09-03-2009, 06:19 AM
I received a call yesterday about noon advising me that the neon Lockheed Shopping Center sign Flickr: woodyrr's Photostream (http://www.flickr.com/photos/39213183@N02/) was in the process of being removed. I couldn't drop what I was doing and by the time that I got there about one o'clock, the trucks were just pulling away.
I remember the sign when it worked. I recall the white rotating beacon on top and at one time, there were two very large loud speakers mounted on the sign that actually had music or something playing on one occasion.
Granted, it had become an eyesore. Although I never saw it, I am told that the owner tried to preserve it not long ago only to have his investment smashed to smithereens by a hail storm.
I remember the sign when it worked. I recall the white rotating beacon on top and at one time, there were two very large loud speakers mounted on the sign that actually had music or something playing on one occasion.
Granted, it had become an eyesore. Although I never saw it, I am told that the owner tried to preserve it not long ago only to have his investment smashed to smithereens by a hail storm.