View Full Version : Merciful Heavens

11-12-2009, 06:49 AM

An article about kids in foster care in Oklahoma.

11-18-2009, 01:17 AM
It made me sick.

Most people's personality can be read very quickly. I know that not
everyone has the ability to determine good and evil, but there are people
who have that gift or ability to do just that.

Political corruption needs to be totally ignored. It does nothing to truly
benefit human beings. PC avoids the fact that evil people send extremely
negative signals. This crap about not judging is evil incarnate. We don't
need it.

Stop, look and listen to the people. You can tell in a heart beat if they
should have custody of children.

Send pc to the depths of Hell where it belongs.

USG '60
11-18-2009, 08:10 AM
On this issue, PP, I agree 1000%. Intuition is a powerful thing.

Note: I think you typoed and meant to write political CORRECTNESS instead of corruption. If you fix it, I will remove this note.