View Full Version : Best of OKC results!

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08-22-2009, 07:59 PM
Is it just me or did the Best of OKC used to make since a long time ago, but now days it is more like a train wreck.

It's too easy to stuff the ballad box. The winners in many categories are the ones who have gone to the most trouble of filling out and sending in ballots and voting online.

08-23-2009, 11:50 PM
Teds may not be the tastiest according to all on here, but it has been the most consistent for many, many years and that's why they always get picked.

Consistent at shoving a million people into a tiny place and giving them silverware that always has gunk crusted on it from the last person to eat with it! :wink:

Maybe it's just me, but I swear that place could get busted for health and fire code nearly any day of the week. And other than their tortillas (which I think are quite tasty), I don't really think their food is very good. The only dish I care for much is the steak "Best Mexican Tacos."