View Full Version : Church Recommendation

10-30-2009, 01:25 PM
Can anybody recommend a church for us to attend? I'm looking for something a 13 year old boy can get plugged into and enjoy. I want them to have a teen night and fun activities for him to be involved in. I also am looking for some place that has a late church service or maybe even an evening service. Preferably Edmond, Northside, Midtown, or at least North of I-40 let's say. Something with great connection and community involvement.

Any suggestions other than LifeChurch will be helpful. Thank you.

10-30-2009, 01:40 PM
Try NorthChurch, near the turnpike and Western. Very teen oriented. Pastor and staff are great people. Down to earth. And I'm not even selling them because we go there. We don't. Used to but they just weren't our cup of tea. Too youth oriented for us.

10-30-2009, 02:24 PM
Plenty of 13 yr olds enjoying Lifechurch. Might want to check out Victory or Crossings Community Church, or even Council Rd. Baptist Church has a great youth program too. People can bash on the "mega" churches, but they do offer amenities to keep the younger generation entertained that smaller churches just can't offer.'s youth breaks into small groups of 10 that they break out for personal growth, relationship building, friend making and other type activities so they can feel part of something big, without being overwhelmed with the larger activities that also go on during the youth services.

10-30-2009, 02:39 PM
Thanks Soonerbent. I wondered about that one. I just need to look up hours.

He goes to his dad's every Saturday who lives in Norman. So it's hard to go pick him up from Edmond and get back in time for most of the services provided.

Metro, I've been. 6 years. No longer want to attend. It's a great church for most. It no longer is beneficial to me or my growth with God. And he lost interest a long time ago when the main campus took away fun and starting lecturing rather than teaching. It still isn't completely out as an option. If we can't find any other place to attend we are going to try the South or NW campus. I hear these are better suited for what I am looking for.

NE Oasis
10-30-2009, 03:00 PM
GOTO Home | Edmond's First Baptist Church ( and see if they meet your needs. Based on the requirements in your initial post it may work for you.

10-30-2009, 03:36 PM
Thanks Soonerbent. I wondered about that one. I just need to look up hours.

He goes to his dad's every Saturday who lives in Norman. So it's hard to go pick him up from Edmond and get back in time for most of the services provided.

Metro, I've been. 6 years. No longer want to attend. It's a great church for most. It no longer is beneficial to me or my growth with God. And he lost interest a long time ago when the main campus took away fun and starting lecturing rather than teaching. It still isn't completely out as an option. If we can't find any other place to attend we are going to try the South or NW campus. I hear these are better suited for what I am looking for.

Try our NW campus where I go, much more diversity and stuff going on and the fastest growing campus because we're so involved in the community, etc. Totally different vibe than OKC or Edmond campus. Just curious, are/were you in a lifegroup or discipleship group at all? Just curious on why you felt you couldn't grow at LC.

10-30-2009, 04:52 PM
I was going to suggest Riverside in Norman, but as it's barely north of Hwy 9, it's more than a tad outside your preference area.

10-30-2009, 04:52 PM
Thanks NE Oasis. I will check out that site. Have you been or do you go?

Metro it's a long story that I would really rather not get into. I don't have a lot of respect left for the staff of that campus. I was part of a lifegroup, yes. And the people in my group were really judgemental. I tried a couple more and never felt connected or plugged in. A couple of my friends attend the NW campus and they say it's much better. A completely different church still having Craig's sermon. So I may try that still.

10-30-2009, 04:54 PM
I was going to suggest Riverside in Norman, but as it's barely north of Hwy 9, it's more than a tad outside your preference area.

That one actually looks fun. But yeah, Norman is far. We could go on Sundays when I pick him up, but we couldn't do much more.

10-31-2009, 08:19 PM
Have you every visited Henderson Hills in Edmond. We don't currently attend there (need to get back though). But, I will tell you that IMO Dennis Newkirk is the finest Pastor/Teacher I've ever sat under.

11-30-2009, 11:52 PM
I know this is out of your way, but Southern Hills Baptist Church has an
incredible youth minister and ministry. We went to a church for about 25
years, live 1 block away, and left for reasons not necessary to say. We drive
25 minutes to go go to SHBC. It's a great church and worth a visit.

12-01-2009, 09:10 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions. I will hold on to them. For now I have found a good home at Skyline. My son will attend their youth gathering Sunday night and if he likes it then we'll stay put. Until it no longer works for us. But thus far the sermons are the best I've heard and the people are great. They do a ton of charity work in the neighborhood also! Which is mainly what we wanted, to get involved with the community through God.

12-05-2009, 07:17 AM
I know this is out of your way, but Southern Hills Baptist Church has an
incredible youth minister and ministry. We went to a church for about 25
years, live 1 block away, and left for reasons not necessary to say. We drive
25 minutes to go go to SHBC. It's a great church and worth a visit.


12-23-2009, 01:48 PM
I'll second what NE Oasis recommended. Our kids are too young for the youth group, but some of our friends have kids in it and they do a great job of balancing discipleship and fun. In January they are continuing the 605 service (starts at 6:05pm) on Sundays and the dress is very casual, the music is very contemporary and the teaching is very relevant. The focus is reaching the younger ones, but all are welcome.

12-23-2009, 04:58 PM
Council Road Baptist.

12-23-2009, 06:38 PM
I've been on a tear this year to go to a lot of different churches.

I've attended lifechurch for years, I helped build their youth ministry when I was 18 but wanted to venture out when I moved back from DC.

I second Northchurch, and attend slyline in downtown OKC pretty often. Crossings on May is nice but I get the Sunday services could be a bit boring for a teenager. Also there is a small church in Edmond called "The Edge". They have a phenomenal youth service, one of the best I've ever seen. Their motto is "Love. Love. Serve."

No offense to the babtists, but I'd avoid most Baptist churches if you can. Nothing against their certain ideology, but in Oklahoma it's really hit or miss, and some of them can be incredibly dogmatic and mean spirited. Henderson Hills would be a good one to try out if you really wanted to stick with a baptist doctrine.

12-23-2009, 10:01 PM
I agree Reddirt. I think we are going to try Edge to kick off the new year. We tried Skyline. I love the people and the sermon. Not a fan of the location or youth circle. It's not bad, just not what we are looking for. And it bored my son to sleep.

We will just keep looking until we find where we are supposed to be for now!

12-23-2009, 10:38 PM
As far as staying away from a certain denomination, you have to include
every one of them.

I attend a Southern Baptist church, and if I change churches it's going to a
Southern Baptist church. While there are a few that are typical churches,
i.e. ran by the rich and the Deacons, the majority are in the right.

I tend to stay away from small churches of any denomination because
that's where most of the trouble is. They are small for a reason, whether
Baptist, Methodist, Assembly of God, etc... That reason is because the
power of a few. That isn't Christian, in fact it's the antithesis of

Large churches tend to be congregation ran, not that it's right, rather than
leader ran. There are some exceptions i.e. Joel Osteen and the like. Those
are the churches I stray from. They aren't Biblical.

12-24-2009, 12:09 AM
I agree Reddirt. I think we are going to try Edge to kick off the new year. We tried Skyline. I love the people and the sermon. Not a fan of the location or youth circle. It's not bad, just not what we are looking for. And it bored my son to sleep.

We will just keep looking until we find where we are supposed to be for now!

My sister and her husband attend "The Edge", they absolutely adore it and they're just 23 and 24 years old.

Israel, the head pastor, has an uncanny understanding of the word. He truly and honestly just gets it. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that that church has one of the most genuine and down to earth congregations I've ever been to. I hope you like it.

12-24-2009, 12:36 AM
Israel, the head pastor, has an uncanny understanding of the word...
This not a reason to create an argument. What is an uncanny understanding
of the Word?

Not to brag, but many years ago I started studying, formally and
academically, Koine Greek. The reason was to see if what was being
"preached" was truly the Word. I found that some preachers were totally
clueless, while many were right on. Some didn't appreciate my
confrontation, however, some did.

At any rate, what is an uncanny understanding of the Word?

Best regards!

12-24-2009, 12:56 AM
This not a reason to create an argument. What is an uncanny understanding
of the Word?

Not to brag, but many years ago I started studying, formally and
academically, Koine Greek. The reason was to see if what was being
"preached" was truly the Word. I found that some preachers were totally
clueless, while many were right on. Some didn't appreciate my
confrontation, however, some did.

At any rate, what is an uncanny understanding of the Word?

Best regards!

He focuses on not just the English translation, but the original hebrew and greek and the application of the teachings through a in depth understanding of the original text. He breaks down scripture and helps the congregation understand it on a deeper level. When there is a quotation of a passage he will talk about the origins of the words and help re-translate what they were really saying.

His communication of the concepts is great too, he's really funny and keeps the service very unintimidating.

12-24-2009, 01:35 AM
His communication of the concepts is great too, he's really funny and keeps
the service very intimidating.
I think I understand what you meant. But what does "keeps the service very
intimidating" mean. That doesn't sound very positive.

When I notice that a "preacher" tries to be intimidating toward the
congregation I make it a point to visit the "preacher" and put him on the spot
while providing my Greek Bible for his interpretive elocutions. I'm always ready
to make certain the "preacher" knows what he's saying.

12-24-2009, 02:41 AM
I think I understand what you meant. But what does "keeps the service very
intimidating" mean. That doesn't sound very positive.

When I notice that a "preacher" tries to be intimidating toward the
congregation I make it a point to visit the "preacher" and put him on the spot
while providing my Greek Bible for his interpretive elocutions. I'm always ready
to make certain the "preacher" knows what he's saying.

Edited. Meant unintimidating.

Oh and we get're a biblical scholar that tests "preachers" on their understanding of Koine Greek. Congrats. I bet you have a Jesus Fish, and bumpersticker on your car too and read your bible in the breakroom and work so everyone knows you're the bible biz niz.

12-24-2009, 12:05 PM
Congrats. I bet you have a Jesus Fish, and bumper sticker on your car too
and read your bible in the break room and work so everyone knows you're the
bible biz niz.
None of the above. What purpose would that really serve?

12-24-2009, 12:14 PM
None of the above. What purpose would that really serve?

The same purpose as making sure everyone knows you're just so wise when it comes to the bible. So wise, in fact, that you make sure the pastors are doing their job right.

You're "That guy"

12-24-2009, 02:52 PM
The same purpose as making sure everyone knows you're just so wise when it
comes to the bible. So wise, in fact, that you make sure the pastors are
doing their job right.
Oh, you mean doing what the Bible says we're to do. Thanks for the

12-24-2009, 04:56 PM
Oh, you mean doing what the Bible says we're to do. Thanks for the

I'm not going to argue with you. I guess I missed the part of the bible where it advocated bragging about how much of the bible you know. There is no other purpose to what you said than that and you're almost immaculate understanding of the word, you are so humble, oh so humble.

12-24-2009, 08:49 PM
I'm not going to argue with you. I guess I missed the part of the bible where
it advocated bragging about how much of the bible you know. There is no
other purpose to what you said than that and you're almost immaculate
understanding of the word, you are so humble, oh so humble.
First of all you are arguing but not contributing to the conversation.
Secondly, you've done nothing but attack, attack and attack. Your use of
bumptious belittling and derisive diatribe do nothing except provide pellucid
prattle in order to make yourself feel superior, or look holier than thou.
After all, you're the one who's judging me, i.e. my actions and and you're
also judging my thoughts, which you don't know, but claim to know by your
silly statements about me being immaculate and humble, which I never

How in the world you've managed to come up with your assessment is
remarkable to say the least and fictional at best.

Merry Christmas


12-24-2009, 08:57 PM
arguing in a 'church recommendation' thread... that's great, guys. -M

12-24-2009, 09:28 PM
First of all you are arguing but not contributing to the conversation.
Secondly, you've done nothing but attack, attack and attack. Your use of
bumptious belittling and derisive diatribe do nothing except provide pellucid
prattle in order to make yourself feel superior, or look holier than thou.
After all, you're the one who's judging me, i.e. my actions and and you're
also judging my thoughts, which you don't know, but claim to know by your
silly statements about me being immaculate and humble, which I never

How in the world you've managed to come up with your assessment is
remarkable to say the least and fictional at best.

Merry Christmas


Then why did you post in the first place about your vast knowledge no greek and confronting preachers to make sure those that went through seminary are as smart as you? You win man, I answered your question. No one wants your input.

Oh and you can put the thesaurus back on the shelf, you made everyone on this board truly know just how smart you are with all the big words you looked up on Good job chief.

12-24-2009, 09:31 PM
arguing in a 'church recommendation' thread... that's great, guys. -M

Yah, sorry about that.

We were all making sure the church was "Prune approved" first.

12-24-2009, 10:17 PM
Then why did you post in the first place about your vast knowledge no
greek and confronting preachers to make sure those that went through
seminary are as smart as you? You win man, I answered your question.

Once again you resort to making things up. I never said that I have a
"vast knowledge" of Greek. They are your words.

Here's the context, from my original post, which you have completely blown
out of proportion.
(pertaining to why I studied Koine Greek) The reason was to
see if what was being "preached" was truly the Word. I found
that some preachers were totally clueless, while many were
right on. Some didn't appreciate my confrontation, however,
some did.

12-24-2009, 10:39 PM
Once again you resort to making things up. I never said that I have a
"vast knowledge" of Greek. They are your words.

Here's the context, from my original post, which you have completely blown
out of proportion.
(pertaining to why I studied Koine Greek) The reason was to
see if what was being "preached" was truly the Word. I found
that some preachers were totally clueless, while many were
right on. Some didn't appreciate my confrontation, however,
some did.

Whatever man, you win.

Can someone please delete the hijacked portion of this thread?

12-26-2009, 11:37 AM
haha. M.

This is precisely why I have such a hard time finding a church btw. Everyone has their own interpretations and can't open up to another point of view. Or admit their way may not be 100% accurate.

12-26-2009, 11:42 AM
haha. M.

This is precisely why I have such a hard time finding a church btw. Everyone has their own interpretations and can't open up to another point of view. Or admit their way may not be 100% accurate.

I don't know much about the other churches. I do know that Edmond Emmanuel's foundational structure is accomplishing ministry projects in Edmond and OKC. I know they've donated a lot of time and financial gifts to Edmond Meals on Wheels, worked in area schools and other community organizations. If you don't mind getting your hands dirty in working to help might give them a try. Emmanuel Baptist Church (

12-27-2009, 12:53 PM
Why go to church, anyway, other than to get out of the house and socialize with others. But why do that, if you're like me, and not good at socializing with others? I think the main point in going to church in Oklahoma is just to socialize. So if you're good at doing that, then you probably need to go to church.

12-27-2009, 01:47 PM
Why go to church, anyway, other than to get out of the house and socialize with others. But why do that, if you're like me, and not good at socializing with others? I think the main point in going to church in Oklahoma is just to socialize. So if you're good at doing that, then you probably need to go to church.


People go to Church for far more than just "socializing". That's ridiculous.

12-27-2009, 07:48 PM
My sister and her husband attend "The Edge", they absolutely adore it and they're just 23 and 24 years old.

Israel, the head pastor, has an uncanny understanding of the word. He truly and honestly just gets it. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that that church has one of the most genuine and down to earth congregations I've ever been to. I hope you like it.

Is the pastor Israel Hogue, Richard's son?

12-28-2009, 06:29 AM
I know this is off subject from the orignal poster, looking for a Church on the N. side, but I must throw out a shout for an awesome Church on the S. side.
I attend Westmoore Community Church at S.W. 126th & Western, we are known as the "Flock that Rocks", are services are lively and very upbeat. Our church moto is "we want the people other churchs don't), we don't descriminate against race, gender, political views, the way you dress, etc. I invite everyone to attend one service, I think you'll be back.

12-28-2009, 07:59 AM
Is the pastor Israel Hogue, Richard's son?

Yes, Israel is Richard's son.

12-28-2009, 03:10 PM

People go to Church for far more than just "socializing". That's ridiculous.

You're wrong. No way should it to be considered ridiculous. Why else should people go to church other than to get saved?

12-28-2009, 04:04 PM
You're wrong. No way should it to be considered ridiculous. Why else should people go to church other than to get saved?

It's a spiritual thing to many, and a educational experience as well.

Most people that go to church have already been "saved". There is a social element to it, but to say that's the only reason someone goes to church isn't all all correct.

12-28-2009, 04:14 PM
Why go to church, anyway, other than to get out of the house and socialize with others. But why do that, if you're like me, and not good at socializing with others? I think the main point in going to church in Oklahoma is just to socialize. So if you're good at doing that, then you probably need to go to church.

While encouraging each other on the journey of faith is important when believers meet -unless they can impact their community with action contributing in various ways to the community - then the social aspect only is missing the least in my point of view.

12-28-2009, 09:53 PM
Do you guys even know what you are arguing about anymore?? shut it.

rcjunkie Thank you for sharing. That sounds like exactly what I want. Now to just find one close to home.

BTW - Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car. That's one of my favorite quotes.

I believe you can only be "saved" through the faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and the son of God. You can not buy your way into Heaven with good deeds nor will bad deeds send you to hell. I am looking for a Church that upholds these beliefs. I go to church to hear other viewpoints of stories from the Bible. As well as to fellowship with real live noncomputer human beings. Hopefully ones with the same outlook on God. And a community where we help one another and uplift one another. That's what I want. And why I want to go.

12-28-2009, 09:57 PM
You're wrong. No way should it to be considered ridiculous. Why else should people go to church other than to get saved?

To worship? To learn? To love one another? To become better people?

12-30-2009, 02:09 PM
I'd recommend City Church on 10th. It's so kewl.

12-31-2009, 09:44 AM
To worship? To learn? To love one another? To become better people?

You forgot probably the biggest reason....... to be entertained.