08-18-2009, 12:16 PM
We have a cool class coming up at the okcCoCo (http://www.okccoco.com). It is about designing your own typography.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2575/3815883719_85c81621a8_o.jpg (http://okccoco.com/?p=694)
So You Want To Design Type
A Typography Series with Tim Watson
1. Terminology/Anatomy of Type - 7pm August 19th, 2009
2. Letterforms and beziers - exploring letters as shapes and making a design an outline - Date TBD
3. Making it digital - you have the design now what? - Date TBD
Tim Watson will be presenting a series of classes on typography and letterforms, that will take students well beyond the basics of just using a font and into the world of designing typography. If you have ever wanted to learn how to create your own font, this series is for you.
The first class will be Typography 101: Terminology / Anatomy of Type. This class will give students a detailed knowledge of the terminology used to describe the shapes that comprise letterforms and a basic understanding of how typefaces are built. This class will lay the foundation needed to complete the other classes in the series and it is perfect as an introduction for the beginner who is just getting into typography. For the advanced designer, this class will serve as a solid refresher course that will prepare them for the rest of the series.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2575/3815883719_85c81621a8_o.jpg (http://okccoco.com/?p=694)
So You Want To Design Type
A Typography Series with Tim Watson
1. Terminology/Anatomy of Type - 7pm August 19th, 2009
2. Letterforms and beziers - exploring letters as shapes and making a design an outline - Date TBD
3. Making it digital - you have the design now what? - Date TBD
Tim Watson will be presenting a series of classes on typography and letterforms, that will take students well beyond the basics of just using a font and into the world of designing typography. If you have ever wanted to learn how to create your own font, this series is for you.
The first class will be Typography 101: Terminology / Anatomy of Type. This class will give students a detailed knowledge of the terminology used to describe the shapes that comprise letterforms and a basic understanding of how typefaces are built. This class will lay the foundation needed to complete the other classes in the series and it is perfect as an introduction for the beginner who is just getting into typography. For the advanced designer, this class will serve as a solid refresher course that will prepare them for the rest of the series.