View Full Version : Man Walking Down I-35 Dragging a Cross

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HVAC Instructor
10-08-2009, 10:51 AM
About an hour ago on I-35 southbound, I saw this guy "bearing his cross" in the emergency lane.

Anybody see any news on this?

10-08-2009, 10:52 AM
I saw a guy on NW 10th by St. Anthony's a couple days ago doing the same. Thought it was pretty cool actually.

10-08-2009, 10:54 AM
I bet I saw the same guy walking east on the I40 crosstown at about 8:30 this morning... isn't that a little dangerous?

10-08-2009, 10:56 AM
I read recently about a man who dragged a 12-foot cross from Texas to Washington state. Perhaps we have a copycat tragger.

10-08-2009, 11:04 AM
Nah, people have been doing this for years, some go all over the country or even world dragging a cross around to share the gospel.

10-08-2009, 11:11 AM
Its too bad they feel like they have to force their religion on everyone on I-35, however, if he was in the emergency lane. Seems just a wee bit dangerous to me.

10-08-2009, 11:14 AM
Not forcing it on anyone unless they voluntarily CHOOSE to stop and talk to him, in which the man wouldn't be forcing it on anyone at that point. So what, you have to look at a cross for 0.5 seconds as you speed by at 70mph on I-35. No different when I drive 25mph on Classen or Portland and see a Metaphysics place, a Mosque, etc...Too many people have Christ phobia with an extra dose of politcally correctness. And you wonder why our country is so screwed up.

10-08-2009, 11:18 AM
I know its my own personal opinion, but my point was really that it is a danger if he is in the emergency lane. Yes, being a public spectacle, whether for his political beliefs, moral beliefs, religious beliefs or simple advertising - watching someone who is over-the-top about his faith on a 150,000 car-a-day highway is forcing religion on me. It doesn't phase me but its kind of like how you can't turn your head today without seeing pink ribbons everywhere - its annoying.

10-08-2009, 11:19 AM
thread getting moved to politics or religion in 5....4......3.....2........1

10-08-2009, 11:20 AM

10-08-2009, 11:33 AM
I don't see it as forcing religion on anyone, I see it as dangerous if someone is moving on the side of the highway with the intention of being seen, which can cause rubber-necking related accidents. It's already bad enough when people disrupt traffic to look at an accident, no one should be walking down the side of a highway with the intent of being seen. If they want to, at the very least use service roads when available, and other roads when they aren't.

10-08-2009, 11:39 AM
It is forcing an issue on someone who should be driving down the highway and not looking at a man dragging a cross. What if it were a nearly naked woman advertising a strip club or 2 semi-trailor trucks with a huge banner with offensive words printed on it? Its the wrong thing and the wrong time and it is forcing something on us that we may not want.

HVAC Instructor
10-08-2009, 11:45 AM
Actually, doesn't the issue come down to legality? Is it legal for pedestrians to travel on interstate highways?

And of course it is absolutely unsafe for both the man and the drivers whose attention is diverted from the task of driving to rubber-necking.

10-08-2009, 11:56 AM
It is forcing an issue on someone who should be driving down the highway and not looking at a man dragging a cross. What if it were a nearly naked woman advertising a strip club or 2 semi-trailor trucks with a huge banner with offensive words printed on it? Its the wrong thing and the wrong time and it is forcing something on us that we may not want.

Anyone who moves along the side of the highway with the intent to distract people are a problem. I don't care what the issue is or if people want to see it or not, it's something that's extremely dangerous. It's purely a safety issue for me.

10-08-2009, 12:08 PM
Actually, doesn't the issue come down to legality? Is it legal for pedestrians to travel on interstate highways?

And of course it is absolutely unsafe for both the man and the drivers whose attention is diverted from the task of driving to rubber-necking.

