View Full Version : Devon Energy Center
Thunder 08-29-2011, 01:03 AM The blue lights are the construction lights. The white lights are the standard 48" fluorescent lights. I saw them up close when I took the night pictures.
Are these windows capable of turning on/off tints? Just wondering if Devon invested in privacy, because people can spy through the windows so clearly at night. It would look strange if these windows can't be technologically adjusted with random curtains/blinds here and there. Heh, we'll know the reason why the curtains/blinds are closed on a specific window one night. :-)
shawnw 08-29-2011, 01:15 AM Thanks for the clarification Thunder. I've been up close to the building but didn't look closely enough at the lighting. For whatever reason my mind just went to "different glass" when I saw it.
I'm thinking they're going to need blinds just to keep the sun/heat in check. I live in a tower with floor-to-ceiling windows and it's just brutal without blinds. If I forget to close the blinds in the morning before leaving by the time I get home it's 90 degrees even though the AC is cranking away (and probably has been most of the day). I know the tech exists for what you suggest (think it's being used for the new Boeing 787 windows), but surely that would be cost prohibitive for a whole building? Guess we'll find out soon enough.
dankrutka 08-29-2011, 01:18 AM Seeing that picture I still think it is just perception. At night the different lights make the windows look different. During the day reflections of different angles make the windows look different. I think the windows that have been used on the tower (not the rotunda - although the same issue was brought up regarding it's windows) are all the same.
shawnw 08-29-2011, 01:24 AM Seeing that picture I still think it is just perception. At night the different lights make the windows look different. During the day reflections of different angles make the windows look different. I think the windows that have been used on the tower (not the rotunda - although the same issue was brought up regarding it's windows) are all the same.
I think I'm convinced that the glass is the same now, but I like Thunder's explanation of different lights more than the perception explanation.
Regarding the glass, it's the same throughout the tower. The glass on the rotunda is more clear but not as clear as shown in the renderings. On the garden wing, they mix the two types.
One of the last things to be finished on any floor is the lighting. They have teams of lighting specialists that usually wait until all the walls are up and furniture in place and then go through the entire space specifying fixtures. So, I would imagine the floors with the white lights (as opposed to the blue construction variety) are almost completely finished.
On the exterior of the tower there will be tons of LED lights in the three indentions and in the crown. There also may be some in the rotunda.
soonerwilliam 08-29-2011, 08:48 AM The cam is stuck!
Just the facts 08-29-2011, 09:59 AM Be careful what you wish for, can you imagine trying to sleep with all those lights just outside your window? I like all the types of lights there are so far in OKC, but too much light pollution will kill downtown residential.
We have a long way to go before we have to worry about that. People sleep in Las Vegas, Hong Kong, NYC, and South Beach every night.
I would imagine being able to see a spectacular downtown light show would be a big selling point for any nearby living unit. It certainly would be for me.
Thundercitizen 08-29-2011, 02:50 PM I would imagine being able to see a spectacular downtown light show would be a big selling point for any nearby living unit. It certainly would be for me.Especially if others joined in with their own quality-compliant efforts.
Rover 08-29-2011, 03:08 PM Lights, motion, etc., brings life to an otherwise sleepy area after dark if done tastefully. We don't want to look like a carnival, but I think that the lighting from the river through downtown will be lots of fun.
Dulahey 08-29-2011, 05:25 PM The color difference is indeed because of the lights AND the interior. Light reflecting off nothing but gray concrete is different than light reflecting off drywall.
The 8th? floor has been the test-floor where companies can try out all their interior items before they start getting installed all throughout the tower. As a result, this floor has been finished for quite some time now. It's had this "whiter" color look to it for months now.
bluedogok 08-29-2011, 09:12 PM The blue lights are the construction lights. The white lights are the standard 48" fluorescent lights. I saw them up close when I took the night pictures.
