View Full Version : Suprised no one around here has been talking about Mercruiser...

08-13-2009, 02:18 PM
Stillwater NewsPress - Merc union talks set to wrap up Monday (

This would be a huge step for our state. Since Mercruiser started in that area, it says a lot that they are mostly in favor of consolidating production to the Oklahoma plant in Stillwater. More new jobs for our economy.

Update: Mercury Marine officials continue talks with workers union - WFRV Green Bay: Northeast Wisconsin News, Weather and Sports (

08-13-2009, 02:29 PM
Well, most people think nothing goes on in Stillwater except for OSU. It's cool for the USA that Mercury Marine isn't thinking of leaving to Mexico or overseas. Unless Mercury thinks it really needs to do some super downsizing, my guess is that the company won't consolidate by moving its much bigger Fond du Lac operation to Stillwater.

08-13-2009, 04:21 PM
I read both stories - they are trying to move the Stillwater jobs to Wisconsin. How would that be good new for Stillwater?

08-13-2009, 05:01 PM
But there's still hope Mercury will decide to do the opposite and move its Wisconsin manufacturing jobs to Stillwater. Maybe for Mercury to stay in Fond du Lac, the union there must make enough concessions to suit the company. Mercury officials hope to reach a decision by Labor Day.

Anyway, here's a very interesting, eye opening letter that the former president of Mercury Marine wrote talking up Stillwater as to what Mercury Marine should do:

I think this letter can be taken as a bombshell of a development.

08-14-2009, 02:54 PM
I read both stories - they are trying to move the Stillwater jobs to Wisconsin. How would that be good new for Stillwater?

They are gearing more toward moving the jobs to Stillwater.

08-14-2009, 04:57 PM
There will be close to only 900 jobs because contrary to what media reports are implying Mercury only wants to consolidate it's manufacturing employees. So Fond du Lac would not be losing everything, at least for a while.

08-22-2009, 02:21 AM
Here's the latest on the story. The outcome depends on the union vote in Wisconsin: Mercury Marine vote Sunday could mean company goes: Associated Press Business News: BC - MSN Money ( And here:

08-22-2009, 08:16 AM
I can't imagine the union boys not voting for the concession package. According to the article they losing nothing on current wages they give up a 2 % increase in the final 2 years of the contract. Lets see if the unions sense of entitlement costs them more jobs?

08-23-2009, 04:41 PM
The union vote is in. Result favors Stillwater. Stories at: Stillwater NewsPress - NEW: Mercury will expand Stillwater MerCruiser ( and

Mercury says manufacturing operations will leave FDL in 2 to 3 years | | Fond du Lac Reporter (

08-24-2009, 08:55 AM
Probably not much discussion since this is STILLWATER news and not OKC pressing news.

08-24-2009, 11:03 AM
Probably not much discussion since this is STILLWATER news and not OKC pressing news.

close enough...BTW 800 jobs is a big freaking deal. Plus it paves the way for others to do the same. Pull your head out.

08-24-2009, 12:09 PM
For grins and shigels, let's assume this goes through. yeah, I realize it's still an open question, at least through this week.

All the same, it has me curious. If it goes through, and if it brings 800 or so jobs into Payne County, Oklahoma, that's a nice chubby number.

This will bump some prior happening off its pedestal as biggest new source of jobs. Who was the last company to bring in 800 new jobs, and when? Just curious.

08-24-2009, 06:12 PM
Probably Mercury Marine did back during the mid 1970's when it first came to town. So these 800 jobs had already been around, more or less, for a long time and if all goes as hoped, will simply be restored.

08-25-2009, 08:26 AM
I still don't quite understand why a union in Wisconsin would vote down a proposal knowing that it means their jobs will dissapear. What are we missing here? Surely they can't just be that stupid. Beyond that, if they deal was THAT bad in the eyes of the WI folks, does that mean the 800-900 jobs we're talking about are going to be offered at a less than resonable salary/benefit rate? Or is this simply another example of a union being greedy and it finally catching up with them?

08-25-2009, 10:53 AM
Sometimes you call a bluff, and, to your regret discover it wasn't.

08-25-2009, 10:56 AM
All you have to do is look at the automakers and United Airlines (and numerous others I know I am missing) to see that unions often don't represent the good of hte employee. Its pretty darn rare than the better choice of preserving the union percs or losing your job is losing your job.

08-30-2009, 06:24 PM
Probably not much discussion since this is STILLWATER news and not OKC pressing news.

