View Full Version : New Convention Center Hotel
bjohn9 09-17-2009, 06:54 AM Here's my latest blog entry from last night, from my site (, which I'm sure will go over like a lead balloon for many here, but it was written in the context of recent discussions concerning MAPS3, C2S and the need for a new convention hotel posited by many of OKC's civic leaders:
I was in Dallas when ground was broken today on the shiny new 1,000-room convention center hotel downtown. To say it was a major event would not do it justice. It was a shindig also tinged with a great sense of relief.
Designed by BOKA Powell, the new 23-story Omni is huge, covering some 8 acres. It’s also every convention planner’s dream, featuring up to 80,000 sq. ft. of meeting space with a 33,500 sq. ft. senior ballroom, a 16,500 sq. ft. junior ballroom, and even 10,000 sq. ft. of outdoor area, likely not to see much use in the tepid Dallas summer sunshine. Oh, and there’s a convenient skybridge to the convention center.
Though the public/private funding deal for this $500 million behemoth was mired in acrimonious debate for much of the past year, construction has now started in earnest and the project is expected to be up and running by early 2012. The project develper is Mathews Southwest.
As Mayor Tom Leppert, a businessman also known for a keen grasp of rhetoric, put it, “This has never been about a building. It has always been about positioning Dallas for success and about keeping Dallas competitive. This hotel is a symbol of our city’s confidence and willingness to invest in its future.”
I know everyone moans at the constant North/South-OKC/DFW comparisons, but the bar has, undeniably, been raised. Now let’s see if OKC has the will and the way to do likewise to compete in the convention business…
See more blog entries on my site, here (
SoonerDave 09-17-2009, 08:22 AM Well, FWIW, of all the MAPS3 prospective issues out there, I can say the convention center issue is the one that I am all-but certain to support. The poor ol' Cox Convention Center, nee Myriad, needs a successor.
Spartan 09-17-2009, 10:57 AM I think it's progressive to limit the future of our city's convention facilities to the exact same, small site it's been confined to for half a decade. That's thinking that will surely elevate OKC.
bombermwc 09-17-2009, 01:25 PM Not to be rude, but we keep getting more and more people here that post links to their blogs so we can hear their rant on something. Just cause it's a blog versus a forum post, doesn't change it's value.
Anyway....If anyone has seen the concepts for the Rose Rock Center for C2S I think youd be pretty sure to see the changes that we could have in the new center. Something like that would be iconic and a total design change from the typical square OKC building.
westsidesooner 09-17-2009, 03:11 PM Anyway....If anyone has seen the concepts for the Rose Rock Center for C2S I think youd be pretty sure to see the changes that we could have in the new center. Something like that would be iconic and a total design change from the typical square OKC building.
Care to elaborate...Ive never heard of the Rose Rock center. Any info on that would be appreciated. Thx.
metro 09-17-2009, 03:30 PM Care to elaborate...Ive never heard of the Rose Rock center. Any info on that would be appreciated. Thx.
Here is some of the eye candy, these are renderings from OU students, there were many more but it appears Newsok and OKC Central have removed them from their sites:
architect5311 09-17-2009, 10:02 PM Denver has a nice Convention Center check it out on Google Earth.....or here.
Colorado Convention Center iMap (
mugofbeer 09-17-2009, 10:30 PM Denver's convention center is very nice and can handle about any convention there is out there to handle. Denver also sprang a few hundred million to guaranty bonds used to build a big spankin' new Hyatt Hotel next door. Its a nice place, expensive but nice. I dont know if its making money though. Denver also has a great light rail train that goes under the convention center and has a wonderful covered rail stop. The best part is the 30-foot tall big blue bear that peers through the front glass facade of the center on its hind legs at the conventioneers. Its a first class establishment I've been in several times.
