View Full Version : Devon Energy Center

11-06-2010, 12:24 AM
The tower is going to outgrow the cam within the next couple of weeks. Any plans for changes?

11-06-2010, 12:48 AM
ya, way too quiet on this thread. Are people in OKC getting bored or are people just busy and haven't taken any updated pics. ...

11-06-2010, 12:52 AM
ya, way too quiet on this thread. Are people in OKC getting bored or are people just busy and haven't taken any updated pics. ...

Yeah, people have lives..... GASP! Lol

11-06-2010, 01:30 AM

This was taken by Beamascope / Jim Gibbons on flickr. All kudos go to him! Great image!

11-06-2010, 09:49 AM
Judging by that picture, the top of the building will be an inch higher than the top of the pic. I dig the old school 1930s black & white look.

11-06-2010, 01:07 PM
Crane 1 is going up right now

11-06-2010, 02:26 PM
very nice pic

11-06-2010, 03:02 PM
Are we all certain that the tower will not have a data centre anymore? I have to question why there are the vents on the 6th floor *usually meaning HVAC or a cooling floor, when they most certainly will have a mechanical floor on top of the building - hence the 75 foot vertical fins at the top hiding it. I know they built the WRWA building but that could be the primary/or backup.

Could this be evidence that the building will be built as originally spec'd or taller?

11-06-2010, 03:14 PM
Are we all certain that the tower will not have a data centre anymore? I have to question why there are the vents on the 6th floor *usually meaning HVAC or a cooling floor, when they most certainly will have a mechanical floor on top of the building - hence the 75 foot vertical fins at the top hiding it. I know they built the WRWA building but that could be the primary/or backup.

Could this be evidence that the building will be built as originally spec'd or taller?

Never speculate on these matters--under penalties of death or dismemberment.

11-06-2010, 03:47 PM
Jmark, you and I stand as the eternal optimists on this issue - but I want somebody in the know to comment on my hypothesis based on the 'evidence' I claim.

haha, also Im doing my part to keep the thread alive, since I can't contribute to the pics and according to dibbya "I must have no life. GASP"

11-06-2010, 03:51 PM
Jmark, you and I stand as the eternal optimists on this issue - but I want somebody in the know to comment on my hypothesis based on the 'evidence' I claim.

haha, also Im doing my part to keep the thread alive, since I can't contribute to the pics and according to dibbya "I must have no life. GASP"

Any further comments on this matter must come through my legal counsel...and the Fifth Amendment protection is right beside me...

11-06-2010, 03:55 PM
"I must have no life. GASP"

I think it is a given...that not too many on these threads have a really impressive "life"...myself?...I can hide behind the veil of age and retirement--as good a Papal Dispensation...

11-06-2010, 04:37 PM
"I must have no life. GASP"

I think it is a given...that not too many on these threads have a really impressive "life"...myself?...I can hide behind the veil of age and retirement--as good a Papal Dispensation...For hipsterdoofass' benefit, please watch those quotation marks.

11-06-2010, 04:41 PM
For hipsterdoofass' benefit, please watch those quotation marks.

You know--I ain't writing file names so I will go with my mysterious propensity to feel insulated and safe when using them. Quotes Rule!

11-06-2010, 04:45 PM
Are we all certain that the tower will not have a data centre anymore? I have to question why there are the vents on the 6th floor *usually meaning HVAC or a cooling floor, when they most certainly will have a mechanical floor on top of the building - hence the 75 foot vertical fins at the top hiding it. I know they built the WRWA building but that could be the primary/or backup.

Could this be evidence that the building will be built as originally spec'd or taller?

The data center has already been built near the airport.

11-06-2010, 05:27 PM
It will always seem to me--in today's world with copying and duplicity so easy to accomplish, that moving the data center elsewhere for any safety or hardware reason...simply makes little sense. The mystery remains...why say you want to build a 925' Tower--then change your mind? Something is rotten in Denmark...

11-06-2010, 05:59 PM
It will always seem to me--in today's world with copying and duplicity so easy to accomplish, that moving the data center elsewhere for any safety or hardware reason...simply makes little sense. The mystery remains...why say you want to build a 925' Tower--then change your mind? Something is rotten in Denmark...One reason that I heard for moving the data rooms offsite had to do with the green certification for the building. Don't know for sure though.

11-06-2010, 07:32 PM
It will always seem to me--in today's world with copying and duplicity so easy to accomplish, that moving the data center elsewhere for any safety or hardware reason...simply makes little sense. The mystery remains...why say you want to build a 925' Tower--then change your mind? Something is rotten in Denmark...

