View Full Version : elderly man gropes minnie mouse

08-12-2009, 12:36 AM
The Associated Press: Man convicted of groping Minnie Mouse at Disney (

not a headline you see everyday. a very interesting story. more intriguing is that he was charged with misdemeanor battery


not sure if the charge appropriately fits the crime. his punishment seems decent enough though.

maybe disney should venture into opening an adult-themed park? they seem to be trending that way. the disney of today certainly isnt as clean or family-value oriented as the disney of yesteryear.

walt would turn in his grave

08-12-2009, 06:52 AM
A sixty year old man knows better than to grab Minnie's breasts. Shame on him!

As for an adult theme park, I was told that prostitutes frequent the area because so many men drop off the family with the excuse that they will just hang out in the motel. Mom knows he doesn't want to be dragged all around the park and thinks he is back at the motel watching football but what he is REALLY up to is hookers. Yes, I read that. So it must be true.

Battery is just a technical legal term for an unwelcome touching.

Stan Silliman
08-17-2009, 09:49 PM
The Associated Press: Man convicted of groping Minnie Mouse at Disney (

not a headline you see everyday. a very interesting story. more intriguing is that he was charged with misdemeanor battery


not sure if the charge appropriately fits the crime. his punishment seems decent enough though.

maybe disney should venture into opening an adult-themed park? they seem to be trending that way. the disney of today certainly isnt as clean or family-value oriented as the disney of yesteryear.

walt would turn in his grave

Walt's body, that is.
His head would stay frozen in its glass case.