View Full Version : Devon Energy Center

06-25-2010, 09:57 PM
No more embedded pics? only links? :(

06-25-2010, 10:22 PM
I would have embedded them, but they were full size and it would throw off the dimensions and the spread of this page. 3800 x XXXX is what I shoot at, so it would no-doubt mess the thread up and I don't have time to batch them in Photoshop and downsize to something more reasonable for embedding. Sorry for the inconvenience.

06-25-2010, 10:46 PM
Those pictures were fantastic! I don't care how we get them. Thanks to you skywestokc and everyone who takes pictures and gets harassed in the effort. In some respect, it may be a good thing for Security to be careful considering our City history however it does seem a bit over the top. So, as may have said before, thanks so much for all the pictures. The site looks so different when we can see them up close through your lenses.

06-25-2010, 10:53 PM
Just an added note. The okctalks cam looks like the sites lights are off but the Oklahoman Skyline live cam shows the site all lit up. ????

06-25-2010, 11:03 PM
I think they changed the camera settings so it is darker and doesn't get washed out during the day. Which will give a penalty at night. But makes daylight viewing better.

06-26-2010, 01:02 AM
SkyWestOKC, you can try sending a PM to Pete to have him adjust the images to auto resize to about 600x600. It's in the Admin settings somewhere, unless vBulletin doesn't have that feature, then a simple installation of a mod to resize linked images.

06-26-2010, 01:15 AM
It's okay. My photo editing computer is off it's rocker right now and the internet isn't working for it, so I have to edit the photos on it, then transfer them to a jumpdrive, plug the jumpdrive into my netbook and upload. I am not in the mood to do all of that transferring, so I just go from my camera to the netbook. When I get my editing computer working again I don't mind resizing them myself and editing them a little bit. Netbooks are very convenient for travel, but they suck when it is your only lifeline to the internet for extended periods of time (weeks).

06-26-2010, 01:56 AM
Thanks for your work Sky.

06-26-2010, 03:53 PM
Thanks to whomever reset the camera as it was before...I think it is better overall though the sunlight does make things washed out at times...but...loss of the night time view was not worth the trade-off. Mostly, the darker mode made the details more obscure within the building itself...

06-26-2010, 07:36 PM
That'd be great if someone could get a photo of the tower/skyline from a mile away or so - or can you even see it from the I-35 yet?

06-27-2010, 12:17 AM
That'd be great if someone could get a photo of the tower/skyline from a mile away or so - or can you even see it from the I-35 yet?

You can't see it from I-35 yet.. maybe another month or so.. You can only see a couple floors right now when your on I-40 directly south of the tower...

06-27-2010, 12:33 PM
I would have embedded them, but they were full size and it would throw off the dimensions and the spread of this page. 3800 x XXXX is what I shoot at, so it would no-doubt mess the thread up and I don't have time to batch them in Photoshop and downsize to something more reasonable for embedding. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ahh ok cool, I know some message boards automatically resize them, if this one doesn't then that was a good call :)

06-27-2010, 05:47 PM
I was gone all last week. Did anybody see how they moved the floor plates up to the next level?

06-28-2010, 07:06 PM
South core going up. I might go and take pictures tomorrow.

06-28-2010, 10:53 PM
Hey all, was in OKC this weekend and noted the building couldn't yet be seen from I-44 at the fairgrounds. Help keep those of us who are out of town informed!

06-29-2010, 01:31 AM
I drove past it and the tower is already higher than the Myriad Gardens (the white tube)!

06-30-2010, 12:47 PM
Took some pictures with the good camera at lunch today. Too many to upload here but you can look at them on my photobucket site.

Devon Tower 063010 pictures by okcmomentum - Photobucket (

06-30-2010, 12:49 PM
Thank God the camera is back up! I use both links often and I have never gotten any viruses...I do use a good anti-virus program, though.:gossip:

06-30-2010, 12:55 PM
Took some pictures with the good camera at lunch today. Too many to upload here but you can look at them on my photobucket site.

Devon Tower 063010 pictures by okcmomentum - Photobucket (

Thanks for the high res photos!

06-30-2010, 01:17 PM
Thanks for the high res photos!

