Rev. Bob
02-04-2005, 11:53 AM
We've discussed homosexuality. Well, now, as nurfe75 mentioned, it's time to move onto to another topic. Is telling a lie a sin? Is it forgiveable?
View Full Version : Telling a lie: is it a sin? Rev. Bob 02-04-2005, 11:53 AM We've discussed homosexuality. Well, now, as nurfe75 mentioned, it's time to move onto to another topic. Is telling a lie a sin? Is it forgiveable? Keith 02-04-2005, 12:10 PM Yes and Yes. All lies, big and small are a sin. Patrick 02-04-2005, 12:11 PM It's one of the 10 commandments, so I'd say it's a sin, just like any other. Again, it's a sin that Christ will cover if you confess and repent. Midtowner 02-04-2005, 12:12 PM We've discussed homosexuality. Well, now, as nurfe75 mentioned, it's time to move onto to another topic. Is telling a lie a sin? Is it forgiveable? It's an interesting question. In a black and white world, you could say that yes, according to the Jewish-Christian values, it's a sin. However, we're also supposed to be compassionate. So, if your girlfriend asks "Am I fat?" (Disclaimer: I did say YOUR girlfriend, my girlfriend would never ask that because she would never need to) is it sinful to say "No honey"? I say it's self-preservation/compassion. There are always interesting moral dilemnas out there. As far as what is a sin and what isn't a sin, ultimately, isn't that up to God to decide? We mortals need to stick with easier questions like: Is it legal? Is it ethical? -- I think those work better :D mranderson 02-04-2005, 12:41 PM We've discussed homosexuality. Well, now, as nurfe75 mentioned, it's time to move onto to another topic. Is telling a lie a sin? Is it forgiveable? It depends on the lie. Let's say you go on a blind or internet date and the other person does not want to continue. They say "You are a nice person, but, I am seeing someone else and felt obligated," when they meant "you are a boring, talker who looks like Jabba the Hut," then, yes, it is a sin. Honest communication is vital and breaking that could be sinful. 1adam12 02-04-2005, 01:48 PM This was an easy question. Actually, I would consider it a no-brainer:Smiley259 . One thing my girlfriend and I have in common is that we do our best to be honest with each other. If she asked me if I thought she looked fat, I would be honest and tell her. If she was, I would have to tell her so, otherwise it would be a sin. Sometimes you have to take criticism, especially if you want the truth. She does the same to me, and our relationship is excellent. One thing I have learned is once you tell a lie, it turns into another lie, then another, then another, and the next thing you know, lying becomes your hobby and you can't remember how to tell the truth. Well, maybe that's going overboard because everybody knows how to tell the truth, they just don't practice it often enough. Try to go a full day without lying to someone. You probably can't do it unless you stay in bed all day and don't talk to anyone. It's human nature to lie, and many of us know not to do it, however, many do it on a daily basis, without thinking . We all need to stick to easier questions? Is it legal? Is it ethical? Sounds like something from a law office:LolLolLol . Floating_adrift 02-04-2005, 02:02 PM It depends on the lie. Let's say you go on a blind or internet date and the other person does not want to continue. They say "You are a nice person, but, I am seeing someone else and felt obligated," when they meant "you are a boring, talker who looks like Jabba the Hut," then, yes, it is a sin. Honest communication is vital and breaking that could be sinful. If it depends on the lie, and the example you used falls into the sinful catagory, then what sort of lie isn't a sin? The one you mentioned just seems like one where the truth would have had zero positive effect. If that person said the truth, what would it have changed? Would you have gotten up and gone straight the the gym? Midtowner 02-04-2005, 02:04 PM This was an easy question. Actually, I would consider it a no-brainer:Smiley259 . One thing my girlfriend and I have in common is that we do our best to be honest with each other. If she asked me if I thought she looked fat, I would be honest and tell her. If she was, I would have to tell her so, otherwise it would be a sin. Sometimes you have to take criticism, especially if you want the truth. She does the same to me, and our relationship is excellent. One thing I have learned is once you tell a lie, it turns into another lie, then another, then another, and the next thing you know, lying becomes your hobby and you can't remember how to tell the truth. Well, maybe that's going overboard because everybody knows how to tell the truth, they just don't practice it often enough. Try to go a full day without lying to someone. You probably can't do it unless you stay in bed all day and don't talk to anyone. It's human nature to lie, and many of us know not to do it, however, many do it on a daily basis, without thinking. We all need to stick to easier questions? Is it legal? Is it ethical? Sounds like something from a law office:LolLolLol . I can't think of any situations where lieing is ethical... but I think it could be possible. There's also polite lieing. Like when the parent of an UGLY baby asks you if you think their kid is cute.. Do you say, "No, it looks like a miniature Walter Mathau"? Or do you just politely agree? Ever hear of the "Little white lie"? :D Image to illustrate Mathau concept: Floating_adrift 02-04-2005, 02:11 PM I can't think of any situations where lieing is ethical... but I think it could be possible. There's also polite lieing. Like when the parent of an UGLY baby asks you if you think their kid is cute.. Do you say, "No, it looks like a miniature Walter Mathau"? Or do you just politely agree? Ever hear of the "Little white lie"? :D Image to illustrate Mathau concept: boy that's the truth.... never... NEVER tell a new mom her baby is ugly! :D 1adam12 02-04-2005, 02:15 PM I try not to look at ugly babies. I guess you could tell the mother that she was ugly and that the baby looks just like her. NOT!!:LolLolLol Keith 02-04-2005, 02:28 PM Wow, where did you get that picture of Patrick??:tweeted: Tell me the truth, don't lie. Midtowner 02-04-2005, 03:16 PM Wow, where did you get that picture of Patrick??:tweeted: Tell me the truth, don't lie. It's a portrait of Patrick as a baby. [ lie ] See? What a beautiful baby! [ /lie ] Patrick 02-04-2005, 03:38 PM LOL! Good one guys! Lying depends on the circumstance and interpretation. windowphobe 02-04-2005, 06:30 PM Intent to deceive is what breaks through the "false witness" barrier, in my opinion. |