But I wonder if Oklahoma City plans to join in on the bidding process with Fond du Lac and Stillwater for the Mercury hq? Getting up to 1000 employees would be pretty nice. Maybe even Tulsa wants in. Commentary on this subject here:

However, I saw where the county board of supervisors in Fond du Lac are thinking about imposing a county sales tax to provide the basis for an incentive plan to keep the hq there. The story here:

So this story probably has yet more drama to it. There's probably already been enough drama in Fond du Lac for the last two months to make the story into a TV movie.

08-30-2009, 08:07 PM
Thinking about the thread discussing the loss of Watonga Cheese to Texas - do the people of Oklahoma realize that tax incentives are probably necessary? Whether its in Stillwater, TUlsa, OKC or any other OK town, do the people of OK really want their tax money given to (gasp!!) private industry?

This is a case where OK is in a far better position to attract Mercury. Lower cost of living, lower taxes, lower union power, utilities very well may be lower. What OK needs to realize is that with the company in danger of moving, other states will now step into the competition - including Texas.

08-30-2009, 10:01 PM
What OK needs to realize is that with the company in danger of moving, other states will now step into the competition - including Texas.

I think Mercury has expressed interest in keeping it's hq with its manufacturing, so hopefully the company would have no desire to go looking outside of Oklahoma or even Stillwater for its hq, if it chooses not to keep its hq in Fond du Lac. Company has indicated that it may decide what to do with its hq, if anything, by Labor Day.

08-30-2009, 11:45 PM
I hope u r right but in this economy, you just can't imagine how desperate some states will be for quality jobs.

08-31-2009, 05:35 AM
Lawd willin' and the creeks don't rise, it looks like they are a'comin
Mercury Marine Jobs Moving To Stillwater - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (

08-31-2009, 06:22 AM
wow... great news! can't believe the wisconsin folks would vote themselves out of a job. -M

08-31-2009, 06:34 AM
Congratulations to Stillwater. I know it is a relief to them and what a boon for many people needing a job in this area. It is hard to imagine what the union folks were thinking. It is fine and dandy to vote on a principal but when you need to put food on the table - especially in this economy - wow.

09-01-2009, 07:42 PM
Unfortunately, Stillwater may just lose this thing yet. In a surprise move, Mercury has agreed to let the union vote for a third time. Story here: Stillwater NewsPress - Mercury Marine says union can vote again (

09-01-2009, 07:57 PM
Unfortunately, Stillwater may just lose this thing yet. In a surprise move, Mercury has agreed to let the union vote for a third time. Story here: Stillwater NewsPress - Mercury Marine says union can vote again ( I kinda had a hunch that this would happen. If Stillwater loses out, that is a big let down, however it is kinda like when MG was going to build their cars in Ardmore and have the HQ in OKC, that turned out to be a big fluke. Hopefully, Ok can think outside the box and land some "true" HQ and major employers that will actually establish long term roots and not so much fly by night organizations.

09-01-2009, 08:59 PM
Oklahoma being used again to soften up another city ala United Airlines, MG, the aircraft manfacturer etc

09-01-2009, 10:06 PM
Karma at laughing at another city's loss maybe? Either way, Stillwater doesn't have the job yet so this isn't a major hurt to them - even if they would lose what is there. However to Fond du Lac...losing their main major employer would be horrible. I'm not really upset over this at all.

old okie
09-02-2009, 10:24 PM
Oklahoma being used again to soften up another city ala United Airlines, MG, the aircraft manfacturer etc

And not only that, but it is appearing that the co. never planned to have their headquarters moved to Stillwater. Looks like they will just keep letting the union vote until the WI folks do what the co. wants..........and it will be the old "gold mine" trick again: WI gets the "gold" and OK gets the "shaft.":fighting2

So disgusting.........but who knows, maybe the co. is really planning on going out of business soon, so they won't have to honor the WI union contracts or uphold their "promises" made to Stillwater.

09-03-2009, 12:43 AM
Or how much of it has been media speculation and spin or some local leaders getting overly excited and saying too much?

It is always easy to blame the company, but a lot also has to be placed on the locals that don't know when to just sit back and stop running their mouth with unsubstantiated information.

09-04-2009, 11:56 PM
surprise.... the Oklahoma mercury marine employees got played by management....

09-05-2009, 09:35 AM
Management knew exactly what they were doing. They never planned to come to Oklahoma in the first place. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too. Again we get our hopes up then get screwed, par for the course.

old okie
09-05-2009, 09:54 AM
Management knew exactly what they were doing. They never planned to come to Oklahoma in the first place. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too. Again we get our hopes up then get screwed, par for the course.

Amen to this! I really hope that company does go out of business...and soon! Such tactics are more than disgusting. They didn't have the courage to tell Stillwater they were leaving because they wanted to "use" that plant to squeeze the WI union. I also noticed in the article in the paper that the union there wouldn't tell the "margin" by which the agreement was approved. Makes one wonder if some "vote rigging" didn't occur. Simply disgusting!

