View Full Version : Childhood Cancer

09-28-2009, 05:43 PM
Not long ago, a dear friend lost her young son to an inoperable brain tumor. At one point, he was away from home trying to get into a clinical trial and began to fail. Getting him back home so that he could die with his family around him was, as you might imagine, so important to his family. He passed away in July.

Today, I read an article about another little girl, age seven, who had the similar medical condition. She was in Houston (her home is Arkansas) when she lapsed into a coma and was on a ventilator. They thought she'd live another six months at the hospital but was away from home. She couldn't be moved by traditional means and the family lacked the money to transport her home by air. I can't imagine the anguish her family must have been feeling. They also have other small children in the home that need them. I can't imagine that her mother could bear to leave her but at the same time, couldn't abandon her other babies.

Fed Ex learned about the situation and footed the bill to get the littel girl home - about $11,000.00. I just wanted to give credit where credit is due. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and I hope everyone remembers this cause when it comes time to do your United Way or something similar in the option period.

Here is a link to the Fed Ex story: Harrison Daily Times - Harrison, Arkansas - Neighbor Newspapers > News > FedEx flies terminally ill girl home (

Ship something Fed Ex, if you can. It is hard to think of kids with cancer, I know. But please pray for the little ones and their families fighting childhood cancer.

09-29-2009, 08:33 AM
Use Fed-ex every day at work :)
I work for a pretty big company so they get lots of business from us...