View Full Version : Second baby from OKCtalk hookup

10-05-2009, 01:10 PM
I am a bit of a lurker so some new people may not recognize me.

My husband and I met here on OKCtalk back in February of 2005. We had our first son in 2006.

I wanted to announce that we have a new arrival as of 07-08-09. Our second son was born at Integris in Yukon. Looks like I'll be lurking in the family section once again.

I hope everyone is well.


10-05-2009, 01:35 PM
Congratulations! How lovely!! All are healthy? Thanks for letting us know - brought a smile to my face.

10-05-2009, 01:40 PM
Cool. Who is your husband here on the boards?

10-05-2009, 02:09 PM
My husband hasn't participated in a long time. His posts are still out there under Ssath. I guess he got what he wanted from the website, lol. :LolLolLol

Yes, the kids are healthy and growing! Our three year old is taller than his classmates and is a typical three year old. He is going to be buzz lightyear for halloween (gone are the days where I get to pick his costume).

I found a cute Darth Vader outfit for the baby. He is getting big, but at the 50 percentile.

10-05-2009, 05:15 PM
He's a baby, coulda just have the baby as Potato Head, to go along with Lightyear