Glad to do it. The glare from the window in the elevator lobby is kind of bad but they put up the mesh screen across all the windows on the south side were cars are parked now so there is not an unobstructed view anywhere. I don't think the top floor is officially open yet but when it is I will go up there and get some more shots. It was really cool to watch them move one of the blue floor supports from one floor to the next. Good stuff! And now you can actually see into part of a complete floor.

06-30-2010, 02:08 PM
:congrats:Thanks so much for the stellar group of photos okcmomentum! :congrats:
They really allow us all to see things that are going on down there clearly, an intelligent exposition of what is going on....Brave! :congrats: :kicking:

06-30-2010, 02:10 PM

06-30-2010, 04:01 PM
With those photos, you really get a sense of how big the tower is!!! Those workers look like ants.

06-30-2010, 06:09 PM
June 29th

These are all ground level, obviously. I drove by the site for the first time yesterday, and WOW was I amazed at even the expanded garage. I haven't been downtown in forever, and that place is like night&day compared to even 15 years ago. Loves it.

06-30-2010, 06:16 PM
one more...

06-30-2010, 06:19 PM
Thanks ronronnie1...great pictures from the ground perspective and the garage...more excellent views! :kicking: :kicking: :kicking: :kicking:

07-01-2010, 12:40 PM
12:20pm 7/1/2010

07-01-2010, 12:57 PM
Took some pictures with the good camera at lunch today. Too many to upload here but you can look at them on my photobucket site.

Devon Tower 063010 pictures by okcmomentum - Photobucket (

Great pictures of how the blue form structures are moved to the next level. Nothing too complex, just careful maneuvering by construction workers.

They first move the structure 1/4th of the way out and connect front crane line. Then they move it out another 1/4th and connect the back crane line and tighten that line until they move the pivot hoist to the center of gravity of the blue structure.

07-01-2010, 01:07 PM
Cranes celebrating forth of July.

I see that they only need to shore a few critical areas after the blue form structures are removed and not fill the entire floor with shoring.

07-01-2010, 03:29 PM
They started working on this floor on the 23rd. So it is taking them a little less than two weeks per floor at this point assuming of course they complete the next two floor pours within next four-five days.

We can probably start the clock on the next floor today. I suspect they will move the form from the northwest core to the northeast core sometime today or tommorow and start column work.

07-05-2010, 10:11 AM
The Tower cam appears to have been stuck since July 1st late at night. Hoping someone can get it up and running...has been a long time since I have seen it since the whole site went down! I am glad to have this back up and running and suspect that many are not returning as of yet because they have this linked as a favorite and you have to actually retype in the website address into the address bar to find the new site with v bulletin newest version.

07-05-2010, 03:06 PM
The Tower cam appears to have been stuck since July 1st late at night. Hoping someone can get it up and running...has been a long time since I have seen it since the whole site went down! I am glad to have this back up and running and suspect that many are not returning as of yet because they have this linked as a favorite and you have to actually retype in the website address into the address bar to find the new site with v bulletin newest version.

Im back. I really glad this is back and I like the new format. Hope everyone comes back soon and the cam starts working again.

07-05-2010, 05:26 PM
The cam should be back up in the next couple of days.

Unfortunate aftermath of the conversion/upgrade... I'm as anxious to see it as anyone! :)

07-05-2010, 08:49 PM
Glad to hear it Pete,
Some of us have been experiencing serious withdrawl symptoms.

Many thanks for your tireless work to keep this site up and running.

07-05-2010, 10:38 PM
Glad things are getting back to normal...can't wait for someone to diddle with the construct-o-cam and get it functioning again...thanks to all who made the adjustments...

07-05-2010, 10:43 PM
BTW--it is also nice this new format does not make me expand the window to select the latest page...I was getting weary of expanding the width to Todd-AO size every time I logged on...

07-06-2010, 12:29 AM
ditto to all the above. thanks muchly!

07-06-2010, 09:19 AM
Webcam is back up!

Looks like they added a floor while we were away.

07-06-2010, 01:07 PM
^^Cool! look's like The Crystal Bridge will be out of view in about a month or less,on The webcam!