Are these windows capable of turning on/off tints? Just wondering if Devon invested in privacy, because people can spy through the windows so clearly at night. It would look strange if these windows can't be technologically adjusted with random curtains/blinds here and there. Heh, we'll know the reason why the curtains/blinds are closed on a specific window one night. :-)
I doubt that it is electrochromic glazing, it is still very expensive and most uses are for interior glazing. Most buildings have blinds and occupancy sensors to turn lights off when people aren't around or not moving enough to trigger them. At night most lights would be off except on floors with multiple shifts.
Liquid Crystal Glass (
mrktguy29 08-30-2011, 10:06 PM I did a little illustration to clear up on the lighting debate. See the read arrow in the photo, these are the construction lights that we have grown used to during the construction. The brighter floors noted with the red bracket shows that the lights go across the span of the building not in just the one spot per floor. I have seen it up close and it looks as if they are vanity lights across the length of the floor horizontally.
Here is a cool shot I got today while downtown, never really took the time to realize the composition this shot holds with Leadership Square, Oklahoma Tower, Devon and reflection of others etc.
and for giggles, what do you think about this as a night time view?
OKCisOK4me 08-31-2011, 02:35 AM Ahhhhhhh, you have Adobe Photoshop 9 too..?
Thundercitizen 08-31-2011, 03:11 AM ....aaaand page 300.
OKCisOK4me 08-31-2011, 12:48 PM Awesome! I was the first!!!
UnFrSaKn 08-31-2011, 01:20 PM Time lapse coming later today, with regular video footage and stills...
Just noticed in one shot, at the top floor there are porta-potties. We can safely say they are the highest spots to do your business in the region.
SSEiYah 08-31-2011, 11:17 PM Here is a shot I took today.
mrktguy29 09-01-2011, 12:29 AM Nice Shot! :)
mrktguy29 09-01-2011, 12:30 AM Cs3
mrktguy29 09-01-2011, 12:32 AM Photoshop CS3
Snowman 09-01-2011, 05:53 AM Ahhhhhhh, you have Adobe Photoshop 9 too..?
They change version numbers enough they are on 12 (aka CS5) at this point and 13 probably releasing next year if you go by past release schedule, though it seems like it takes at least two version changes to be worth thinking about upgrading. But for a program almost 25 years old I guess their is only so much percentage change that could be expected each release.
plmccordj 09-01-2011, 10:08 AM I noticed this morning that I could see the top of the Devon over the hill at the Sonic on Choctaw Road at I-40. Not just the crane either.
UnFrSaKn 09-01-2011, 01:12 PM Ok, finally got this done...
August 2011
August 31 2011
USG'60 09-01-2011, 06:23 PM What is that with the wood framing in the later shots? NE 3rd and what?
UnFrSaKn 09-01-2011, 06:27 PM Um....Level Apartments?
OUSoonerfan3 09-01-2011, 07:16 PM One of the last things to be finished on any floor is the lighting. They have teams of lighting specialists that usually wait until all the walls are up and furniture in place and then go through the entire space specifying fixtures. So, I would imagine the floors with the white lights (as opposed to the blue construction variety) are almost completely finished.
This isn't correct. Lighting packages go to bid very early in a job, and lights are often onsite months before they are installed as the lead time on them is considerable. Permanent lighting is most often installed as soon as the ceiling is hung, before the ceiling tiles are placed, and long before furnishings. Lighting specialists do take into consideration finishes (paint, carpeting, etc) but all that is spec'ed during design and engineering.
Thundercitizen 09-01-2011, 07:30 PM Great stuff, again, William.
Regarding the first vid (haven't seen the second, yet):
Like how you aligned the Devon towers, current and future, at around the 19-second mark.
Love the clouds casting shadows at the 2:30 mark...makes it really look like a shimmering city.
Another favorite is at the 5:23 mark...several others.
