View Full Version : John Arnold Band TODAY in Kerr Park!

09-04-2009, 10:32 AM
Music will fill the Downtown air for the fall season of the SoundBites in the Park Downtown concert series. The fall season kicks off Friday, September 4 with the always popular John Arnold Band. Fall SoundBites concerts happen Fridays in September and October from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in Couch Park, located between Broadway and Robinson at Robert S. Kerr, adjacent to Kerr Park.

Scheduled SoundBites concerts include:

Sept. 4 John Arnold Country
Sept. 11 Jamie Bramble Alt/Rock
Sept. 18 Cori & Chelsea Emmitt with No U Turn Country/Pop
Sept. 25 Boru's Ghost Celtic
Oct. 2 Chris Henson & the Snakeshakers Blues/American Music
Oct 9 K.C.Clifford
Oct. 16 Jahruba and the Street People Reggae
Oct. 23 Blue Grass Faithful Bluegrass
Oct. 29 Red Dirt Rangers Red Dirt

Hungry downtowners are encouraged to visit one of the many fine SoundBites restaurant partners to grab a lunch to go and enjoy the tunes. These restaurant partners are offering a special $5 “SoundBites2Go” lunch special!

City Bites 211 N. Robinson 232-3322
Ground Floor Café 211 N. Robinson 232-2233
Interurban (carry out only) 204 N. Robinson 235-4448
Crave 211 N. Robinson 606-6691
Quizno's 110 N. Robinson 232-7773
Sub Stop 120 N. Robinson 232-3332
SoundBites in the Park is presented by the Downtown Oklahoma City Business Improvement District (BID), managed by Downtown Oklahoma City, Inc. For more information regarding SoundBites in the Park or the BID, contact Downtown Oklahoma City Inc. at (405) 235-3500 or visit Downtown OKC > Home (