View Full Version : question about empire strikes back
decepticobra 09-26-2009, 05:48 AM i have an age-old undying question about Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back that has been bugging me for eons and I was wondering if perhaps someone knows the answer to this question.
Im under the impression that SW:ESB must contain a deleted scene, but if this is the case, Im not exactly what was deleted or the reason for any deletions, etc.
The scene Im referring to occurs at exactly 00:21:45. Luke is shown running up to Chewbacca who is standing underneath the Millenium Falcon and Chewie gives him a big hug.
Soon after this, Luke turns his attention to Han who is making repairs atop the Falcon who asks Luke "are you alright?"
Luke responds by nodding his head and a short "yeah", and then begins to open his mouth agape as if he is about to say something, the camera then pans back to Han who gives a smirk (as if he is replying in jest at something deleted Luke may have said).
The camera then pans back to Luke who continues making unwarranted head nods out of sheer nothingness (..or presumed deleted dialogue). In the middle of his silliness, Luke produces a cheesy smile that looks even more silly cause we have no idea why he is smiling from ear to ear like that.
Han then ends Luke's silly head gestures by advising "Be careful", and Luke replies by saying "You too".
and thats basically the end of the scene in question.
Luke just looks like a retard with Parkinsons, like he is simply unable to control his head from nodding.
So because the scene looks so silly as it stands Ive always wondered if this scene may have originally contained more dialogue than what were presented with?
So because the scene looks so silly as it stands Ive always wondered if this scene may have originally contained more dialogue than what were presented with?
Pilots, gunners, and R2 units scurry about. Luke, pulling
on his heavy-weather jacket, is headed toward a row of armored
speeders. He stops at the rear of the Millennium Falcon, where
Han and Chewie are trying to repair the right lifter with even
more haste than before.
LUKE: Chewie, take care of yourself, okay?
As Luke pats Chewie on the arm, Chewie puts his arms around
Luke and gives him a tight hug. Han is discussing the lifter
with a repair droid when he sees Luke.
HAN: Hi, kid. (to droid) There's got to be a reason for it. Check it
at the other end. Wait a second. (to Luke) You all right?
LUKE: Yeah.
HAN: Be careful.
LUKE: You, too.
Luke smiles, then waves at his friend and walks on. After a
few steps, he stops and looks back. Han glances up and the two
exchange a silent communication, each wishing the other
safety, happiness -- many things, all difficult to verbalize.
Script (
PennyQuilts 09-26-2009, 07:42 PM You people are scaring me...
ddavidson8 09-26-2009, 07:50 PM What about when that Prince guy sticks his hand into the tree stump with the biting thingys. That didn't seem quite right to me.
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 09-26-2009, 09:53 PM dddAi8FF3F4
ddavidson8 09-26-2009, 11:43 PM What about the hawkmen?
kevinpate 09-27-2009, 04:01 AM > You people are scaring me...
Nah, it's the folks who dress like Sheldon you need to be be afeared of.
ddavidson8 09-27-2009, 08:59 AM Is Laredo's open yet?
gmwise 09-27-2009, 02:30 PM Do you remember the opening scene shows its on Hoth the ice planet and the VERY large Bigfoot type creature slapping the whatever Luke was riding on and killing that, eating it, then took Luke back to its lair, then luke escape,Han found him, user a light saber to open the whatever he rode on putting luke inside to keep him alive till they were rescued?? hmmmm
NOW ECO I'm more scary then them all!! lol
gmwise 09-27-2009, 02:31 PM i have an age-old undying question about Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back that has been bugging me for eons and I was wondering if perhaps someone knows the answer to this question.
SORRY for double posting
Do you remember the opening scene shows its on Hoth the ice planet and the VERY large Bigfoot type creature slapping the whatever Luke was riding on and killing that, eating it, then took Luke back to its lair, then luke escape,Han found him, user a light saber to open the whatever he rode on putting luke inside to keep him alive till they were rescued?? hmmmm
NOW ECO I'm more scary then them all!! lol
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 09-27-2009, 04:12 PM > You people are scaring me...
Nah, it's the folks who dress like Sheldon you need to be be afeared of.
braums manager 10-03-2009, 07:15 PM that show rocks on so many levels mostly cause i am a super nerd
ddavidson8 10-03-2009, 08:00 PM What show is it?
dismayed 10-03-2009, 08:09 PM The Big Bang Theory
Do you remember the opening scene shows its on Hoth the ice planet and the VERY large Bigfoot type creature slapping the whatever Luke was riding on and killing that, eating it, then took Luke back to its lair, then luke escape,Han found him, user a light saber to open the whatever he rode on putting luke inside to keep him alive till they were rescued?? hmmmm
Buy your official Tauntaun sleeeping bag here (;product_id=1317594;ca tegory_id=1300760). (It doesn't ship until after Christmas, though. Sorry.)