Cool how you ended the video with the scene conveying the end of another typical day in the bustling city of Oklahoma City
OKCisOK4me 09-01-2011, 08:24 PM William, could you please provide a link for the first video? It wont show on my phone. Thanks! BTW, watched the second video. Love the flying in to OKC opening...freaking awesome!!
UnFrSaKn 09-01-2011, 08:34 PM
ljbab728 09-01-2011, 11:56 PM I found the reflection of the traffic on the glass siding on the west side of the auditorium to be a very interesting effect.
okcphotoguy76 09-02-2011, 01:42 AM Here is a look at what a corner office will look like. (at least a look at where the ceiling lights and how the ceiling will look on each floor). (
Devon Tower Office ( by AlonzoAdamsOKC (, on Flickr
PabloSpencer 09-02-2011, 02:33 AM Myriad Gardens B R I C K T O W N (
PabloSpencer 09-02-2011, 03:05 AM The Devon Tower is looking more and more R E G A L everyday.
The Myriad Gardens right below are super neat as well.
earlywinegareth 09-02-2011, 06:37 AM Like the views from the southwest with the tower out front and centered. Downtown looks really out-of-balance from due north or south. City should pass ordinance that all future 'scrapers must be at least 600'.
peanutgallery 09-02-2011, 08:38 AM Thanks once again for your great work William! Really enjoyed the videos and always. I'm still excited to see some nightime exterior lighting.....has there been any testing caught on camera? Any word about what color they will use most of the time or will they just change all the time? vertical and the triangles coloring? Thanks for any updates
Like the views from the southwest with the tower out front and centered. Downtown looks really out-of-balance from due north or south. City should pass ordinance that all future 'scrapers must be at least 600'.
Good luck.
Although Devon Tower does look a little out of balance from some angles, it doesn't look that bad, and we will see a lot less development downtown if every building had to be 600 ft.
Any word on when all the glass will be done?
Glass installation is stalled until they complete the steel crown on top, which should be done later this month.
I would expect the last of the glass to be installed by the end of October. They hope to start moving employees into the lower floors sometime after the first of the year.
dmoor82 09-02-2011, 02:43 PM The Devon Tower is looking more and more R E G A L everyday.
The Myriad Gardens right below are super neat as well.
PabloSpencer,I posted your video on here last week and forgot to list you as the source,so my bad!I like your video's and welcome to OKCTalk!!!
metro 09-02-2011, 05:47 PM Excellent pics Pablo!
Skyline 09-02-2011, 08:44 PM Isn't that sidewalk out of a Michael Jackson video?
That picture doesn't even look real. In fact whenever I visited the new Myriad Garden park the entire setting is very surreal to me.
earlywinegareth 09-02-2011, 09:40 PM ^^^Yup, go down there and walk around. The whole time you'll have a feeling of "what city is this?"
Architect2010 09-04-2011, 08:37 PM September 4th. Pictures from Evo after a Sunday visit to the MG. Lots of people milling around. Families.
Dustin 09-04-2011, 09:21 PM That 2nd pic is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Just shows how much of a BEAST this tower is! Dear God!
Yeah, beautiful pictures and that 2nd picture is absolutely mind boggling how huge it is at ground level. And today couldn't have been a better day to get out there and take some pics.
UnFrSaKn 09-05-2011, 02:58 PM The view of the skyline is so clear today compared to how hazy it's been for months.
SoonerBoy18 09-06-2011, 01:05 PM Whats the hold up with the windows?
jn1780 09-06-2011, 01:10 PM Whats the hold up with the windows?
Postponed until they finish the crown.
I was driving along Reno this evening and had to pull over in a parking space right before you get to Hudson to get a glimpse looking at the Myriad Gardens with the Devon Tower in the background and I tell you what, it is a sight to behold. It doesn't even feel like I'm in Oklahoma City anymore, and even though a good portion of Downtown is still under construction in the area I drove through, it is already a vast and amazing improvement over the past couple of years and they still have a little ways to go before their completely through. Then I looked over in the old Ford Dealership and realized that's most likely where the new Convention Center will be and just sat there and soaked all this in and realized, Oklahoma City is on it's way to being a St. Louis or Phoenix, but hopefully better. And the sunset made a reflection on the Devon Tower the way it does in the renderings and even though it's not done yet, it was stunning. Easily my best drive through Downtown but hopefully not the best I ever make for futures sake.