They decided to move the data center offsite for business continuity and disaster recovery. It makes perfect sense. If they need to do a power outage at the tower, no need to fail over to another site or worry about maintaining an alternate power source to keep the data center running during downtime. Take it from someone who is in the industry. It was a smart move.

11-07-2010, 12:15 AM
but that's my point oncendone. Look at the 6th floor, there are vents lining it. This is clearly an anomoly and I think indicates that there will could still be data floors. Most skyscrapers have mechanical floors on the top or in the middle, and/or basement. but the 6th floor? Sounds like a data center, especially if you consider the floor sizes for it and the 3 floors below and the attached podium. I understand Devon built a Data Centre at the airport, but usually there are more than one.

11-07-2010, 12:21 AM
Disaster Recovery is a big deal these days and a legitimate argument to have the Data Center built in a building separate and engineered all around the D.R. needs.
Why that wasn't considered 'before' announcing designs is anybody's guess, but I wouldn't hold out much hope that they go to 925'.

11-07-2010, 09:17 PM
There is nothing mysterious about these kinds of changes. Big construction projects change all the time. It is unusual when they don't.

11-07-2010, 10:36 PM
but that's my point oncendone. Look at the 6th floor, there are vents lining it. This is clearly an anomoly and I think indicates that there will could still be data floors. Most skyscrapers have mechanical floors on the top or in the middle, and/or basement. but the 6th floor? Sounds like a data center, especially if you consider the floor sizes for it and the 3 floors below and the attached podium. I understand Devon built a Data Centre at the airport, but usually there are more than one.

The sixth floor directly above the podium building is a good place to hide the vents. I think that big yellow box leading up to the sixth floor vents in okcmomentum's pictures is an air shaft. Maybe parts of the podium building are being used as mechanical floors?

Originally Posted by okcmomentum:

11-08-2010, 12:22 AM
Hard to say without having seen the floor plans for these floors. It is not unusual at all however to have large areas of exhaust vents. The sub grade garage needs to be vented somewhere and there will be a high volume of air needing to be exhausted mechanically and so will require a large fan or series of fans to do it. That amount of air can be blasted out at the surface but with the noise created and the exhaust fumes is often less than desirable in a public space where you are trying to project serenity and a connection to the site and gardens.

Aside from that issue, there are tons of reasons to have louvers, the mechanical systems need to exhaust as well as draw in fresh air. In addition to this there needs to be fresh air intakes for the pressurized egress areas (stairwells) The pressure has to be at a constant positive pressure to prevent smoke from entering the "protected" area to allow for the safe passage of building occupants in the event of a fire. Pressure on just the bottom or just the top would never be sufficient on a building of this height and size so there will likely be multiple points where intake air will be pushed at a high rate to keep that pressure positive. As a designer you look long and hard for ways to incorporate these very necessary mechanical systems into the design in areas that mask or limit or screen the visual impact they can have without compromising those systems.

So as far as the assertion that the data center might be included just because of the large number or louvers on the exterior at the 6th floor is very thin at best. Coupled with the fact that they have already built the building over at WRWA makes it even less likely. Companies do what is best for the stockholders and millions are not tossed around willy nilly, even when the company has the vast resources that Devon does...they have them because of making prudent and wise financial decisions...on a consistent basis. I like to dream as much as the next person, but this dog doesn't hunt.

11-08-2010, 08:46 AM
Drove past downtown yesterday evening...Devon looks waaay cool the way each floor is lit up with what looks like portable flood lights then you have the two cranes towering over everything with their warning lights blinking...if you like the industrial look, you should go down there after dark.

11-08-2010, 08:50 AM
Looks like they've started on the rotunda structure:

11-08-2010, 11:50 AM
Agree OKC@heart, the Rotunda alone will need a large amount of smoke evacuation/exhaust. That location alone at the sixth floor looks appropriate...

11-08-2010, 01:52 PM
Thanks for the shot this morning Madmonk! I have been needing to see what was taking place in this area somthing fierce! So again thanks for posting and taking the time out of your day!

11-08-2010, 10:22 PM
Agree w/ OKC@heart 100 percent. Data centers need less ventilation than areas where there will be restaurants, food courts and all the reasons that heart mentioned. The Data Center being away from here (downtown) let's that facility be 'secured' in ways that are distinct from the needs at the new tower. Disaster Recovery, a facility to withstand about anything thrown at it, is huge business. Companies can no longer afford be down 1 single day.

11-08-2010, 10:40 PM
but what if something happens to the data center at WRWA? It is at the airport, which is OKC's prime target for "today's" terrorists. This is why I was thinking they might build 2 data centers.