MadMonk 12-14-2009, 11:03 AM My son would love that sleeping bag, but for $100? I don't think so.
gmwise 12-14-2009, 11:05 AM My son would love that sleeping bag, but for $100? I don't think so.
I guess I'm "fugal"
kevinpate 12-14-2009, 02:17 PM for 100, someone other than Harrison Ford better be showing up to tuck me in
gmwise 12-14-2009, 02:28 PM C3po?
kevinpate 12-14-2009, 06:49 PM C3po?
gmwise 12-15-2009, 07:57 AM :fighting4
hmmmm so you either want Luke or Vader to tuck you in? lol
Generals64 04-05-2010, 08:26 AM Hit the wrong button and now I see a new thread....Not much of a Star Wars Fan however.....But, when working in the buying department for TG&Y....eons ago....I ended up with a Real Nice Darth Vader Mask....Extra Hard Plastic..Has a speaker type deal in it and if you breath heavy, it makes that noise. Anyway, My wife is a school teacher and one halloween the teachers all dress up for Halloween and she was going out side with Levis, Cowboy boots, Cowboy belt,Western shirt....She looked good but, she had that Black Helmet with her....I asked "what are you doing with that Helmet?"....she told me it was part of her Costume...I looked at her strange and said OH?...yeah, you know I can either be Darth Brooks or Garth Vader......I went back in the house and finished getting ready for work....Kept shaking my head though....OKC Teacher....
skyrick 04-05-2010, 08:42 AM Hit the wrong button and now I see a new thread....Not much of a Star Wars Fan however.....But, when working in the buying department for TG&Y....eons ago....I ended up with a Real Nice Darth Vader Mask....Extra Hard Plastic..Has a speaker type deal in it and if you breath heavy, it makes that noise. Anyway, My wife is a school teacher and one halloween the teachers all dress up for Halloween and she was going out side with Levis, Cowboy boots, Cowboy belt,Western shirt....She looked good but, she had that Black Helmet with her....I asked "what are you doing with that Helmet?"....she told me it was part of her Costume...I looked at her strange and said OH?...yeah, you know I can either be Darth Brooks or Garth Vader......I went back in the house and finished getting ready for work....Kept shaking my head though....OKC Teacher....
LOL! Garth Vader or Darth Brooks! I don't know her, but I like your wife!
OKBound 04-08-2010, 03:39 PM What about when that Prince guy sticks his hand into the tree stump with the biting thingys. That didn't seem quite right to me.
I think you are confusing this with a scene in the 80's movie, "Flash Gordon" where Timothy Dalton puts his arm in the tree to prove his courage.
(won't even admit how many times I have seen this movie)
ddavidson8 04-08-2010, 03:57 PM Maybe it was Flesh Gordon, but then why was that Yoda girl there?
Martin 04-08-2010, 05:06 PM question: who is the most pivotal character of the original sw trilogy? -M
ddavidson8 04-08-2010, 06:21 PM Luke Skywalker.
Martin 04-08-2010, 06:30 PM luke skywalker.
good answer... but i say no. there are other characters more pivotal.
any other takers?
/was kinda hoping you'd say voltan.
MadMonk 04-08-2010, 08:04 PM Han Solo.
OKBound 04-08-2010, 08:10 PM Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuke!!!!
PennyQuilts 04-08-2010, 08:44 PM Darth.
Martin 04-09-2010, 06:21 AM han solo.
hmmm... all good answers. still, i say no on all accounts.
the most pivotal character in the original series is the gunner on the star destroyer at the beginning of the very first film.
why? 'cause if the gunner had fired on the pod containing r2d2 and c3p0, they wouldn't have gotten to tatooine. they wouldn't have met luke. luke wouldn't have met ben. they wouldn't have met han and chewie. they wouldn't have rescued princess leia. luke wouldn't have destroyed the deathstar, wouldn't have ever met yoda and wouldn't have turned darth against the emperor. if that gunner had fired, none of it would have happened.
-M /i totally wish that was my original thought, but cool anyway.
PennyQuilts 04-09-2010, 06:44 AM I can't believe I joined in with the nerds...