09-05-2009, 11:47 AM
Amen to this! I really hope that company does go out of business...and soon! Such tactics are more than disgusting. They didn't have the courage to tell Stillwater they were leaving because they wanted to "use" that plant to squeeze the WI union. I also noticed in the article in the paper that the union there wouldn't tell the "margin" by which the agreement was approved. Makes one wonder if some "vote rigging" didn't occur. Simply disgusting!

Is this the first time you've seen how companies deal with unions? Eeesh...this is pretty normal. But hoping a company goes under is just flat out stupid. Look a company isn't just going to hurry and give up its largest factory and home HQ that fast. The costs to move all that is huge. If they can get a way to make it work where they are, the better. Now I am FAR from a supporter of modern day unions...but it would be interesting to see how it would go down in Stillwater if they were organized. We would probably be seeing a lot more fight or at least a strike coming up.

Stillwater got played...simple as that. It happens all the time. It is just like those people thinking Boeing would build the initial 787 product line out of Washington State. Hometowns will win every time...unless all the leverage is gone with the locals. In this case, they held significant leverage still.

09-05-2009, 12:22 PM
How can they strike if their jobs are gone?

09-05-2009, 12:43 PM
Trying to make any moral argument for the actions of Mericruiser is simply unwarranted. This Company demonstrated extremely low business ethics in the manner in which they conducted this farce. Yes, this is a loss to Stillwater, but, having read how this thing played out, those good folks in Stillwater may be better off. I hope the State and other business rally to reemploy these folks. I will not ever buy nor recommend a product from this company. Disgusting.

09-05-2009, 02:53 PM
I can't imagine why Stillwater would be better off without an employer for 400 - 800 more people.

09-05-2009, 02:54 PM
Amen to this! I really hope that company does go out of business...and soon! Such tactics are more than disgusting. They didn't have the courage to tell Stillwater they were leaving because they wanted to "use" that plant to squeeze the WI union. I also noticed in the article in the paper that the union there wouldn't tell the "margin" by which the agreement was approved. Makes one wonder if some "vote rigging" didn't occur. Simply disgusting!

You aren't talking about a person - it is a company. You really can't apply standards for personal behavior. Stillwater may lose out but WI will benefit, bigtime. And ultimately, the consumer will probably be the biggest winner because this kept prices down.

09-05-2009, 04:43 PM
May the fishing and ski world convert to sail power, and soon. Yeah, more than a long shot, especially the latter. I'm just unhappy cause the reason the creek rose is some folks were standing on the bank wizzin in the water after draining a keg or three.

09-05-2009, 08:14 PM
When Mercury is through with their plant in Stillwater, I can't imagine some other manufacturing concern wanting in there since such industry has been going out for decades. Instead, I bet that plant will end up being taken over by some fast growing, up and coming retail chain to be used to warehouse their made in China stuff.

09-05-2009, 10:38 PM
How can they strike if their jobs are gone?

Stillwater can't. They aren't union. FDL, WI can if things get triggered. Plus they would still have jobs there for 2 years and would get raises under the soon to be replaced contract.

Trying to make any moral argument for the actions of Mericruiser is simply unwarranted. This Company demonstrated extremely low business ethics in the manner in which they conducted this farce. Yes, this is a loss to Stillwater, but, having read how this thing played out, those good folks in Stillwater may be better off. I hope the State and other business rally to reemploy these folks. I will not ever buy nor recommend a product from this company. Disgusting.

Business is about making money. You don't make money, you don't have a business. Why should the State have to come in to help the employees out? When you are a non-union shop competing against another union shop in the same company, YOU ARE GOING TO BE pitted against each other. If your productivity, costs, and other benefits are can compete. However, the Stillwater location was the smaller one and doesn't have a voice in the company. To move all those jobs to Stillwater, additional expansion would have to be made to the existing facility more than likely. To transfer work back north, they can probably handle most of it in existing facilities.

You aren't talking about a person - it is a company. You really can't apply standards for personal behavior. Stillwater may lose out but WI will benefit, bigtime. And ultimately, the consumer will probably be the biggest winner because this kept prices down.

Exactly. Holy @#*() ECO and I just agreed on something. ;-)

May the fishing and ski world convert to sail power, and soon. Yeah, more than a long shot, especially the latter. I'm just unhappy cause the reason the creek rose is some folks were standing on the bank wizzin in the water after draining a keg or three.

