View Full Version : Sunday morning Wal Mart shopping

07-27-2009, 09:27 AM
Why, oh why can't Wal Mart schedule more than one checker on Sunday mornings? I've been doing my shopping prior to 10am on Sunday mornings for the last few weeks and there has been one....(count 'em)..ONE general check out lane open. Oh, there's usually 3 or 4 "20 items or less" lanes going. And I noticed that there is also 3 or 4 self-check out lanes. But, unless a person wants to go through the cigarette aisle, there's only one lane open out of about 16 or 17. Seems ridiculous when compared to Crest during the same time frame.

07-27-2009, 09:32 AM
Why, oh why can't Wal Mart schedule more than one checker on Sunday mornings? I've been doing my shopping prior to 10am on Sunday mornings for the last few weeks and there has been one....(count 'em)..ONE general check out lane open. Oh, there's usually 3 or 4 "20 items or less" lanes going. And I noticed that there is also 3 or 4 self-check out lanes. But, unless a person wants to go through the cigarette aisle, there's only one lane open out of about 16 or 17. Seems ridiculous when compared to Crest during the same time frame.


How's this any different from any other day of the week when it's not the week before Christmas?

07-27-2009, 09:55 AM

How's this any different from any other day of the week when it's not the week before Christmas?

LOL Okay...yeah. There's always way too few lanes open, but Sunday mornings are worse than usual.

07-27-2009, 01:52 PM
Sunday mornings are the worst. I shop at that time as well and it is frustrating. I asked the clerk why and she said not enough large order traffic. Puleeze.

07-27-2009, 02:45 PM
All the good people are in church. Why encourage heathens to break the Sabbath? <VBG>

07-27-2009, 10:16 PM
LOL Okay...yeah. There's always way too few lanes open, but Sunday mornings are worse than usual.It's only a problem for you heathens.

07-28-2009, 05:11 AM
I've tried various times on Sunday - seems if I get there about 9:30, do the shopping rounds and ready to check out at 10, there are at least 3 full order checkers coming on (at Del City store).

The better alternative (ad one I've been using more often) is to stay out of Wal Mart completely and go to Homeland on Sunday morning. No crowds, plenty of checkers and even someone who'll help carry out if needed!

Just sayin'

07-28-2009, 06:55 AM
Homeland on Sunday morning. No crowds
I've noticed the "no crowds" and while I find it convenient it does not bode well for Homeland.

07-28-2009, 08:04 AM
I've always found the best time to shop at WalMart *or* Homeland is 2-4am

Unless you need something from the electronics dept, there's usually little to no wait at the single open checkout.

Best of all, you miss the soccer mom traffic and you meet the MOST interesting people in OKC.

07-28-2009, 08:20 AM
Best of all, you miss the soccer mom traffic and you meet the MOST interesting people in OKC.

Thats no joke. I try to look at shopping at wal-mart (especially late at night or around the first of the month) as an adventure. For awhile when we shopped at the I-40 and MacArthur store we would go have dinner and drinks at TRH just before shopping then try to get done before the buzz wore off. lol Maybe that made us more "interesting" too!!!

Huge difference in the shoppers at the I-40 store from the NW highway store where we go the extra mile to shop now. Granted....its not quiet as interesting.

07-28-2009, 08:54 AM
It's only a problem for you heathens. We'd make a voodoo doll and put a curse on you, if we could just get someone to wait on us at Wal Mart so that we could buy a doll and a pack of straight pins!!

07-28-2009, 09:02 AM
We'd make a voodoo doll and put a curse on you, if we could just get someone to wait on us at Wal Mart so that we could buy a doll and a pack of straight pins!!


07-28-2009, 06:42 PM
Hahaha!Oh sure ECO, that sounds real funny to you, but your not the one having a curse put on you.

07-28-2009, 06:44 PM
Oh sure ECO, that sounds real funny to you, but your not the one having a curse put on you.

Well, from the comments I get from some posters, I am just glad it is Oklahoma and the good people don't stick pins into dolls! :LolLolLol
Seriously, ahem, I may be cursed AT but you're right, not likely cursed!

07-28-2009, 07:28 PM
Overnight shopping at Walmart is the best. Less crowd, so only one register is open, sometime two. If there a mini rush, then managers on duty will open registers to clear out.

I've noticed a lot of time (experienced too) that the Del City store's daytime front managers is horrible at managing. When there is a really long line at the Customer Service while there is only one register (or two), they do not quickly open the rest to clear out the line. I've seen staff and managers talking while reminding them to open the registers, but they are just too lazy.

I have also noticed at the same store, just about every morning, when the main door opens at 7, no registers on that side ever open. They start opening up registers on the grocery side, forcing customers to check out there, then walk the distance to their cars on the other side.

As for the self checkout registers, people need to stop going thru that with large orders. That is intended for customers having a few to get out quickly. To a lot of people, it is a toy for them to play.