Actually, I guess I can.
Happy 30th, Empire.
decepticobra 05-21-2010, 01:56 PM had[/I] fired on the pod containing r2d2 and c3p0, they wouldn't have gotten to tatooine. they wouldn't have met luke. luke wouldn't have met ben. they wouldn't have met han and chewie. they wouldn't have rescued princess leia. luke wouldn't have destroyed the deathstar, wouldn't have ever met yoda and wouldn't have turned darth against the emperor. if that gunner had fired, none of it would have happened.
bullsh!t... youre doubting the creative mindset of Mr. Lucas, and nothing you can drum up is going to stop him from making millions upon millions of dollars in his mastermind franchise. you can think of anything to counter the continuity of his saga, and trust me, he will simply rewrite right around whatever anyone thinks they can outwit him on. :fighting4
btw, luke would have STILL met ben, because at the end of ep III ben specifically states he will secretly watch after luke on tatooine as he grows up. the most pivotal character is anakin, he is what the entire saga is written around.
decepticobra 05-21-2010, 02:13 PM Happy 30th, Empire.
now i know where spielberg stole his font style for the opening credits on all of the back to the future films.
SpaceAgent 05-30-2010, 03:11 PM Yay! A Star Wars topic. Funny Star Wars re-edit/parody:
WARNING: There is some profanity.
decepticobra 05-30-2010, 03:24 PM I can't believe I joined in with the nerds...
Actually, I guess I can.
star wars fans arent "nerds", youre thinking of "star trek", sweetie.
thats like saying girls who like sex and the city are "whores", or teenies who like "twilight" are gothic vampiristic delinquents.
they are just movies. enjoy them for what they are.
dismayed 05-31-2010, 05:29 PM star wars fans arent "nerds", youre thinking of "star trek", sweetie.
thats like saying girls who like sex and the city are "whores", or teenies who like "twilight" are gothic vampiristic delinquents.
they are just movies. enjoy them for what they are.
Um, as far as I can tell both groups involve grown men playing with dolls and dressing in funny costumes, and if you're rich doing something in extremely bad taste to your living room.
Embrace the nerddom "decepticobra." :-)
decepticobra 05-31-2010, 06:05 PM Um, as far as I can tell both groups involve grown men playing with dolls and dressing in funny costumes, and if you're rich doing something in extremely bad taste to your living room.
Embrace the nerddom "decepticobra." :-)
that analogy is about as bad as saying that people who dress up to star in Shakespearean plays are also nerds, because they are dressing up in costumes.
RealJimbo 06-01-2010, 11:20 AM that analogy is about as bad as saying that people who dress up to star in Shakespearean plays are also nerds, because they are dressing up in costumes.
Oh yeah????
star wars fans arent "nerds", youre thinking of "star trek", sweetie.
Here's an example of Star Wars fans not being nerds, at all. Enjoy.
One of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. And I'm most definitely a Star Wars nerd.
dismayed 06-06-2010, 09:02 PM that analogy is about as bad as saying that people who dress up to star in Shakespearean plays are also nerds, because they are dressing up in costumes.
That depends. If they are actually performing on the stage, then that is cool. If on the other hand they just enjoy dressing up in 16th Century period costumes and hanging out with their friends... then yeah, nerdy!
Dissing Star Trek while trumpeting Star Wars... pretty nerdy! It's ok, accept the nerddom. Look I'll even participate: Does it make you cry a little on the inside that Trek 09 was the uber-cool movie that most Trekkies had always hoped for while Lucas couldn't even get it right one out of three times for the prequels? Episode I was an abomination to that franchise. Episode III was ok, but the story was pretty jacked up. I don't think I can ever forgive Lucas for that.
Matt, I love the Triumph piece you posted. It is one of my all-time favorites from Conan O'Brien.
Bazooka Joe 06-06-2010, 11:56 PM Does it make you cry a little on the inside that Trek 09 was the uber-cool movie that most Trekkies had always hoped for while Lucas couldn't even get it right one out of three times for the prequels? Episode I was an abomination to that franchise. Episode III was ok, but the story was pretty jacked up. I don't think I can ever forgive Lucas for that.
Ep I was a disaster. Ep II was mediocre. but Ep III was actually good. I mean, how else would you have written Ep III, or any of the prequels for that matter?
We all know Zahn wrote 7, 8, and 9. Perhaps we should get him to rewrite 1-3?
Wait--they made prequels to the Star Wars trilogy?
dismayed 06-07-2010, 08:08 PM Wait--they made prequels to the Star Wars trilogy?