People got their hopes up before anything was final. When you have 800 organized employees going after 300 unorganized employees...that is a lot of pull. Yes unions in a lot of cases are the curse of the devil...but in this case, it saved a community of 42,000 over 800 jobs that can probably be linked to many other jobs in the area. One of their 4 largest employers is staying. Sucks for Stillwater...but it is good for their hometown. If you lived there you would be saying the same thing if they were packing up for Stillwater.

When Mercury is through with their plant in Stillwater, I can't imagine some other manufacturing concern wanting in there since such industry has been going out for decades. Instead, I bet that plant will end up being taken over by some fast growing, up and coming retail chain to be used to warehouse their made in China stuff.

Jobs are jobs. If Americans were cheap as hell...there wouldn't be any need for that China stuff. Unfortunately, the economy would collapse if Walmart raised their prices by double or more to sell American only (no outside US contribution at all) products.

09-06-2009, 08:19 PM
What do you do if your Stillwater in this situation? How do you keep growing your community with a blow like this, in an economy like this?

09-06-2009, 11:04 PM
What do you do if your Stillwater in this situation? How do you keep growing your community with a blow like this, in an economy like this?

I'm no expert on these matters, but I live in Stillwater and the City has been pushing the 2010 Census big time, trying to get people to participate because, according to them, if we hit 50,000 count we can attract larger businesses that would otherwise probably not consider it.

09-07-2009, 03:49 AM
What do you do if your Stillwater in this situation? How do you keep growing your community with a blow like this, in an economy like this?

Communities around the nation have had blows bigger than this for the last several years. Stillwater is lucky to have other major employers and great resources that can help draw new biz in like OSU. Yeah it is going to be rough to get in more manufacturing jobs right now, but it is also time to look at industries that are growing. A city back in the rust belt that got hit with hundreds of job losses due to cuts from the auto makers has started to turn itself into one of the largest supply cities for solar panels. Other cities in the region up there are looking at securing a roll in the transportation industry through new intermodal facilities and also pushing their location to land major distribution centers - FedEX ground hubs, Lowes, Home Depot, etc.

09-07-2009, 06:21 AM
Exactly. Holy @#*() ECO and I just agreed on something. ;-)

Yeah, principals of basic economics - who'd have thunk it? :)

09-07-2009, 02:49 PM
I can't imagine why Stillwater would be better off without an employer for 400 - 800 more people.

In the short run, no, but in the long run, Stillwater won't have to worry about trying to go thru the ordeal of trying to save all those jobs from migrating to China or Mexico, should it have come down to that. The Fond du Lac Mercury has already lost at least several hundred jobs to China.

The only way to save American boat motor manufacturing jobs is to put a tax on all imported boat motors so domestically produced boat motors can become attractively priced. But surely free market proponents would see to it that such a move would be nixed.

In recent decades, Stillwater has proven to be highly unattractive to outside industry coming in. To counteract this, the Oklahoma Technology and Research Park has been built to provide help in incubating new high tech companies. The hope is that the new companies will become established, remain in Stillwater, and hire OSU grads. It's hoped that at least several 1000 people will be working at the park in 2015. Too bad how Norman didn't think of getting something like that put together, but then, unlike Stillwater, Norman has been growing like a weed for decades.

09-07-2009, 03:05 PM
I'm no expert on these matters, but I live in Stillwater and the City has been pushing the 2010 Census big time, trying to get people to participate because, according to them, if we hit 50,000 count we can attract larger businesses that would otherwise probably not consider it.

One way for the people on the fringes of Stillwater to participate in this is to agree for their additions to get annexed into the city limits. But I bet plenty of such people would be vehemently opposed to this because to them it would mean introducing an extra layer of government into their lives. Such people don't want government telling them to mow their lawns and chop down their weeds. And businesses won't like having to add on the city sales tax to customer purchases, who may complain about it.

Maybe Oklahoma City, after the census, will seek to add Stillwater and Payne County on to its metro area so as to tack on an additional 75,000 or so to its metro population figures. If so, Stillwater might as well fight it hard, so it can become the main city of it's own metro area, assuming 50,000 is actually reached. Why deny Oklahoma the prestige of getting a new metro area?

09-07-2009, 03:52 PM
> Maybe Oklahoma City, after the census, will seek to add Stillwater
> and Payne County on to its metro area so as to tack on an
> additional 75,000 or so to its metro population figures.

Sometimes, I don't know whether to laugh, cry or just shake my head and listen for the rattle.

09-07-2009, 04:45 PM
What is your problem, kevinpate? Do you support adding Payne County to the OKC metro area, or not? That is the basis for possible controversy.

09-07-2009, 11:08 PM
Now would be the time for the city/state to try to incite the company to reverse their decison. I bet those ole-boyz n Texas would try it!