View Full Version : New Karate Kid film in works

07-24-2009, 06:56 AM
Yeah, you read that title right. a new Karate Kid film. Well, its not actually a "new" film, per se..but even worse, its an all-out attempt to demoralize and trash the beauty of what was the original 1984 film.

...and the role of Daniel-San is being portrayed by none other than Will Smith's own offspring.

Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith start 'Karate Kid' remake (AP) - Yahoo! News - Yahoo! Buzz (

Jackie Chan is in the works to portray the knowledgeable Miyagi-san, and at this point, id rather see him portrayed by Frank Oz weilding the iconic green puppet known as Yoda.

This really chaps my hide. The first two films were masterpieces, the third one sucked, the Next Karate Kid was horrendous, and this news of a remake just makes me want to walk downstairs into the basement and slit my wrists with a circular saw.

There seems to be this avid trend in Hollywood of taking a great concept from the 1980s and totally trashing it to death. I dont even need to begin to start listing off the names of films in recent years, but many have been made, and many more are on the way.

The saddest aspect is, is that, only those who grew up in the 1980s know how disgraceful this trend is. Younger audiences take the newer concept at face value and praise it as being cool, totally unaware of the original salvo work.


07-24-2009, 08:02 AM
why are they doing thee remakes, they are remaking karate kid, childs play, nightmare on elm street, scream, romor is lethal weapons.. whats going on

07-24-2009, 08:23 AM
I remember when Gus Van Sant did the Psycho remake. Right before it came out, he and his group of jackbooted thugs (later dubbed the "Psycho Squad") went around, destroying every last print and VHS and DVD of the Hitchcock original they could find, determined to wipe it's existence off the face of the earth. Luckily for me, I knew about their raid beforehand and safely secured my copy in a well-guarded Swiss bank before they came to my house. But I was one of the only ones. Van Sant's goons were so successful in their efforts that if you ask most people today, they don't even know that there was an "original" Psycho--just the Van Sant version. Very sad. But after he dies, I'm planning on retrieving my copy from the bank and proving them wrong. "Yes, there was a 'Psycho' before Gus Van Sant came along," I'll say, "and it was much better than his."

This is but one example.

07-24-2009, 08:38 AM
I agree, a remake of Karate Kid is pointless and could not be as good as the first, especially considering who they are casting. Jackie Chan has done too much stupid comedy/martial arts stuff to make this role work. Jet Li would have been a better pick, but still, a remake is pointless.

This is about as dumb as trying to remake the Wizard of Oz or something.

07-24-2009, 09:01 AM
Wow. Love the originals though and have the box set. I wonder if will smith is going to cameo and do the rap soundtrack in the background?

07-24-2009, 11:05 AM
I usually dont care for the remakes, they usually relied more on special effects/CGI, or a nude scene to sell it.

07-24-2009, 12:02 PM
i wonder if they will ever remake the back to the future movies????

07-24-2009, 12:17 PM
i wonder if they will ever remake the back to the future movies????

I checked. They wont.

07-24-2009, 01:09 PM
Welcome to Hollywood, where recycling takes on a whole new meaning.

You want to stop recycling? Quit going to see them.

Unfortunately, remakes and sequels and now the "reboot" is the norm. Why, because everyone wants to keep their job. It is easy to pitch a recycle because execs know they already have a built in audience.

And the problem is people go see them. Same reason we keep getting horrible reality television and crappy music. The masses are easily led.

All the while truly good films are either ignored or never made because no one knows if they are going to make money. But the Catch 22 is, without the blockbuster, the arthouse film never gets made.

In the mean time people don't visit museums, art galleries or exhibitions because they want to see the latest superhero space robot explosion at the multiplex. That's a real shame. Go see real art instead of plastic.

07-24-2009, 02:27 PM

they want to see the latest superhero space robot explosion at the multiplex. That's a real shame..

sounds like youre referencing this summer's "transformers 2"

i hate how they made it look and sound all serious with the promotional posters, trailers..."ohhhh,..'revenge of the fallen'..sounds lethal,..REVENGE,..yeeaahh..sounds like its action packed alright"

then you go see the film, and its nothing more than a bunch of slapstick jokes, crude innuendos, and horrible cgi.

07-24-2009, 02:48 PM
sounds like church

07-24-2009, 04:03 PM
Tonight it's very clear
As we're both lying here
There's so many things I want to say

07-24-2009, 04:20 PM
Actually, it's going to be called 'Kung Fu Kid'

takes place in China, not Reseda.

Jackie Chan plays Mr Han, not Miaggi

Jaden Smith plays Dre, not Daniel.

The script supposedly borrows from Karate Kid, doesn't try to remake it.

It's a ripoff of Karate Kid, not a remake, but it's still going to suck, and will still make money because there's too many stupid people in this country.

07-25-2009, 08:00 AM
And it gets worse... SDCC Exclusive: Kurt Russell in Talks for Red Dawn! - (

07-25-2009, 08:10 AM
And it gets worse... SDCC Exclusive: Kurt Russell in Talks for Red Dawn! - (

oh good grief!