But your points are all well taken. I think it is safe to say - we don't know. I/Jmark could be right or you all could be - or we both could. Im holding out, but I do see the validity in your points OKC@/Mburlison/Rover, but I hope you can see some of my point too - because it has some validity too. Enough for me to Hope Hope Hope. lol

11-08-2010, 11:05 PM
Most data on backup media are rotated at internal and external sites, (deep within vaults or salt mines, really) there are companies that serve as your 2nd site, very few companies have a completely 100 percent 'physical' backup of their main facility. It's a question of getting alternate sites going with your backup data if it comes to that. As for being near an airport, that makes lots of sense for hardware support etc... (i.e., there is one company who does hardware repair and their facility is at the end of the runway (practically) in Memphis, knowing their products can be in the air via FedEx every few minutes.) Now the purpose for being near airport in this case is different --- but you can bet that somewhere, there is a desire to be near quick ability to get people or things out of town or receive them quickly. I'm not beleaguring any point here, just adding to explanation a bit. I mean yeah, could Devon change their mind and surprise all of us? Anything is possible.

11-08-2010, 11:41 PM
no, I appreciate the prospective and your insight - mburlison. It is good to discuss the facts, and even the possibilities.

I don't run servers or data centers so definitely interested in those good points.

Im still holding out though - haha, please don't blame me.

11-09-2010, 12:38 AM
but what if something happens to the data center at WRWA? It is at the airport, which is OKC's prime target for "today's" terrorists. This is why I was thinking they might build 2 data centers.

The data center is just south of Newcastle Road and east of Meridian. It would probably take an atomic bomb hit at the airport to affect it if terrorists attacked. I don't think Devon is concerned about that.

11-09-2010, 09:38 AM
The data center is just south of Newcastle Road and east of Meridian. It would probably take an atomic bomb hit at the airport to affect it if terrorists attacked. I don't think Devon is concerned about that.

I'm looking at Google Maps and I don't see a Newcastle Road. Is it a SW **th St.?

11-09-2010, 09:44 AM
Newcastle Road goes diagonally, NE from Wheatland to I-44. And before you ask, Wheatland is 1 mile east of Mustang.

11-09-2010, 09:54 AM
SW 29th turns into Newcastle Rd just before portland.

11-09-2010, 09:58 AM
Newcastle Road goes diagonally, NE from Wheatland to I-44. And before you ask, Wheatland is 1 mile east of Mustang.

I actually do know where Wheatland is because it's the mailing address of our business headquarters regardless of the fact that we don't have a store there, lol.

Yeah, I knew that road. I just couldn't place it considering Newcastle is a lot farther south. I've even gone to a party off of that road before... Thanks guys!

Richard at Remax
11-09-2010, 10:45 AM
here's a pic I took from the ford center before the boston game

11-09-2010, 10:48 AM
here's a pic I took from the ford center before the boston game Nice pic!Thanx for posting!

11-09-2010, 11:08 AM
Whoa! Dramatic new camera angle!

11-09-2010, 11:57 AM
This video about the Devon Tower is from News9!

11-09-2010, 02:05 PM
I'm so glad that they moved the cam upwards! Lovin' the new view!

11-09-2010, 03:23 PM
I'm amazed how ignorant some people are in the video. I guess we're in the minority. I've been following this since the day it was announced. I bet there will still be people who are clueless when it's completely finished. "Wut? I ain't even noticed..."
I want to shoot the November HD construction video this week, but it depends on the weather. It's just too windy lately.

11-09-2010, 03:30 PM
That is funny you say that, I had someone ask me the other night at the Thunder game, "What's is that?".

They were pointing to the Devon tower, I asked them, where he was from and he said Edmond and has been to all Thunder home games this year. Said he hadn't noticed the tower until Sunday night, outside before the game.

11-09-2010, 04:21 PM
That is funny you say that, I had someone ask me the other night at the Thunder game, "What's is that?".

They were pointing to the Devon tower, I asked them, where he was from and he said Edmond and has been to all Thunder home games this year. Said he hadn't noticed the tower until Sunday night, outside before the game.
^^Same here!I work with a guy that asked me this- Do you know there is a new skyscraper going up in dt?I think some bank owns it!LOL

11-09-2010, 07:26 PM
I thought this thread could use a few more photos.

I took this a week or two ago from the Penn Ave. bridge over the new I-40 alignment

Filling the Gap (taken yesterday in Lower Bricktown)

Taken today from Ford dealer parking lot

Taken today from Ford dealer parking lot

How could you not love the blue skies here in Oklahoma!

11-09-2010, 08:07 PM
Stunning pics jonno! Thanks for sharing them with us!

11-10-2010, 10:59 AM
What floor are they on now? I don't care about "ceiling."