Apologies if this would be considered the wrong subject to put in the Devon Tower thread, my main point was Devon Tower and my main reason for even going Downtown was to see Devon Tower so figured I'd just put it in the Devon Tower thread.
Thunder 09-06-2011, 09:06 PM MDot, the Ford Dealership location is not big enough for a convention center. That space is smaller than the Ford Center. I'd say the space should be used for another skyscraper with deep underground parking.
Just the facts 09-06-2011, 09:19 PM I was driving along Reno this evening and had to pull over in a parking space right before you get to Hudson to get a glimpse looking at the Myriad Gardens with the Devon Tower in the background and I tell you what, it is a sight to behold. It doesn't even feel like I'm in Oklahoma City anymore, and even though a good portion of Downtown is still under construction in the area I drove through, it is already a vast and amazing improvement over the past couple of years and they still have a little ways to go before their completely through. Then I looked over in the old Ford Dealership and realized that's most likely where the new Convention Center will be and just sat there and soaked all this in and realized, Oklahoma City is on it's way to being a St. Louis or Phoenix, but hopefully better. And the sunset made a reflection on the Devon Tower the way it does in the renderings and even though it's not done yet, it was stunning. Easily my best drive through Downtown but hopefully not the best I ever make for futures sake.
Just wait until you add a streetcar into that scene.
BG918 09-06-2011, 09:23 PM MDot, the Ford Dealership location is not big enough for a convention center. That space is smaller than the Ford Center. I'd say the space should be used for another skyscraper with deep underground parking.
That is the current site of the convention center, although I suspect it won't actually be built there..
I have not been in DT OKC since last December and I can't wait to see what the Devon Tower looks like in person. Last time I saw it was from Frontier City last May. It sure is a lot taller now!
Just wait until you add a streetcar into that scene.
Oh yes, I forgot the streetcar (which is my favorite part of Maps 3), pencil that in and that's just a short, sum it up list still. It's amazing how much more there is left to be done and I love ever minute of this rapid change.
ZYX2, this was the first time I had seen it that close in person since April during the Arts Festival and I must say, as tall and as beautiful as it was then, it's even more now. You'll be very impressed when you do come down here and see it again for yourself, I promise. And it's about doubled in height since December so it'll be even more incredible for you.
dankrutka 09-06-2011, 09:45 PM I've said the same thing before. Watching a concert in the north part of the Myriad Gardens with Devon as the backdrop makes you feel like you are in the middle of NYC or Chicago. It's something that Oklahoma has never had to this extent...
Just walking through the Myriad in the afternoon when it was more so U/C then now (during the Arts Festival as I mentioned) was something I had never seen before, but I believe you when you say it feels more like NYC or Chicago when you were at the concert with Devon in the background. I hope I get the oppurtunity soon to do that and experience it for myself.
Skyline 09-06-2011, 09:59 PM The Devon building does draw you into the downtown area as well as into the Myriad Gardens park. I too frequently find myself driving, biking, or walking as close to the Devon tower as possible almost like it is magnetic and whenever I get to the park looking up is almost like a dream type state of mind.
The Devon building does draw you into the downtown area as well as into the Myriad Gardens park. I too frequently find myself driving, biking, or walking as close to the Devon tower as possible almost like it is magnetic and whenever I get to the park looking up is almost like a dream type state of mind.
I know what you mean. Sometimes I catch myself taking the I-40 Crosstown when it's easier to go on I-240, all just to get a fast glimpse of Devon that will last maybe a quarter of a second cause I can't look at the building and drive at the same time.