07-06-2010, 02:06 PM
Can we put a "Sticky" on our still cam link again?

07-07-2010, 09:05 AM
How tall is the structure to the north of the tower going to get? Looking at the renderings, it looks like about five stories.

07-07-2010, 09:25 AM
How tall is the structure to the north of the tower going to get? Looking at the renderings, it looks like about five stories.

I believe that is correct. The original renderings showed it being 7 stories (of course, that was on the west end) but then they knocked it down to 5. I'd imagine the same goes for the east end but I could be wrong.

07-07-2010, 02:13 PM
Google earth has updated images. Looks like it was taken the first week of April when comparing it to my webcam screenshots

07-07-2010, 02:14 PM
The resolution seems higher when these images too.

07-07-2010, 02:39 PM
Thanks--Kinggober--for the heads-up on the GoogleEarth update...excellent! At first--I thought they were from Big Gene...we will have to wait until he gets the time and inclination to snap some from his crow's nest...

07-07-2010, 03:19 PM
The picker crane that is by the office trailers looks like the one that nosed over.

07-07-2010, 03:36 PM
The picker crane that is by the office trailers looks like the one that nosed over.

I think thats a yellow picker crane that replaced the white crane that fell over. They only had about two to three forms set up for the core walls at the time.

07-07-2010, 08:54 PM
It looks like there starting on the glass rotundra.

07-07-2010, 09:12 PM
It looks like there starting on the glass rotundra.

Their probably just working on the ground floor. I think they are several months away from building the rotundra structure and the glass probably won't be installed until the tower is topped-off and fully cladded.

07-07-2010, 10:53 PM
Looks like it was taken the first week of April when comparing it to my webcam screenshots

Google Earth says the date the image was taken in the lower left corner. It says April 9, 2010.

EDIT: Slightly off-topic, but it's a good shot of where the new I-40 alignment will be. And it's nice to see things like the Ford center and most all of lower Bricktown.

07-08-2010, 09:44 AM
Holy cow - about time google updated the OKC pics - I've been harassing them about it for a long time. They claim that they like to do it every 3 or so years in metro areas, but the pictures they had up before of OKC were at least 6 years old, possibly 7.

07-08-2010, 12:31 PM
It looks like there starting on the glass rotundra.

Any pictures?? Did you walk by or something?!? I don't see it on the cam.

07-08-2010, 12:34 PM
Their probably just working on the ground floor. I think they are several months away from building the rotundra structure and the glass probably won't be installed until the tower is topped-off and fully cladded.

They'll definitely start putting glass on before the tower tops out, probably within the next month or so. They may wait to put the glass on the rotundra until the tower is topped out but for sure not the tower.

07-08-2010, 01:07 PM
Any pictures?? Did you walk by or something?!? I don't see it on the cam.

Its on the cam. by the second tower crane at the bottom the scoffolding coming out of the tower.

07-08-2010, 01:38 PM
Its on the cam. by the second tower crane at the bottom the scoffolding coming out of the tower.

just west of crane 2?

07-08-2010, 02:13 PM
They'll definitely start putting glass on before the tower tops out, probably within the next month or so. They may wait to put the glass on the rotundra until the tower is topped out but for sure not the tower.

Yep, they won't put glass on the rotunda until their done with crane 2 and their sure nothing will be flying overhead that may drop debris. One way to be sure nothing falls from the tower is to finish the cladding.

Not sure when they will build the actual rotunda structure. Their working on the basement level from east to west. They can't do anything else on the podium building until they dig up the ramps they use to access the basement levels.

07-08-2010, 02:32 PM
no "r" in rotunda folks.

07-08-2010, 02:52 PM
no "r" in rotunda folks.

technically...there is...just not where they were putting it :-P

07-08-2010, 03:37 PM
Construction photos - July 8, 2010:
Looking east at the new garage/fitness center
Looking east - construction site
Looking east - base construction for Podium building
Looking southeast - from Devon garage
Looking south - from Devon garage
Looking southwest - from Devon garage
Looking east at building located immediately north of tower - from Devon garage

07-08-2010, 03:41 PM
Excellent! Thanks Del!

It looks like they've moved the first form up to the 5th floor.