HVAC Instructor
07-28-2009, 06:16 PM
I know there is another introduction thread running but I wanted my own thread. :sofa:
I relocated the family here in April of 2007. I work in Norman, the wife works in OKC, the kids go to Edmond Memorial High School and we have a Jones address but vote in an OKC precint.
I'd been coming to Oklahoma on business for over 19 years before we moved here, so OK has been something of a second home for me. The family really likes it here, and I do too. We are originally from Georgia, and I must say that overall, the folks out here are much nicer and the humidity is much lower and OK is a much more pleasant place to live.
So...here I am sayin' Howdy Ya'll!! Glad to be an Okie! :kicking::banana:
USG '60
07-28-2009, 06:19 PM
OKIE DOKIE. Welcome on board. We like it here too.
07-28-2009, 06:20 PM
Welcome, John! That is a lot of driving you have going on. I don't think I'd want to make that semi-Jones to Norman commute but if it meant being back home, I'd take it. Glad the family likes it - was it hard for the kids (at high school age) to switch?
HVAC Instructor
07-29-2009, 06:37 AM
Thanks ECO! The commute isn't all that bad...I make use of the drive time with educational CD programs and such.
The kids adjusted pretty fast. They jumped right into school clubs & such. My son was on the yearbook committee last year, and my daughter is in debate and art club among other activities. My daughter does miss some of her Georgia friends, but already has several here.
No complaints except for the high property taxes....can't have everything all the time I reckon.
NE Oasis
07-29-2009, 04:27 PM
No complaints except for the high property taxes....can't have everything all the time I reckon.
Glad to see you immigrated with some common sense. THE MAN is going to get our money somehow, locally it's property taxes.:welcome5:
HVAC Instructor
07-30-2009, 06:18 AM
Thanks for the welcome NEO! Yes, the politicians constantly look for more creative ways to tax us. We had a similar home on 37 acres in Georgia and the most we ever paid was $1,200 annually. We are paying nearly $4,000 annually here to Oklahoma county. Wonder where they spend it? Certainly not for repairing Memorial Road East or keeping the weeds mowed on the roadside, LOL!
08-02-2009, 03:26 PM
You pay $4K/annually for around 37 acres? That ist pretty high. We pay closer to $900/annualy for 45 acres in southeast Oklahoma. I wonder why the difference?
HVAC Instructor
08-02-2009, 06:18 PM
My friend, I pay the $4K for my house and 5.5 acres in Oklahoma county. We paid $1,200 for a similar home on 37 ares in Georgia; and that was for the highest 1 year period of 10 years of ownership - other years were considerably less.
Our 5.5 acres is considered Oklahoma City property...so I guess our tax collectors feel justified in charging that rate due to our proximity to OKC proper.
Does anybody know what property taxes are used for? Or is it just a general type of tax?
08-06-2009, 10:56 AM
Yes, I like to refer to them as schools as well as other various things. If you think our property taxes are high, look at Texas. Again, you pay about the same in taxes just about anywhere, they just get them from you in different ways in each state.