No, they did not, and if anyone else tells you differently don't believe them!
Director Irvin Kershner, who is perhaps best-known for directing The Empire Strikes Back, has died at 87 (
I caught the last third of Empire last night on Spike, and it's still every bit as amazing today as it was thirty years ago.
Here's a nice interview he did for Vanity Fair ( just last month.
Couple of cool behind-the-scenes photos from Empire:
(That's him, second from the right.)
Having a laugh with Harrison Ford.
Thanks for a great movie, Irvin, and rest in peace.
FritterGirl 12-02-2010, 12:20 PM I am LOLing at this whole thread, and yes, the Big Bang Theory is absolutely hysterical. A must-watch.
What is the name of the movie where the Star Wars hit the road on a quest for Skywalker Ranch and they end up in some town where they get in a fight with trekkers?
I say, embrace your inner nerd. Everybody has one.
Lord Helmet 12-02-2010, 01:26 PM I am LOLing at this whole thread, and yes, the Big Bang Theory is absolutely hysterical. A must-watch.
What is the name of the movie where the Star Wars hit the road on a quest for Skywalker Ranch and they end up in some town where they get in a fight with trekkers?
I say, embrace your inner nerd. Everybody has one.
Kerry 12-02-2010, 01:46 PM If you want to have a good laugh checkout the multiple Star Wars spoofs on YouTube. Some are LOL funny.
Remember the original Star Wars Kid
Then it was made better
Then the sequel was made
FritterGirl 12-02-2010, 02:11 PM That's it. I kept wanting to call it NerdWars. FanBoys is a classic for any StarWars/Star Trek fan. Of course, you also can never go wrong with SpaceBalls. Loved it.
Kerry 12-02-2010, 10:00 PM the most pivotal character in the original series is the gunner on the star destroyer at the beginning of the very first film.
why? 'cause if the gunner had fired on the pod containing r2d2 and c3p0, they wouldn't have gotten to tatooine. they wouldn't have met luke. luke wouldn't have met ben. they wouldn't have met han and chewie. they wouldn't have rescued princess leia. luke wouldn't have destroyed the deathstar, wouldn't have ever met yoda and wouldn't have turned darth against the emperor. if that gunner had fired, none of it would have happened.
-M /i totally wish that was my original thought, but cool anyway.
Nice try, but no dice. The most pivotal is Watto (the creature that owned Annikan). If he doesn't take the bet with Qui-Gon on the Pod race then Annikan remains a slave, C-3PO remains a half built pile of trash, Darth Vader never happens, Obi Wan dies a lonely old man in the desert, Luke and Leia are never born, Han gets taken out by Guido, and Chewbacca becomes an ornanmental rug in Jabba's house.
As for the orginal, if Luke's adoptive father lets him go to the academy a year earlier, when Luke wanted to, he never meets C-3PO and R2D2.
jmarkross 12-03-2010, 06:59 AM That's it. I kept wanting to call it NerdWars. FanBoys is a classic for any StarWars/Star Trek fan. Of course, you also can never go wrong with SpaceBalls. Loved it.
Remember "Hardware Wars"? Or--"Pork Lips Now" with Billy Gray...
Lord Helmet 12-03-2010, 08:36 AM Nice try, but no dice. The most pivotal is Watto (the creature that owned Annikan). If he doesn't take the bet with Qui-Gon on the Pod race then Annikan remains a slave, C-3PO remains a half built pile of trash, Darth Vader never happens, Obi Wan dies a lonely old man in the desert, Luke and Leia are never born, Han gets taken out by Guido, and Chewbacca becomes an ornanmental rug in Jabba's house.
As for the orginal, if Luke's adoptive father lets him go to the academy a year earlier, when Luke wanted to, he never meets C-3PO and R2D2.
I hadn't thought about Watto.
Nice try, but no dice. The most pivotal is Watto (the creature that owned Annikan). If he doesn't take the bet with Qui-Gon on the Pod race then Annikan remains a slave, C-3PO remains a half built pile of trash, Darth Vader never happens, Obi Wan dies a lonely old man in the desert, Luke and Leia are never born, Han gets taken out by Guido, and Chewbacca becomes an ornanmental rug in Jabba's house.
As for the orginal, if Luke's adoptive father lets him go to the academy a year earlier, when Luke wanted to, he never meets C-3PO and R2D2.
^^^ I'm stealing that. Sorry man but that's solid gold you left in this forum. :)