10-08-2009, 10:56 AM
i hear that there is superhighway in the works that will cross close or through okc, does anybody know about this? And what is a superhighway, is it different from something like i-35?
View Full Version : Mexico and united states superhighway ? Jesseda 10-08-2009, 10:56 AM i hear that there is superhighway in the works that will cross close or through okc, does anybody know about this? And what is a superhighway, is it different from something like i-35? metro 10-08-2009, 11:03 AM MYTH and old news: The NAFTA Superhighway ( Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway - HUMAN EVENTS ( mugofbeer 10-08-2009, 11:13 AM Well, not necessarily a myth because it was definitely floated out there and plans drawn up, but hopefully it has died away. hipsterdoofus 10-08-2009, 12:07 PM What is the myth part of it? I think it was proposed and partially built, but not in Oklahoma: Interstate 69 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( fromdust 10-08-2009, 12:12 PM looks like the part in texas has died.TxDOT drops Trans-Texas Corridor altogether - Austin Business Journal: ( Jesseda 10-08-2009, 12:19 PM wow that sucks, i think it would have been neat to have super highway that barely bypasses major cities, so you dont have to deal with traffic while taking a trip Midtowner 10-08-2009, 01:06 PM Some folks thought it abdicated our sovereignty by allowing foreigners free entry to the U.S. Constitutional scholars were (I think rightfully) concerned that the superhighway would VASTLY expand the concept of border searches (which under current law aren't considered searches at all and no matter how invasive aren't a violation of your 4th Amendment Rights and don't have to be conducted actually on or near a border). BPD 10-08-2009, 01:12 PM What is the myth part of it? I think it was proposed and partially built, but not in Oklahoma: Interstate 69 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Please don't depend on Wikipedia for factual information. It contains many articles written by uninformed people with axes to grind. hipsterdoofus 10-08-2009, 01:14 PM Please don't depend on Wikipedia for factual information. It contains many articles written by uninformed people with axes to grind. It also contains plenty of factual information - It requires using your brain while you read it, but don't dismiss it as garbage. gmwise 10-08-2009, 01:15 PM and some just come up with bull**** to talk about with certainty,but with little real knowledge,,,sorta like this.... hipsterdoofus 10-08-2009, 01:21 PM You're right the members of OKCtalk are much more reliable for information than wikipedia... gmwise 10-08-2009, 02:43 PM not even close.. Wikipedia is the starting point. NOT the end of research.. look up the terms as in google it. use more then one source. Think about what you read. ask questions,answer them.. Then form a opinion BPD 10-08-2009, 02:55 PM If you must verify information from other sources, why not just use the more reliable source to begin with? Don't trust wikipedia unless you can verify their information elsewhere. Jesseda 10-08-2009, 03:04 PM heck, I over heard something about a superhighway on the news, so i thought maybe someone on here would know about it, im not just making thing bull**** to talk about, just curious bull **** is becoming very valuable lately anyways, so in the buisness world it should be talked about, but are we talking about the same bull **** here? or hmmmm. thanks everyone for the info on the subject of superhighway bluedogok 10-08-2009, 09:06 PM The TTC became a huge political issue down here for a couple of reasons, one was a foreign company was going to finance and manage the TTC (built by their San Antonio based partner) and the acquisition of land through eminent domain breaking up large tracts that had been held by families for generations. I saw many signs on roads near the proposed Houston-Dallas route against it. Something needs to be done but that seemed like more of a political payoff than anything else. Midtowner 10-08-2009, 09:10 PM The TTC became a huge political issue down here for a couple of reasons, one was a foreign company was going to finance and manage the TTC (built by their San Antonio based partner) and the acquisition of land through eminent domain breaking up large tracts that had been held by families for generations. I saw many signs on roads near the proposed Houston-Dallas route against it. Something needs to be done but that seemed like more of a political payoff than anything else. Anything on that scale and in this political environment is going to be tainted with backroom deals. That's the only way it'll happen. mburlison 10-08-2009, 11:36 PM Too many ducks to put in a row for something like that... made good fodder for the black helicopter crowd for awhile, but there is zero talk of it here. (Dallas) metro 10-09-2009, 11:10 AM i hear that there is superhighway in the works that will cross close or through okc, does anybody know about this? And what is a superhighway, is it different from something like i-35? This discussion and tons of rumors about it have been going on for years, I'm surprised you're just now hearing about it. Jesseda 10-09-2009, 01:16 PM im in a closed box i guess, i neve heard that there was a super highway in the plans until i listen to bits and pieces of it on the news recently.. I still dont understand whata superhighway actually means, is it anything different from i-35? is it like a toll road from okc to tulsa, with barely no exits and increases amount of speed? fromdust 10-09-2009, 01:38 PM im in a closed box i guess, i neve heard that there was a super highway in the plans until i listen to bits and pieces of it on the news recently.. I still dont understand whata superhighway actually means, is it anything different from i-35? is it like a toll road from okc to tulsa, with barely no exits and increases amount of speed? i believe it would run along i35 or be partially integrated into the current interstate. very little exits. from what i hear, it a huge highway for rail, freight trucks and the like. kansas city would even have a mexican port built. people argue that it is sovereign mexican land and not u.s. soil. so, yeah, all this is supposed to be for the shadowy north american union. people may brush that off as conspiracy, but i wouldnt put it passed these 3 governments conspiring something like this. bluedogok 10-09-2009, 01:58 PM I know the Texas portion was supposed to have car lanes, truck lanes, freight/passenger/high-speed rail and up to 1,200 feet wide in some areas. I believe it was supposed to be similar from the Mexican to Canadian borders. There is a group to promote it: North America's SuperCorridor Coalition ( Here is an anti-TTC site which has maps from TxDOT: - Trans Texas Corridor Maps ( The TTC-35 portion skirted east of San Antonio, Austin and Dallas, it was to include part of the 130 toll road already in place on the east side of Austin. It was completely separate from I-35. mugofbeer 10-09-2009, 02:32 PM It was to be a highway parallel to I-35, multi-model (sp?) and built to handle truck traffic of heavier weights than a normal US highway. It was also going to be a toll road and there was a lot of controversy that a foreign company would own the toll road. I have understood its pretty much a dead issue now though. bluedogok 10-09-2009, 06:10 PM It is a dead issue according to TxDOT last week but they seem to change their mind more often than a teenager...and its biggest proponent (Gov. Goodhair) is still in office for the time being. I doubt that it "goes away" so quietly, I envision that it is built piece by piece around the cities (like with TX-130 here in Austin) and connected sometime in the future. Too much money was "invested" for it to just go away. ronronnie1 10-09-2009, 06:24 PM As if Texas or Oklahoma would just allow brown people to move freely along this superhighway. Pipe dream. bluedogok 10-09-2009, 06:58 PM They seem to move pretty freely down here at the moment, I see Mexico plates all the time at the "lifestyle center" where my offices are located. Many of my neighbors here in South Austin are not native English speakers so I don't think movement is an issue. Bunty 10-10-2009, 01:23 PM And cargo ships from China unloading made in China junk would no longer be using California docks to unload. Instead, the ships would unload in Mexican ports at a less costly rate and the goods would then be routed to that proposed super highway. California would also surely also be against this, too. The motivation is all about shoving Made in China junk at us at a more efficient, more profitable rate. |