View Full Version : Well it's official.

08-25-2009, 03:31 PM
I will no longer shop at Toys R Us.

Only time I will think about walking into one is if they have some super sale on games or something.

I just found out about the Moore Super TRU store, and someone at the south store confirmed that the south location will be closing.

Not due to economic issues like lack of funds (then why would they build stores if they were hurting,) but just because one is going up in Moore.

Not even the Norman TRU is closing. Only the south store.

Another slap in the face to southsiders, who have given years and money to this store. It probably just helped them build the one in Moore, making it more inconvienant for southsiders wanting to shop there.

As it stands, after this store closes, it would be a 10-15 minute drive for us southsiders wanting to shop at TRU, and with gas prices fluctuating high and low, it makes things rough.

I don't see why they don't just keep the south store, when they obiviously have the money to build new stores, and not be hurting.

Oh well... One less store I have to shop at.

NE Oasis
08-25-2009, 03:33 PM
And it's really absurd when you see the continued growth around I - 240/Penn area.
Those retailers would not be building if demographics did not support it.

08-25-2009, 03:40 PM
Also official: Non-descriptive thread titles blow.

08-25-2009, 03:42 PM
I-240 and Penn is getting a rebuilt Golden Corrall, and has an empty building that looks to stay that way for a long time (Circuit City.)

How else is that area flourishing?

08-25-2009, 03:51 PM
Well, and to add to this..

The best thing folks like you and I can do is to take our business elsewhere. You really think Moore is gonna give them as much or more than the entire south OKC area? Nah. They're not stupid, they've got other plans. Perhaps their 'long-term' plan is to eliminate the norman store too (they never admit it until right before they do it), and try to force everyone from south okc to south norman to drive to moore. DON'T DO IT!!! These big, national companies have this mindset now that you owe them your business and you will keep shopping at their store, by god, because you have nowhere else to go...and if you go to the competitor, they will just buy out the competitor and force you one way or another.

You know, I've actually gone as far as to e-mail and fax copies of sales receipts (and visa card reports for smaller purchases) to the corporate offices of some of these larger chains, showing them the loss in profit for pissing me off. Then there's a record of the loss, in hard form, within the company...let them chew on that.

08-25-2009, 04:02 PM
Just bidness mega...Moore is experiencing growth and it's pretty safe to say the Crossroads area is not...They also know a mall w/o any anchors will be going away soon...Not the place to be now and definitely not the place to be after the mall has a vacant sign on the outside

I understand your anger but you really can't blame the business for leaving that area

08-25-2009, 04:48 PM
I hate ToysRUs stores ... I'll hit up Amazon, Target, even Walmart, just any place other than this chain.

08-25-2009, 06:44 PM
Not only that, look at the demographics. The closer into the city you get the older the population is getting....

08-25-2009, 09:25 PM
The south side...meaning the one near Crossroads? I have not been in there for so long, last month I finally went in there. I wanted to look at some K'nex sets. One thing that I can say, that store changed a whole bunch! And it looks a lot smaller, but then again, I'm bigger.

Check out on YouTube for Knex Roller Coaster. There are awesome, creative videos of anyone of any age putting together impressive roller coasters. You'd have to buy so many of the same sets and use your imagination.

K'nex sets these days are not as good as the past. You'd have to search on eBay for decent sets and parts.

08-26-2009, 07:53 AM
Well the thing is, they could do what Chic-fil-A is doing, and just move to another part of southside.

I mean look, an area off of 104th and May is getting a Crest? What huge money came from that area for that area to get that?

There are plenty of spaces TRU could move to, to stay in southside, and they aren't really hurting for money if they are building the first of its kind in Oklahoma TRU Superstore.

Instead they just pack up, and roll out.

Fine by me. The only way I will ever go to TRU is for Pokemon events for my son (free,) or to get certain action figures that mainly sell in those stores. Otherwise, the brand is dead to me.

If Chic-fil-A could find a spot to move to where they could get more business, imagine how much business a TRU off of Penn of something would come.

The reason the TRU at Crossroads is failing is because they are hidden. If anyone here was new to the city, they wouldn't even be able to see it, as it is hidden behind stupid strip mall colleges. Put the sucker off Penn however, and it's going to bring some serious business.

Oh well, I won't hand Moore/Norman/Quail my money, until OKC is shown some lovin and equality.

Had it been my decision, Moore would get a TRU, but Norman, southside, and Quail would all have one for convienance, and fairness.

08-26-2009, 08:40 AM
Well, now maybe this gives everyone a little more incentive to look up any smaller privately owned toy stores there may be on the South Side.

08-26-2009, 01:01 PM
Toys-R-Us is still in business? Can't recall the last time I set foot in one, but I know it was sometime before '05.

08-26-2009, 03:59 PM
My children both got 50 dollar gift certificates for christmas there last year. I took them in, and between BOTH of my children (12 and 9) we flat couldn't find anything worth buying.

After wondering around for about 30 minutes we left. Still have the gift certs. That place is the biggest store fail in town....

08-26-2009, 05:39 PM
I will no longer shop at Toys R Us.

Only time I will think about walking into one is if they have some super sale on games or something.


Toys R Us?....

a sale on games??...

...are you serious about this?

I dont think Toys R Us has rarely ever been competitive in terms of pricing to match the prices of other retailers. Toys R Us' claim to fame has always been their expansive selection. In the 80s they rocked, in the 90s..not so much, and in this decade they have been on the decline. especially since Walmart's and Target's toy selection have been on the up and up.

