View Full Version : Canadian drugs?

01-28-2005, 09:57 PM
What do you guys think about importing drugs from Canada? Henry wants to make Canadian drugs more accessible for Oklahomans. Personally, I agree! If the drug companies can sell their drugs for cheaper in Canda, why can't they here? It's price gouging if you ask me. Maybe such a measure would bring the cost of drugs down in the US.


"Henry unveils drug import plan

By Carmel Perez Snyder
The Oklahoman

Vowing to challenge federal intervention, Gov. Brad Henry laid out a $1.5 million plan Wednesday that would allow Oklahomans to buy cheaper medications from Canada and other countries.
NEWS 9 report

A part of his legislative agenda for the coming year, the governor's Prescription for Savings plan would help ease what he called a "growing crisis" threatening the entire health care system.

"Unless we take bold, innovative action, our citizens will continue to see a bigger and bigger chunk of their paychecks and savings accounts eaten up by prescription drug bills," Henry said.

Federal regulations might hinder state efforts, but Henry said he is willing to challenge federal rules if necessary to deliver relief to Oklahoma residents.

"I'm tired of their inaction," Henry said. "It's time for the federal government to deal with this crisis in America."

Most objections lodged by the federal government have focused on its inability to guarantee drugs bought elsewhere are safe.

Henry will present his initiative to the Legislature when it convenes Feb. 7.

Prescription for Savings consists of three major objectives:

Allowing Oklahoma pharmacies to buy U.S.-made prescription drugs from Canada for resale to Oklahomans.

A state Web site allowing Oklahomans to order cheaper prescription drugs from Canada and other industrialized countries.

An Oklahoma SmartCard allowing Oklahomans to get a 30 percent to 40 percent discount on prescription drugs at participating pharmacies.

AARP member Ruth Lane, 92, of Lindsay said a 30-pill prescription for an antihistamine she needs costs $76 a month.

"I can always carry my Kleenex with me, that doesn't cost so much," she said. "Right now I'm trying to get by with taking only one pill every two or three days. Something has to be done, where we can afford to get well. Sometimes I think it's cheaper to die than get well."

Senate Republican leader Glenn Coffee said his party is open to considering the merits of Henry's plan.

"However, we feel that these proposals should in no way be considered a substitute for the significant health care and lawsuit reforms that are needed to reign in the exploding cost of health care and insurance in the state of Oklahoma," Coffee said.

House Speaker Todd Hiett, R-Kellyville, said House Republicans will unveil their own proposal next week.

Hiett said Canada soon may ban prescription drugs' export.

"We need to do something now that is also dependable," Hiett said in a written statement.

The governor acknowledged Hiett's concerns about Canada possibly stopping the shipping of prescription drugs to the United States. But he said other countries also have cheaper U.S.-made drugs that could be bought and imported. "

01-28-2005, 10:32 PM
I think U.S. consumers are getting gouged. An international free market is the only solution here.

03-01-2005, 08:33 AM
Let me see. My doctor has me taking mediation for blood pressure, stress, and allergies. She will add cholestorol and high sugar level soon. My insurance maximum is $30 per script. None of these are available in generic. $150 per month. A day and a half's pay nearly.

If I can go Canadian and save some scratch, I might do that.

03-01-2005, 12:20 PM
What's really unfortunate is when senior citizens have to choose between medicine and food! That's heartbreaking.

Rev. Bob
03-01-2005, 01:57 PM
Canadian drugs are only cheaper because the Canadian government provides subsidies.

Is it fair for the Canadian government to subsidize drugs that are purchased by Americans? I don't think so.

The American government needs to set up a similar system.

03-22-2005, 02:26 PM
Canadian drugs are only cheaper because the Canadian government provides subsidies.

Is it fair for the Canadian government to subsidize drugs that are purchased by Americans? I don't think so.

The American government needs to set up a similar system.

That's factually incorrect. They are not subsidized, they are price controlled -- huge difference.

From CBC (That's the Canadian Broadcasting Channel):

There are several factors that make drug prices lower in Canada than in the U.S.

Perhaps the most obvious is the exchange rate. For the last few years the Canadian dollar has hovered between 60 and 70 cents, giving Americans more bang for their greenback.

Another reason is the fact that Canadian drug companies are not allowed to market their products directly to consumers. That's a substantial savings not realized south of the border, where so-called direct-to-consumer marketing has been allowed since 1997. According to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, drug companies spent almost $3 billion on direct-to-consumer advertising – a price that gets passed on to the consumer.

But the biggest reason for the price disparity is the existence of drug price controls in Canada. The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, a quasi-judicial body of the government created in 1987, reviews pharmaceutical prices and enacts caps for patented drugs and medicines prices.

Rev., I do not know what source you are relying on for that information, but the Clemens quote in my signature would be good advice ;)