View Full Version : Roosevelt Jr. High 50 yrs. old

11-13-2009, 03:52 PM
I realize this is a limited thread as only those that attended Roosevelt would show much interest. But, I along with many others attended Jr. High (9th grade) at Roosevelt. I was in the first class to go to the school and we did have "Fun"....Our band won every honor that they could....Most of the members were beginning band members but they had heart and soul. Some of our teachers went on to be Lawyers and Judges.....and many classes have attended since.....I know Capitol Hill and Grant and Southeast are older but we still had Roosevelt.....50 years old yee-Haw...

11-13-2009, 03:58 PM
Generals64, I was in the first 9th grade at Roosevelt and was in the band. Sad we didn't have a yearbook.

11-13-2009, 06:08 PM
I realize this is a limited thread as only those that attended Roosevelt would show much interest. But, I along with many others attended Jr. High (9th grade) at Roosevelt. I was in the first class to go to the school and we did have "Fun"....Our band won every honor that they could....Most of the members were beginning band members but they had heart and soul. Some of our teachers went on to be Lawyers and Judges.....and many classes have attended since.....I know Capitol Hill and Grant and Southeast are older but we still had Roosevelt.....50 years old yee-Haw...

Which Roosevelt is it named for?

Capitol Hill Jr. put out their first yearbook in 1969. That's what I have been told.

11-13-2009, 08:57 PM
Which Roosevelt is it named for?

Capitol Hill Jr. put out their first yearbook in 1969. That's what I have been told.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt......Capitol Hill Jr. High was there when I was in grade school. We used to go swimming there through the Gray Y program every Saturday morning.

11-14-2009, 01:01 AM
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt......Capitol Hill Jr. High was there when I was in grade school. We used to go swimming there through the Gray Y program every Saturday morning.

You never wanted to get in trouble with the gym teacher/coach on swim days. Had to take your swats wet. Bathing suit or no bathing suit. He would make you bend over with your head about six inches from a locker. If when he gave you the swat and your head hit the locker, you got another one.

Wonder what today's parents would have to say about that?

Tall Girl
11-14-2009, 06:26 PM
I was so disappointed that we didn't have a yearbook for Roosevelt, 9th grade class of '61. The only thing I have is my Roosevelt Jr. High Chorus Spring Concert program from May 9, 1961. I was in the Ensemble by the skin of my teeth. I'll never forget Miss Redwine for letting me sing in the Ensemble just because she knew it meant a lot to me - not because I could sing. There were 11 of us - we had matching turquois dresses and got to go to contest and done well.

I hope if anybody has any Roosevelt memories or memorabilia to share they will do so.

The next school year, 2010-2011 will be the 50th class at Roosevelt. It was fun being the 1st 9th grade class there.


08-12-2010, 12:45 PM
It's official, 50 years ago today (8/12/1960) was "freshman Orientation" for Roosevelt Junior High. Tall Girl was there as was Old Salt and yours truly plus a whole passle of other kids....We were so young but knew everything because WE were the First Ninth Grade class of Roosevelt Jr., all that's there are the teachers are younger than we are and the principal is younger than we are. One of the vice-principals was born in 1963......My gosh Tall Girl is getting old....