people seem to look for any opportunity bring up gay issues. Seems like an act of desperation to try and drag sexual orientation when this post has nothing to do with that. Sheesh......

so, "kissing another male" isn't gay?

11-24-2009, 11:30 AM
so, "kissing another male" isn't gay?

Please attention! The issue is the over the top sexual 'performance' under the heading of 'music'. It amazes me how quickly and easily we place the label 'gay' under a lot of issues. Pathetic......

11-24-2009, 11:36 AM
Please attention! The issue is the over the top sexual 'performance' under the heading of 'music'. It amazes me how quickly and easily we place the label 'gay' under a lot of issues. Pathetic......

but you're the one who pointed out that he was kissing another male.

11-24-2009, 11:42 AM
but you're the one who pointed out that he was kissing another male.

Okay...let's try this. You tell me how kissing (either str8 or gay) is a part of music? Tell me how simulated oral sex is part of 'music'?

11-24-2009, 11:53 AM
Okay...let's try this. You tell me how kissing (either str8 or gay) is a part of music? Tell me how simulated oral sex is part of 'music'?

Kissing has been a part of musical performance for centuries. I can't give you an exact time when it first happened, I doubt anyone can; but kissing in stage musicals, operas, concert performances, music videos, etc.. is nothing new.

The fact that you specifically mentioned that is was male on male kissing leads me to believe that it significantly affected you enough to come here and complain about it.

Simulated oral sex in music, while not new, is more relevant and that's the reason given for GMA cancelling Adam's upcoming performance. Adam probably jumped the gun with this act and should have waited until he was at the level Madonna or Britney were when they simulated oral sex on-screen.

11-24-2009, 12:07 PM
Kissing has been a part of musical performance for centuries. I can't give you an exact time when it first happened, I doubt anyone can; but kissing in stage musicals, operas, concert performances, music videos, etc.. is nothing new.

The fact that you specifically mentioned that is was male on male kissing leads me to believe that it significantly affected you enough to come here and complain about it.

Simulated oral sex in music, while not new, is more relevant and that's the reason given for GMA cancelling Adam's upcoming performance. Adam probably jumped the gun with this act and should have waited until he was at the level Madonna or Britney were when they simulated oral sex on-screen.

Yeah - I can understand some the sexual display being in plays; opera; etc. And I don't think there is huge issue with that especially as it relates to the plot etc. But it seems strange to me that the 'kissing and simulated oral sex' really doesn't take place when the song is recorded in a studio typically....right? So why does it take place during a TV show? Because its not about the music....its about shock. Who knows? It is way to early to know if this will effect Adam's career - although I kind of doubt he'll see much negative issues with it.

11-24-2009, 12:26 PM
A gay guy does it and it finally makes you sick?

Again, I don't agree with how far some of the things went...but we've seen it before for years, this time it is just a dude doing it. Move on and stop being hypocritical.

These are the parts I was referring to. Seems to me he was stating it was okay until a gay guy did it. Not that it was a GAY guy. But it was a gay GUY. It was okay that the girls made out, not a guy.

Good Morning America just cancelled his spot. I remember someone else getting banned for explicit sexual behavior on tv....let me think...huge success...extremely unethical for his time but had a huge following...the king...oh yeah - ELVIS.

11-24-2009, 12:32 PM
different rules for guys and girls...

that's not really the definition of hypocritical. discriminatory, perhaps.


11-24-2009, 12:36 PM
Adam responds:

"If it's edited, that's discrimination," Adam said. "I will be a little disappointed because there is a little bit of discrimination going in this country. There's a big double standard, female pop artists have been doing things provocative like that for years, and the fact that I'm a male, and I'll be edited and discriminated against could be a problem."

"Shock is fun, shock rock is like something that existed, for example, like in the 70's, Alice Cooper...David Bowie, you had artists that liked to push the envelope and that's what made them so fresh," he explained. "Prince for example, wore a**less chaps one year...I think that surprise is part of entertainment. I think that it keeps people watching its fun, it makes you laugh and it should be that way. And if it made you uncomfortable, maybe I'm not for you."

11-24-2009, 12:39 PM
These are the parts I was referring to. Seems to me he was stating it was okay until a gay guy did it. Not that it was a GAY guy. But it was a gay GUY. It was okay that the girls made out, not a guy.