I own about 100 PS2 games, and Ive bought less than 5 of them from Toys R Us, if that. Their prices simply arent competitve. Nuff said.

08-26-2009, 05:46 PM
Oh well, I won't hand Moore/Norman/Quail my money, until OKC is shown some lovin and equality.

Had it been my decision, Moore would get a TRU, but Norman, southside, and Quail would all have one for convienance, and fairness.

Quail Springs mall is technically in Oklahoma City, even though the majority of their clientele is from Edmond, less than 2 miles to the north.

Im sure there has been expressed interest in building a huge mall within the city perimeters of Edmond many times by various developers, but the residents of Edmond wouldnt dare want the cherished values of their property values to be diminished by such a commercial goliath and traffic magnet.

So Quail Springs Mall exists where it does mainly for geographic and demographic reasons. Out of Edmond, but close enough for Edmondites to commute to it.

08-27-2009, 09:32 AM
Toys R Us?....

a sale on games??...

...are you serious about this?

I dont think Toys R Us has rarely ever been competitive in terms of pricing to match the prices of other retailers. Toys R Us' claim to fame has always been their expansive selection. In the 80s they rocked, in the 90s..not so much, and in this decade they have been on the decline. especially since Walmart's and Target's toy selection have been on the up and up.

I own about 100 PS2 games, and Ive bought less than 5 of them from Toys R Us, if that. Their prices simply arent competitve. Nuff said.

Just this week, TRU offered a $20 gift card with the purchase of Batman: Arkham Asylum on Tuesday--and it was a $30 gift card if you're a Rewards member or whatever. It was easily the best promotion for that game at any of the major brick-and-mortar retailers.

They've done several other free-$20-gift-card promotions with several other high-profile games this year. The gift cards are great if you've got other stuff to buy there.

And they also run an annual Buy 2, Get 1 Free sale every October, on pretty much every game in the store. Fantastic way to stock up on games for yourself or get some Christmas gifts or what have you.

08-27-2009, 09:49 AM
I'm not quite sure what to think of the Toys'R'Us plans....I can empathize with the notion that the Crossroads area (and that TRU location in particular) are not very attractive right now, and I can also empathize with the idea that they could have moved five miles west into existing, vacant property. Its a tough call.

We kinda abandoned TRU when their prices just weren't competitive with, well, anyone. They reformatted their stores over a decade ago and, frankly, I think it was a mistake. I recall TRU having these HUGE aisles of toys, board games, specialty goodies that no one else had; then, one day, they started reducing stock such that they weren't marginally that much more interesting than maybe Target, except for things like swing sets or jungle gyms, I suppose.

There was supposed to be a "Phase II" of that I-240 Penn Plaza development just west of the first set of stores, but nothing has ever come of it - and I'm sure that's due in no small part to the economy. It would have been nice to see TRU in that area...but I guess I'm a dreamer. Heck, I'm still hoding out hope for a Barnes and Noble location somewhere south of NW 60th and May....but that's another topic, I s'pose...

08-28-2009, 10:02 AM
I will no longer shop at Toys R Us.

Only time I will think about walking into one is if they have some super sale on games or something.

I just found out about the Moore Super TRU store, and someone at the south store confirmed that the south location will be closing.

Not due to economic issues like lack of funds (then why would they build stores if they were hurting,) but just because one is going up in Moore.

Not even the Norman TRU is closing. Only the south store.

Another slap in the face to southsiders, who have given years and money to this store. It probably just helped them build the one in Moore, making it more inconvienant for southsiders wanting to shop there.

As it stands, after this store closes, it would be a 10-15 minute drive for us southsiders wanting to shop at TRU, and with gas prices fluctuating high and low, it makes things rough.

I don't see why they don't just keep the south store, when they obiviously have the money to build new stores, and not be hurting.

Oh well... One less store I have to shop at.

Seriously???? If you don't have the budget to buy gas to drive from Crossroads to 19th street in Moore, you have no business buying anything from Toys R Us anyway.... It's less than 6 miles.... I can't believe this is even a talking point to be honest. And, who in their right mind would want anything to do with the Crossroads area right now. Not much of a future there.....

09-29-2009, 12:49 PM
Seriously???? If you don't have the budget to buy gas to drive from Crossroads to 19th street in Moore, you have no business buying anything from Toys R Us anyway.... It's less than 6 miles.... I can't believe this is even a talking point to be honest. And, who in their right mind would want anything to do with the Crossroads area right now. Not much of a future there.....


10-03-2009, 09:46 AM
Toys R Us?....

a sale on games??...

...are you serious about this?

The store that "never has a sale on games" is. . . having a sale on games the week after next. Buy two, get one free, on all games between Sunday the 11th and Saturday the 18th.

03-15-2010, 08:10 PM
Did the Moore Toys R Us fall through?...Thought it was to go into the spot near Awful House and Sunny Side but that now shows as for lease??

03-15-2010, 09:16 PM
So you're trying to make a point that you're pissed and finished with TRU. Ok...noone cares. Let's move on.

Then you feign disinterest by saying " last store to shop at". Ok so why even make a thread?

We've all been burned by corporations. If you think you're protest is going to have any impact on their business you're going to be very disappointed.

I'd be willing to bet that you're actually sad about this because you really liked shopping there. I would also be willing to bet that you like the store so much that you'll make the drive within to shop at the TRU store within 1 year.