A word of caution though. OKC isn't Denver. We don't have the pull for events the size that Denver will draw. OKC's plan seems to be realistically sized. I haven't had time to watch the entire proposal so any ideas for a convention center Hotel should be appropriately realistic.
bombermwc 09-18-2009, 09:25 AM You can see the Rose Rock in the recent vids the city posted. It's a rose rock colored flowing structure with a lot of glass as well. I'm not sure if there have been any renderings of it.
metro 09-18-2009, 09:35 AM there were renderings of it, but they've been removed from OKC Central and Newsok.
metro 09-22-2009, 04:40 PM
kevinpate 09-22-2009, 04:44 PM ick, but I'm sure others will adore it.
OSUFan 09-22-2009, 04:45 PM I think it is safe to assume these are just concepts. Nothing about design would even be discussed until the vote is passed.
metro 09-22-2009, 04:45 PM dude, that's just a concept, there have been multiple concepts of all different designs, keep in mind it's all hype right now. we're not going to spend tons of money for final possible designs until if/after MAPS 3 passes
Steve 09-22-2009, 05:49 PM Here is some of the eye candy, these are renderings from OU students, there were many more but it appears Newsok and OKC Central have removed them from their sites:
Metro, I don't remember removing the images. But I recall suspending comments because some people were being borderline cruel to folks who are essentially still kids - college students aspiring to be architects. If it would benefit this discussion, I'd be glad to see if there are other images to put back online.
kevinpate 09-22-2009, 09:27 PM cruel comments in that bastion of civility, newsok comment section?
GASP!!! Say it ain't so, Joe.
I know some folks would freak, but y'all could suspend comments in a far greater number of places than you do.
CuatrodeMayo 09-23-2009, 10:06 AM Metro, I don't remember removing the images. But I recall suspending comments because some people were being borderline cruel to folks who are essentially still kids - college students aspiring to be architects. If it would benefit this discussion, I'd be glad to see if there are other images to put back online.
When you choose to pursue architecture, you make yourself an easy and justifiable target for criticism. If you every get a chance, sit in on a design review jury at either of the architecture schools in the state. I promise you will be shocked at what sometimes gets said to student face to face. As a matter of fact, within architecture schools, instructors are refered to as "Crits".
These may be "kids" but if they are going to enter the very public world of architecture, they need to recognize the potential for "cruelty". As part of an architectural education, a student needs to learn how to take, respond to, and sometimes ignore criticism.
metro 09-25-2009, 10:33 AM new image from Steve's blog:
mugofbeer 09-25-2009, 10:48 AM When you choose to pursue architecture, you make yourself an easy and justifiable target for criticism. If you every get a chance, sit in on a design review jury at either of the architecture schools in the state. I promise you will be shocked at what sometimes gets said to student face to face. As a matter of fact, within architecture schools, instructors are refered to as "Crits".
These may be "kids" but if they are going to enter the very public world of architecture, they need to recognize the potential for "cruelty". As part of an architectural education, a student needs to learn how to take, respond to, and sometimes ignore criticism.
I know I am not going to change the world with this comment, but because they may subject architecture students to borderline cruel commentary within their classes, doesn't make it right for us to do the same on here. People in professions of "creating things" are all subject to that kind of criticism from their peers and instructors (watch some of the silly contest shows on Food Network sometime). However, it doesn't make it right and it certainly doesn't make it right for non-architects like us to be that insensitive. I'm not perfect, I have made some comments on here that were confrontational and sarcastic but I respect others for opinions that are thoughtful and intelligent and aren't just propaganda.
stlokc 09-25-2009, 11:39 AM Saw a very interesting story on NBC last night on the Pittsburgh Convention Center and all of it's green elements. Not only environmentally responsible, but saves the city a ton of money. Wonder if OKC is thinking along these lines?
new image from Steve's blog:
That rendering looks like the old Will Rogers World Airport mated with the old Cowboy Hall of Fame. Ugly, to say the least...
I know it's just a rendering, but that image is doing MAPS3 no favors!
mugofbeer 09-25-2009, 10:52 PM That rendering looks like the old Will Rogers World Airport mated with the old Cowboy Hall of Fame. Ugly, to say the least...
I know it's just a rendering, but that image is doing MAPS3 no favors!
Yeah, there's nothing catchy about that facade. Try again....