08-11-2009, 04:53 PM
So I am curious what everyone here thinks about this idea. The western part of the Metro is growing faster than any other part of it. Yukon is Booming, Mustang is chugging along and the people just keep moving west. So Does the Western Metro deserve to get its own mall?? One that would shame the others in OKC?? Could it be sustained??? I know there is talk of an Outlet mall near Reno and Council but it has been delayed and pushed back. Im not sure it will get done. At the very least I think we need a large movie theatre complex or something else to do out here without having to drive into the city. Maybe they can use MAPS 3 to fund it. HAHAHA. Wait, MAPS can only fund projects down town, My Bad!
Seriously though, Any Ideas or comments??
HVAC Instructor
08-11-2009, 05:02 PM
Nobody needs a mall. They were designed by women to punish men.
08-11-2009, 05:22 PM
I dont see ANY malls being built anytime soon. The trend seems to be away from malls. Several area strip centers in Yukon and mustang and the westgate shopping center in west OKC all seem to be doing pretty well and adding business'. Same for the shopping centers further out on NWHY. There is a need for more clothing retail and specialty strores in the west metro though. Its a long haul to penn sq or Quail sp from out here.
08-11-2009, 05:31 PM
I dont see ANY malls being built anytime soon. The trend seems to be away from malls. Several area strip centers in Yukon and mustang and the westgate shopping center in west OKC all seem to be doing pretty well and adding business'. Same for the shopping centers further out on NWHY. There is a need for more clothing retail and specialty strores in the west metro though. Its a long haul to penn sq or Quail sp from out here.
Plus with the bankruptcy of the nations largest mall owner, the lack of credit available for such construction, the economy, etc, it will be a long time before malls are built anywhere in the country, much less here. They are a dying breed. The trend now is outdoor town center type developments such as in Southlake TX or FLower Mound, TX. They are also tearing down and convertins some old malls such as the Heritage Park and Shephard Mall types to these town center developments with apts, condos and small shops between the old anchor stores.
08-11-2009, 07:12 PM
well, i see what youre asking. you mean, if the economy wasnt in shambles, and if there wasnt this apparent trend of going away from malls to suck-ass outdoor shopping centers where you have to start your car's ignition 50 times to visit all 50 different stores (which does considerable wear and tear on your starter over time)
yeah, i could see yukon/mustang support a mall. it would need to be off of I-40 or close to it. no more than a 2 story mall. mustang alone has enough affluent residents to financially support one.
and it would need to have the right mix of stores in it, so that it attracts the right balance of demographics as shoppers and not rot away with pathetic stores (hot topic, eargazum, and all those cheesy jewelry and cell phone accessory kiosks scattered every ten feet) that only appeal to those under 17 years of age, and become a ghetto mallrat hangout where fights break out,broken auto glass and beer bottle shards are scattered in the parking lot, and shoppers with real intent are too afraid to charge up their credit cards. ..i think thats the how crossroads began to bite on the dust its now choking on.
by the way. i think theres two primary reasons malls are trending away from being enclosed to the strip mall/shopping center style
1. tenants are sick of having to pay skyrocketing rents that many mall management companies are notorious for raising on them all the time.
2. in recent years, many enclosed malls have become a haven for juvenile thugs to congregate and tend to deduce from whatever aspiring enlighted image the mall is trying to convey to the potential shoppers its trying to lure. this is especially true on weekends. many parents dump their kids off at the mall, and rely on mall security to babysit them, hoping they and their co-hort friends dont shoplift or do anything illegal.
(going to the outdoor strip mall style instead doesnt solve the issue of problem #2. although it should be noted that kids today are a lot more sedentary and are consistently glued to the internet, the only kids you see at thr mall are the ones that are otherwise bored and have nothing constructive to do with their time)
08-11-2009, 07:14 PM
There already are malls out there, just a different version of them, the big box strip center. They are still a "shopping center" or mall. If the area keeps growing I have no doubt that a town center type of mall will be built sometime in the future. The days of an enclosed mall being built are over...for this mall cycle. It will probably be awhile before any like that are built.
Yes, they could use an updated movie theater complex out there.
08-12-2009, 10:41 AM
This could have been solved with the development east of Lowe's in Yukon, but they really missed the boat with the West End Pointe Theatre and the development around it.
08-12-2009, 11:18 AM
Aren't they (or were they) planning on building an outlet mall out that way?
08-12-2009, 02:51 PM
Aren't they (or were they) planning on building an outlet mall out that way?
It's on hold or scrapped at this point. I think it was Horizon Outlet Centers or something like that, that was planning it. And their product is a joke and pretty low grade. Been to one of their outlets before and it was terribly ran down.
08-12-2009, 08:48 PM
they really missed the boat with the West End Pointe Theatre
I want to know what the developer or owner was thinking when they built this??!!!! Good lord, can you think what would have happened to this area if Warren came in?? This was a waste of land. No better than the dollar theater North of here.
08-14-2009, 10:04 AM
Yes, they could use an updated movie theater complex out there.
Thats for sure......with the westside growing so quickly its hard to believe that noone has mentioned this before. We have no "good" options for theatres on this side of town. The closest ones are penn sq (yuck) the tinseltown.....quiet a drive.
Theres plenty of open space between westgate (I-40 and rockwell) and yukon to build something compareable to what Moore is doing along I-35. And definitely enough population considering it would draw folks from as far west as possibly El Reno to Weatherford.