Good Morning America just cancelled his spot. I remember someone else getting banned for explicit sexual behavior on tv....let me think...huge success...extremely unethical for his time but had a huge following...the king...oh yeah - ELVIS.

So if we've gone from Elvis and his 'sexual behavior on tv' to Adam's simulated oral sex - would you call that progress in the music field? Follow up question - what would be acceptable 20 years from now - in a music performance at the American Music Award show? Actual sex acts? (and no that is not far fetched)

11-24-2009, 12:40 PM
I would agree the simulated oral sex probably was over the top. However, the rest...whatever. Did it make you sick when Madonna and Britney kissed? How about Michael always grabbing himself? Honestly, outside him having a person drop below his belt - how is it different than anything else? I mean if we take gender out of the issue...would people really care? We've seen same sex kissing (nearly all female), simulated sexual thrusting, crotch grabbing, blah blah blah for years and years. A gay guy does it and it finally makes you sick?

Bleh whatever. It was shock TV. If any watched him during Idol, you know he goes for the shock factor and this will get headlines for a few days. I read somewhere he is the #1 search item on Google right now - if that translates into money...more power to him. Again, I don't agree with how far some of the things went...but we've seen it before for years, this time it is just a dude doing it. Move on and stop being hypocritical.

where in the world did his post say he enjoyed the girl on girl action? I don't see any hypocrisy there.

11-24-2009, 01:09 PM
So it begins.....

UPDATED: ABC's 'Good Morning America' Cancels Adam Lambert Performance - omg! news on Yahoo! (

11-24-2009, 01:16 PM
So it begins.....

UPDATED: ABC's 'Good Morning America' Cancels Adam Lambert Performance - omg! news on Yahoo! (

someone already covered that.

11-24-2009, 01:18 PM
The article? I didn't see that....I just saw where poster said GMA was cancelling the spot....

11-24-2009, 01:52 PM
So if we've gone from Elvis and his 'sexual behavior on tv' to Adam's simulated oral sex - would you call that progress in the music field? Follow up question - what would be acceptable 20 years from now - in a music performance at the American Music Award show? Actual sex acts? (and no that is not far fetched)

I would call that progress in artists overcoming censorship. Anything without revealing of actual sexual acts or revealing sexual body parts is acceptable. I think the viewing of Janet's boob was more offensive than Adam's performance.

Anybody see the latest D & G commercial? WOW. That is worse than Adam's performance. Nobody is talking about that. Oh wait, it has 2 girls. Nevermind.

11-24-2009, 01:58 PM
Anything without revealing of actual sexual acts or revealing sexual body parts is acceptable.

Oh really? If sexual acts or sexual body parts are part of the music artist expression - then whats wrong with it? Its hard for me to understand how some people think you can't draw a line in the sand on some things but freely draw a line in the sand on others.

11-24-2009, 02:17 PM
kmf and you others...where in his or her original post did the buckt say that girls kissing eachother was ok? where is the hypocrisy? you all assume he/she has a problem with it b/c he's a dude, but i saw nowhere where that was said. you all are so sensitive in your gay defending that you have no idea what youre talking about.

11-24-2009, 05:28 PM
... Anybody see the latest D & G commercial?

Sorry, not a clue. Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?

11-24-2009, 06:04 PM
Sorry, not a clue. Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?

If you start to feel stupid, ask the little whippersnappers who Ed Sullivan is. I loved those twirling plates. You don't get entertainment like that, anymore.

11-24-2009, 06:24 PM
Good Morning America canceled him, but the CBS Morning Show is going to pick him up. Too cool! Now they will get the ratings as everyone tunes in to see if he'll go wild yet again! Great timing too, since his album came out November 23rd.

It's funny too, that no one raised hell anywhere about Janet Jackson and her crotch grabbing during the opening number, and didn't I also see a dancer reach up between her legs and grab her crotch from behind? (Maybe I just hallucinated that one). It IS a double standard, isn't it?

Or how about the hate-filled profanity-laced garbage that we got from all the rappers on the show, no one complained about that, even though it got beeped out every other sentence.