11-10-2010, 11:09 AM
What floor are they on now? I don't care about "ceiling."


11-10-2010, 12:22 PM
What floor are they on now? I don't care about "ceiling."


Since we got all technical a few pages back, from what I understand...floor 19. The "ceiling" is floor 20. But it's not complete all the way around so "technically" they're on Floor 19...

11-10-2010, 12:46 PM
so TECHNICALLY they are working on the 20th floor

11-10-2010, 03:44 PM
Perfect weather today. Got HD video and will have it up later tonight.

11-10-2010, 03:45 PM
so TECHNICALLY they are working on the 20th floor

TeChNiCaLlY they're working on the 19th floor and the 20th floor...which is the same thing as the 19th ceiling...

11-10-2010, 05:29 PM
Ok if we are really going to get technical, here it is...they have absolutely completed the 19th floor (you know the surface that we walk on that keeps us from falling into oblivion or the great yonder) They have completed pouring the columns of the 19th floor that will support the 20th floor (The flat surface that...please see previous detailed description above) The 20th FLOOR does not act as the ceiling or acts as the floor above. The ceiling will then be suspended from the underside of the 20th floor.

So currently (As of today) they have placed forms on two-thirds of the tower for the 20th Floor and it is likely that one third has already been poured. I estimate based on the process that we have been following that over the next couple of days we will see the last third forms placed. (Wash, rinse, repeat all the way up)

Hopefully this will help clear up the mystery...(disclaimer...thisexplanationwasnotinten dedinanywayasadigtoanyofthepostersonthisfineforuma sIbelieveitshouldbeasafeplacewhereallcanbeengagedi nterestededucatedandfeelfreetoparticpateintheexcha ngeofinformationwhethertheinformationisfactualopin ionsuppositionorpurleyforentertainmentpurposes...p leaseremembertotipyourwaitressesonthewayout)

11-10-2010, 06:50 PM
Ok if we are really going to get technical, here it is...they have absolutely completed the 19th floor (you know the surface that we walk on that keeps us from falling into oblivion or the great yonder) They have completed pouring the columns of the 19th floor that will support the 20th floor (The flat surface that...please see previous detailed description above) The 20th FLOOR does not act as the ceiling or acts as the floor above. The ceiling will then be suspended from the underside of the 20th floor.

So currently (As of today) they have placed forms on two-thirds of the tower for the 20th Floor and it is likely that one third has already been poured. I estimate based on the process that we have been following that over the next couple of days we will see the last third forms placed. (Wash, rinse, repeat all the way up)

Hopefully this will help clear up the mystery...(disclaimer...thisexplanationwasnotinten dedinanywayasadigtoanyofthepostersonthisfineforuma sIbelieveitshouldbeasafeplacewhereallcanbeengagedi nterestededucatedandfeelfreetoparticpateintheexcha ngeofinformationwhethertheinformationisfactualopin ionsuppositionorpurleyforentertainmentpurposes...p leaseremembertotipyourwaitressesonthewayout)

Iagreewiththisandhavealwaysagreedwithit..Ijustdidn 'twanttogetdetailedONCEAGAINasitseemsthateveryoneb esidesyouandmeareconfusedaboutthematter..Apparentl ymyWindowsPaintpictureIputintothethreaddidn'treall yhelp...

11-10-2010, 06:53 PM
A floor is what you walk on.

11-10-2010, 07:16 PM
Why don't we just say floor 19 & 20 or 19/20?

11-10-2010, 07:31 PM
Because each floor only ocupies one location, it is really a has been stated in post 3324 and what I was saying in mine just prior, the floor is what you walk on.

11-10-2010, 07:35 PM
Because each floor only ocupies one location, it is really a has been stated in post 3324 and what I was saying in mine just prior, the floor is what you walk on.

I am with you. As so eloquently stated by Yul Brenner in "The Ten Commandments"..."So let it be written--so let it be done."

11-10-2010, 09:22 PM
The floor that you walk on and a floor of a building are not the same thing -- they have different definitions in the dictionary. The latter is a synonym for 'story', i.e. Devon Tower will be 50 floors or 50 stories. These terms are used interchangeably in virtually every article/discussion about an office tower.

If we used your definition of 'floor', then Devon would have 51 floors; which we all know it will not.

And by the way, by the time they are working on the next 'floor you can walk on' they also have some steel and concrete in place for the next level. So in fact, at any given point they are currently working on 3 floors/stories/levels; currently that would be 19,20 & 21.

11-10-2010, 09:48 PM
Video is going to be in two parts. I'm uploading now. So if you're a night owl, it'll be up around midnight into the morning.