View Full Version : Try the okcCoCo for free

08-24-2009, 03:15 PM
We are having a free coworking day this thursday! So if you want to come try the Oklahoma City Coworking Collaborative out with no strings attached now is your chance.

More info here: Coworking Jelly The Oklahoma City Coworking Collaborative (

08-24-2009, 09:32 PM
How do we try it on Thursday? We just show up and sit in a cubical space? Do you have ethernet ports or only wifi?

08-25-2009, 09:27 AM
Yes, that is basically it. You come find a place to sit and then get to work, or stop and meet some new people. The space is similar to a coffee shop in that you can use it as you need it (within reason of course, not a place for band practice for example :P ).

Sit at a desk, or on a couch or at a table, or on the floor. It is your call :)

No ethernet but free WiFi.