No one complained that Rihanna looked and acted like a cheap tramp in her skin tight outfit, and J-Lo didn't exactly come out dressed like a nun in a convent, did she? There were tons of nasty dance moves going on for the three hours of the show, but Adam outdid them all and now he's the bad guy. What a hoot. (I guess you could say he just had a better choreographer!) ;-)

There's more filth on the average soap-opera these days too, and all the night-time dramas are awfully tacky.

Anyway, Adam's performance was edgy, I'll give him that, but in the end, he's such a fantastic singer he really doesn't need to go that wild to impress me. I just wish the Jackson family would have buried the crotch grab along with Michael. It's really starting to get old.

The most offensive part of the show for me was Lady Gaga, basically setting fire to a grand piano and breaking those bottles on the edge in a very gratuitous display of violence. Maybe it's just me, but when someone sings at a grand piano, I'd prefer that it didn't resemble a fireplace in a ski lodge. And breaking bottles on the side of a piano, well, that's just plain uncivilized! ;-)

11-24-2009, 06:30 PM
Ha, ha, if I was Adam Lambert I would have added to the shock and discussion factor by placing a woman in the act and give her a big french kiss, too. But maybe there was already a female in the act to start with.

11-24-2009, 07:37 PM
Okay, so Mid and I just watched a bootleg of his performance.

Frankly, he warned you. The lyrics say something along the lines of, "you can't believe what I'm about to do." And then he randomly, and frankly, quite sloppily, makes out with the piano player.

The "simulated oral sex" is not any worse than anything else I've seen...I mean, we see simulated sex all the time on prime time and even in PG-13 movies, what's the difference?

So, basically, we both said, "that's it?"

Maybe growing up in the arts has us a little blind to the controversy, but I just don't see the big deal here. And just wasn't that good a song or my opinion.

11-24-2009, 09:15 PM
where in the world did his post say he enjoyed the girl on girl action? I don't see any hypocrisy there.

He's been a member for over a year, where are his posts venting about girl on girl, guy on girl, whatever simulated sexual acts on live performances? None of that provoked him enough to come post here or get vocal about did it? So logically it would seem the guy on guy action is what tipped it, whereby he didn't really have much an issue with anything else. I may be totally off base, if so...than I apologize. However, he has yet to come out against the other stuff.

Regardless, this is all exactly the reaction Lambert wanted. We are all talking about it, and will for awhile. That equals cash.

11-25-2009, 07:17 AM
kmf and you others...where in his or her original post did the buckt say that girls kissing eachother was ok? where is the hypocrisy? you all assume he/she has a problem with it b/c he's a dude, but i saw nowhere where that was said. you all are so sensitive in your gay defending that you have no idea what youre talking about.

Yeah, I did assume it was a guy on guy issue. If that's not what the fuss is about then I'm lost. I'm not defending the gay issue at all. Although, that doesn't bother me. I could care less if it's guy on girl, girl on girl, or guy on guy. Just leave out the children and animals and I'm good.

I'm defending the arts, the freedom of expression, and sexism. If any of you think it's racy try watching a music video once in a while. Lady Gaga rarely wears clothing. This isn't anything new. Artists have been pushing the envelope for years. Elvis, The Beatles, Queen, Adam Ant, Billy Idol, Madonna, Ozzy, Marilyn Manson, Britney, Michael, Janet, Rihanna....I could go on for days about outrageous performers. That's what they are - performers.

11-29-2009, 01:19 AM
Human nature is strange. David Letterman on his show has been doing what's more fun to watch than read Sara Palin's new book. And so he shows a scene from some of the bloodiest gore and mayhem imaginable from old movies. For instance, a man struggles to get up and when he does only to get beheaded by a flying beam. And so the audience actually laughs in response. What Letterman has been doing makes no headlines or complaints. Yet Lambert felt like showing some unusual affection to a guy and briefly did simulated sex acts and it's a top news story about how offensive it was. It's strange how human nature is.

11-29-2009, 05:43 AM
The notion is not violence vs. sex. The idea is that for most of us, sex is private. The onstage stuff, if you aren't prepared, is icky. it is not about affection, either. I saw a clip of the guy on a chain. It was about S & M and that is another thing that makes people squirm. Another privacy thing grownups don't give a flip about so long as we aren't dragged into it.

