View Full Version : Pork Has Left the Sports Animal

10-16-2009, 08:16 PM
It was reported in the Oklahoman today that Todd Lisenbee or Pork as he has been known on the morning show for years has left the station. The article says he is considering whether to stay in broadcasting or not. Anyone know the scoop?

Bigray in Ok

10-17-2009, 09:01 AM
I wonder if he is the son of Tim Lisenbee, who was a former Monroney JHS teacher and coach?

10-17-2009, 02:08 PM
His dad is a teacher and a coach but I do not know his first name.

Bigray in Ok

10-17-2009, 03:01 PM
I wonder if he is the son of Tim Lisenbee, who was a former Monroney JHS teacher and coach?

Yes, he is

10-17-2009, 03:04 PM
wow, i met him when he was a "little" kid then. His dad was one of my teachers way back when....

Well best of luck to him in whatever he decides to do.

10-20-2009, 08:40 AM
It was reported in the Oklahoman today that Todd Lisenbee or Pork as he has been known on the morning show for years has left the station. The article says he is considering whether to stay in broadcasting or not. Anyone know the scoop?

Bigray in Ok

I think his sudden departure explains why Lump (Jay Lynch) made the equally sudden return to the Morning Animals show.

I know that secrecy and privacy are everyone's prerogative, but I always hate the fact that media personalities just disappear from a show and/or market without any notice whatsoever - especially someone who's been around as long as Pork.

Given the tenor of the blurb from the Oklahoman, and the suddenness of his departure, makes me think it was Pork's decision to leave, not the other way around. That's purely speculation, of course.

10-27-2009, 07:20 AM
The hypocritical nature of this is what makes it humorous.

These same people who won’t even mention Pork leaving (ignoring it and hoping the listener’s wont notice) are the same people who hammer the local coaches for not giving information on players.

Pork was not my favorite of the Morning Animals, but he made the show entertaining. I wish him luck in whatever he does from here on out.

Stan Silliman
11-03-2009, 07:45 AM
Beef is still there but Chicken has been, well, a little ....

03-15-2010, 05:23 PM
Pork didn't leave the Sports Animal. He was "layed off." WWLS was being "downsized." It was a shame that after almost 7 years of work for Citadel, that he was given his walking papers after he finished his Monday morning show. He received 2 weeks severence pay and was told basically, "see ya!" There was not a word spoken on air and everyone was told to keep it hush, hush. Even Trabor was not allowed to talk about it on his web site.