08-11-2009, 12:58 PM
You guys with a deeper/broader understanding of economics can help me out on this, but I'm going to spin out a thought here and let you guys steer me straight.
We've gone through this horrendous economic upheaval in the last year or so, and it was no small amount of time in the making - subprime loans, overvalued real estate, overbuilt homes, secondary investment products, the whole schmear. Now, it seems the market is bouncing back some, and people are getting optimistic about a recovery.
Am I out of my mind to think that we're a long way from out of the woods?
First, I recall reading an article that said the "second wave" of subprime mortgages wouldn't hit the economy for a couple of years, when a slew of homeowners would get hit with a one-time adjustment in their notes that, for many, was going to be a huge hit - and many of them would not be able to refinance to avoid it. That's obviously a gross oversimplification of a much broader, more detailed article, but that was the gist of it - another "wave" of bad real estate lending hasn't really hit yet.
Second, is not the "recovery" in the stock market at least somewhat illusory? That is, we have a great many funds managers in the world that make their own living based on their ability to get people in or out of various marget sectors en masse for sometimes less than noble reasons - not the least of which is to shore up their own long-term or short-term positions in things. The result is that if these fund managers take turns telling us the market is getting better, there's a significant number of them that may be doing so for their own purposes - not because the fundamentals of the market have truly improved. It seems to me that there's room for another unpleasant jerk downward in stock prices in the short term - maybe not as bad as last fall, but not pleasant if you're heavily invested.
Third, since we've become such a services-oriented economy, isn't it much harder to "see" a recovery than in the past, when tangible increases in the manfuacturing sector (particularly housing) were pretty reliable indicators of economic health? Those, plus things like information on the nation's money supply, how many dollars are chasing how many goods - all to say nothing of the ultimate effect the astonishing amount of borrowing we're doing is going to have on our national debt. I can't help but think we're - at some point - going to see an inflationary cycle hit, and hit pretty darned hard. And if the Chinese decide, for whatever reason, to stop buying our debt, then what do we do?
Like I said, I'm not an economics or finance expert, just a layperson who tries to read the proverbial tea leaves, and right now things seem a great deal more "unsettled" to me than some would want us to believe.
Am I nuts?
We've gone through this horrendous economic upheaval in the last year or so, and it was no small amount of time in the making - subprime loans, overvalued real estate, overbuilt homes, secondary investment products, the whole schmear. Now, it seems the market is bouncing back some, and people are getting optimistic about a recovery.
Am I out of my mind to think that we're a long way from out of the woods?
First, I recall reading an article that said the "second wave" of subprime mortgages wouldn't hit the economy for a couple of years, when a slew of homeowners would get hit with a one-time adjustment in their notes that, for many, was going to be a huge hit - and many of them would not be able to refinance to avoid it. That's obviously a gross oversimplification of a much broader, more detailed article, but that was the gist of it - another "wave" of bad real estate lending hasn't really hit yet.
Second, is not the "recovery" in the stock market at least somewhat illusory? That is, we have a great many funds managers in the world that make their own living based on their ability to get people in or out of various marget sectors en masse for sometimes less than noble reasons - not the least of which is to shore up their own long-term or short-term positions in things. The result is that if these fund managers take turns telling us the market is getting better, there's a significant number of them that may be doing so for their own purposes - not because the fundamentals of the market have truly improved. It seems to me that there's room for another unpleasant jerk downward in stock prices in the short term - maybe not as bad as last fall, but not pleasant if you're heavily invested.
Third, since we've become such a services-oriented economy, isn't it much harder to "see" a recovery than in the past, when tangible increases in the manfuacturing sector (particularly housing) were pretty reliable indicators of economic health? Those, plus things like information on the nation's money supply, how many dollars are chasing how many goods - all to say nothing of the ultimate effect the astonishing amount of borrowing we're doing is going to have on our national debt. I can't help but think we're - at some point - going to see an inflationary cycle hit, and hit pretty darned hard. And if the Chinese decide, for whatever reason, to stop buying our debt, then what do we do?
Like I said, I'm not an economics or finance expert, just a layperson who tries to read the proverbial tea leaves, and right now things seem a great deal more "unsettled" to me than some would want us to believe.
Am I nuts?