11-29-2009, 06:02 AM
But if this is strictly about the public display of sex, then why are we not hearing about Rhianna, who started out her performance with video of her lying naked on a table with only a few strategically placed metal parts keeping her from being obscene? Or about Lady Gaga's performance, whose costume was so revealing that they kept having to cut to shots from the back of the auditorium? Or Eminem's song where every other word was bleeped? This furor isn't about sex in general. It's about gay male sex. Frankly, I was disappointed in Adam's performance because I think he has enough singing ability to succeed based on that alone.

11-29-2009, 06:15 AM
Well, I've also noticed that straight men tend to love women, naked nonfat women and lesbian women but they hate - HATE - seeing male gay sex, no matter how open minded about the whole gay thing, morally. And the S & M didn't help. And the women aren't too thrilled about it, either. For many, that sort of depiction is just as depraved as pedophilia. It makes me uncomfortable even though I wasn't raised with gay haters and am comfortable with gayness - I just don't want to see it. It doesn't offend my sense of morality - I just don't like it. It is ugly. Just being honest. Can't really explain it. Not defending it but I can't help that it makes me want to look away or get away from it. But I am not wild about male/female simulated sex, either. The male thing may have something to do with a feeling that one of the guys is being subservient and men like that are not attractive - it is like there is something wrong with them. I know that isn't being fair and just thinking out loud. Dunno. I don't care about gayness but I don't want to see it in action. Creeps me out. It is like the subservient one is being held up to public ridicule. Does that makes sense?

11-29-2009, 06:21 AM makes sense. You're entitled to feel that way, btw, and I don't think you're in the minority there. I was just pointing out that this furor isn't about sex in general because there were other overt depictions during the AMA's and nobody batted an eye over them. Carrie Underwood has had writhing, scantily clad females surrounding her during recent performances, but nobody cared much about it.

11-29-2009, 06:38 AM makes sense. You're entitled to feel that way, btw, and I don't think you're in the minority there. I was just pointing out that this furor isn't about sex in general because there were other overt depictions during the AMA's and nobody batted an eye over them. Carrie Underwood has had writhing, scantily clad females surrounding her during recent performances, but nobody cared much about it.

Oh, I know you aren't in the minority. Your post prompted mine after I thought about it more.

11-29-2009, 06:52 AM
I might have a solution for all of this. Maybe the title of the "American 'Music' Awards show needs to be changed to 'American Music and Whatever Goes Show'. Or maybe they could have two shows. One show that really promotes music. And one show that is for more 'adult' audiences where any freakish display is free to be shown to those who enjoy freakish stuff. Of course that kind of show would be pay per view....

11-29-2009, 10:32 PM
It's been many, many years since I've watched any type of music or movie
award. They haven't been worth the time. I'm not good with disgust.

12-20-2009, 06:47 PM
Didn't really want to start another thread or argument on the topic of Lambert, so I will just add to this one. A lot of people said this performance killed his career. So far, it hasn't had one single effect on it. Other than people such as those on this board who would have never paid a bat of an eyelash to him now knows who he is.

His career is sky rocketing and his new album is every bit as wonderful as I expected it to be. The boy has talent and it shows. From his raunchy dance tracks, to his love songs, to his truthful hurt songs we can relate to, to his operatic sound in Soaked. Not one thing about this album I don't like.

12-21-2009, 12:55 AM
I took one look at how he had his face made up on his new CD cover, and I knew I couldn't be seen buying it. Maybe if he had fixed himself up to look more like Elvis on the cover, I would have bought it. lol

12-21-2009, 07:43 AM
If the album sounds anything like the single on the radio, then I'll pass.

He was awesome on AI, doing the rock thing, but this gay-pop thing on the radio is disappointing.

12-21-2009, 08:37 AM
No idea Cuatro. I don't listen to gay pop radio. That pretty much covers all radio. There is a little bit of everything on his album though. It's very much like his AI performances. Some are pop, rock, opera, country, oldies...all sounds can be found. You can listen to the entire thing on his website or myspace to decide before purchasing. It can be purchased online or through itunes as well if you only like one song. Or are afraid to be seen with the cover as Bunty says.

I love the cover. It's a tribute to the great ones like Prince.

12-22-2009, 09:11 AM
Maybe I'll give it a try. I had high expectations but was disappointed by the single.