Exactly, would this thread have been created if the man wasn't carrying a cross? Let's be honest folks, most of politically correct culture in America are deophobic and can't stand any imagery or mention of The Christ. This thread would not exist if he didn't have a cross, period. I see plenty people everyday walking down the side (and sometimes middle) of I-40, especially headed westbound. I don't see people creating threads about it.

HVAC Instructor
10-08-2009, 12:19 PM
Exactly, would this thread have been created if the man wasn't carrying a cross? Let's be honest folks, most of politically correct culture in America are deophobic and can't stand any imagery or mention of The Christ. This thread would not exist if he didn't have a cross, period. I see plenty people everyday walking down the side (and sometimes middle) of I-40, especially headed westbound. I don't see people creating threads about it.

Hmmmm...I drive between 400-600 miles per week and seldom see folks walking on the interstate save for the occaisional poor soul walking toward an exit from a broken down vehicle......

Matter of fact, I just got back from Georgia yesterday from attending my mother's funeral, and drove over 2100 miles total, and only recall seeing maybe one person in Atlanta walking on the highway away from a stalled vehicle. Interesting.

Since most folks don't see pedestrians on the interstates everyday, (except for you apparently), I reckon a man carrying a 12' cross in the emergency lane might just merit some discussion. If you feel you have to defend it, well, then have at it.

10-08-2009, 12:24 PM
Drive I-40 out by Rockwell, Council or Morgan Rd. - everytime I drive out that way I see hitchhikers walking trying to catch a ride from all the truck traffic headed west.

10-08-2009, 12:32 PM
Drive I-40 out by Rockwell, Council or Morgan Rd. - everytime I drive out that way I see hitchhikers walking trying to catch a ride from all the truck traffic headed west.

Yeah, for this reason, I have no problem with this. These hitchhikers are sometimes much more interesting than anyone with a cross. It's good, 'ol fashion free speech. If the Highway Patrol doesn't have a problem with it, neither do I.

10-08-2009, 12:38 PM
cross or no cross, if you're not seeing peds on the shoulders of interstates, not meaning disrespect, but you're not extremely observant. It's not uncommon. folks with crosses, not real often, very much a rarity to be sure, but peds in general? nah, that's frequewnt enough to where not seeing anyone is what's unusual.

HVAC Instructor
10-08-2009, 12:43 PM
cross or no cross, if you're not seeing peds on the shoulders of interstates, not meaning disrespect, but you're not extremely observant. It's not uncommon. folks with crosses, not real often, very much a rarity to be sure, but peds in general? nah, that's frequewnt enough to where not seeing anyone is what's unusual.

Didn't say I "never" see them, just not everyday. Folks don't tend to walk the interstates unless they have a reason to, like a broken down vehicle and the occaisional hitch hiker. I've gone weeks, maybe months, at a time without seeing pedestrians on I-35. Didn't see any pedestrians except for the cross guy this morning. I'll check the rest of the week for peds just for you Kevin, LOL.

10-08-2009, 12:55 PM
Where I-35 turns off to the Turner Turnpike, there's usually at least one hitchhiker most times I drive it during the day, either directly on it or just off the turnoffs. Frankly, I think they should stick on the on-ramps as well, off the highway. Unless someone has broken down, run out of gas, had an accident, or anything along that nature, I don't think there should be a pedestrian on a major highway.

10-08-2009, 01:30 PM
There seems to be a point missing here. While it's true that in many instances, people are walking along the side of the road on a fairly regular basis (aforementioned hitchhikers, folks with flat tires, etc.), rarely are they necessarily trying to draw attention to themselves in such an obvious manner.

Seeing someone walking along the side of the highway dragging a giant cross, pulling a llama, carrying a giant pink ribbon, whatever it may be, is setting out with the intent of DRAWING ATTENTION to his or her cause. As noble as it may be, it is still creating a hazard, by potentially diverting drivers' attention off the road and on to him/herself. They are putting themselves in jeopardy as much as they are putting others into jeopardy.

