View Full Version : Man Whose Son Accused Michael Jackson of Molestation Found Dead

11-18-2009, 06:17 PM
Wednesday 18 November 07:09 AM By: PopEater Staff


Evan Chandler -- the father of Jordan Chandler, who accused Michael Jackson of molesting him -- was found dead early this month of a gunshot wound to the head, the New York Post reports.

The 65-year-old former dentist was discovered in his Jersey City apartment with a .38-caliber revolver in his hand, officials say. The building's concierge found the body. No note has been found, but police officials believe it's an open-shut case.

The Chandlers were the father&son who accused Michael Jackson of abuse in 1993. Could Evan Chandler have been feeling some guilt for the lies he told to extort money from Michael Jackson? Or was he simply broke and depressed? Either way, good riddance.

Mr. Evan Chandler, BURN. IN. HELL.

11-19-2009, 09:00 AM
OMG, what is wrong with you?

11-19-2009, 11:43 AM
Purplemonkey, she's always like that. I have her on ignore so can't read it but I've never seen anything she posted that was worth reading. She is one of a kind and don't let that worry you - most of the people on the board have something constructive to offer.

Welcome to the board, btw!

11-19-2009, 12:12 PM

11-19-2009, 01:25 PM
It's like this:

Forget how you feel about Michael Jackson for a second.

IF Michael Jackson molested Jordan Chandler, then his father, Evan, took money over justice. Would you let your children be molested if the price was right?


Michael Jackson was innocent, and this Evan Chandler put his child up to lie and ruin an innocent man's reputaion.

Take your pick. Either way this Evan Chandler was a SCUMbucket.

...and WELCOME to the board. Ignore what PennyQuilts said. If you're here long enough, you'll know EXACTLY what I mean.

11-19-2009, 06:53 PM
So do most people on here think Michael Jackson was a child molester, or not?

11-19-2009, 09:35 PM
This is Oklahoma, so I'm sure most people are quick to condemn. Personally, I think MJ was innocent but stupid. Stupid for hanging out with kids all the time, but that doesn't make him a molester. Also, he was tried in a court of law and was aquitted of all 10 counts against him. I think he was a very troubled man and a very misunderstood man. I was not one of his crazy fans, but I admit that his death basically ruined my summer.
Such a kind, gentle person - So sad it hurts my heart to think about it.

11-20-2009, 05:19 AM
I thought the allegations were suspicious. On the other hand so were his peculiar behaviors.

We did watch "This Is It" and I thought it was amazingly well done. In the documentary he comes across as very kind and considerate and collegial while at the same time being healthy, in charge, and an amazing artist. After the documentary I really felt he was very likely wrongly accused.

His entire life seems sad to me.

HVAC Instructor
11-20-2009, 05:50 AM
Purplemonkey, she's always like that. I have her on ignore so can't read it but I've never seen anything she posted that was worth reading. She is one of a kind and don't let that worry you - most of the people on the board have something constructive to offer.

Welcome to the board, btw!

Hey Purplemonkey! (love the screen name!) Welcome!

Ignore PQ. She puts everybody that disagrees with her on ignore, like many of the rabid, myopic, closed minded conservo-religo-bots here. You'll be able to pick them out soon, and hopefully you're not one of them.

If you hang around a while and actually read posts and replies, you will begin to see there is much more to most of our members than what is said in one single post. Lots of interesting characters here to be sure. Lots of different opinions, excepting the bots who travel the straight and narrow, lol!

Oh yeah...don't let PQ fool ya...she says she has ya on ignore but she peeks. She posts in damned near every thread I start, lol!

11-20-2009, 10:19 AM
I have a feeling if you stay away from the political threads like I do you will find most people are civil and have good things to share. Politics seem to bring out the contentious side of people.

11-20-2009, 10:23 AM
ignore pq. she puts everybody that disagrees with her on ignore, like many of the rabid, myopic, closed minded conservo-religo-bots here. you'll be able to pick them out soon, and hopefully you're not one of them.

let's cut it out with the personal attacks. back to topic. -M

HVAC Instructor
11-20-2009, 12:31 PM
let's cut it out with the personal attacks. back to topic. -M

Fair dinkum, but just giving back as it is given to me. Please be fair with the call-outs. :tiphat: