View Full Version : Mayor Cornett's twitter account hacked!

10-19-2009, 09:15 AM
His account appeared to have been hijacked on Friday:

MickCornett Don't you hate wasting all your money at Victoria Secret? $500 Gift Card now just for voting! http://freevictoriasecretgc...

MickCornett http://freevictoriasecretgc... - $500 Victoria Secret Gift delivered right to your door right in time for Christmas - ABSOLUTELY FREE!

stevelackmeyer I'm thinking the mayor's twitter account has been hijacked.

stevelackmeyer I'm wondering if Ackerman-McQueen has landed a major new national client. Just guessing, but I could be wrong....

Lord Helmet
10-19-2009, 03:18 PM
There was a rash of hacked accounts late last week. My wife was spamming people with that exact same message :)