Statistics have proven that even cars pulled over to the side of the highway can cause enough of a diversion for drivers to cause accidents.

I don't have a problem with the guy's cause, but I do have an issue with anyone intentionally trying to draw people's attention away from what they should be doing - which is driving.

Jimmy's Big Toe
10-08-2009, 02:15 PM
Yeah, for this reason, I have no problem with this. These hitchhikers are sometimes much more interesting than anyone with a cross. It's good, 'ol fashion free speech.

What if this person was carrying a confedrate flag or a swastika in the emergency lane instead of a cross? Would we see it as someone expressing thier right to free speech or someone trying to be provacative and draw attention to a cause?

10-08-2009, 02:17 PM
The problem is not him dragging that cross... the problem is him thinking he's allowed to just walk up and down an Interstate Highway. You know you'd get a ticket if you were riding you bicycle on the Interstate... he should get one for being a danger to himself and others.

10-08-2009, 02:18 PM
About 2 or 3 times a week, I see a guy standing on the southbound side of the Hefner Parkway, right at the gore point of the NW Expressway exit holding a sign that says "REPENT".

10-08-2009, 04:03 PM
Not forcing it on anyone unless they voluntarily CHOOSE to stop and talk to him, in which the man wouldn't be forcing it on anyone at that point. So what, you have to look at a cross for 0.5 seconds as you speed by at 70mph on I-35. No different when I drive 25mph on Classen or Portland and see a Metaphysics place, a Mosque, etc...Too many people have Christ phobia with an extra dose of politcally correctness. And you wonder why our country is so screwed up.

Don't wonder why at all - religion is why our country - or any country for that matter - is so screwed up. And that's any religion, IMHO.

10-08-2009, 04:19 PM
HOW CAN THIS POSSIBLY BE SAFE?!? Seriously. Getting up in my face at the mall to tell me about Jesus is one thing, but on I-35?

He's forcing his religion on the motorists, but they might accidently force their vehicles over onto him. This is totally retarded on so many levels.

10-08-2009, 04:19 PM
Its too bad they feel like they have to force their religion on everyone on I-35, however, if he was in the emergency lane. Seems just a wee bit dangerous to me.

"Force their religion"? You can't be serious. So does a McDonalds sign 'force' you into their business? I think not.

10-08-2009, 04:21 PM
About 2 or 3 times a week, I see a guy standing on the southbound side of the Hefner Parkway, right at the gore point of the NW Expressway exit holding a sign that says "REPENT".

I've seen him, too, and have called the Highway Patrol to report him. Not because of his message, but because he is creating a driving hazard.

10-08-2009, 04:25 PM
"Force their religion"? You can't be serious. So does a McDonalds sign 'force' you into their business? I think not.

Does McDonalds typically set up signs on the emergency lane of busy freeways?

10-08-2009, 04:34 PM
Does it really, really matter? No. Unless you are a vampire. Haha!

10-08-2009, 04:46 PM
Does McDonalds typically set up signs on the emergency lane of busy freeways?

That's my point, that he's allegedly on the hiway. His message is secondary - advertising isn't allowed on the hiway shoulder, either. Doing what he is doing on the public property of the hiway is 'forcing' his message on me.

Doug Loudenback
10-08-2009, 05:41 PM
Not forcing it on anyone unless they voluntarily CHOOSE to stop and talk to him, in which the man wouldn't be forcing it on anyone at that point. So what, you have to look at a cross for 0.5 seconds as you speed by at 70mph on I-35. No different when I drive 25mph on Classen or Portland and see a Metaphysics place, a Mosque, etc...Too many people have Christ phobia with an extra dose of politcally correctness. And you wonder why our country is so screwed up.
Right, metro, no one is forcing one's religion upon anyone, just smacking them in the face with it, which is doubtless different than forcing, as you see it, somehow.

The cross-guy, if he's as others have portrayed him above (and I wouldn't know since I've neither met nor seen him), is like the imposing (some would say obscene) super-cross on I-35. At least the cross-guy isn't taking up that much pubic space, unlike the gargantuan monolithic cross on I-35. On I-35, one has an unfortunate choice to make: (a) keep one's eyes open to be careful of I-35 traffic; or (b) shut one's eyes to avoid seeing the monolith and hope for the best about traffic. Not a good pair of alternatives.

One doesn't have to be infected with, as you put it, "Christ phobia," to understand that such measures are designed to proselytize the bearer's (pun intended) religion.

Such a brandishment of one's religious views is almost enough for me to embrace a religion that will piss most everyone off just because it would piss most everyone off ... hmmm what would that be around these parts ... maybe Scientologist? Most everyone is wary of those guys, right?

Wearing one's religion on one's sleeve, highway, or sidewalk, apparently appeals to some, perhaps many around here, as long as it appeals to the Christian right. The only other group I've noticed around here that does that is the Black Muslims who sometimes hang out around the downtown city bus station/exchange/whatever it is called on Hudson and make a public display of themselves. A lack of respect for and tolerance for others with a different opinion, as well a lack of class, is something that both groups have in common. Go figure.

But ... if it's good for them, why is it not good for us all? Let's all of us get out our favorite religious symbol of whatever brand, and let the proselytizing begin. Heck, Oklahoma City could really make a name for itself on a national level ... but, wait, hasn't Sally Kern already accomplished that status for us... even if it's probably not a status that many of us would care to have.

Oh ... I forgot ... not all are so vulgar and holier than thou as to presume to do such a thing. Guess my idea won't work.

"Politically correct," you say. The matter has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has to do with respect for all people and their differing views. It has to do with not pushing one's religious views upon on others who are in the public space.

Metro, I don't wonder why our country is "so screwed up," as you put it, even if I wonder why you are, since you've apparently got a small grasp of or respect for the breadth of our country's underpinnings. Our country is based upon, at least as I see it and among other things, religious and other types of freedom. As much a you might want to make it so, this country is NOT a Christian nation, religious right, religious left, or religious otherwise. It is religious NEUTRAL.

You want a "Christian nation?" Go to England where the established Church of England (Anglican) is the state-established but dying (as far as butts-in-the-seats are concerned) religion. Go anywhere else that makes the fit. But, please, do not come to the United States of America. In this nation, neither the state, nor local churches nor individuals, have a greater say about what their religious choices will be than me, or, for that mater, you.

What IS screwed up is that some people, around here and in other places, feel obliged if not compelled to force their religious points of view on those who chose to disagree with them. God knows the Christian right is so inclined; God knows the Muslim right is also.

Regardless of one's religious brand, the ones who would and do screw it up are those who presume that they have a corner on the truth and try to smack you in the face with it, as though they are the only ones who know a god damned thing.

10-08-2009, 05:46 PM
If the guy wants to walk down 23rd or Walker or Penn or SW 59th with his cross, thats one thing. Walking down a below-grade urban hiway with cars going by at 40-70 mph making a spectacle of himself is just stupidly irresponsible and dangerous. I'm not against his right to free speech.

10-08-2009, 06:34 PM
That's my point, that he's allegedly on the hiway. His message is secondary - advertising isn't allowed on the hiway shoulder, either. Doing what he is doing on the public property of the hiway is 'forcing' his message on me.

1. What is his 'forced' message?
2. So anyone in the emergency lane is a 'forced' message?

Dang - I hope I don't give out a forced message if I have to repair a flat while in the emergency lane.

10-08-2009, 08:46 PM
What if this person was carrying a confedrate flag or a swastika in the emergency lane instead of a cross? Would we see it as someone expressing thier right to free speech or someone trying to be provacative and draw attention to a cause?

I don't know how you'd see it or anyone else would see it.

Myself? I have a very expensive legal education, so I know that's protected free speech and nothing the government should trifle with. And what should I do if I see this person? Stop my car? Pull out my portable placard and form a counter-protest?

HVAC Instructor
10-09-2009, 08:30 AM
Hey Kevin! I saw a guy walking back to his stalled car on I-35 this morning about 6:30 near the Highway 9 exit! :poke:

10-09-2009, 10:56 AM
Don't wonder why at all - religion is why our country - or any country for that matter - is so screwed up. And that's any religion, IMHO.

So move to a country that doesn't have religion, case solved. It exists so why can't we all just deal with it. Even believing in nothing is believing in something and by definition a lack of religion can qualify as religion. Again my point about politically correctness is the real problem in this country. We wouldn't be having all this "politically correct" converstation 50, 100, or 250 years ago in this country.

HOW CAN THIS POSSIBLY BE SAFE?!? Seriously. Getting up in my face at the mall to tell me about Jesus is one thing, but on I-35?

He's forcing his religion on the motorists, but they might accidently force their vehicles over onto him. This is totally retarded on so many levels.

No one stated he was telling you about Jesus, he was just carrying his cross, big deal. I don't hear people complaining about people who wear shirts with profanity or other vulgar statements? Free speech is free speech.

"Force their religion"? You can't be serious. So does a McDonalds sign 'force' you into their business? I think not.

Exactly, this "forcing one's beliefs" onto another is ridiculous, it's not like you had a gun to your head. One better not step foot into public if you don't want to see/hear "one's beliefs" and certainly never have a conversation with anyone that doesn't wear the tin foil hat and think like you do.

Right, metro, no one is forcing one's religion upon anyone, just smacking them in the face with it, which is doubtless different than forcing, as you see it, somehow.

The cross-guy, if he's as others have portrayed him above (and I wouldn't know since I've neither met nor seen him), is like the imposing (some would say obscene) super-cross on I-35. At least the cross-guy isn't taking up that much pubic space, unlike the gargantuan monolithic cross on I-35. On I-35, one has an unfortunate choice to make: (a) keep one's eyes open to be careful of I-35 traffic; or (b) shut one's eyes to avoid seeing the monolith and hope for the best about traffic. Not a good pair of alternatives.

One doesn't have to be infected with, as you put it, "Christ phobia," to understand that such measures are designed to proselytize the bearer's (pun intended) religion.

Such a brandishment of one's religious views is almost enough for me to embrace a religion that will piss most everyone off just because it would piss most everyone off ... hmmm what would that be around these parts ... maybe Scientologist? Most everyone is wary of those guys, right?

Wearing one's religion on one's sleeve, highway, or sidewalk, apparently appeals to some, perhaps many around here, as long as it appeals to the Christian right. The only other group I've noticed around here that does that is the Black Muslims who sometimes hang out around the downtown city bus station/exchange/whatever it is called on Hudson and make a public display of themselves. A lack of respect for and tolerance for others with a different opinion, as well a lack of class, is something that both groups have in common. Go figure.

But ... if it's good for them, why is it not good for us all? Let's all of us get out our favorite religious symbol of whatever brand, and let the proselytizing begin. Heck, Oklahoma City could really make a name for itself on a national level ... but, wait, hasn't Sally Kern already accomplished that status for us... even if it's probably not a status that many of us would care to have.

Oh ... I forgot ... not all are so vulgar and holier than thou as to presume to do such a thing. Guess my idea won't work.

"Politically correct," you say. The matter has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has to do with respect for all people and their differing views. It has to do with not pushing one's religious views upon on others who are in the public space.

Metro, I don't wonder why our country is "so screwed up," as you put it, even if I wonder why you are, since you've apparently got a small grasp of or respect for the breadth of our country's underpinnings. Our country is based upon, at least as I see it and among other things, religious and other types of freedom. As much a you might want to make it so, this country is NOT a Christian nation, religious right, religious left, or religious otherwise. It is religious NEUTRAL.

You want a "Christian nation?" Go to England where the established Church of England (Anglican) is the state-established but dying (as far as butts-in-the-seats are concerned) religion. Go anywhere else that makes the fit. But, please, do not come to the United States of America. In this nation, neither the state, nor local churches nor individuals, have a greater say about what their religious choices will be than me, or, for that mater, you.

What IS screwed up is that some people, around here and in other places, feel obliged if not compelled to force their religious points of view on those who chose to disagree with them. God knows the Christian right is so inclined; God knows the Muslim right is also.

Regardless of one's religious brand, the ones who would and do screw it up are those who presume that they have a corner on the truth and try to smack you in the face with it, as though they are the only ones who know a god damned thing.

No different with any other religions, bottom line, people are Deophobic and Christ Phobic. I never stated this is a Christian Nation or it should be officially, but you don't see me crying about Buddhists, Muslims, Hindu, Scientologists, Atheists, either. Never seen anyone here start a thread crying about the Muslims, Scientologists, Atheists, Buddhists, etc. and their beliefs, but you will find the non-Christians starting tons of anti-Christian threads crying about Christians "forcing" their beliefs on someone. Atheists, Agnostics and others "force" their beliefs and do similar things and you don't hear me or others crying about that. So Doug, do you not support Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion? You're an attorney, Mid claims to state this is protected speech. Is Mid lying?

I don't know how you'd see it or anyone else would see it.

Myself? I have a very expensive legal education, so I know that's protected free speech and nothing the government should trifle with. And what should I do if I see this person? Stop my car? Pull out my portable placard and form a counter-protest?


10-09-2009, 11:36 AM
It's not safe because it's distracting. My bet is that it's the same guy that used to parade in bricktown yelling at people.

Anyone notice how that guy's cross had a wheel at the back. Not quite the same as real life my friend.

10-09-2009, 11:39 AM
Would you say this guy was forcing his suicide on other people? It was on the service road, after all.

NewsOK (

Doug Loudenback
10-09-2009, 12:57 PM
Metro, my remarks had nothing to do with free speech. Instead, they related to that portion of your earlier comment in which you said,

Originally Posted by metro View Post
Not forcing it on anyone unless they voluntarily CHOOSE to stop and talk to him, in which the man wouldn't be forcing it on anyone at that point. So what, you have to look at a cross for 0.5 seconds as you speed by at 70mph on I-35. No different when I drive 25mph on Classen or Portland and see a Metaphysics place, a Mosque, etc...Too many people have Christ phobia with an extra dose of politcally correctness. And you wonder why our country is so screwed up.

So, when you concluded in your 2nd comment ...

You're an attorney, Mid claims to state this is protected speech. Is Mid lying?
... you are way off of the mark about what I said. Apples and oranges. I won't repeat myself here.

10-09-2009, 01:04 PM
I wonder if this guy is mentally ill. If so, that is a shame.

I've seen people who carry a cross like that, before, and both of them did it as some sort of personal penance. Whether that is the result of mental illness or zealousness, I've no way of knowing.

I offer up both those notions as a counter to the idea that he is evangalizing by dragging the cross. I don't know what he was doing, didn't see it, and don't think he should be doing anything that is going to cause a traffic problem. But absent that, I think he was perfectly within the realm of free, protected speech by hauling a cross around. And individuals are perfectly within their rights to be offended if they want.

10-09-2009, 01:23 PM
I admire him for his convictions but I do think it's a hazard to do it on the Interstate emergency lane. If he's just expressing his right to free speech what if the people from Westboro Baptist Church stood along the Interstate with their sign's of hate? My point is no matter what your trying to get across to people, and I don't think this guy is forcing it upon us, it's a danger to the drivers and to themselves. One question I have to ask myself is he doing it to serve his religion or to show others his religion? I used to live in Chattanooga and there was always a guy that stood on a corner downtown that would shout out the Bible every day, and tell several people they are going to Hell, and even though that was his right he was forcing his opinion upon others that were within earshot and he was loud :)

10-09-2009, 02:31 PM
> what if the people from Westboro Baptist Church stood along the
> Interstate with their sign's of hate?

