View Full Version : Veterans Day

11-11-2009, 07:54 AM
I'd like to thank the veterans, current military and their families for their sacrifices. I don't know how you do what you do but it must be internal because you give more than you get. And for those grieving over recent losses, I'm so sorry.

Sometimes I worry that saying, "Thank you for your service," will come out as just words. I hope you know they are sincere and that we ARE grateful. You are the best of us.

11-11-2009, 09:33 AM
PQ I'm right here with you giving my thanks. I am so grateful for the sacrifices, the courage, and the continued vigilance of all the military men & women in my life. My fiance is in the Air Force and has done two tours in Iraq (so far)...every day I give thanks for what he does.

11-15-2009, 01:33 PM
I just want to say I'm sorry to all the innocent Iraqis murdered by the U.S. military. I am sorry, and I do not want this murder being carried out in my name. And to the poor service members who had no other way to pay for college but to join the military, I'm sorry that our governement sent you off to kill and to die in a useless, criminal war of aggression to steal oil, protect foreign interests, and kill women and children.

Again, I am most sorry, innocent Iraqi civilians. We ruined your country, and I can only hope kharma takes pity on ours.


Concerned American Citizen.

11-15-2009, 01:57 PM's been a really long time since I wanted to slap the hell out of someone but if i could ronronnie1, I would reach through my computer and slap the American citizen out of you. I absolutely HATE the fact that the man I love puts his life on the line to protect the freedom of people like you that call him a murderer.

There are so many things I would like to say right now, but I am so angry right now I can't put anymore thoughts into least, not words that would be safe for viewing by the general public.

11-15-2009, 02:11 PM
So the man you love "protects my freedom?" Like freedom of speech? Like my right not to be a lemming and to express my DISDAIN and contempt for an immoral war?

Or does "the man you love" only protect my right to express myself so long as it mirrors your own?

11-15-2009, 02:33 PM
He protects all freedoms, even the ones that give you the right to act like a self-serving douchebag. I think that's what bothers me...that if it weren't for soldiers we wouldn't have the freedoms that we do, yet some ungrateful people are quick to look down on them for it. I don't agree with this war either, but I'm still going to show support for the people that are fighting in it. Do you think he ENJOYS fighting in this war? That he enjoys being away from his family for months, that he enjoys being shot at, or that he enjoys seeing people get hurt? Sure, he made the choice to enlist knowing that he might some day have to go to war...but that doesn't mean he likes it anymore than you do. This is what he does though, and whether we like it or not, he's going to do his job and I'm going to support him and be proud of him for doing it well.

HVAC Instructor
11-15-2009, 02:57 PM's been a really long time since I wanted to slap the hell out of someone but if i could ronronnie1, I would reach through my computer and slap the American citizen out of you. I absolutely HATE the fact that the man I love puts his life on the line to protect the freedom of people like you that call him a murderer.

There are so many things I would like to say right now, but I am so angry right now I can't put anymore thoughts into least, not words that would be safe for viewing by the general public.

USMC Veterans hat on: Be thankful we live in a counrty that protects freedom of speech and that we are not subject to be drug from our homes and shot or be physically abused because of something we posted on the internet, and that we are protected by law from being abused by our fellow citizens for speaking our minds.

As a veteran, I fully support RR's RIGHT to voice her heartfelt opinion, and you should too.

Sometimes I worry that saying, "Thank you for your service," will come out as just words.

I think these words often come easy and have come to sound like meaningless platitudes over time.

Personally, I don't need to hear the "thanks", because I am thankful for the experience and life education I recieved as a result of my voluntary enlistment. The main thing I learned is that we have it made here in the USA compared to most countries in the world. I'm thankful to have spent nights in third world barios so that I truly understand how good the life we have in this country actually is. Most Americans do not have a clue.

I thank America for the opportunity to have served, travelled, be paid, and educated in exchange for that service. I think we should have a taxpayer appreciation day added to the federal holiday schedule.

Semper Fidelis!

11-15-2009, 03:08 PM
Calm down, MsDarkstar. And why the name calling? I don't do that when someone disagrees with me. I have my opinons, and you have yours. That's supposedly what makes this country great - the right to disagree.

I just don't understand what there is to be "proud" of. That's all. When I see pictures of dead and burned children whos only crime was being Arab, it makes me sick to my stomach. I am in no way, shape, or form "proud" of the terror brought to these people, and I'll be DAMNED if I say "thank you."
They were no threat to my freedom, and I simply will not join the crowd cheering this crime on.

Those who joined the military because they have an appetite for death, well they can burn in hell for all I care. But the service members caught up in this who are just doing their job, just trying to pay for college - the pawns in all of this, I feel no animosity.

Have a good day.