There was a time in my life that woulda been an easy answer -
5 points per sign holder, 3 points per sign & btw, freddie's salvage
is having a 40% off special on bumpers this month.

Glad I grew outta that phase

HVAC Instructor
10-09-2009, 02:36 PM
Hey Kevin! Nobody walking along I-35 between Norman and Edmond this afternoon, LOL! :poke: (OK I'll stop now,lol!)

10-09-2009, 02:41 PM
Whether that is the result of mental illness or zealousness, I've no way of knowing.

Zealousness for most anything carried to the extreme can translate to mental illness. People who diet to the extreme are call anorexics. People who drink too much are called alcaholics. People who like sex too much are called "addicts." Simply because a person is carrying his/her religious faith to an extreme by carrying a cross down the emergency lane of I-35 or because parents would allow their child to die because of their religious faith doesn't excuse them from the fact they may be mentally ill and obsessive.

10-09-2009, 04:41 PM
Well, leaving off the true believers, there is mental illness, say, with someone bi-polar (a mood disorder) that could result in them being completely obsessive and zealous. Or someone who is schizophenic (a cognitive disorder) could be utterly out of touch with reality - the sterotypical madman hearing voices that he believes are from God. Those are both organically based rather than a belief system or personality disorder.

10-09-2009, 04:57 PM
Well, leaving off the true believers, there is mental illness, say, with someone bi-polar (a mood disorder) that could result in them being completely obsessive and zealous. Or someone who is schizophenic (a cognitive disorder) could be utterly out of touch with reality - the sterotypical madman hearing voices that he believes are from God. Those are both organically based rather than a belief system or personality disorder.

Schizophrenic folks have the same Constitutional rights that anyone else does with regard to their public speech, crazy though it may be.

10-09-2009, 05:04 PM
addicts huh? Learn something new every day. Until today, I just presumed that people who like sex too much are called frequently.

10-09-2009, 05:25 PM
Schizophrenic folks have the same Constitutional rights that anyone else does with regard to their public speech, crazy though it may be.

Yes, of course. I just meant to point out that they may not be mentally capable of actually trying to convert anyone. Their actions could be the result of a delusion.

And the anti Christians, please spare us on that line. You know what I mean.

10-10-2009, 01:32 PM
The guy with the cross is out of place in Oklahoma since it's one of the most highly Christian and church oriented states in the union.

10-10-2009, 02:06 PM
1. What is his 'forced' message?
2. So anyone in the emergency lane is a 'forced' message?

Dang - I hope I don't give out a forced message if I have to repair a flat while in the emergency lane.

Anyone who walks along the emergency lane who is not in an emergency situation performing an action that would draw attention away from a busy highway and risk causing a dangerous accident is forcing a message.

It's called the emergency lane for a reason, it's for emergency crews and motorists with emergencies, not for people to advertise, pay penance, make a point, or anything of that nature. I don't care if the guy was carrying a cross or wearing a sandwich board advertising Hooters, his actions are dangerous and unlike you if you have to repair a flat tire, he has no reason why he must do it there as opposed to a city street.

And if you think this is a protected speech issue, read up on time, place, and manner restrictions.

10-11-2009, 07:50 PM
I know its my own personal opinion, but my point was really that it is a danger if he is in the emergency lane. Yes, being a public spectacle, whether for his political beliefs, moral beliefs, religious beliefs or simple advertising - watching someone who is over-the-top about his faith on a 150,000 car-a-day highway is forcing religion on me. It doesn't phase me but its kind of like how you can't turn your head today without seeing pink ribbons everywhere - its annoying.

For someone who isn't phased by it, you sure sound like you're in an uproar about it.

This isn't anyone's earth, so what we say about someone doing something or another really shouldn't bother us.

If a man wants to support God and walk with the heaviest cross on a highway, who cares.

I mean crying foul about it really does nothing. I don't like Bush, and wish he was out in 2004, but all I could do was register to vote to make sure someone like him never made it into office this term. I had to sit there and watch him be president, but I did so without whining, because it's beyond our control.

Everyone in life makes their own decisions. Nobody else should come and play dictator, or even attempt, because then they are acting with a serious inferiority complex.

10-11-2009, 07:55 PM
Anyone who walks along the emergency lane who is not in an emergency situation performing an action that would draw attention away from a busy highway and risk causing a dangerous accident is forcing a message.

It's called the emergency lane for a reason, it's for emergency crews and motorists with emergencies, not for people to advertise, pay penance, make a point, or anything of that nature. I don't care if the guy was carrying a cross or wearing a sandwich board advertising Hooters, his actions are dangerous and unlike you if you have to repair a flat tire, he has no reason why he must do it there as opposed to a city street.

And if you think this is a protected speech issue, read up on time, place, and manner restrictions.

That's the stupid thing about us humans Hawk...

We're so inferior, we have to take notice to every little wreck and out of place object in every day life.

When wrecks happen, people slow down just to take a look.

When a cop pulls someone over, I have seen people slow down just to look.

Now people are looking at an average joe who chooses to walk with a cross down a highway.

The only people being dangerous are the rubberneckers, who don't know how to keep those eyes on the road, which is the responsible thing to do behind the wheel.

Not once when I see something out of place, do I pay attention to it.

When driving on the highway, I keep my eyes on the road in front of me, and on the other side (if it doesn't have cables dividing the highway,) so I don't get hit by a car that might cross over to the other side.

10-11-2009, 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by mugofbeer
I know its my own personal opinion, but my point was really that it is a danger if he is in the emergency lane. Yes, being a public spectacle, whether for his political beliefs, moral beliefs, religious beliefs or simple advertising - watching someone who is over-the-top about his faith on a 150,000 car-a-day highway is forcing religion on me. It doesn't phase me but its kind of like how you can't turn your head today without seeing pink ribbons everywhere - its annoying.

I will say it again.....presenting a spectacle on the emergency lane of a major highway, no matter what it may be, is not only dangerous, but annoying. If he wants to drag the cross up and down May Avenue or any other major STREET in the city, its his right (I guess) but on a major highway, its simply putting people in danger.

10-11-2009, 08:55 PM
People will swerve and cause an accident if someone so much as tosses a used kleenex out the window. A guy with a cross could be Jesus, himself. Of course people are going to look, assuming they are paying enough attention to notice him in the first place.

10-12-2009, 10:09 AM
I noticed a car on the way to work this morning, it said I LOVE BUDDHA real big on it (seriously). What a distraction, we must alert the elders and immediately start a thread on this!

10-12-2009, 02:16 PM
My car says "I (heart) my mutt" .....

10-12-2009, 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by mugofbeer
I know its my own personal opinion, but my point was really that it is a danger if he is in the emergency lane. Yes, being a public spectacle, whether for his political beliefs, moral beliefs, religious beliefs or simple advertising - watching someone who is over-the-top about his faith on a 150,000 car-a-day highway is forcing religion on me. It doesn't phase me but its kind of like how you can't turn your head today without seeing pink ribbons everywhere - its annoying.
I will say it again.....presenting a spectacle on the emergency lane of a major highway, no matter what it may be, is not only dangerous, but annoying. If he wants to drag the cross up and down May Avenue or any other major STREET in the city, its his right (I guess) but on a major highway, its simply putting people in danger.

If it doesn't phase you , then why do you continue on like this?

BTW, what do you think about that giant cross at I-35 & 2nd Street (Life Church)?

10-12-2009, 05:29 PM
Too many people have Christ phobia with an extra dose of politcally correctness. And you wonder why our country is so screwed up.

Because only Christians are tolerant, good people. nice.